of over the svork of Euro- The woman was about twenty-lire to the in Vtichi Indiana hold that all that is it« eighteenth annual convention In way« taking delay aprita their pursuit Zionists becauae of the war. wore a dark dress and of the dead m»n. it Is to have a pregnant wom¬ ZIONISTS TO AID JEWS! Itostnn June 28 to Julv 1. pean years old and Be Naturally, takes neceassry of ' AT them ao an the fitted that lone to work their wav SUMMER SCHOOLS encircle goal from all part« of th« coat. The description JARS all "These rules are based on an «ver¬ Delegation«, Bodies Washed at Yonkers. Orchard through the hole«, that the man la Plans to Relieve War Suffer country will he sent to formulate ae Up Lucy Seilet, missing- from 32 safely huried before arrive at sion of the primitive mind which many of the, 1'. of Yonker» Yonker«. The man had a mus¬ they to Im¬ tion to assuage the condition Coroner Jame«. Dunn Street, TONG WAR the grave of us find it impossible justify. ing on for Boston. is one of a serge with END BE Programme «lews In the wsr regions and Palestine trying to identify two bodies, tache and wore blue suit, MAY CLOSED even to feel These were the enncessions to possible executive a other of a middle- a black and white shirt- Peter only for an un¬ A demonstration of Zionist strength Louia Lipaky, chairman of the young woman, the striped I hinea» tradition which were "To make others auffer will a discovered the ted pnrmit aversion, to make them auf and enthuaiasm «»¡Il b* held when the committee of the federation, pre- aged man, washed up in the Hudson Pen«en, barge captain, by Mr. (¡um. who is a Christian. justifiable American Federation of Zionists hold« »ide. The federation will alao consider River there yesterday. I body. and The Reverend .lohn Henry, of the fer for an aversion no longer even felt, On Leontfs Hip Sings Church of All Nations, conducted the City Has Made No Appro¬ that, it may be, la as valid a definition peace Pact Sealed at serviced, at 1«*» Mott Street, where the for Teachers' of wanton cruelty «a we can mske." body had been lying* in state for two priation "Madam: Crim Gum's Grave. ..ay*. As soon ns she can nrrnngo tu-r Salaries. "Dean Egbert of Columbia 1'niver- business affairs. Mrs. (¡um will take economics ¦¦ Gin (¡urn to the oí his slty has recommended resting place ore of the fir. courses to be given «t STORACiE AND REMODELING WHITE FOX SCARFS-SUMMER VOOUE ancestors, at Canton, (h.ns. and she Ring Hing. FUR MOURNS herself will «-.«vote her life to mission¬ "You advocate vocational training in WIDOW ary work there. VOLUNTEERS MIGHT but vocational train the public schools, on Furs stored and 25.00 29.50 WITH DAUGHTER Early in the dav Mrs. (ium told the AID THE CHILDREN ing without understanding of industrial Dry r«ild air storage vault premise«.. story of her luchan«,'* life She condition« will lead to Injustice to the A1«o i-ri-ts-t and blue (white «lyed whole solid .'«nimal fox fur« apeaka well, w«s English an«! proud of worker«, to a richer exploitation of 7S00 Hill. with head, paws and large bru«.h tail. the fact that her three children had all worker« remodeled at moderate rale*. Telephone Murray of Celestial Satis¬ received an American bf employer«. Funrra1 Sage education. Mrs. Parsons Traces Origin of "If our publie, »chool» »re really run Chinatown and Mission "Mr. (ium was verv liberal in his In the Interests of the public they must fies views." she said. "He always let me Bylaw Which Bars Pros- beeome social laboratories In which the Teaching. come and go freely; just as I wanted Problems of society production and dis- to. An American husband couldn't hnvr» peetive Mothers. tributlon ar« studied. Other- been kinder." «specially will on*-1 alept la C¦¦rasas Rills wise all that vocational training c;»m "He wss the most generous man in n.v HKNR1ETTA RODMAN. accomplish will be the continuance «nd laal r-gt-.t. far from tong Chinatown." said one of the women of our cheoOe snd TELLER 6X0. furtherance present WIT ffrpftrry The threatens the children that BON «H 8WÍ1 spirits which infest mourners. "I'm the washlsdv here. city industrial 'system.' rt aad there will he. no aurnroer schools, no Irresponsible neisrhhorhor.il of Mott He didn't need to notice me. but he did "ROBERT HABERMAS'." r7he ,.(, .»-ouhlcil Nobody ever asked him for money in appropriation to pay teacher«' «alarle« Öpcci'aÜi/óhop ofQriqtnationó c.^,4. Tsso women «opt over hi» vain." The teachers have been asked to vol¬ was Mr« Josephine "Ha didn't believe in them suffra¬ FIFTH AVENUE AT ÖÖ. STREET tagtt. Otts llutn, " unteer, to help the city in its emer¬ » -»aire nn.i gettes. went on Mra. (¡urn, "but he ,¦-(.* of Chinatown diplo- a fe\« teachers will LOOK LIKE thought that woman Iswver wss won¬ gency. Perhaps TWINS; °n .ata, the leader Bl »«.«i l-eorig«. The derful. What was her name? Yes, volunteer, but not many. v*er Mrs. that's Miss trfr ss.i« «laughter. Mock it. Milholland" "Could teacher volunteers ne used to for Monday Special for Monday former president of On the parlor wall hung the proof develop initative in a neighborhood, as HELD AS FORGERS Special enemies of the On of the friendship of the sage of Chins- settlement workers do?" I aaked Miss Prices a Prices At Greatly Reduced town for the suffragist. It wss Oertrude Coit, of the College Settlo- At Greatly Reduced was. four \rar« or «o ago, xvhrn framed picture of Miss Milholland on inent, at 95 Rivington Street. a croa« horseback. ishv . ,»« death for Hip Sing to "I don't see any rettson they Prisoners Accused ofCash¬ m'1'1* Mott from Inspector WaVetield dropped into "If it la ¦g! g-.:*«*' couldn't." snid Miss Coit. your Suits Women's Silk Coats aj the houses of Chinatown In the morning to find out idea to run tho summer schools like ing Checks by Posing Women's Tmlleur *' *e4 in marriage, If the Hip Sings had any plans afoot. settlements, with expert direction an«l Qua * of their own He was told that as far as the Hip local co-operation, I should think it as Army Officers. the stock. These handsome cants have hern from .heir clansmen, the Sing« were concerned thev desired to might be «lone." ..f collection of nuits assembled from regular dressy qathered ets of Chinatown go to the funeral, hut thev feared the "We hnve study clubs and debating Lodged In th« Tombs awaiting Fed¬ 7 r« (» or Ihrer models a kind in .tome of ihr rripdar stock. Several very smart On not like it. There of of of t,,vf m keep the peace. I.eotigs would clubs under the leadership hoys eral action are two prisoners accused an < had been a rumor that Mock Duck was said Arthur 11. the season's smartest styles. styles presented. ago, when Mock eighteen and older," of I'nited States army »* gunman of the afraid to attend the funeral because Taylor, assistant head worker at the Impersonating ." local head h « lookout «>f ancient unpleasantnesses in Heath I niversity Settlement. officers and termed by the Allev. This Muck himself denied. "All of our club leaders are volun- clev¬ 22.00 28.00 r Death Mlrv cast arlmir- of the Department of Justice the ,.',),, and fair "I will not go to the store where the teera, and M per cent of them are time. black with young I know* to exten' erest forgers captured in a long in short and flare coat Coats of chanteuse, faille silk, taffeta, dull v. as of the hated bodv is," he said, "bu* with mv wife hoy« don't what you Made ot' serge, gabardine and chirks and family will join the funeral when «vould be able to get them for day work Not alone were the officers b»ffled by bather belt (an excellent iiiouriitii«/ cunt«, also , Mock Puv*k never flare skirts. In black, c;ârt. Street. it) th.« sommer schools. Mnny «if them model«, side plaited and navy, Sin« g -1 whose charm« it reaches Rayard the similarity of the alleged methods white. mistral coats. Novelty silk linin-ís. <>:' the "Don't believe there is a dead line are employed during the vacation«. G. green, delft, mouse, black-and rival those forbidden' there are and of James M. Keegsn «nd Edwin Belgique curie to Mock Puck, i.ny more in Chinatown between the "Rut undoubtedly boys Trouble« and the On in the city during the Becker, but they «re «s «like in feat¬ "«rent for «i year. That was, Hip Sing Tong Teong girls unemployed j). awfi>" Tong. In 1913 the tongs made peace summer who might be developed into ures «s twins. .» the rivei Sing Sing. leaders or' work and groups of !>>tek he looked and that peace w*iil not be broken." play Both »re said to hsve been in prison upon younper children in the public schools. Waterfall Silk Coats r-irc.*« s> she up Mott Street worth times »nd h»ve » chain of aliases. Silk Tailleur Suits Sport pattered "It would certainly be trying many \ new- cut silk in «i mat school, and «he the enormous blue black fail!« silk. Devel- fabril j.unity sport as an attempt to solve Keegan said he was twenty-eight years In navy and Originations niiidcl in the favored 29.50 .k Puck took counsel financial of the schools.
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