Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-1-1928 Bee Gee News December, 1928 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News December, 1928" (1928). BG News (Student Newspaper). 88. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/88 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. f (A * !i ill * is ! Home Rest BEE GEE NEWS. 3 ALUMNI NOTES ALUMNI DIRECTORY Miss Emily Ordway, one of our gradu- To Graduates: ates and Critic of Grade 1, at the Church Wouldn't you appreciate an official street school, Bowling Green, is on a Directory of your Alma Mater? Such a leave of absence for a year of study at publication is in course of preparation. the University of Chicago. We want to make this Directory com- Miss Ethel Reed, Fifth grade critic in plete and accurate, and are asking you the same school, is now completing a half to fill out and return the attached card. year of leave, which has also been spent In recognition of your interest and co- at the University of Chicago. operation, we promise to send you a free Ruth Kraft, a student in Home Econ- copy as soon as the Directory is ready omics last year is attending Ohio State for distribution. Please mail return card this year, having received a scholar- today. ship in vocational Home Economics edu- Clyde Hissong, Sec'y cation. Alumni Committee Henrietta Robertson, 1927, who did Partial list for our graduate for graduate work in Home Economics at whom we do not have the correct mail- Ohio State University last year is now ing address. teaching in the Attic high school. Class of 1915. Mildred Wough, 1927, is teaching at Helen Crom, Mabel Crowley, Illma The Girls Industrial Home in Delaware. Crandstaff, Elizabeth Hall, Ursula Miss Eloise Rower is teaching Latin Kelley, Margaret Meilink, Irene Rogers, in Haskins, Ohio. and Gertrude Sandys. Miss Katherine Calderwood is teach- Class of 1916. ing French and Latin in Pittsburgh, 0. Mrs. Donald Draper, Clementine Falks, Miss Lenore Emerick, is supervisor of Darlie Johnston, Florence Keil, Lucy students at Akron University doing Keil, Mrs. L. C. Mercer, Dorothy Rhoade. practicing teaching in Science. Class of 1917. Catherine Patingale, '28, now teach- Mfldred Baur, Elvena Blasey, Lois ing 4th grade Vaux Hall, New Jersey. Chambers, Bernice Gunn, Essie Jenkins, Jk Venus Gorsuch, '28, teaching rural Clarice Light, Ethelyn McGill, Louise school near Fremont. Welshimer. Alice DeWese, '26 is in Perrysburg, Class of 1918. Ohio, this year, teaching geography and Ruth Raymond. history in Junior High. Class of 1919. Miss Mabel Stewart, who spent last Gladys May Glass, La Verne Martin. year at Columbia University received Class of 1920. her B. S. at the June Commencement. Ada Atkinson, Ilia Cuba Gams, Leona This year she is teaching a second grade Nebb Flick. in the Old Trail School, a private school Class of 1921. located in thv? suburbs of Akron, 0. Margaret Atherholt, Minnie Rodenber- Joseph Ehrmann, a graduate of our ger. Industrial Arts course, now teaching at Class of 1922. Youngstown, Ohio, visited the college Frances Grove, Alverna Koch. last week. Class of 1923. Mrs. Sharp, Dean of Women, absent Maude Brubaker, Alice Brundige, Julia since Thanksgiving, enjoying "the flu" Burke, Mary Calderwood, Mrs. Vivian at home in Greenville, Ohio. Haywood, Ruth Lewis, Helen LaRue o o Williams. Bobby's mother asked why his little Class of 1924. friend was not at school that day. Clara Eckert, Mary McHugh, Margaret "Oh", Bobby answered quickly "there's Williams. a hypodermic of measles somewhere." Class of 1925. 1 BEE GEE NEWS Eleanore Bechtel, Eulella Florence The play was staged by Ivan E. Lake Peters. '23, president of the club. New scenery Class of 1926. was specially made for the production Alice Herman. by the Tiffin Scenic Studio. Class of 1927. On November 22 the Club took the Mrs. Harold K. Evans, Althes Phillips, play to Holland, where it was presented Harold Willman. before a packed auditorium, the largest Class of 1928. to ever gather for any play there. It Write Prof. Clyde Hissong address of was declared most successful. Additional any of the above. performances are planned after the holidays in Wayne, Bloomdale and Swanton and possibly other places. GOLD MASK The next play to be presented by the The Gold Mask Club opened the col- club will be "The Enemy" a four act lege dramatic season by one of the war drama by Channing Pollock. A won- most finished productions ever seen on derful cast is being selected for the play the college stage in its presentation of being centered around Mrs. W. B. Al- "The Cat and the Canary", the great ward, '25 of Camden, Mich, nee Miriam mystery drama written by John Willard. Long. Mrs. Alward's past appearances It was presented at two performances in here were ^lways greeted with high connection with Homecoming. praise and it is believed that her appear- Hair-raising from the beginning to ance in this play will be a crowning the end; productive of air splitting achievement. screams; horrible shudders and sicken- Others who will be cast in "The ing anxiety, the play gave the audiences Enemy" are Carleton C. Jones, John sensations which kept many awake Hough, Clement Premo, Graham Place, most of the night. Ivan Lake and several more. The play Sliding panels, slow gliding move- will be directed by Ivan Lake. ments, disappearing bodies, claw-like Critics hailed the play as one of the hands, an escaped maniac and what- greatest of the present day when it ap- not jammed the play so full of excit- peared in New York and it is being pre- ment that there wasn't a tiresome mo- sented in Bowling Green through special ment in it and the professional way in arrangement with the Walter H. Baker the play was presented gave Bowling Co., of Boston, Mass. Green students, alumni and friends a The Gold Mask Club is an honorary feeling of great pride that such a diffi- organization. Students completing a year in the drama class, who have proven cult vehicle could be given so well and •-*. without a single break. their value to the stage through acting Individual mention of the players is or stage craft and are believed to be impossible. All proved themselves high- worthy of election, are made members ly capable of the various task that were through special ballot of the club. demanded of them. The cast was as fol- The Club is entirely self supporting, lows: relying up on gate receipts of each play "Mammy Pleasant", Arlene Stannard '25 to pay for its production. No one makes Roger Crosby, John Carrington '30. a profit and the aim of the club is to Harry Blythe, Franklin Skibbie '25 promote good drama in Bowling Green Charles Wilder, Burton Wewese, ex '23 for the education and the entertainment Susan Sileby, Anna Hayne '29 of all. Cicily Yong, Blanche Shanower '30 Paul Jones, Chester Ray '29 Thelma H: "What is a woman's in- Annabelle West, Gertrude Fries '29 stinct?" Hendricks, Horace Pelton '29 Lester H.: "Something that tells her Patterson, Frank Purdy '29 she's right, whether she is or not." BEE GEE NEWS The picture above was one of the (Carleton Jones) is seated at the right. scenes in the play. John Cartaret, (Ivan Ellen, the faithful housekeeper, (Gert- Lake) is seated at the left of the picture rude Fries) is standing. and his life long friend, Dr. Owens Miss Lillian Tressel who took her Mas- ching Latin and Spanish in Blackstone ter's degree in French and Spanish at Women's College, Virginia. Ohio State last year, has now returned Miss Jean Sherer, who is teaching Lat- to Bowling Green College and is teaching in and French in Rossford High school in the Foreign Language Department. did gradute work in these subjects last She spent one year in Syracuse Univer- summer in the University of Wisconsin. sity teaching and studying and two years Miss Blanche Davis, who is teaching in Winthrop College as instructor in Latin in Bradner High school did grad- French. uate work in Latin at Columbia last sum- Mr. Jonathan Ladd, who has been mer. teaching French in Fostoria High School -o- for the past two years is now doing Bowling Green Enrollment by graduate work in French at Western Re- Counties serve. Miss Olive Bowersox '28 is teaching Allen 6, Ashtabula 2, Athens 1, Aug- Latin in tyapoleon High School this year. laize 6, Clark 1, Crawford 5, Cuyahoga She taught French in a Boy's Camp in 2, Darke 4, Defiance 19, Delaware 1, Indiana. Erie 30, Franklin 1, Fulton 44, Gallia 1, Miss Grace Tressel '26 took her Mas- Hancock 49, Hardin 11, Henry 25, ter's degree in Latin and French at Ohio State last year and this year she is tea- (Continued on page 11) BEE GEE NEWS CHAPEL NOTES BEE GEE NEWS During the chapel period Tuesday, Published by THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY December 4, a very interesting discus- Howling Green State Normal Collepre Published Monthly Except Aug. and Sept. sion of the ideals necessary for success in life was given by Dr. Williams. He Ralph D. Lindsey Editor-in-Chief Anna Ilnync Associate Editor had read a paper before the Town and Arthur Kmlcr Associate Editor Mary Miller Society Editor Gown Club on these ideals.
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