August 30, 1924 RADIO DIGES T—Illustrated WHO. DCS Moines, !a. (Central, 52B). 7:S0-D p. in., Tho Bankers Life Radio orehestra. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. Daylight. 509), -10 Wednesday, August. 27 n. m., su.isliuie gossip; 10:10. Bernarr MacFadden's Headliners of the IVlek Health talk; 3 p. m., "What :he wild waves aro say- ing'"; 3:30, Comfort's Philharmonic orchestra, Iv.Uherina HIS week will be a week of long jump, .but, the Eight Russian Melson. contralto; C-. Spadocclni. trombone soloist; i. Silont night for: CKAC. KGO. WFAA. WFI. WGY, Bob Lenum's dancc orchestra; 6:00, Eddie ElUins.' • WIP, WOAW, WRC, WSAI. varieties. Programs will tickle' Volga Singers will entertain this sta- dance orehuslm; 7, Unclc Wip's bedtime stories. CKAC, Montreal, Can. .(Eastern, Daylight, 423), 1:45 tion's large audience on Saturday p. in., luncheon concert, Mount Roya! hotel. T.the palate.of the most particular WJAR, Providence, R. I. (Easiern, Daylight, 3G0). 10 CNBM, Montreal. Can. (Eastern, Daylight, 341)', 0 of iladiophrtns. On Wednesday night, night. While this is going on, Freda a. m., Iiousohold hints; 1;05 p. m„ studio program; • 7:30, musical program. .p. m., or diestra of It. M. S. "Atiieiiiu"; Charles H. at Station WHB, the pibroch will call Sankers Ragamuffins, will perform Spitllo, violinist; B. Proulx. bmijoist; Mildred l'age, WJZ, New York City, (Eastern. Daylicht, 445), 1 p. m., reader; Curlin, saxophonist. to the front Jack Bordie, the Harry before the microphone at WSAT. HoU-1 Astor trio; 7, Cafe Boulevard ensemble; 8:15. piauUt; 8:30, violinist; K:48, pianist; 0. Sava Tcherny. CNRO» Ottawa, Can. (Eastern, Daylight, 435). 8 p. m., Lauder of the A. E. F. At WSB, the . Two wonderful p r o g r a in s are vlollnUt: 0:40. pianist; 10, talk; 10:30. Greenwich .Chateau Laurier hotel; Orpheus singers; Chateau scheduled for Sunday evening when Villisc Jnn orehesLra. Laurier Strlnc Quartet; Hushes Johnson, pianist; Harry fistic knights of the resined ring- and. A. Underwood, tenor. roped arena, Young Stribling a.nd Paul the Metropolitan theater broadcasts' WKAQ, San Juan, P. R. (Central, SCO). G-S p. m„ KDKA, . E. Pittsburgh. Pa. (Eastern, 326), 11:15 a. in.. from KFI, and when Comforts. Phil- band. Berlinback, will battle for honors, • WLS, Chicago, 111. (Central, Daylight, 345).. 1-2 p. ill., Dnugherty's orchestra; o:30, Grecorio ScaUio's orches- harmonic ovchestra plays at WIP. tra; 6:30, children's period, Richard the lüddícr; 7:15, They are going to spring a surprise Estella Webster, soprano; "How to Cull Farm Hens." H. L. Kcmp.uer; "How Some Farmers Meet Competi- literary program, Marjory Stewart; S, Rubv Dunn at CKAC, Thursday night in the form Big doings at WLW, when the Zoo- MeCurdy, contralto; Sirs. A. B. Zerby, reader; KarJ tion," Earl Price; 0:30, Ralph Emerson, organist; .7, C. SfcCurdy. pianist; William M. Brenmn. tenor; of a special entertainment, consisting logical Gardens All-Star Frolic cut Hill, ll-vslj ind Gorney, "The Throe Musketeers"; Josephine Cridland. violinist. capers on Monday night. Everyone 7:15, Samuel Madia, phenominal baritone-soprano; 7:45, of music and songs. 'Any fans., lis- lullaliy time. Ford ltus.h, Glenn Bowell; 8. juvenila KF1, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), 0:43-7:30 p. in., tening in to KDKA on this night will ' is welcome, and the only admission hour, ;"Bnys' and Girls' Hour"; 9-10, 'Brecdinc for detect!re-stories; vocal concert; 7:.'¡0-3, "Mamy" Sim- fee is to be ahle to listen in on a • Eggs on the General Farm," H. L. -Kempstor; talk, mons and Crosby Sisters; S-'J. EventiiK Herald, Frank hear the far famed "Little Symphony "Answering the Farmers' Questions," "liar! Price: . Carr'3 orchesti-a; 9-10, Examiner program; 10-11, Concert." This will-be a treat for Radio set. A resume of the day's Blanche Robinson, pianist; 10, Madorn trio; 10:30, Ford Hollyvrcodlnad community orchestra; 11-12, Ambassador sport will be the feature on the pro- the music lovers. .Bush, Glenn Bowel 1; 10:50, Hotel Sherman College hotel. Coeoanut Grove orchestra. gram of Station WOR. Inn orehestra. KFNF, Shenandoah, la. (Central, 266), 7:30 p m, "The Elements of Human Person- WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Central. Daylight, 423), S music. ality," will be a talk with a punch What do you want? - An organ re- . KFDA. Seattle. Wash. (Pacific, 455), S:30 p, m., mu- p. m., Virginia cnteitamers; whistling ?.olos and imi- on Friday evening from Station "WGI. cital or some "jazz?" You can have tations, Donald Bain; 9:15, original compositions, H. sical program. H. Walker. KFSG, Los Angeles,. Calif. (Paeilio, 278). 2:30-4:30 p. People interested in poultry, will be them both on Tuesday evening. The m., divine healing service, Aimce Sempie McPbmon; Detroit News orehestra ..will broad- W M A ft, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 447.5), 6 G:30-7;30, Gray studio concert. delighted with the talk on, "Parasites p. m., Chicago. thcatGr organ; 6:30, stories for chil- and Diseases of the Poultry Flock," cast from WWJ, and the family can dren, Kathcrino Waller;. 9,' talk, Chicago ebatities; KGO. Oakland. Calif. (Pacific, 312). 3 p. m., speaker, 9:15, Oscar Williamson, tenor. Cora L, Williams institute; 4-5:30, concert, orchestra which will go on thó air from WLS, dance to the latest dance" musie. If . of tie Hotel St. Francis. you care for something more sub- WMH, Cincinnati. Ohio (Central, Daylight, 309), S-0 KH1, Los Angeles, Cnlll. (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:15 p. m. the farmers' station.. p. m., labloid musical program; 9-11, Dcaring's Rain- concert. The Oaks' Ta vein orchestra; Fred C. McNabb, dued, 'tune in WOO, and hear the bow orchestra. speaker; 6-6:30, Art Hickman's concert orchestra, <11 - From the icy steppes of far off organ recital which will carry .you WOC,- Davenport. Iowa (Central, 434), 12 m., chimes: 8 p. ra.. Ervvin Sivlndell. organist; Edwin R. Ball, rsction, Edward Fitzpatrlck; 6:30-7:30. children's pro- Russia to the studio of.WEAP is a back to your childhood days. gram, "American History," Prof. Walter Sylvester Hortzog: Dick Win.slow, semen juvenile: bedtime WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. Daylight. 509), 11 Story; Uncle John; 8-9:30. conccit, courtesy, Piatt Music a. m., organ recital; 12:U2, Wanamaker crystal tea company, direction, Edwin Lester; 0:30-10, Dr. Mars room orchestra; 4:45, organ recital; 7:ül>, A_ Candclurl F. Baumgardt; the Filipino Suin(; orchesti-a, courte^y. Blue Bird Cafeteria; 10-11, _\rt Hickman's dance or- 2, Arcadia cafe conccvt orehestra; "Care of Children," chestra, divectoi;. Earl BurtnctL. Mrs. Louis Love; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime sLories; KLX. Oakland, Calif. (Paoiftc, 509), 8-10:30 p. m., 8, Arnold Abbott's "ConvcrsaUon Comor;". 9:30, talks, studio program, presenting Rigolctlo; Wendell Hall. "Miss America" and "Miss Philadelphia;" 10, Arcadia KPO. San Francisco, Calif, (Pacific, 423). 1-2 p. m., cafe dance orchestra. Kudi' Seifor's Fairmont hutel orchestra; 2:30-3:30. WEAF, New York City, (Eastern, Daylight. 492), 11-12 Garry Fisher's Amphlans: 4:30-5:30, Rudy Seiger's a. m.p pianist; 4-5 p. ni-, instrumental trio; 6-10, Fairmont hotel orchestra; 5:30-(i:30, children's hoin- dinner concert. stories. Bic brother of KPO; 7-7:30.. Rudy Seiner's WEAO, Columbus. Ohio (Eastern, 380), 1:30 p. a., Richard Hendricks (lower left), Fairmont hotel orchestra; S-I0, Charles Smith, conici- educational lecture, member Ohio Stale university juvenile screen star, is well- i faculty; 4, farm talk, faculty member; music, univer- st; Mrs. Charles E. Ivor, accompanist; Charles E. Kc sity ar tints. known to Paciflo coast young- 1 sters who liave been listening : KSD. St. Louis, WEBH. Chicago, 111. (Central. Daylight. 370). 7:30- to him for the past "year from S:30 p. m., Louiso Porlman, violinist; Oriole orchestra; man's orchesli-;.. KHJ, Los Angeles. He will ap- KYW, Chicago, Hi. (Central, Daylight. 536), 6:45 p. m„ 0130-10:30, Drury Lcnington, tenor; Jlarlc Kelly, children's story. Unele Bob; 7-7:30. dinner concert. i-eeder; steel guitar duets, Laimdon brothers; Orioh: pear on the Friday evening pro- Congress hotel; 7:30-8, prosnam, KVW'j smdiu; S- oi-cliesira; 11-.30-12:30, Paul Looker, tenor; steel suiti:r gram, August 29. S:5S. International College of music: 9:45-12:30. mid- . ducts, Lansdoii hrntliors; Oriole orchestra. night rovue. WFAA, Dallas, Tex. (Central, 476), 12:30-1 p. ra.. PWX, Havana. Cuba (Eastern. 400). 3:30 p. ni,, Gen- . eral statf bund. Cuban Army, Captain Jose Molina Torres, band leader. WBAV. Columbus. Ohio (Eastern, 423), 12 m„ II» • ]j>rbach • Owens, pianiki. WBBR, New York City, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight. 273), S p. m., instrumental selections; S:15', sonjjs; S:ij. instrumental selections. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern, Dayllghl,' 337), 7:30 -~._P. JF., bedtime story for kiddies: 7:40, Lenox IS. "Binclow. baritone; Mildred 1. Chapín, accompanist; 9, Minerva trio; 11 :',;n, Leo lielsmaa and. his Hotel •Brunswick orchestra; songs, Bill Cuty, Jack Armstron;:. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern. Daylight, 462), 3 p. m., Fred Ro¡.enfeld, pianist: 0:3(1. dinner concert, WHUuni Penn hotel; 7:30, Sunshine girl; 0:30, musleale. WCAP. Washinnton, D. O. (Eastern Standard. 460), 7:30-8 p. m„ open air concert; 8-8:15, Evoready trio; 8143-fc.tS, band; 9:15-10, nnis-icale. WCAY. Milwaukee. Wis. (Central, 266), 0:30 p. m., musical procrani, sponsored by Uie Boston SlDie: Florence Fry, soprano; Teddy Cowagion, aecordicntst; and his rcof carden orcliC3l.ra 8:1.3.
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