ELAC – Eastleigh Local Area Committee – 25th March 2021 Application F/19/86707 Number: Case Officers: Craig Morrison and Andy Grandfield Received Date: 22/10/2019 Site Address: Southampton International Airport, Mitchell Way, Eastleigh, Southampton, SO18 2HG Applicant: Southampton International Airport Ltd. Proposal: Construction of a 164 metre runway extension at the northern end of the existing runway, associated blast screen to the north of the proposed runway extension, removal of existing bund and the reconfiguration and extension of existing long stay car parking to the east and west of Mitchell Way to provide additional long stay spaces Recommendation: In consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Committee to delegate to the Head of Housing and Development to PERMIT subject to: (1) Receipt of comments from Natural England on the Appropriate Assessment prepared under the Habitat Regulations. (2) completion of a Section 106 agreement securing the following: - A Vehicle Cap on Traffic Movements to restrict vehicle movements to the airport to 2.45 million; - A Noise Insulation Policy and Noise Action Plan for residential and sensitive non-residential buildings; - Noise monitoring, noise contours and noise contour cap with annual report to the Council Page | 1 demonstrating compliance with the noise contour; - Air Quality Strategy; - Health Strategy including Community Fund; - Carbon Strategy; - Ecological Management and Mitigation; - Bi-annual review of the Airport Surface Access Strategy; - Staff Green Travel Plan; - Construction Employment and Skills Plan; - Operational Employment and Skills Plan; - Safeguarding of the route of the proposed Chickenhall Lane Link Road; - Restrictions on night time flying; - Revoking of previous S106 Agreements and inclusion of previous restrictive obligations within a new agreement; - A s106 Monitoring contribution. _________________________________________________________________ Page | 2 CONTENTS Page CONDITIONS AND REASONS ........................................................................ 5 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 14 DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION ................................................................ 14 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ................................................. 16 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY ................................................................ 17 REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED ................................................................. 18 Consultation Responses (Summarised) ................................................. 33 POLICY CONTEXT AND DESIGNATIONS APPLICABLE TO SITE .............. 86 Eastleigh Borough Local Plan Review (2001-2011) Saved Policies: ...... 86 Submitted Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2011 - 2029, July 2014 .......... 87 Submitted Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036 ............................. 87 Supplementary Planning Documents ..................................................... 89 National Planning Policy Framework ...................................................... 89 National Significant Infrastructure Projects ............................................ 89 Aviation Policy Framework (2013) (“APF”) ............................................. 89 Airports Commission .............................................................................. 90 Airports National Policy Statement (2018) (ANPS) ................................ 90 Beyond the Horizon: Making Best Use of Existing Runways (2018) (MBU) ............................................................................................ 92 Aviation 2050: The Future of UK Aviation (Consultation 2018) .............. 94 Paris Agreement (November 2016) ........................................................ 95 The Climate Change Act 2008 ............................................................... 95 The Net Zero Duty .................................................................................. 96 The CCC Progress Report ..................................................................... 97 The CCC Sixth Carbon Budget (6CB) Report ........................................ 97 Clean Air Strategy 2019 ......................................................................... 99 Southampton Airport - A Vision for Sustainable Growth (2017) ............. 99 Eastleigh Borough Council Climate Change and Environmental Emergency .................................................................................. 100 ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSAL: DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND LEGISLATIVE BACKGROUND .................................................................... 100 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2019) .............................. 101 Adopted Local Plan Policy ................................................................... 102 Emerging Local Plan Policy ................................................................. 104 ACCESS, PARKING AND TRANSPORT MATTERS ................................... 105 SOCIO - ECONOMICS ................................................................................. 117 NOISE .......................................................................................................... 130 AIR QUALITY ............................................................................................... 152 HUMAN HEALTH ......................................................................................... 164 BIODIVERSITY ............................................................................................ 172 TREES ......................................................................................................... 193 Page | 3 LANDSCAPE ................................................................................................ 197 DRAINAGE AND FLOOD RISK .................................................................... 199 LAND CONDITIONS .................................................................................... 202 CLIMATE CHANGE ...................................................................................... 205 HERITAGE AND ARCHAEOLOGY .............................................................. 214 HAZARDS/ACCIDENTS ............................................................................... 217 PLANNING OBLIGATION /CONSIDERATIONS .......................................... 217 Other Material Considerations ............................................................. 219 SUMMARY AND PLANNING BALANCE ...................................................... 220 APPENDIX 1 – SITE PLAN .......................................................................... 232 APPENDIX 2 – 2020 BASELINE NOISE CONTOURS ................................ 233 APPENDIX 3 – 2033 WITH DEVELOPMENT NOISE CONTOURS ............. 234 Page | 4 CONDITIONS AND REASONS 1. The development hereby permitted shall start no later than three years from the date of this decision. Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the following plans numbered: LOC1 Location Plan; Bloc1 Block Plan; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-C-0003-Pavement Layout Plan; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-C-0005-Pavement Typical Section; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-C-0013-Proposed pavement levels; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-Z-0003-Geometrical Design Layout Plago southn; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-D-0001-StormWater Layout Plan; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-C-0006-Marking Layout Plan; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-C-0001-Identification of Affected Services; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-Z-0007-Swept Path Analysis; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-E-0002-AGL Layout Plan; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-E-0007-Runway 20 approach lighting; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-C-0051; 400602-MMD-00-XX-DR-C-0050; 400602-MMD-XX-00-RP-Z-0006-Jacked Underpass pre-feasibility report; SOU_STL_04_XX_DR_A_ZZZZ_90001_REV P05_Site Plan – Proposed Car Park Extension Layout. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. Construction Controls 3. No development shall commence unless and until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) has been submitted to, and approved in writing, by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and thereafter development must accord with the approved CEMP. The CEMP shall include, at a minimum: Page | 5 a. Proposed working hours, including any night-time working hours (no construction, demolition or deliveries to the site shall take place during night-time hours at weekends or Bank Holidays); b. The construction of the car shall take place between 0800 and 1800 Monday to Saturday and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holiday; c. A programme and phasing plan for all site preparation and construction works; d. Location of temporary site buildings, compound, construction material, and plant storage areas used during site preparation and construction; e. A construction traffic management plan, including a construction traffic routing plan which restricts heavy goods vehicles from travelling through the Air Quality Management Area on the A335 Southampton Road towards Eastleigh; arrangements for construction traffic access to the site; and arrangements for deliveries associated with all construction works; f. Parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors; g. A draft notice under section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974; h. Updated baseline noise data for the relevant receptors to the works, and at the relevant time periods for the works, including details of the airport operating direction at the time of the baseline data collection
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