MAGAZINE of the OUTDOOR SOUTHWEST March, 1961 40 cents plan your vacation now LL O Ll land of color and contrast DC Historic Mormon 1 emple Square The Coupon below is your passport to high ad- O venture in Utah. Utah offers a legendary — and fabulous — contrast in color and contour, a limitless choice of activities and interests. Travel the fascinating Mormon trails . explore the rushing Colorado and Green Rivers... relax un- der Utah's unbelievable blue skies in virgin wilder- ness . marvel at the color country, the natural bridges ... all of America's last untamed wond- LLJ ers. Above all, enjoy the warm hospitality and welcome for which Utah is noted. LJJ k FREE * fompkte o Mountain Lake in Xorlhnn I lull Setting LLJ W Vacation Kit i ' U'l OUt/j/jg of all ,. Utah Tourist & Publicity Council 1961 Dept. 193, State Capitol TRAVEL KIT Salt Lake City, Utah Name . Address City State The State and People of Utah extend you their warmest invitation to share the pleasures of a vacation in "The Different World of Utah". In addition to the excitement and thrill of its vast and varied empire of sand and stone and sage, Utah offers you the contrast of high mountains and plateaus ... an unending succession of vacation thrills from border to border. For attractive literature and complete vacation information, use the coupon. THE DIFFERENT WORLD OF UTAH Volume 24/Number 3 '-magazine of the OUTDOOR SOUTHWEST Contents for March, 1961 / Special Issue on Southern Utah "America's Last Wilderness Frontier" COVER This month's wrap-around cover shows the "hamburger rocks" of southern Utah's Water Posterity's Playground Pocket Fold (see story on page 14). The ex- plorers are, from left, Lurt and Alice Knee, An interview with Utah professional guides, and Joyce Muench, wife Governor George Clyde of the man who took the picture: Josef Muench. on the subject of TOURISM 3 An Interview with Gov. Clyde of Utah Southern Utah Tourism RIVER TRIP 8 Artist on the Colorado R. Brownell McGrew PERSONALITIES 12 Citizens of the Sage Frank Jensen Southern Utah is one of America's EXPLORATION 14 Along the Water Pocket Fold Joyce Muench last major wilderness frontiers. Cer- tainly, its outdoor recreation potential VACATIONLAND 18 Map of Southern Utah Norton Allen is unmatched in the Southwest. GHOST TOWNS 20 Spectral Cities Nell Murbarger What the future holds for this EDITORIAL 22 The Stone Rainbow Randall Henderson majestic land is of vital importance NATURE 24 Naturalist in Southern Utah Edmund Jaeger to a nation whose cities and subur- PROGRESS 26 Glen Canyon Dam E. D. Reynolds bias are pressing EXPLORATION 28 Island in the Sky Alfred Nestler outward, and whose citizens INDIANS 32 The Last Indian War Eugene L Conrotto are overgrazing LANDSCAPE 43 Bryce Canyon Photographer: Robert Morris those outdoor recreation areas — Also — close by the ma- Classified Ads: 38 42: Southwest Calendar jor population centers. Readers' Letters: 41 42: Poem of the Month California's Mojave and Col- GOV. CLYDE orado deserts are both taken up with population booms; Armed Forces and Atomic Unsolicited manuscripts and Energy Commission bombing ranges photographs submitted can- SUBSCRIBE or let us have carved-out the heart of Nevada's not be returned or acknowl- edged unless full return TO send it to a friend treeless expanse; Arizona is one of postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no re- the fastest growing states in the Union, sponsibility for damage or ioss of manuscripts or pho- • One Year—$4 • Three Years—$10.50 and it manages to fill its own choice tographs although due care recreation areas without too much help will be exercised. Subscribers (Canadian subscriptions 25c extra, foreign 50c extra per year) should send notice of change from Southern California's motor- of address by the first of SEND DESERT MAGAZINE TO: minded millions (witness Oak Creek the month preceding issue. Canyon). Homes are springing up Address all editorial and circulation correspondence to around the rim of Salton Sea; the Desert Magazine, Palm Des- Navajos are encouraging tourists to ert, California. (mailing address) visit their reservation; Death Valley is CHARLES E. SHELTON invaded by 70,000 persons during the Publisher (city, state) summer months; the California High- If this is a gift, indicate how gift card should be signed: way Patrol is using airplanes to patrol EUGENE L. CONROTTO Editor Mail this information and your remittance to: Desert Magazine, —continued on next page EVONNE RIDDELL Palm Desert, California. Circulation Manager 6o\i. Clyde... (continued from preceding page) crowded desert highways in San Ber- and Shock Bar—are in Utah. The nardino County; the government is Navajo Indians are also planning rec- attempting to clear out squatters on reation developments on the Navajo land bordering the Lower Colorado side of Lake Powell. River. Glen Canyon National Recreation All this is not to say that the desert- Area Administration Headquarters lands of Arizona, California and Ne- will be located at Wahweap. Other vada have lost their outdoor appeal. facilities there will include: roads and It is to say that the boundaries of ab- parking areas, air strip, visitor center, solute wilderness—areas still a couple marina, campground, picnic area, of day's travel from the clangor of swimming beach, and concession fa- PLAN TO VISIT civilization—have been pushed back cilities such as a trailer village, stores to encircle the general vicinity of and eating and lodging facilities. This MEXICAN HAL UTAH southern Utah. construction program is tentatively scheduled for fiscal years 1961 Recently, Desert Magazine asked through 1964. GATEWAY TO FABULOUS Governor George D. Clyde of Utah MONUMENT VALLEY 12 questions touching on the outdoor At Lee's Ferry, limited facilities will recreation future of the bottom half of be provided including boat launching with nearest complete facilities his state. Here are those questions, ramp, campground and picnic area. Cafe, Motel, and Trading Post and the governor's answers: Plans call for 1962-64 construction. Clothing and Curio store 1. Is Utah planning a long-range Bullfrog Creek and Warm Creek Service Station and Garage tourist promotion program? will be comparable to Wahweap. Work Navajo Rugs and Jewelry Gov. Clyde: Yes, we have set up the at Bullfrog Creek is slated for 1964- Film and Travel Supplies 68; Warm Creek: 1967-69. Airstrips, Hangar, and Tiedowns outline for a long-range tourist pro- Overnight Travel Trailer and motion program. It should be noted Oil Seep Bar, Hole-in-the-Rock and Camper facilities. that Arizona and California accom- Shock Bar will be accessible by boat plished remarkable tourist promotion only. Future demands may neces- 223 Z3 Z2 Z2 programs without direction from an sitate the construction of access roads official state agency. Both of these to the latter two sites. Boat moorage, HEADQUARTERS FOR states now have such an agency, but limited overnight lodging, camp- UNUSUAL SCENIC TRIPS they both have done an outstanding grounds, picnic areas, and eating and job with the efforts centered around Canyon Country Scenic Tours offers store facilities are planned for these trips in special four wheel drive local groups, such as chambers of three sites. An existing road and air vehicles to inaccessible points of commerce and travel promotion asso- strip will be utilized to make Hite interest. ciations. On the other hand, Utah's Basin accessible. Mexican Hat River Expeditions of- effort has largely been the effort of fers one and two day boat trips in the Tourist and Publicity Council, with 4. At present there is no paved east- the canyon of the San Juan River. very little or no cooperation from west link across southern Utah. Are either public or private enterprise on plans for such a road on the draw- 7^y 777X 777X V7A 777J the local level. ing boards? CENTER OF A GREAT 2. Will southern Utah be developed, Gov. Clyde: The earliest paved link SCENIC CIRCLE tourist-wise, by Utah primarily—or on the east-west highway system in • Nearby are Monument Valley, the by Federal agencies? southern Utah will come about with famed Goosenecks of the San Juan, improvement of U-24. This route has the Natural Bridges, Mexican Hat Gov. Clyde: Insofar as possible, Utah been a very popular tourist route into Monument, the Garden of the should develop its own areas of recre- the Wayne County Wonderland. The Gods, Muley Point, Cedar Mesa, ation under our State Park and Recre- Department of Highways in recent Poncho House Ruin, and many ation Commission, rather than calling more. years has completely surfaced the upon the Federal government to estab- highway from Green River south to lish more national parks and monu- By 1961, all-weather highway across ments. the Navajo Indian Reservation, be- tween Tuba City and Monticello. 3. What are present plans for the Glen Canyon Recreation area? Kent Frost Jeep Trips Mexican Hat is served regularly by Gov. Clyde: The National Park Serv- Into the Famous Utah Needles Area ice's Glen Canyon National Recrea- Monument Valley Stage, operating Junction of the Green and Colorado rivers; between Flagstaff and Monticello. tion Area Master Plan provides for Indian and Salt creeks; Davis, Lavender, the development of seven recreation Monument, Red, Dark and White canyons; sites on Lake Powell, and one site on Dead Horse and Grand View points; Ho- For additional information write— the Colorado River below Glen Can- venweep and Bridges national monuments. MEXICAN HAT yon Dam. The dam, Lee's Ferry, and Historical Mormon Trail of 1820 the Wahweap site on Lake Powell are —$25 daily per person. Includes sleeping CHAMBER OF COMMERCE in Arizona. The remaining six sites— bags, transportation, guide service, meals.
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