Date: 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 1 of 31 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Adj Spin Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise 1 D35 Schimenti Zefiro Toma R043012 36 -9 -3 24 42 12 Metre Gregory Valiant R071212 3 +6 9 9 12 Metre Mc Millen 111 Onawa R011512 33 -6 27 33 5.5 Carney Lyric R082912 156 u156 u165 8 Metre Palm Quest N071612 111 111 117 Aerodyne 38 D' Alessandro Alexis R053112 39 39 48 Akilaria Class 40 Davis Amhas R072312 -9 -9 -3 Akilaria Class 40 Dreese Toothface R041012 -9 -9 0 Alben 54 Ketch Wiseman Legacy V R070212 57 +6 +6 69 78 Alberg 35 Prefontaine Helios R042312 201 -3 198 210 Alberg 37 Mintz L' Amarre R061612 156 +6 +3 +6 171 186 Albin Cumulus Droste Cumulus 3 R030412 189 189 204 Albin Nimbus 42 Pomfret Anne R052212 99 99 111 Alden 42 S D S M Vieira Cadence R011312 120 +6 +6 132 144 Alden 44 Rice Pilgrim N053112 111 +9 +6 126 141 Alden 44 Weisman Nostos R011312 111 +9 +6 126 132 Alden 45 Davin Querence R071912 87 +9 +6 102 108 Alden 45" Seagoer Dunne Cygnet N040212 141 141 147 Alerion 26 Lurie Mischief R040612 225 U225 U231 Alerion Express 28 Brown Lumen Solare C082212 168 168 174 Alerion Express 28 Mac Kenzie Genevieve R032312 180 +9 189 189 Alerion Express 28-2 Aspinall Tutta Mia R012512 165 165 171 Alerion Express 28-2 Flam Penelope R021812 174 174 186 Alerion Express 28-2 Gutman Casslopeia N081312 174 174 186 Alerion Express 28-2 Saidia The Never Never R020312 174 174 186 Alerion Express 28-2 Schaefer Puck R041312 174 174 186 Alerion Express 28-2 Spiecker Airtha R021812 165 165 171 Alerion Express 28-2 White Mearner R053112 174 174 186 Alerion Express 28=2 Grenzeback Nereid N071112 183 +9 192 192 Alerion Express 33 Pagani Nina C042312 108 108 117 Alerion Express 38 Lengel Top Cat R070512 129 129 141 Alerion Express 38-2 Giordano Big Bird R032012 111 111 120 Alerion Express 38-2 Merrill Zealot R031912 111 -3 -6 102 114 Alerion Express 38-2 Speck Vigor C040712 111 -3 -3 -3 102 117 Date: 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 2 of 31 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Adj Spin Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Alerion Express 38-2 Stauffer Amazing Grace R020912 111 -9 -9 -6 87 108 Alerion Express 38-2 SSwent D Osprey R020912 117 117 126 Aleron Express 28-2 Dixon At Last N051512 174 174 186 Allied Seabreeze 35 Westgate Esprit R051212 189 +3 +6 198 213 Almand 31 Kelly Three Sheets N061612 189 +9 +6 204 219 Andrews 68 Burke Shindig R060412 -75 -75 -66 Aphrodite 101 Binch Killua R020912 135 -3 132 144 Aphrodite 101 Findlay Arrow N072012 135 -3 132 144 Aphrodite 101 Lamb Averisera R030412 141 -3 138 147 Avance 245 Meincke Kestrel R061612 201 -3 198 204 Avance 33 Delaney Advance R021312 150 150 159 Avance 36 Schmid Whistler R012712 126 126 132 B 25 ODR Bradley Frolic R062412 138 -1 137 146 B P 24 Foukal Mischief R040612 243 243 252 Baltic 35 Fitzgerald Tonga R022412 117 +6 123 129 Baltic 35 T M Cavanaugh Alida R021712 117 -3 +6 120 126 Baltic 37 Rosenberg Ultra Violet R042712 114 114 126 Baltic 42 D P Barbera Sea Paws R062812 69 -3 66 78 Baltic 43 T M Tananbaum/FrazerApres Ski N071412 57 +9 +6 72 78 Baltic 47 Feldman Scarlet R053012 12 12 27 Baltic 50 Mc Laughlin Crazy Horse N051012 -12 +3 -9 3 Baltic 52 Selldorff Kinship R022412 27 27 39 Bavaria 39 Parker Gilgamesh R050212 105 +9 +3 +6 123 123 Bavaria 41 Cruiser S DPalmer Evening Star R051012 177 +9 +6 192 204 Bavaria 960 Beatty Wishful Thinking N051012 165 +6 171 180 Beneteau 20 Tomlinson Bluescape N031412 195 195 207 Beneteau 235 Mc Coole Mad Max R020112 195 -3 192 204 Beneteau 310 Taylor Exocet R040512 132 132 138 Beneteau 311 Soule Saylavee R061612 177 +6 183 192 Beneteau 345 Warren Simple Pleasures R080512 120 +9 +6 135 138 Beneteau 35 S 5 Hnat Iemanja R043012 132 +9 +6 147 144 Beneteau 36.7 Fallon Sojourn R050312 78 -6 72 87 Beneteau 36.7 Vita Bella Vita R021812 78 78 87 Beneteau 36.7 Zimmermann Dei Gratia R041012 78 +6 +6 90 93 Date: 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 3 of 31 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Adj Spin Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Beneteau 361 Brown Jem-N-Us R061412 144 144 156 Beneteau 361 Burkin Second Wind R080212 144 +6 +9 +6 171 186 Beneteau 373 Catignain Breezing Up R061612 126 +9 +6 141 147 Beneteau 38 T M Meserve High Tension R032212 102 +9 +6 117 120 Beneteau 40.7 Johnston San-Culottes R052412 54 -3 51 63 Beneteau 42 First Forbes Haraka R012912 75 75 87 Beneteau 42 S7 S M Gyman Paradiso N090612 69 +6 75 87 Beneteau 423 Blank Summer Magic 3 R061612 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 423 Blank Endless Summer R061612 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 423 Blank Summer Dreams R061612 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 423 Blank Summer Breeze 5 R061612 102 +6 +9 +6 123 135 Beneteau 423 T M Dahlen Atttitude R052812 93 +9 +6 108 111 Beneteau 43 Greven Reflections R072412 87 +6 +6 99 102 Beneteau 44.7 S D Bearse Slide Rule R061612 39 +9 +6 54 57 Beneteau 456 Parent Beausoleil R032612 75 75 87 Beneteau 463wk Blank Imagine R061612 93 +6 +9 +6 114 129 Beneteau 473 Mc Craken Grand Cru R050212 72 +6 +6 +6 90 102 Beneteau 473 S D Lynn Restless R041712 72 +9 +6 87 90 Beneteau 49 White Area R041012 51 +9 +3 +6 69 69 Beneteau First 30 Miller Feathers II N022712 96 96 108 Beneteau First 36.7 Aruny Sosnic Boom N061612 78 -3 75 84 Beneteau First 36.7 Powers Agora R031412 78 -6 72 87 Beneteau First 36.7 Ruff Go Dog Go R032012 78 78 87 Beneteau First 36.7' Blatterman Ole Ole N040512 78 +6 84 96 Beneteau First 36.7' Newberry County Girl R032712 78 78 87 Beneteau First 375 S DMac Phearson Broken Arrow N041912 111 +6 117 129 Beneteau First 40.7 Mc Kenna Synergy R051012 54 -3 51 63 Beneteau First 40.7' De Vine Devine Wind N071212 54 +6 60 72 Beneteau First 405 S DUrann Callisto R061112 102 +6 108 120 Beneteau First 42 Denney Legacy I I R041912 78 +9 +6 93 99 Beneteau First 42 S D Chuang Twist R042312 87 +9 +6 102 108 Beneteau First 42 T M Samuelson Yaquina C083012 75 +6 -3 78 90 Beneteau First 42s7 S IonescuM W K Migration R043012 78 75 87 Beneteau O C 430 W KBates Aliez R051512 102 +9 111 117 Date: 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 4 of 31 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap. Design Last Name Yacht Name Record Date Base LP Adj Spin Rig Prop Rec Misc Race Cruise Beneteau Oceanis 350 HandelW K Chouette R061612 162 +9 +6 177 192 Beneteau Oceanis 351Green Jeroboam C082812 150 +9 +6 165 168 Beneteau Oceanis 40 Byers Irrational Too R050212 105 +9 +6 +3 123 138 Beneteau Oceanis 400Murphy Ballybunion R030112 111 +6 117 129 Beneteau Oceanis 423Wasileski Volaeris R062012 102 +9 +6 117 123 Beneteau Oceanis 47 Blank I V I V I N061612 72 +9 +6 87 102 Beneteau Oceans 461 MasonW K Rendezvous 11 R022812 93 +9 +6 108 111 Bennett Bros S&S 48 Academy Waterborne R032212 72 +3 +6 81 90 Bermuda 40-3 Wilson Cygnus N081012 147 147 162 Blackwatch 37 Dyer Rabbit R011512 183 +3 186 195 Bravura 29 Sportster S/DKwapis Tsunami R051012 72 +6 78 90 Briand 76 De Pietro Lilla N091312 -6 -6 0 Brionrieff 42 Cst Schoettle Intuition R051212 81 -3 78 87 Bristol 31.1 Soper Amalie R041112 174 +9 +3 +6 192 198 Bristol 35.5 Blair Blue Phantom R061612 150 +9 +6 165 171 Bristol 35.5 Gardner Solstice R051712 150 +6 156 168 Bristol 35.5 Sargent Voyager R042312 156 +6 162 177 Bristol 35.5 Tetrault Facet R040112 156 +3 159 171 Bristol 35.5 C B Sterns Aliza R061212 156 +9 +6 171 177 Bristol 38.8 Myers Band Wagon R020212 126 +6 +6 138 153 Bristol 40 C B Powderly Irish Mist R052312 168 +3 +6 177 192 Bristol 41.1 Hatch Blueprint R050112 120 +9 +9 +6 144 150 Bristol 41.1 Malloy Quest N052312 120 +6 +9 135 150 Bristol 44 Pinheiro Faial R030212 72 +9 +6 87 93 Buzzard Bay 25 Harvey Resolute R040312 183 -3 -6 u174 u183 C S 30 Blum Blue Note R050912 150 +6 156 168 C T M 66 Carlson Aurora N081412 -99 -99 -90 C W Hood 32 Mc Manus Diane R060312 150 U150 U162 C W Hood 32 Morse Dream R012512 150 u150 u162 C&C 110 Lorraine Hightail N080912 81 +9 90 93 C&C 110 Sprit Jamison Constitution R030612 81 -6 75 93 C&C 115 Purcell, M D Moondog R011112 66 -3 63 72 C&C 115 Randall Snowbird R042512 63 -3 63 75 C&C 121 Durant Walkabout R061212 66 66 78 Date: 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List by Design, Adjustments Page 5 of 31 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed.
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