Putribulton " j. Today Ttmptrautre t un^ M «*• BED BANK gtttt. ClwMiy twWy Ugfe I* m. ' 19,400 T«J|J* efeaae* of drink, taw to Mi. Tomorrow flow I Independent Dally f Ugfa k> H«. S«t I mmsty ttnouourmttr-tur. m J Dial SH I-0010 VOL. 84, NO. 227 t Ami. Maator Utiftpi frttw. •»«»« U1*M PUHIID RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1962 PAGE ONE Paid M IU4 But MiTu MtUUOMU Utility Ollicu. 7c PER COPY 12 U.S. Jet Fighters Arrive in Thailand Kennedy Says Action May Speed Laos Negotiations Leaders Dawn Landing Briefed Set for Marines BANGKOK, Thailand, (AP) — Twelve U. S. Air OnMove Force jet fighter-bombers landed in Bangkok today, WASHINGTON (AP) — spearheading American ground and air forces being President Kennedy has told sent to help defend Thailand's borders from Com- members of Congress he munist forces in Laos. believes the U. S. show of The first arrivals were F100 Super Sabres from a strength in Thailand may 13th Air Force squadron in speed lagging negotiations to the PhiliPP'nes. Eight more form' a coalition government in lOOs and a squadron of Laos. Members who were briefed at marine A4L> jet attack planes were expected later White House session yester- AIRLIFT FOR LAOTIAN TROOPS — Laotian soldiers-walk to a Royal Air Laos C47 day said the ' President and his oday. Peter W. Falvo Dr. Lawrence R. Burdge plane at Chongrai airfield in northern Thailand for flight back to govornment-held advisers feel the troop buildup in Airport They were to be followed at Thailand — which they said is portion of Laos. The troops are memberi of tha Laoi government's northern army dawn tomorrow (about 5 p.m. likely to go beyond the 5,000 who abandoned the Laos border town of Han Houei Sai and fled across the Me- EST Wednesday) by 1,800 combat man total publicly announced— kong river into Thailand after attack by pro-Communiit forces. Spectators watch marines to be landed at a Thai Is bringing Gen. Phoumi Nosayan Problems naval base south of Bangkok from around to the idea of negotiating. in foreground from bohind barbed wir» fence. (AP Wirephoto) WALL TOWNSHIP — The own- ships of the U. S. 7th Fleet in Mayor's Post Phoumi, reputed Laotian r of the vast Monmouth County the Gulf of Siam. strongman In the government ol Airport, Rt. 34, has an "open pro-Western Premier Boun Oum, Military sources said C130 Beach Erosion Project Funds mind" on selling to the Mon transport planes would be flown has resisted U S. pressure to mouth County Board of Freehold- join in a coalition regime. Into Bangkok's Don Muang air. ers but thinks private develop- port to airlift the marines to Goes To Falvo Neutral Government ment of the air terminal would be Thailand's northeast border with He was said to have given Indi- Million Saving Seen foster and more efficient. Laos. RED BANK —• Councilman Peter W. Falvo, 239 cations since the Thailand build- Edward I, Brown, Jr., the own- 5,000 Troops up that he now is ready to talk er, also acknowledged a variety The Spring St., last night was appointed mayor of this bor- WASHINGTON (AP) — Army tion work. The emergency work federal government could contrib- Pentagon- announced in about taking part in a neutral of complaints by his chief tenant Washington that 1,200 other army ough. • government. , Engineers have agreed to put up now under way in New Jersey as ute toward beach erosion proj- he U.S. Army Signal Corps air more mgney for beach erosion result of March's storms will ects. , .-,3 troops would be sent to Thailand Mr. Falvo stepped down from his council presi- Kennedy was represented as wing, but put them down as from the Pacific area. With 1,000 pleased that neutralist Prince projects, but it will take an act be paid for entirely by the fed- 2. Pay the entire cost of a proj- largely "landlord-tenant" prob- dent's seat while Borough of Congress to give them the eral government. ect In certain cases. army combat men already here Souvanna Phouma, who has tried lems which can be settled after recent SEATO maneuvers, Council, in a special ses to act as a buffer between Boun go-ahead. This is only temporary work, 3. Authorize the engineers to hrough negotiation. Sen..Clifford P. Case, R-N. J., however, and1 does not include reimburse states and localities they-will bring the total Ameri- sion, made the appoint Oum and pro-Communist Prince About public operation of Mon can force bolstering Thailand's Oppose Souphanouvong, is returning to plans to introduce a bill this week the bulkheads, jetties and groins up to $1 million for work they ment. normally associated with a long- mouth airport, a 16-year-old, !,- defenses to about 5,000 men. Laos from Paris. to permit this. do on projects already authorized 000 acre plant, iMr. Brown said he Councilman Dr. Lawrence R. If approved, the measure could term beach erosion project; by Congress, The marines were waiting just In response to questions put by thought it preferable to private off Thailand's coast. Helicopters Burdge of Hilltop Ter. was Republican conferees, Kennedy save New Jersey over $6 million Case had asked the Army en- 4. Permit the engineers to un- Zoning named council president replac- 'only if it was to be made part are expected' to begin landing is said to have reported that when and if construction ever gineers for its view on whether dertake small beach erosion proj- of a gigantic commercial terminal ing Mr. Falvo. begins on the $29-mi!lion beach the federal government should ects without specific congres them tomorrow at the Thai naval Phouma is committed not to and then only a governmen base at Sataheep. Letter of Resignation agree to any settlement which erosion project authorized by bear more of the cost for beach sional authority if the federa The appointment of Mr. Falvi authority with its unlimited fi The initial U. S. air reinforce- Proposal would let Communists take over Congress three years ago for the erosion projects and endorsed a share of costs doesn't exceed nancial resources could do th followed the receipt of forme key defense and Interior posts In state's Atlantic Coastline. draft bill sent to him by the en- $400,000 for the complete job. ment reportedly will total about job." 45 jets in all. Although they can RED BANK —The approxi- Mayor George A,. Gray's lette any coalition government. Case and other members of gineers. The- engineers have this lasi Mr. Brown said the possibility fire nuclear weapons, Washington mately 30 residents of the east- of resignation which was in ef- Kennedy made it clear at the Congress from seaboard States The major stumbling block to authority for flood control proj of Monmouth becoming just such sources indicated this Is unlikely ern portion of, the borough who fect last week. conference — held in advance had proposed, after March's congressional -approval of the ects that would be financed com Mr, Gray'"will'be sworn In storms- and high tides that the plan Is the Bureau of the Budget a terminal Is not too remote. In the present situation. last night attended the first of the of the latest U. S.-Russian agree- pletely by the federal govern "It's been discussed and ma; Planning Board's series of neigh- Monday as a Monmouth County ment on the necessity for an ef- federal government pay a greater which could balk at the added ex- ment: American officials said there eventually prove the solution ti are no plans so far to send V- S. borhood public meetings to dis- District Court Judge. Fective Laotian cease-fire — tha share of the cost for beach ero- pense. • The area must be publicly a great current need." , v iroops, • into ,'Red infested Laos, Mr. Falvo's term as mayoi while he considered it jemote, he sion projects. Congressional committees nor- owned and .include a zone ex- T cuss the proposed master plan - Army May Move Biit the -Kennedy administration will run until the end of the year, was not ruling out the possibility The government Is now limited mally ask the budget, bureau for cluding permanent human habi- voiced oppositjon to garden apart- clearly hoped. the military build- He is a Republican candidate foi that U. S. troops might- have to to paying one-third the cost. The its opinion of bills under study. tation,-include- where appropri Though the Army has made m ment construction. ' up here would dissuade the pro- re-election to the Borough Coun- go into Laos •' state and locality must pay the Draft BUI ate protective dunes or other nat- statement, Freeholder Oirecto A vigorous opponent to garden Communist Pathet Lao from cil. He has been a councilman rest. The draft bill would: ural features to protect upland Joseph C, Irwin said over thi apartments' lri the eastern areas Could Materialize overrunning the rest of the four years. areas from damage, and provide week-end the military may move, of the borough was Chester F. This obviously will not happen This limitation, however, ap- 1: Raise from one-third to one- kingdom. Running for mayor on the GOP plies only to long-range construc- half the amount of money the park facilities for public use. probably to Lakehurst Naval Ai Cotter, 221 Spring St., who urged ticket is Clarence S. Gale, 16 if the Russians clamp down on Station, when its Monmouth con- There was hope In Washington his neighbors to take an offen- McLaren St.
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