Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 29 OCTOBER 1975 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions Upon Notice [29 OcTOBER 1975] Questions Upon Notice 1605 WEDNESDAY, 29 OCTOBER 1975 (2) Three-monthly season tickets are still available at reduced cost to the traveller. People travelling from suburbs in buses Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton operated by the Brisbane City Council can Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chai; purchase single tickets only. at 11 a.m. (3) No. The statement by the Honour­ able the Treasurer was to the effect that rail PAPERS fares and freights would be increased by an average of 40 per cent, and over all The following papers were laid on the this has been adhered to. table, and ordered to be printed:- Reports- (4) No. See answer to (3). Air Pollution Council of Queensland, for the year 1974-75. Department of Works, for the year 2. CORAL-DREDGING IN MORETON BAY 1974-75. Mr. Bums, pursuant to notice, asked the The following papers were laid on the Minister for Tourism and Marine Services- table:- ( 1) What areas of Moreton Bay are Regulations under- subject to coral-dredging leases and what Public Service Act 1922-1973. companies hold the leases? Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration (2) What effect will these leases have on Act 1961-1974. Green, Mud and similar islands? (3) How close to the foreshores are QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE dredges allowed to operate? 1. INCREASED RAIL FARES AND FREIGHTS ( 4) Has any study been made on the Mr. Bums, pursuant to notice, asked the effect the _dredging will have on the Minister for Transport- oyster and fish populations? Cl) Is he aware that the return fare Answer:- from Wynnum to Brisbane has increased by 100 per cent from 45 cents to 90 cents (l to 4) The honourable member for the and from Gaythorne from 32 cents to 60 area (Mr. W. Lamond) has previously cents, \Vhich is over 40 per cent? discussed the matter referred to in the question with the Minister for Aboriginal (2) Is he aware that, by abolishing the and Islanders Advancement and Fisheries twelve-monthly, six-monthly and monthly and myself and, in view of the fact that tickets, an additional slug, on top of the this matter does not come under my extreme fare increases, has been placed on control, I suggest the honourable member the worker? redirect his question to that Minister for (3) _\V as the House misled in the Budget advice. when 1t was suggested that rail freights would increase by an average of 40 per cent? 3. FUEL SHORTAGE AND GRAIN GROWERS ( 4) Will he move to restrict the increase to 40 per cent as promised in the Budget Mr. McKechnie, pursuant to no1ice, asked and restore the twelve-monthly, six-monthly the Deputy Premier and Treasurer- and monthly tickets? As grain farmers are justifiably con­ cerned that the current fuel shortage might Answers:- prevent them from harvesting all of their (1) The present return fare between winter grain crops and because the Gov­ Wynnum and South Brisbane is 54 cents ernment is also relying on revenue from and therefore the increase is not 100 per the haulage of grain by the Queensland cent. It is explained that the opportunity Railways, will he personally appeal to the has been taken to rationalise suburban rail leaders of the oil industry by asking them fares in that the new charges have been to make special provision to help the grain calculated on the basis of the distances industry obtain fuel during the existing travelled. The effect of this adjustment is critical fuel shortage? reflected in the new fare of 90 cents return for travel between Fruitgrove and Answer:- South Brisbane-a distance of 19 kilo­ I refer the honourable member to the metres, the same as from Wynnum-rep­ answer provided on 22 October by the resenting an increase of 32 per cent. The Minister for Industrial Development, return fares from Gaythorne to Central and Labour Relations and Consumer Affairs to from Salisbury to South Brisbane both a question asked by the honourable mem­ journeys of 10 kilometres, become 60 cents ber for Balonne about this subject. I increases of 87 per cent and 30 per cent prefer to leave the matter in his capable respectively. hands. 1606 Questions Upon Notice [29 OCTOBER 1975] Questions Upon Notice 4. INTERACTION OF ITEMS OF RAILWAY ( 3) Five homes are presently occupied WORKING EXPENDITURE and $6,579.42 has been expended on repairs Mr. McKechnie, pursuant to notice, asked and maintenance during the preceding two the Minister for Transport- years. ( 1) What were the major items of expenditure which contributed to the working expenses of $4,993,705 in 1974-75 6. GOVERNMENT ADVERTISING THROUGH attributed to the Warwick-Dirranbandi and LEo BuRNETT Warwick-Wallangarra railway lines and Mr. Melloy, pursuant to notice, asked the branches? Deputy Premier and Treasurer- (2) What was the nature and amount Cl) Was the advertising for the of those expenses which were incurred in Premier's television, radio and newspaper areas such as suburban workshops and programmes during the last financial year debited to the sections of line in question? placed through the Leo Burnett Agency (3) What amount of the $60,887,331 and, if so, why was the State Govern­ working expenses shown for the Brisbane ment's Advertising Department bypassed? section in 1974-75 is attributable to the (2) Is Leo Burnett the advertising Brisbane suburban railway system? agency for the National Party? ( 4) In view of claims that revenue ( 3) Did Leo Burnett place the adver­ from the haulage of grain assists in the tisements on behalf of the four State subsidisation of Brisbane suburban travel, Premier's in all Queensland papers last will he explain how this is justified if week and were the advertisements charged this is the case? to the Premier's Department? ( 4) Are similar facilities available to the Answers:- Treasurer to use public money for party ( 1 to 3) This information is being advertising? collated and will be conveyed to the honourable member in due course. Answer:- ( 4) Generally speaking, rail freight (1 to 4) I have replied previously .to a traffic subsidises passenger traffic. However, somewhat similar question that the detailed because of the escalating railway operating financial administration of a State depart­ costs and the level of 'the grain rates that ment is the .-esponsibility of the relevant applied during 1974-75, it cannot be said Minis.ter. I am therefore not aware of the t~a.t the haulage of that commodity sub­ detailed arrangements referred to by the Sidised any passenger travel during that honourable member. year. 7. ANOMALY IN BRISBANE SUBURBAN 5. HousiNG CoMMISSION HousEs FOR WEEKLY RAIL FARE ABORIGINES AND ISLANDERS, MARYBOROUGH Mr. Melloy, pursuant to notice, asked the Mr. Alison, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Transport- Minister for Aboriginal and Islanders ( 1) Is he aware that passengers travel­ Advancement and Fisheries- ling from northern suburban stations to ( 1) What arrears of rent were owing at Brunswick Street Station are now required 30 June on houses owned by the State to purchase a weekly ticket to Central Government in Maryborough and used Station at a cost additional to that exclusively for Aborigines and Islanders? normally charged for travelling to Bruns­ wick Street? (2) How much rent has been written (2) Will he investigate this matter and off over the last two years as uncollect­ ensure that these suburban travellers are able and how many tenants have been not penalised in this way? evicted for non-payment of rent and damage to the houses over this period? Answers:- ( 3) How many houses are being let at ( 1) The new scale of fares for multi-trip present and how much has been spent on weekly tickets is based on the distance the houses over the last two years for actually travelled, and in some cases this repairs and cleaning? could mean that the fare to Central from a no<th-side suburban station is greater than Answers:- the fare to Brunswick Street. Similar con­ ditions applied under the former scale of ( 1) $3,50 1.88. fares, but with the rationalisation of dis­ (2) No rental write-offs have been tances there could be some variation in the effected during the past two years. How­ position with the fares from some stations. ever, follow-up action is proceeding to (2) Passengers are not being penalised recoup these arrears. One tenant has been but are being charged according to the evicted. distance actually travelled. Questions Upon Notice [29 OcTOBER 1975] Questions Without Notice 1607 8. R-CERTIFICATE FILMS cannot be recommended as a means of Mr. Lane, pursuant to notice, asked the control of groundsel bush. Results to date Minister for Justice and Attorney-General- indicate that, in low-lying coastal areas, some localised control may be achieved In view of the comments of Mr. D. eight to 10 years after the insect's release, Draydon in "The Courier-Mail" of 28 but in other areas appreciable control is October expressing apparent concern not anticipated. regarding the admission of persons under the age of 18 years to R-certificate films- (2) Because of the lengthy time involved before control may be achieved, all libera­ ( 1) Which officers have the responsi­ tions of these insects are being made on bility of policing this provision of law at groundsel bush infested land in co-opera­ the entrance doorways of picture theatres? tion with local authorities. (2) Are police officers included with ( 3) Hormone sprays affect these beetles persons who have responsibility in this indirectly once the destruction of their area? groundsel food source takes place.
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