September 23, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9049 prominence during her lifetime (1821–1910) as powerful legacy that ideas can inspire (4) small business concerns owned and con- the founder of Christian Science and was the individuals, empower them and trans- trolled by socially and economically dis- first woman in the United States to found form their lives. advantaged individuals; and lead a religion that became an inter- The Mary Baker Eddy Library, a fa- (5) small business concerns owned and con- national movement with members in 139 trolled by women. countries; cility encompassing over 80,000 square (b) DEFINITIONS.—The terms used in sub- Whereas historians compare Mary Baker feet, will be a dynamic meeting place section (a) have the meaning given the terms Eddy to 19th century women reformers like for people to explore ideas through its in section 3 of the Small Business Act (15 Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. An- on-sight and on-line educational expe- U.S.C. 632) and relevant regulations promul- thony, who took leadership roles at a time riences, programs and exhibits. So, too, gated thereunder. when women infrequently did so; its unique Mapparium will once again (c) DEPARTMENT GOALS NOT LESS THAN Whereas Mary Baker Eddy founded and GOVERNMENT-WIDE GOALS.—Notwithstanding available to visitors to the Library. section 15(g) of the Small Business Act (15 served as the pastor of her own church, the The collections consist of over 100,000 First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, U.S.C. 644(g)), each goal established under and established a publishing organization documents, artifacts, photographs and subsection (a) shall be equal to or greater that produces numerous publications, includ- other media that chronicle the devel- than the corresponding Government-wide ing ‘‘The Christian Science Monitor’’, an opment of Mary baker Eddy’s ideas and goal established by the President under sec- international daily newspaper that has won 7 offer an unparalleled resource for tion 15(g)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 Pulitzer Prizes; scholars in women’s history, spiritu- U.S.C. 644(g)(1)). Whereas in recognition of the numerous ality and journalism. (d) INCENTIVE FOR GOAL ACHIEVEMENT.— achievements of Mary Baker Eddy, the Wom- Achievement of the goals established under The Library’s effort to release pre- subsection (a) shall be an element in the per- en’s National Hall of Fame inducted her into viously unpublished materials in the its membership in 1995 for having made ‘‘an formance standards for employees of the De- indelible mark on society, religion, and jour- Mary Baker Eddy Collections to the partment who have the authority and re- nalism’’; public will enrich our understanding of sponsibility for achieving such goals. Whereas the Mary Baker Eddy Library, a her extraordinary achievements. In f facility of 81,000 square feet, provides a place conjunction with this facility in Bos- NOTICES OF HEARINGS/MEETINGS for people to come together to explore ideas ton, the Library will also establish an and offers on-site and online educational ex- Institute for the Rediscovery and Pres- COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS periences, programs, and exhibits; ervation of the History of Women in Mr. INOUYE. Mr. President, I would Whereas the Mary Baker Eddy Collections Seneca Falls, New York, the birthplace like to announce that the Committee consist of more than 100,000 documents, arti- of the first Women’s Rights Conven- on Indian Affairs will meet on Tuesday, facts, photographs, and other media that September 24, 2002, at 10 a.m., in room chronicle the development of Mary Baker tion, in order to showcase research on Eddy’s ideas and offer an unequalled re- the forgotten histories of women and 485 of the Russell Senate Office Build- source to scholars in women’s history and offer a wide range of educational pro- ing to conduct an oversight hearing on mind-body medicine; grams for students. the ‘‘Role of the Special Trustee’’ with- Whereas the Library’s initiative to make I am pleased to submit this resolu- in the Department of Interior. the previously unpublished materials in the tion to recognize this outstanding Those wishing additional information Mary Baker Eddy Collections available to woman and the richness of her accom- may contact the Indian Affairs Com- the public is exemplary of, and in full accord mittee at 224–2251. with, the intent of the provisions of title 17, plishments. I would also like to con- COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS United States Code, relating to the publica- gratulate Virginia Harris for her ef- tion of previously unpublished materials; forts to ensure that the Mary Baker Mr. INOUYE. Mr. President, I would and Eddy Library became a reality and for like to announce that the Committee Whereas the Mary Baker Eddy Library will her tireless energy and visionary lead- on Indian Affairs will meet on Wednes- establish an Institute for the Rediscovery ership as Chairman of the Board of the day, September 25, 2002, at 10 a.m., in and Preservation of the History of Women in Christian Science Church. room 485 of the Russell Senate Office Seneca Falls, New York, the birthplace of Building to conduct a business meeting f the first Women’s Rights Convention, in to consider S. 958, the Western Sho- order to showcase new research on the for- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND shone Claims Distribution Act, and gotten histories of women and offer edu- cational programs for students: Now, there- PROPOSED H.R. 2880, the Five Nations Citizens fore, be it SA 4698. Mr. KERRY submitted an amend- Land Reform Act, to be followed imme- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- ment intended to be proposed to amendment diately by a hearing to receive testi- resentatives concurring), That Congress recog- SA 4471 proposed by Mr. LIEBERMAN to the mony on the President’s appointment nizes and commends— bill H.R. 5005, to establish the Department of of Quanah Crossland Stamps to serve (1) Mary Baker Eddy for her outstanding Homeland Security, and for other purposes; as Commissioner for the Administra- achievements and contributions, particu- which was ordered to lie on the table. tion for Native Americans, and the ap- larly her contributions to the advancement f of women’s rights as a public figure and role pointment of Phil Hogen to serve as model in the early stages of the women’s TEXT OF AMENDMENTS Chairman of the National Indian Gam- rights movement; and ing Commission. (2) the Mary Baker Eddy Library for the SA 4698. Mr. KERRY submitted an Those wishing additional information Betterment of Humanity, which will open to amendment intended to be proposed to may contact the Indian Affairs Com- the public on September 29, 2002. amendment SA 4471 proposed by Mr. mittee at 224–2251. Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, it is a LIEBERMAN to the bill H.R. 5005, to es- COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS privilege to submit, on behalf of my- tablish the Department of Homeland Mr. INOUYE. Mr. President, I would self, Senator CLINTON and Senator Security, and for other purposes; which like to announce that the Committee HUTCHISON, a concurrent resolution to was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- on Indian Affairs will meet on Thurs- recognize the achievements of Mary lows: day, September 26, 2002, at 10 a.m., in Baker Eddy and the opening of the On page 211, between lines 9 and 10, insert room 485 of the Russell Senate Office Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Bet- the following: Building to conduct an oversight hear- terment of Humanity. The Library, Subtitle C—Small Business Procurement ing on ‘‘Intra-tribal Leadership Dis- which officially opens to the public on Goals putes and Tribal Governance.’’ September 29, will provide public ac- SEC. 521. SMALL BUSINESS PROCUREMENT Those wishing additional information cess to the Mary Baker Eddy papers, GOALS. may contact the Indian Affairs Com- one of the largest collections of pri- (a) IN GENERAL.—In regards to procurement mittee at 224–2251. contracts of the Department, the Secretary mary source material by and about an f American woman. shall annually establish goals for the partici- The Library will provide invaluable pation by— AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO (1) small business concerns; MEET insight to Mary Baker Eddy’s remark- (2) small business concerns owned and con- able life and serve as an important re- trolled by service-disabled veterans; COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES source for scholars, researchers and the (3) qualified HUBZone small business con- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- public. Its mission will sustain her cerns; imous consent that the Committee on S9050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 23, 2002 Armed Services be authorized to meet PROGRAM laws and overseeing the agencies and during the session of the Senate on Mr. REID. Mr. President, the next the various departments. Are they Monday, September 23, 2002, at 2:30 rollcall vote will occur at about 10:30 serving the public the right way? In a p.m., in open session to continue to re- tomorrow morning on the Byrd amend- responsible way? Or is there an abdica- ceive testimony on U.S. policy on Iraq. ment to the Homeland Security Act re- tion of responsibility and duty by the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without garding orderly transition. Following various administrations in charge of objection, it is so ordered. this vote, there will be a period for running our government? COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, morning business until 12:30 for trib- One of the reasons I have never sup- AND PENSIONS ported BRAC, the various base closure utes to Senator STROM THURMOND.
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