riidL THE »LACK PANTHER S Black Community News Service VOL IV NO 6 SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1970 PUBLISHED MINISTRY OF INFORMATION BOX 2967, CUSTOM HOUSE WEEKLY THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94126 "To be a Revolutionary is to be an Enemy of the state. To be arrested for this struggle is to be a Political Prisoner." ; Bobbv Sente Chairman, Black Panther Party Political Prisoner THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1970 PAGE 2 MESSAGE FROM GERONIMO To talk about these filthy disease-ridden It is almost impossible to talk about cap­ pigs and pig pens would only be an echo of italism and not mention the powerful vehicle the voices of all political prisoners. We on which it is able to maneuver into every should understand the terms such as Cook corner of the earth: the news media- the County Jail, Chino, Tracey, Quentin* etc. apologist of neo-colonialism, the justifier of are nothing but euphemisms for Prisoner fascism, the disseminator of imperialist of War Camps. Politics is war without propaganda. In Africa, the Zulu warriors bloodshed; war is politics with bloodshed. each upon reaching manhood would go out So either way you look at it we're Prisoners into the jungle and kill a Mon. He then of War. would take the lion's mane and wear it as We understand quite clearly that the methods a headpiece, to exemplify his manhood. In used by the fascist U.S. government are any part of the country, they would go, essentially the same as those used by Hitler, they would wear this headpiece to show their courageousness. This was their form of propanganda to show that they were brave and courageous warriors, and that they weren't to be f—ed with. This form of propaganda was valid and authentic. On the contrary, during the time of the Romai Empire, the Romans would pay men to go into all parts of the continent to lie about the powerfulness of the Roman Empire,about how they had conquered this country or that country, and how beautifully the people lived. Before long they set an image that was omnipotent, and when countries heard of the Romans coming, they were so frightened just from the thought of such an army that they would surrender before the battle started. This form of propaganda was de­ ceiving, untrue and invalid. Such is the Geronimo Dep. Min. Of Defense propaganda of the U,S.; and just as the Roman So. Calif. Chapter B.P.P. Empire fell, the U.S. Empire will fall - at Political Prisoner the hands of the people. Mussolini, Tito, and all fascist masterminds In Germany, Hitler assigned a man named throughout history. We also understand that Goebbels to be in charge of propaganda. \ the people are the decisive factor in the Goebbels was an expert in tricknology. HIES making of World Revolution. So therefore propaganda was such that he wouldn't allow we move to educate people to what this a any joyful songs to be played over the radios, government is all about. We educate by so that the people would constantly be in a various means, i.e.: Community News state of mind that was monotonous and sup­ Service, Political Education Classes, Liber­ portive of the Hitler Regime. H$fa in the ation Schools, Community Meetings, U.S. we can equate Goebbles to vice-presi­ Speeches, etc. But our main method of dent Agnew, who has strict control of the educating the masses of people is by our major American News Media; and, Hitler to practice. The tool of example I Nixon, who masterminds and manipulates the UM •: Since the inception of our revoltuionary U.S. government in an almost identical Nazi- organization, courageous brothers have given like manner. their lives in the struggle for liberation for The brothers and sisters in the many com­ poor and oppressed people of this country - munities across the country must stop jiving the world. Giving one's life for the cause of and start looking into things instead of taking liberation of the people should act as an them at face value. Ail the nickle and dime alarm, calling all exploited people to open games that you play on other oppressed people up their eyes, ears and hearts, and openly must stop. All the red devils, trues, and drugs support the liberation fighters throughout must go. Those ElDorados will have to turn the world. So then why is there singing and into tanks, and those bad rag3, into guns dancing in the slave quarters? and ammo. You must understand that you're It's high time that the Black people in the ones that're going to be on the front this country stop licking lolly pops and boots, line3, whether you like it or not. Every and realize that the lollypop is nothing but Black man is a dangerous suspect in the a temporary pacification act and that the eyesight of the oppressor. You know that as heel of the very boot they're licking is on well as I. So right on, Brothers and Sisters. their necks, and has been keeping them op­ The spirits of the Southern California pressed all their lives, for centuries. Even Chapter of the Black Panther Party are as though the oppressed people of this country high as ever, and we wish that we could be are socialistic by nature, their aspirations out in the streets of Babylon continuing are all geared toward capitalism. The theory to educate the masses to new levels of of Black Capitalism that is strongly supported understanding and revolutionary fervor. Be­ by the Nixon Administration is part and parcel cause of the fact that I have to write in­ of the same capitalism that has been ex­ termittently, I think I'd best end this before ploiting people here all over this planet. these pigs tear this up. So Right On brothers Capitalism is a parasite that survives off and sisters. the blood, sweat, and toil of the poor and oppressed people. But it is an objective fact ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE independent of man's will, that capitalism will GUERILLA POWER TO THE ELITE JügvLtably perish. GeronimD - THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1970 PAGE 3 DAVID HILLIARD INTERVIEW WITH CBS NEWS Sunday, December 28, 1969 because the Black Panther Party the chief spokesman of the American MR. NOSSITER: All right. If this MR. HERMAN: How many Black REPORTERS: is not just a party for itself but, people and, if the man is not re­ is so, then why does your party Panhers are there? George Herman, CBS News rather, it is a party for the people, sponsible for the people in govern­ newspaper—and I see you have a Bernard Nosslter, Washington Post and its ideas-- ment, like the FBI agencies or the copy of one in front of you—use MR. HILLIARD: We don't usually Ike Pappas, CBS News MR PAPPAS: Well, most of your local police, then he should stand up as a repeated slogan, "kill the throw those figures around. leadership has been either jailed or and let the American people know pigs' ' ? Doesn' t this suggest to an MR. HERMAN: Mr. Hilliard, the Is in exile, or some of them are that he does not endorse the kind unwary reader, who isn't aware MR. HERMAN: Can you give me clashes between the Black Panther dead. There is a leadership gap, of campaigns that have been waged when you are being literal andwhen a rough idea? leaders and the police are now the obviously, in your organization. It against the Black Panther Party. subject of at least three investi­ seems to me that if there is a MR. NOSSITER: Let us get this gations, one by the Justice Depart­ campaign against you, it has been point clear. Are you saying that you ment, one by a group of Black successful to a certain point. were incorrectly quoted when you Congressmen, and one by a group MR. HILLIARD: Most people would were quoted as saying "we should headed by former Supreme Court like to think that, especially the en­ kill president Nixon?" emy, but we're satisfied that they Justice Arthur Goldburg and for­ MR. HILLIARD: I am saying that mer Attorney General Ramsey can never exterminate the Black Panther Party. In order to do that, my whole speech was taken out of Clark. What do you hope for from context, and this is nothing new. I any or all of these investigations? they would have to commit genocide because what we are working for think that the policy that the United MR. HILLIARD: We hope that these is already spelled out within the States has adopted is the same policy investigations will serve as a con­ consitituion of the United States. put forth by Adolf Hitler, the big vincing indictment against the op­ We are asking for the basic neces­ lie policy. And the big lie policy is pressive United States government sities for human life so, therefore, to take things out of context. and its killer police. The Black it would be impossible for them to MR. NOSSITER Well, whether this Panther Party has all along said that exterminate or really have a suc­ statement was taken out of context the police were the main forces of cessful extermination campaign a- or not, was it a statement that oppression in our communities and gainst our Party. Our Party is you made, Mr. Hilliard? also we had made a trip to New manifested in the people.
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