LARGEST COUNTY CIRCULATION PICTURES M O S T N EW S ■TEIb W AR N EW S VOL. X X IV “All The County News For Everybody” MOCKSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1941 ли ТЬе County îiews For Everybody” NO. 50 New Department CHANGES MADE LEGION BALL Nazis Claim Red 'Bread Basket’ At Farmington COUNTY'S LARGEST LIQUOR A vocational agriculture de­ GAM E SLATED N T E A C H E R S partment is being added to the HAUL, $6,000 W O R TH , M ADE LICENSES Farmington high school. This The following marriage li­ Mocksville and Cooleemee William S. Horton, principal department will fill a long-felt Because he failed to give a censes have been Issued in the Presides business men will play off the ] of the Rural Hall schools, has need since the boys who attend office of G. H. C. Shutt, reg- sensible answer of his destina­ tie baseball game at Lewis field been chosen principal of the the high school are from farm tion, suspicion led to investi­ tomorrow, Saturday, night at 8 Mocksville high school to suc­ homes, and many o£ them go| > gation and Harvey Carson of hn.v f„ Moser, route 2; Oval o ’cock, daylight tlma. ceed E. R. Poole. He is a native back to the farm after they Lash and Louise Wallace, route Charlotte was arrested last The game is sponsored by of Mooresvllle. have finished their formal edu- Sunday night with a $G,000 2; Lawrence Williams, route 1, the Davie post of the American Two vacancies yet remain in cation. S. R. Neskaug, a na- load of liquor by Patrolman and Mary Lois McDaniel, route legion to help In raising money the Mocksville school. One will tlve of Tennessee, has been em . J. C. Gibbs. 3; G. C. Wallace and Helen for the hut. More than a hun­ •cplace G. O. Boose, math tea- ‘ ployed as agricultural teacher, Penninger, Woodleaf, route 1; The haul, said to be the dred advance tickets have al­ cher who resigned to accept He Is well qualified for the Lloyd Snyder and Mary Thomp. largest capture ever made In ready been sold and a good a position in the Salisbury city work, having completed the re- son, Lexington, route 3. this county, took place on the crowd is assured. .schools, and a teacher coach qulrements for his B. S. degree Yadkinville highway about 4 Both the Mocksville and to replace Richard Eyer. j at Tennessee Polytechnic Instl. HOMECOMING miles from here at 11 p. m. A Cooleemee bands will play for John Poll of Salisbury, a ' tute and his M. A. degree at ■Homecoming will be held at two-ton 1941 truck, registered the game and girls softball Catawba graduate, has been the University of Tennessee, Smith Grove church the sec­ in the name of S. D. Cook of teams of Cornatzer and Need- named commercial teacher at « e Is In the community now ond Sunday in September. Pro­ Charlotte, was also seized. more will add to the attraction, the Cooleemee schools and Mrs. getting his work lined up for ^ gram begins at 11 a. m. with Patrolman Gibbs stopped the the game starting at 7:15 Tane Bahnson Shore has been the opening of school Septem- grounds at 2 p. truck and the driver said he o’clock. elected to succeed Miss Ida m. There will be special music had a load of yarn on his way Both teams say they intend Alexander, first grade teacher The high school teachers will in the afternoon. from Belmont ,to Charlotte. to win Saturday night’s game at Farmington. be at the school building from This route sounded fishy to the and a hot tussle, with all rc-1 Shady Grov^ has added a ^2 noon on Wed- ICE CREAM SUPPER officer and he raised the tar­ structlons removed, is assured. home economics and science nesday, September 10 to hold The Mocksville Girl Scout paulin to find 225 cases of gin Those who attend will have a teacher. Miss Eloise Rhoades. Personal conferences with any troop will sponsor an ice cream and bottled in bond whiskey. iull evening of fun and also w o high school pupil concerning supper on the lawn of the Had Carson said that he was help a worthy cause. Luther M. Tutterow, above, will This map shows sourccs of the rich supplies of food Methodist church next Tues­ cn route from Mt. Airy to Sal­ STARTING LINEUP intendent, announces t L t he master of cercnioiiies at the and war materials the Nazis hoped to gain by capture of day evening from 6 to 9 p. ni. isbury, for Instance, the officer The starting lineup of the there will be a principals meet. ^ w h^ ' annual homccomnig Sunday uf the Ukranian “bread basket.” The German High Com­ Proceeds will be used for scout probably would not have in­ two teams are: ing at his office tomorrow historic Center .'Methodist mand claims capture of the entire area west of the of in __of school but It will be almost equipment. spected the cargo, Mr. Gibbs MOCKSVUjLE; Z. Anderson, church. The prugraiu includes Dnieper River, but the hopes for war loot have been con­ the year’s work. ' ' impossible to hold individual Sunday School at 9:4.5 a. ui., stated. lb; Madison, ss; Kelley, 3b; 1 conferences on that day. siderably lessened by the scorched earth policy of the HONORABLE MENTION The intoxicants totaled 075 Absher, cf; Gibbs, rf; Poindex­ All of the schools open next eastern standard tune; nienior- retreating Russians. I Mr.s. Jane Bahnson Shore has Miss Elva Grace Avett, dau­ gallons and were estimated to ter, If; Hartman, 2b; Latham, ial service at the cemetery at ghter of Rev. and Mrs. E. M. be worth $G,000. c; Mason, p. 10:4.5 a. ni., cnnductcd l>y the Avett, received honorable men­ The truck was confiscated COOLEEMEE; White, 2h; ,l.„d.rd urn,. £ pastor. Rev. G. W. Fink, who SUHHARY OF WAR NEWS tion in receiving third place will also preach the honieconi- and the liquor will be turned Wood, 3b; Whitlock, lb; L. ■The first teachers meeting teacher. All the other teach- among rising sophomores at inc sermon in the arbor al 1 1 ::{ 0 over to the county commis­ Nichols, If; Morrow, ss; King, wlll bo held at the local high ^,.3 jjfg returning except Mrs. Greensboro college for out­ a. ni. I’icniv dinner will be sioners who will sell It to an rf; Mays, cf; Pierce, c; Mil­ In a Labor day address Pres­ stated area — which by Mos­ school on Sept. 13 at 10 a. m. john Essie, who will serve as standing scholastic standing. served on the grounils at 12:45, A. B. C. Store, applying the re- ler, p. ident Roosevelt said this coun­ cow’s accounts was somewhere Miss Hattie S. Parrott, assist- principal of the William R. and in the afternoon there will I celpts to the county school try must do its full part in along the central front — al­ ant director division of instruc. Davie school, REVIVAL be coniniunity siiiRinK: and a few | fund. defeating Hitler, called for though claiming that botli had tional service of the state de- ‘ ........ j . Realty Deals Rev. J. G. Allgood, pastor, short talks. Visitinp: singers Carson posted a $200 cash more war production and scor­ been thrown back with great Z T o ' n - ! Farm lnSon school are invited announces that the revival include a quartet from High bond for his appearance at the Filed Here ed a negotiated peace with Soviet losses. th ! t h i V ? to attend the opening exercises meeting at Advance Baptist Point, Sisk quartet of China next term of superior court. Hitler. Russians say Germans are The following real estate w f which will be held about 9:30 church will begin Sunday night Grove, Beck Sisters of Fork. The truck was hauling from Japanese Army spokesman thrown back 30 miles by coun- transfers have been filed in the I on the morning of September at 8 o’clock, daylight saving There will be plenty of ice Baltimore to Charlotte, it was says Japan will use force if ter-offenslve at center and office of G. H. C. Shutt, reg­ Approximately 3,000 white u time, and continue each night water for ever.vbody. thought. driven back three miles from ister of deeds; necessary to break Anglo-Brit- and colored pupils are expected | ' ______________________________ tiJroughout the Vveek. W. P. Robinson and wife to ish “encirclement" even if it their advanced positions be­ to be enrolled in Davie schools t m fore Leningrad: Germans claim Mocksville Women T. J. Caudell, 4 lots Salisbury means a long war with Britain this year; J o » e s H ave .MASONIC MEETING general successes, but acknow­ DAVIE STUDENTS highway, $100. Mrs. Cora Wil­ and the United States politi­ Mrs. Bessie Bronson, 6th G uests Dr. Charles P. Eldrldge of Aid With Knitting cians see possibility of im­ ledge fierce Red action at cen­ son also transferred G9 acr*s grade teacher, is also a mem-' Raleigh, grand master of the The Mocksville auxiliary of provement In Anierlcan-Jap- ter. to Mr. Caudell adjoining Elizah ber of the local teaching staff.^ Masons of the state, and other the Salisbury British Aid Chap. anese relations, however. The Nazis' Finnish associates HORTON Miller and daughter of Rowan OFF TO SCHOOL Martin, $10 and other consi­ Masonic notables, will meet ter assisted in furnishing some derations.
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