VOLUME SEVEN, NUMBER THREE MAY-JUNE 1982 Publisher/Editer CONTEMPORARY 22 ARE MORMONS JOINING IN WORLD SUICIDE? ARTHUR HENRY KING Believers should be dissidents against the world PEGGY FLETCHER,~. Managing Editor THE CIVILIZING OF MORMONDOM: THE LEVI S. PETERSON SUSAN STAKER OMAN INDISPENSABLE ROLE OF THE INTELLECTUAL Intellectuals can be agents of progress in Associate Editor NICOLE HOFFMAN the Church and the world 5O ABORTION, RELIGION, AND THE PETER STEINFELS Art Director CONSTITUTION BRIAN E. BEAN A Catholic writer reflects on a contemporary, Poetry Editor moral testing ground DENNIS CLARK Fiction Editor MARY MONSON HISTORY 24 RETELLING THE OLD, OLD STORY ]ONA THAN M. BUTLER Business Manager Interview with a Seventh-day Adventist historian RENEE HEPWORTH 16 THE ITALIAN MISSION 1850-1867 MICHAEL W. HOMER Advertising Disillusioned with Italy’s Catholics, the Mormons ROBIN BARTLETT went to the Protestant Waldenses CONNIE R. JONES Circulation/Promotion REBECCAH T. HARRIS ART 46 THE AESTHETICS OF THE ENDOWMENT MICHAEL HICKS DEBBIE DUPONT Some concerns about substituting film for live-action MARK JARDINE JIM HEPWORTH Staff KERRY WILLIAM BATE RELIGION 38 LET THE WOMEN BE SILENT LAURENCE R. GARY HOFFMAN Did Paul believe women should speak in church? IANNA CCONE JOHN SILLITO CHRIS THOMAS MARK THOMAS FICTION 56 AUNT TEO ALISON BOOTH Third place in the 1982 D.K. Brown Fiction Contest POETRY 28 THE LOVE OF CHRIST AND SPRING STEVEN O. TAYLOR Wilfried [)e,.oo, Antwerp Bran \ Kowalsk~. Tokyo ]a;’ Mower. New ~ork C~ty; 2 READERS’ FORUM George D Smith, San DEPARTMENTS Bonnie M Bobet, Berkeley: 60 PARADOXES AND PERPLEXITIES MARVIN RYTTING loci ( Peterson, [)alta~; Anne L a~th’ton Busath. 62 ISSUES OF INTIMACY MARYBETH RAYNES Irene Bate~, Los Angeles; 7 OUTSIDE LOOKING IN RAY OWNBEY Karen Winfwld and Susan Sessions Rugh, ~ h~tago: ]anna [)anw[~ Ha~nie, 64 GIVE AND TAKE ELBERT EUGENE PECK Allen Palmt, r, Rexburg; Annie ( arroll [’ Darger. Rt, n~,t, ] fetich, Boston; Al,e AIIred [’ottmyer, Washington, D ( ; T Eugene Shoemak¢,r, Sa~ramemo; Diane Bennion~, Seatde: Kathrvn ~ Fowle~, Menlo Park; Alexia NWl~en, I’,do Mariorie Spen~er. Ogd~.n; Bellamy Brown, Phoenix; Ro~er ] homa~, Bloomington; ]homa~ M~Afee, (arbondal~,; Robin Hammond. San Wilham S~m~. Orlando; Earl l~ ( randall, Albany St xs];)~-.l is published six tim*,s ,vath year by the SunMone Foundation, a non-profit ~orporaHon with no o~fi~al tonnetDon to The ( burgh ot ]esu~ ( hrist of Latter-day Saints Articles represent the atHtudes of thewriterson[y and not necessarily those of the editoripubhsher or the editorial board Manuscripts for publication should by ~ubm~tted in duplu ate, typewritten and double-spa~ed, and should not exceed six thousand words For intreased readib~litT, ,otn~ting two years, and $3850 for thrt,e year~ All other subg~rtptions are $20 per year by ~ur~a~e mail A*rmail subscription> are $14 per year plu~ airmail pomade charges St ~MON~ i~ mailed third ~la~ bulk m the United State~ and i~ not forwardable Subscribers are responsible to notify the magazine at ]’a~t one month ~n advame of address changes St Nsroxt is not responsible for undelwered ~ssues Send all ~orrespondence al~d manu~rlpts to SLNSIONI, PO. Box 2272, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 ~Phone 80I 355-502o) Unsolicited manuscripts should be a~companiedlcient return postage Copyright ¢ lO82 by the Sunstone Foundation All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America noncontextual words--also applies to Genesis Project; (3) the BYU study has design problems, such as lack of paired comparisons between Book of Mormon passages and writings of individual nineteenth century authors rs’Forum (including Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon) and a lack of baseline tests to show that wordprints are stable within the writings of single authors; and (4) the study improperly implies rnore statistical differences among Book of Mormon authors than even the flawed data and test results On Faith, Scholarship, and Wordprints sun, moon, and stars), animals, and warrant. The Genesis Project, a recent lastly, man (male and female). The computer study of Bible "wordprints" Yahwist creation story which follows "Wordprint" authors Wayne A. Larson at Israel’s Technion University, (Gen. 2:4b--25) differs significantly. and Alvin C. Rencher of the BYU concluded that the book of Genesis The "Lord God" (Yahweh) creates the Department of Statistics, responding was most probably written by one heavens and earth, next man (male to Professor Croft in the same issue person. This language study, which only) out of the dust of the earth, Of SUNSTONE, acknowledge "some supports the traditional authorship of then animals, and lastly woman mistakes" in their original article (BYU Studies 20, Spring 1980) but said that Moses, recalls the timely SUNSTONE constructed from man’s rib. Included their major conclusions were still article, "Book of Mormon Wordprints in the second story is the Garden of valid. They cite results "’inadvertently Reexamined" (6:2, March-April 1981). Eden, the Tree of Knowledge, a left out" and "not reported in detail" Curiously, the Genesis Project in forbidden fruit, and the Serpent. which do support the existence of Israel and the Book of Mormon These two creation stories illustrate many different wordprint styles. wordprints at BYU both conclude in how different language, imagery, and favor of a fundamentalist view of styles are combined within a single It is interesting to note that prior to scriptural authorship, but do so by book. Mormon exegete Scott G. Professor Croft’s response, some BYU opposite findings as to multiplicity of Kenney has demonstrated further faculty close to the wordprint project authorship. The BYU study claims to evidence of multiple authorship in his tried to persuade Croft not to go have found statistical differences in examination of overlapping flood public with his critique and eschewed language use which suggest numerous narratives in Genesis: "Mormons, open interchange and discussion of ancient authors rather than one Genesis & Higher Criticism" faith-promoting subjects. The risk contemporary author, such as Joseph (SUNSTONE 3:1, Nov.-Dec. 1977). The that objective analysis might not Smith. The Genesis Project claims discernment of multiple authors in the support one’s interpretation of faith statistical unity of different passages Old Testament has resolved many does not seem to warrant presuming a in the original Hebrew, suggesting questions of textual duplication and desired but unsupported conclusion one author, a conclusion more variation. from that analysis. Hopefully, difficult to assert. Differences can be Is a century of biblical scholarship and commitment to a faith would be defined at certain confidence levels, encouraged by more rather than less consensus destined to be nullified by a understanding of that faith. but sameness can only be expressed as statistical processing of word usage? If an absence of detectable differences the BYU wordprints studies are any The search for Book of Mormon between samples. indication, the computer findings wordprints continues. Physics The conclusion that one author might not be accepted too quickly. professor John L. Hilton (University penned the book of Genesis When the BYU studies first came out, of California, Berkeley), by his own contradicts a century of widely press reports cited "’overwhelming acknowledgement a faithful Latter- accepted biblical research, which evidence" of multiple authorship of day Saint, is attempting to construct a employed the methods of literary, the Book of Mormon (Church News, valid research design that would fairly form and tradition criticism that grew Feb. 16, 1980, p. 14). test the multiplicity of Book of out of Wellhausen’s Documentary Then, one year ago in these pages, Mormon authorship. He is in touch Theory of Old Testament source Professor D. James Croft with the BYU people, whose writings, articulated in 1876. Textual (Management Science, University of difficulties he hopes to avoid, and he contradictions, varying vocabularies Utah, now a director of the Federal has invited Professor Croft’s advice. and writing styles, and duplicate Home Loan Bank Board in He has also made contact with the stories have led biblical exegetes to Washington, D.C.) demonstrated that Genesis Project in Israel. Professor distinguish four basic literary sources the conclusion positing twenty-four Hilton has set up controls to insulate in the Pentateuch: Yawhist, Elohist, Book of Mormon authors was the study from his pro-LDS bias; he Priestly writer, and Deuteronomist. unwarranted, both by method and by expects to publish definitive results (See The Jerome Biblical Commentary, evidence. He argued that (1) first of when complete. 1968, for elaboration of these ideas.) all, stable "wordprints" (frequency of If the Book of Mormon is an ancient For instance, two creation stories are common word use by author) may not book, the writing patterns of different distinguished in Genesis. The first exist over time, subject matter, or authors, rather than the style of the (Gen. 1:1--2:4a), attributed to the literary form--questions about translator, should be discernible. Priestly writer, presents a chronology wordprint validity also apply to the Section 9 of the Doctrine and of seven days wherein God creates Genesis Project; (2) highly edited Covenants describes how Joseph heaven and earth, the oceans, land, works such as the Book of Mormon Smith kept working on the translation vegetation, lights for the earth (the may contain altered frequencies of until it was "right." Lacking verifiable 2/Sunstone source documents and archeological The critics of the Book of Mormon are we to do with Moses 3:7 which confirmation, the Book of Mormon always come into the game assuming names Adam not just as the "first could use the support of successful that the record is a man-made product man" in God’s image but the "first wordprint studies.
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