University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-1-1906 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 09-01-1906 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 09-01-1906." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/ 3377 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. milnupief yfc? f tfT VOLUME 20 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO,- - SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER, 1 190G. NUMBER 212 IN GERMANY ELECTRICITY THE BIG BANK FAILURE IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA W J, BRYAN SEDAN DAY TAKES PLACE OS 0 IS OBSERVED STEAMPOWER TO H W Emperor William Invites a On One Road In New England Talks With Reporters Freely Number of Americans to and Two In New On His Way From Bridge Army Maneuvers. York. port This Morning. THIrFrAIL MAYOR M CLELLAN LEFT ONE HAS AND NOT READY foiiVE VIEWS tawijJ TODAY OTHERS USE THE TROLLY ON CARS PARIS FOIMIOH r W HOW Several Earthquake Shocks Are Chicago Gets Advantage Over FRANK K. HIPPLE. ADOLPH SEGAL. Delivers Two Speeches at Jersey Felt In Prussia In the Ems' Other Shipping Points In the ilMlfibi President of tha fust company, who Financier, promoter and hotel man, In City Tonight and Returns to ' stole million and committed whose enterprise Hippie Dump- Section of That Country. New Grain Kates dopted. flirt suicide. ed the lost money. Newspaper Banquet Berlin, Sept. 1. The annual parade New York, Sept. 1. The transform- Bridgeport, Sept. 1. Wm. J. Bryaa. of troops in celebration of Sedan day ation of the New York Central and of IT SHEEP AD left for new York on the morning-train- . took place today before Emperor Wil- the New aHven Hartford rail- STOLYPIN IS He expressed himself as be- liam on Tempelhof field. In splendid roads into railroads with electric mo- ing In excellent condition for a busy Many including power,- is completed between day before his departure weather. Americans, tive " for the west. iv-- ATTEND Thomas K. Barry and a party of Am- New York and Stamford, on trie lat ifi ?5ip4!''., f I'll t VOCATES TO erican officers, were invited by the ter, between New York and Woodland GIVES HIS VltWS ON mperor to be present at the annual on the former. The traffic on the lines SOLID WITH NUMBER OF POINTS maneuvers. will be formally opened in a few CONVENTION HERE New York, 8ept. 1. Wm. J. Bryan, days. Trial trains were started oa arrived from Bridgeport tnls moraine MAYOR McCLELLAN STARTS both lines today. A "third," or con- and went to the Victoria hotel. HOME FROM PARIS tact, rail Is used on the New York On his way from Bridgeport Mr. Paris Sept. 1. After eleven weeks Central road, while the New Haven- - Dryan wss asked what he thought McClel-la- n THE CZAR of vacation in Europe, Mayor New Hartford road uses the overhead Inspector of Grazing Potter . about the argument of certain repub of New York will sail for home to- trolley. licans that President Roosevelt wiu day on the 8tamshlp St. Paul, pre- are to be and Supervising Inspector be the next republican candidate for pared support as candi- The locomotives .which to Jerome the Ha'en-Hart-for- d president. Bryan said that if It was governor used on the New date for of the state if the weigh 72 tons each, and are Ramsay Are Coming. true, as many republicans had declar democratic convention s'liall nominate Nicholas Wont Listen to Pre- equipped four se powei ed, that he bad completely destroyed: him. with party motors U the single phase, gearless INE BUILDING AND QUARTERS OF THE REAL ESTATE TRUST mier's Enemles-Trep- off the democratic there ought to electro-pne- u COMPANY IN FORESTER- - PINCHOT WILL be dozens of able republicans who EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS FELT variety. The control is PHILADELPHIA. and each locomotive will be Dangerously 111. would be available as a candidate, as IN VICINITY OF EMS, GER. matic PROBABLY BE PRESENT it would appear that almost any re Berlin, Sept. 1. A dispatch from equipped with an air compressor, a apparatus, publican could win with the demo Kms, rrussia, says that an earth- controlling a whistle and cratic party wiped out. There wouid quake passing along south a flash-boil- er for heating the trains. shock from It is evident from the number of SOLDIERS FIrFaT CROWD tnen be no necessity for giving Presi- to north was ft It there this morning. Instead of a pole and wheel trolle VR FIDENCE CAUSE OF letters being received by Hon. Solo- dent Roosevelt 'what would be re Three further shocks are reported to the locomotive will be equipped with mon Luna, president of the fair asso- garded by many practically as a third have occurred in the vicinity of Ems. "bow" trolleys. The trolley wires wilf 1 & Grow- ciation, Sheep Wool term. a that the KILLING WOMAN AND BABE be of copper and about the size of ers' convention, to be held here dur- when asked what he thought of the CHICAGO'S ADVANTAGE IN man's little finer. OF GRAIN ing fair week, will be attended by a criticism by oemocrats of his Ideas SHIPPING REAL ESTATE TRUST FAILURE of ownership Toledo, O., Sept. 1. The new regu- large number of prominent men federal of railroads, Mr. WEST SHORE ROAD throughout country. Here are Bryan said that he never had advo- lations adopted by the Toledo Car ALSO .MAKES CHANGE the Twenty Polish Anarchists Escape went into effect three letters on this Important sub- cated anything which was not opposed Service association Utica, N. Y., Sept. 1. The electrt ject: in some quarters. today, notwithstanding the protests of flcation of the West Shore road bu From Warsaw and Are on Way Inspector Potter Will Attend. He was asked If negroes and whitea the coal dealers of this city. Accord tween this city and Syracuse is prac would be separated on cars Acknowledge They Had ' to the United States. if the lng to the new rule, the coal dealers tically completed and everything is in Directors That Washington, D. C, Aug. 21. states had Jim Crow law, to which. - are allowed only 24 nours after notice readiness for starting the running of Hon. Solomon Luna, Albuquerque, replied that state laws would natural- is served on them of the. arrival of N. M. - electrically propelled trains on that St. Petersburg, Sep, 1. Premier Sto- ly 'hold good on local , lines. He switch- Not Looked Into Condition of the did a car at Toledo to order the line. The cables transmitting the My Dear Mr. Luna Your letter of lypin, according to reports from Peter- - not c.ie at this time' to discuss ot ing of the same and only 48 hours in power for the road from Spier Falls August 17 Is received, i thank you holf, is high In favor with the emper how the plan would affect the car- iwhich to unload it. Failing to comply where the powerhouse of the Hudson Company For Three Years very much for the kind Invitation to or, who declines to listen to any sug riage of whites andt negroes oa with this ruling, the coal dealers will River Electric Power company Is lo attend the convention at Albuquerque gestions from the premier's enemies through lines under federal control. e obliged to pay a line of $1 pec day. cated, will be carried on steel towers and nccept It with pleasure. It Is my The police claim that they have ob demurrage charges on car. 1. as each 55 high the line now com Philadelphia. Pa.. Sept. Little th? plainest duties of their positions. Intention to be present at the Irriga- an important Head' LARGE GATHERING EXPECTED -- new feet and tained clew to the The coal dealers consider this pleted Is about 150 miles long. At or nothing new has developed In the T.ie-- latter is not Incredible wntui tion congress which will be held In quarters of the terrorist organization. IN JERSEY CITY TONIGHT arrangement a hardship and havo of tact is begin- - Syracuse the Hudson River company condition the Real Estate Trust the taken into consideration Boise, Idaho, during the week They say that a man who was arrest Jersey City, Sept. X. There IsT taken their spite out on the consum- meets the Niagara Falls company, company of this city, which closed Its that the directors themselves confess ning September 3, and from there will ed at Peterhof In connection with, the ers, by raising price coal. the of which will furnish the power for the doors on Tuesday. Receiver George that they had not examined into tha go to Colorado to make some forest assassination of General .Mln, hastily crata of this city, over the visit which 160 Earle, Jr., has expressed his aston- condition of the company for nearly reserve investigations. I will try attempted piece of pa Coal Trying Play Even. next miles. to to swallow a William Jennings Bryan will pay to Dealers to ishment that either W. F. North, three years, so great had been their arrange my trip so as to arrive in Al per which, when recovered, proved to Chicago, 111., Sept. 1. The new rail Jersey City today. For several weeks, Reunion of Montana Veterans.
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