• wt eoeim »Mit (OBMlfled AdrertlatBC «a Pag* PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LHIh n o . 2. It.) BfANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8,1983. (TWELVE PAGES) GIANTS LEAD SENATORS IN 7th, 4-1 ------------------------------------------------------ , i ■ . , = r —. SUSTAIN SELECTMEN Wounded By An Assassin DOLLFUSS BY EX-SOLDIER; PITCHING OF HUBBELL ON APPROPRIATIONS SUGm iY HURT TAMES NAT SLUGGERS (M y Two Items, Storm Sew­ Anstrian Chancellor Able To ^COOK IS NAMED PERFEQ WEATHER Sonthpaw Ace h Marreions Form hi Openmg T3t Of ers And Parks, Cat By Continoe With Official Du­ CHAIRMAN OF World Series Chssks; Mel Otfs.Mighty Bat PnU New Taxpayers; Meeting Pro­ ties After Hospital Treat­ FOR WORLD SERIES THE SELECTMEN York Team In Front; Hits Homer h Second; RnsseH duces Some Ridiculons ment-Assassin Heli Hnge Throngs Gather* Early Rephces Stewart On Mo mid For Wasbrngton. (Questions, Motions. Bowers Elected Secretary Vienna, Oct. 3— (AP) —Chancel­ lor Engelbert DoUfuss was slightly For Baseball Classic— A Polo Grounds, New York, Oct. 3. A mild and somewhat tempered At Organization Today; wounded in tw o plaujes by an assassin —(AP)— Behind' the marvelous H its H om er drive to cut the appropriations for today, but an hour after receiving Colorfnl Setting. southpaw pitching of Lanky Carl town expenses met with rebuff last C. R. Barr Retams Police treatment at a hospital be was able Hubbell, the New York Giants rode night, all but two of the recommen­ to go to his home and continue with through the first seven innings of dations of the Board of Selectmen his offidal duties from there. By EDWARD J. NEIL the opening game of the World Commissionership. Associated Press Sports Writer being endorsed oy a meeting of One shot struck him in the left Series with the Washington Sena­ arm and the other grazed his left ' • tors today with a lead of 4 to 1 nearly 500 voters in High school breast when he was fired upon at Polo Grounds, New York, Oct. 3. gained In driving Wally Stewart hall. Members of the ' Taxpayers’ Aaron Cook, beginning his second the entrance of the Parliament —(AP)—Chirrled and combed and from the box in the third. League of Manchester were princi­ term as a Selectman and but 24 building. flashing green as an emeraJd in the Under perfect weather conditions, pals in the movement to reduce the “That was a close one,” he remark­ years of age, was today elected morning sun, the battle groimd for with a roaring crowd of 48,000 budget total below the figure set by ed to his friends as he left the hospi­ the Selectmen. The appropriation ch£iirman of the Board of Selectmen, the first game of the world series cheering the National League cham­ tal and walked smilingly to bis auto­ pions on, Mel Ott shot a home run for Parks, Tree Warden and Spray­ at the organizatior meeting held mobile. sparkled a bright welcome today to the thousands of baseball’s faithful into the stands to drive In a pair ing was reduced from the 59,000 A young ex-soldier, recently dis­ gathering early for the opening duel In the first while a volley of three, ai^ed by the Selectmen to $6,000, charged from the third regiment ot (ff the New York Giants and the singles that chased Stewart to the but only after the Pairk conunlssion infantry, whose political connec­ and its work had been roundly de­ Washington Senators. third, and an infield out off Jack tions, authorities were not immedi­ fended. The Storm Water Sewers The annual struggle for suprem­ Russell, his right handed successor, Chancellor Engelbert DoUfuss. ately able to learn, was arrested in appropriation was complicated by acy of the champions c* the Na­ scored another pair. connection with the attempted amendments and heated discussion tional and American Leaghe could After allowing a run in the assassination and police began a aiding when a written ballot was not have bid for more perfect fourth, Hartly due to Hughle roundup of all political suspects. taken. weather or a more bolsterc ’r set­ Crltz’s error at second on Heinle Vice CaianceUor Emil Fey was one Can’t Cut Tax Bate ting. The sun streamed down hot­ Manush’s grounder after Buddy The total reductions in the town DEMOCRATS MAKE GAINS of the first to visit the hospital. He ly, there wasn’t a cloud In the sky, Myer had singled, Hubbell tightened budget, effected by the Taxpayers’ said DoUfuss soon would be able to and a gentle breeze from the north­ again and set the Senators do'wn In League, were $5,500, or about 1-10 move to hi^ home and continue the east whipped at the flags atop the order through the fifth and sixth. of a mill, making no reduction pos­ direction of affairs from there. encircling horseshoe stands that aU He fanned Russeh for hla seventh sible from the 17 1-2 mill tax rate AS SMALL TOWNS VOTE Police said the young ex-soldier but enclosed the plajdng field. strikeout in the fifth. E l_ O T T figured necessary by the Selectmen. intercepted the chanceUor at the Expect a Sell-Out Last night’s session was one of main entrance to the Parliament Elvery indication was that the DETAILS OF GAME the most bizarre ever recalled in buUding and apparently moved as beautiful day and the enthusiasm of Polo Grounds, New Yewk, Oct. 3. Ryan. ’Eie shortstop just nilased the town. Replete with ridiculous ques­ didy Three Cities Elected if to band him a manuscript. the Harlem constituents for the — (AP)—The diamond was smooth­ ball, (joshn rolled cut to Terry who tions and far more ridiculous mo­ W E DEAD, THREE When detectives halted him and home forces of Bill Terry would com­ ed out for the opening game while tagged the Goose cm the base line tions it kept Moderator William J. took the manuscripts the man step­ bine to produce the sell-out of 49,000 the umpires conferred with Mana­ as Myer ran to second. Manu»h Crockett on edge every minute. Mayors And Two Pick ped back a feW paces, drew a pistol the. business office of the Giants has gers Bill Terry and Joe Cronin. Carl grounded to Critz who fiunbled ffl» Adjonnunent Beaton ARElIhBEUEVE and fired. been fearful would not materialize. Hubbell and Wally Stewart the an error. Manush was safe add The meeting bad scarcely been Democrats; Waterbary to The chancellor announced imme­ By 11 a. m., e. s. t., there was not rival pitchers, finished warming up Myer reached third. Cronin groun^ called to order when Walter Maho­ diately upon arriving at his home a single seat left In the small patch as the band struck up the National ed to Jackson whose throw to Q)tto ney moved that it be adjourned to that be would delivsi;^ *n address of bleachers in deep center field ac- .Anthem and the stairs and stripes forc^ Manush at second, MEAT THE CAUSE tonigkt .to which he e^uld assqre cozqmcktoting slightly more than Saturday evening at 9:15 to give Hold Its Election Today. were rais^ to the flagpole over the scor^ on the play. Schillto 6,000. A steady flow of chattering ■the jn ap to tlia t bBi va a not>wniotuIy dto> hottse in centerfield. hard liner tiidt Hubbell Imodzad miU- worlwn op. a niglit. shift an op­ ISirf^toa able and) humanity, men, women and the' portunity to attend. Thomas Trot­ FTrat Jtontog down, but could not field in time to ■ri- ter seconded the motion but the detormtoM m leadov yoongWWrt of' the family, poured Aaron Oobk- New Haven,-'Oct. S—^^( AP)—Sub­ l5ttie Tilor^ 01 B ^ liye Vic­ ship. SENATORS. The Itost. hall was catch the runner at first. It was a voters turned down the plan by A into to? unreserved Beetles of th< stantial gains cB normally Repub­ An emergency maetlng of the upper stands where 20,000 more can thrown odt by Dennis J. Madion, single and Cronin reached second. considerable majority. Jacob Laufer in the Mumcipal biiildihg starting president of toe board of aldamen. Kuhel groimded out, Critz t o Terry. lican strongholds were' coimted to­ 'Cabtoet also was caUed for tonight And vantage points. \nd outside started to get to his feet, evidently at two o’clock. Sherwood G, Bowers tim; Autopsy Slows Deatk but no official statement was made the park, marshalled off into bat­ The stairt of the game was celayed One rhn, two hits, one error, tiro day by Democrats on the basis of to move that the vote be taken by was elected secretary, succeeding concerning the shooting. talions on the side streets, each with "by the ' departure o f cameramen left. closed ballot, but he was piiUed returns from “small town” elections Geroge E. Keith. Clifford R. Burr* The American minister, George a squad of officers In charge, were from the field. The umpire ordered GIANTS: R)^^ fanned, swinging back into his seat by Selectman W2US named police commissioner held in 150 of the state’s 169 com­ Was Dne to InflamiiiatioB H. Earle, congratulated the chan­ more thousands waiting to get at them all from the •vicinity of the Sherwood Bowers, who was seated munities. at a slow curve. Hubbell houneod after a contest for thte appointment ceUor on his escape. the ticket windows. It seemed cer­ Giamta bench. M yer fanned, sw ing­ to Russell who made between Laufer and Mahoney. a nice leaping developed. On the first ballot Bun- While most of the towns voting SUmllar congratm ations came tain that whole companies of these ing at a faust screw badl.
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