the judge’s box [email protected] • Interrelated. In other words, from the very The New Pyramid of Training beginning of dressage training, we are The time-tested “training scale” has some wording changes. working toward the goals of each step Here’s what’s new in the 2019 update. on the pyramid—on the rhythm of each gait, on suppleness with elasticity and By Marilyn Heath relaxation, on acceptance of the aids, with impulsion, engagement, through- ave you ever noticed that explained in the pyramid of training, ness, obedience, and straightness. All the purpose of each dres- which has been updated along with the the time, with every horse at every sage level is stated at the top USDF Glossary of Judging Terms and level, we are addressing balance and an Hof each test, from Training through the 2019 USDF and US Equestrian dres- increasing lightness of the forehand. Fourth Levels? There, and also in the sage tests. Let’s go over the pyramid, US Equestrian Rule Book, appears with special emphasis on the revisions. Climbing the Pyramid: the phrase “to confirm that the horse How the Pyramid Works The Steps Explained demonstrates correct basics….” In other words, the horse should First, it’s important to understand that The main headings in the 2019 revision demonstrate correct basics in order to the steps and concepts contained in are Rhythm, Suppleness, Contact, compete at that level. So what exactly the pyramid of training are Impulsion, Straightness, and Col- are those elusive basics? • Required for the correct training lection. Each heading is followed by The basics are clearly and concisely of the horse, and a brief parenthetical description: the definitions in the 2019 Glossary of Judging Terms, which summarize the concepts that accompany each step Collection on the pyramid. Along with each step (Balance and Lightness of the Forehand is a meaningful paragraph or two of from Increased Engagement) explanation. To get the most out of your study of the pyramid of training, pay attention to the explanations of the words in the pyramid. Straightness The first step on the pyramid is (Improved Alignment and Equal, Rhythm (Regularity and Tempo.) Lateral Suppleness on Both Reins) Rhythm is the characteristic sequence of footfalls and timing of a pure walk, “Incr pure trot, and pure canter. The tempo ough Impulsion must be consistent and appropriate to easing Thr (Engagement and the and Obedience” the horse, and the horse should be in Desire to Go Forward) balance and self-carriage suitable to the level being shown. Dressage training Contact should enhance the gaits, with correct oughness tempo and balance allowing increased elopment thr e Conditioning” (Connection and Acceptance of the Bit v freedom and elasticity. Quality of the through Acceptance of the Aids) gaits is often the first directive idea of essiv each movement. The two major changes in the 2019 ogr ysical De pyramid update are the replacement Pr Suppleness “Ph (Elasticity and Freedom from Anxiety) of Relaxation with Suppleness on the second step, and the replacement of Connection with Contact on the third step. Let’s look at these terms in more Rhythm detail. (Regularity and Tempo) Relaxation has to do with the horse’s mental and physical state. Men- UPDATED WORDING, SAME GOAL: The pyramid of training aims to guide dressage training tal relaxation (freedom from anxiety) correctly is a positive quality. A horse’s physical USDF ILLUSTRATION 22 December 2018/January 2019 • USDF CONNECTION and mental/emotional states often Straightness (Improved Alignment while progressively conditioning his go hand in hand. His physical state and Equal, Lateral Suppleness on Both muscles to protect his joints, tendons, requires muscle tone for function. As Reins) is the fifth step of the pyramid of and ligaments to ensure his longevity. the horse moves, his muscles alter- training. Since by nature every horse is By following the pyramid of train- nately contract and relax, but sustained crooked (or “hollow” on one side), it is ing in your daily work, your dres- contraction or rigidity of the muscles important to work from the beginning sage training can be systematic and is harmful. Relaxation requires the progressive. Remember that the steps absence of muscular contraction other are interrelated. Never ignore rhythm than that needed for optimal carriage, The major changes to the pyramid to work on suppleness, or neglect strength, range, and fluency of move- of training are the replacement of suppleness to focus on contact, or ment. Suppleness (Elasticity and Free- Relaxation with Suppleness and of disregard contact to address impul- dom from Anxiety) is needed for the Connection with Contact. sion, or forget about impulsion when horse to move with flexibility, pliability, you work on straightness, or overlook and elasticity. Suppleness is related to any of these elements in your quest the horse’s conformation—that is, the for collection. At the same time, don’t length of the bones and angulation of to develop straightness. Gymnastic wait to work on the “higher” steps the joints. However, the surrounding exercises help the horse to engage both while you work on the “lower” steps. muscles, ligaments, and tendons can hind legs evenly to prepare for the col- They are all interrelated! s be improved over time through proper lected work, thereby improving both conditioning and exercises. They can his lateral and longitudinal balance. Marilyn Heath, of Venice, Florida, is also be negatively impacted by incor- Collection (Balance and Light- a US Equestrian “S” dressage judge, a rect training or riding. ness of the Forehand from Increased USDF L program faculty member, and The USDF Glossary of Judging Engagement) is the pinnacle of the a member of the USDF L Program and Terms defines elasticity as “the ability pyramid. The beginning of collection is Judges Committees. In 2013 she re- or tendency to stretch and contract the expected at Second Level, but obvious- ceived the USDF Lifetime Achievement musculature smoothly, giving the im- ly Second Level is not the end goal of Award in recognition of her contribu- pression of stretchiness or springiness.” dressage training. The same basics ap- tions to the L program. Anxiety refers to the horse’s mental ply as the training progresses through and emotional state. the levels, all the way to Grand Prix. Contact (Connection and Accep- The rider of the Grand Prix horse must NEBRASKADRESSAGE.ORG tance of the Bit Through Acceptance of constantly strive to maintain a clear the Aids) means that the horse should rhythm, a correct and steady tempo, be ridden from back to front, with the a supple back, and acceptance of the energy created by the rider’s driving aids along with engagement, an even aids received in the rider’s allowing acceptance of the bit and bend, and a hands. In other words, the horse must balance appropriate to the level. accept all of the aids, resulting in a To achieve collection, the horse harmonious interaction between horse must engage his hindquarters and Nebraska is the birthplace of organized and rider. The stretching circle demon- use his thoracic-sling muscles. He dressage in America, with Lowell Boomer strates this concept, while the releasing pushes himself up and back over his founding USDF in 1973 in Lincoln, NE. of the reins demonstrates self-carriage. hindquarters, while at the same time W Together they demonstrate the quality bending the joints of his hind legs to Nebraska Dressage Association is proud of the connection. carry his weight increasingly on the to represent Nebraska as a charter GMO, carrying on Mr. Boomer’s legacy. Impulsion includes the qualities hindquarters and storing the energy to in its accompanying parenthetical de- be released in the extended paces. In scription: Engagement and the Desire collection, the steps become shorter to Go Forward. The horse carries him- and more powerful and cadenced, and self forward with elasticity in his step, the rider’s aids can become lighter. suppleness in his back, and engage- ment of his hindquarters. Impulsion is Let the Pyramid Guide measured by the period of suspension Your Dressage Training in the trot and canter. It is required for EDUCATION. the development of the medium paces The aim of dressage is to train the COMPETITION. and of (with the addition of collection) horse to be in a harmonious bal- COMMUNITY. the extended paces. ance both physically and mentally, USDF CONNECTION • December 2018/January 2019 23.
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