JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OJ' THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE VOL. LXXVI 1944 H . E. ROBERT HALLIDA Y GUNNI NG , PROF. H . LANGHORNE ORCHARD, :I I. A. , LL.D., ~I.D. , F . R.S.E., F.R.C. S.E. :II.A., B.Sc. 3Jn memoriam ALFRED T. SC HOFIELD, :ll.D., L.R.C.P., REV. SA:ICUEL R UNSIE CRA IG, F.R.A.S. :ILR.C.S., F.R.G .S. THE FOUR ESSAY FUC'<DS OF THE VI CTORIA I NSTlTUT E JOURNAL OF THE T-RAN·SACTIONS OF mbe Victoria 3Jnstitutr OR ia1Jilo£iop1Jital &>otietp of ~rtat JJritain VOL. LXXVI 1944 LONDON: PUBLISHED BY TH i,: LNSTITUTE, 1, CENTRAL BUILDINGS, WESTMINSTER, S.W.l ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HARRISON AND SONS, LTD., PRINTERS TO His MAJESTY TBB Knm, 44-47, ST. M&BTIN'B L.t.Nll, LONDON, W.C.2. CONTENTS -- PA.GB RBPOBT OF COUNCIL FOB THB YBAB 1943.... vii THB ·ANNUAL GENERAL MBBTINO HBLD ON MONDAY, MAY 22ND, 1944 XV EVOLUTION AND ENTROPY. BY E. H. BETTS, EsQ., B.Sc. (being the Langhorne Orchard Prize Essay, 1942-2nd Prize) .... Oommunications.-Lt.-Col. L. M- Davies, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E., F.G.S., Mr. John Evenden, Rev. Principal H. S. Curr, Mr. E. W. Battersbey, Rev. W. B. Monahan, Prof. Arthur P. Kelley.... 18 KIERKEOAARD's MESSAGE TO OUR AGE. BY M. CHANING-PEARCE, EsQ., M.A. 27 Oommunications.-Rev. L. Stephens-Hodge, M.A., Rev. H. S. Curr, W. F. Spanner, Esq., R.C.N.C., Mr. E. W. Battersbey 48 CURRENT THEORIES OF SPECIAL CREATION. BY D. DEWAR, ESQ., B.A., F.Z.S. 53 Oommunications.-Dr. L. R. Wheeler, Lt.-Col. L. M. Davies, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E., F.G.S.,Mr. 0. R. Barclay, B.A., Dr. Philip G. Fothergill, Dr. A. Morley Davies.... 75 THE PHI.LOSOPHY OF RELIGION. BY THE REV. E. w. HADWEN, M.A., L.TH., B.D. (being the Rev. S. Runsie Craig Memorial paper for 1944).... 94 Discussion.-Air Commodore Wiseman, Mr. Percy 0. Ruoff, Rev. A. W. Payne 104 Oommunications.-Rev. H. S. Curr, Ph.D., Mr. E. W. Battersbey 106 CHRISTIANITY AND MARXISM. BY THE REV. D. R. DAVIES .... 111 Diacussion.-Dr. R. E. D. Clark, Dr. Richmond Wheeler, Dr. F. T. Farmer, Mr. A. Krolenbauna, Mr. D. C. Mandeville • 125 Oommunication.-Rev. H. S. Curr, Ph.D. 128 Vl CONTENTS Q}j' VOL. LXXVI. THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE SCIENCES TO RELIGIOUS THOUGHT. BY E. H. BETTS, EsQ., B.Sc. (being the Gunning Prize Essay, 1943) 132 Discussion.-Dr. F. T. Farmer, Dr. Ernest White, Col. Skinner.... 165 Communications.-Rev. Principal H. S. Curr, Mr, E. W. Battersbey 168 POSITIVE CONCLUSION OF BIBLICAL ARCH.lEOLOGY. By Sm CHARLES MARSTON, J.P.,F.S.A..... 174 LIST OF FELLOWS, MEMBERS, ASSOCIATES, ETC. 185 CONTEN'l'S OF THE LAST THIRTY-ONE VOLUMES 205 OBJECTS, CONSTITUTION .lND BY-LAWS .... 219 • • The object of the Institute beinll to investiiate, it must not be held to endorse the various views expressed either in tbe papers or in tbe discussions, VICTORIA INSTITUTE REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1\:143, TO BE READ AT THE "ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, MAY 22ND, 1944. 1. Progress of the, Institute. Account of the Seventy-ninth year's work of the Institute is presented in the following (seventy-seventh) Annual Report. Of the character of the studies covered by the syllabus the Council have no misgivings. The Authors have given of their best, and merit the warm thanks of the many who have yet to i:eceive the Transactions no less than the few who were privileged to hear the papers read. 2. Meetings. War conditions having rendered it impracticable to hold ordinary meetings in January, February and March, the first three papers of the Session were circulated to Subscribers and discussed by written communication. Three ordinary meetings were then held. In all nine papers were published as under:- . ( Circulated and published.) "The Sources of the Gospels," by F. F. BRUCE, Esq., M.A. "The Wholesomeness of Christianity as shown by recent events in U.S.A., New Zealand and Islands near," by the Rev. Prof. A. K. RULE, Ph.D. (being the third paper in the series). "The Atonement and Psychology," by the Rev. Prof. J. G. McKENZIE, M.A., D.D. viii ANNUAL RBl'ORT, (Read and published.) "Evolution and Entropy," by R. E. D. CLARK, Esq., M.A., Ph.D. (being the Langhorne Orchard Prize Essay, 1942). Douglas Dewar, Esq., B.A., F.Z.S., in the Chair. "A Review of the New Scientific Outlook," by ARNOLD S. ALDOUS, Esq., M.B., B.Sc. (being the Dr. A. T. Schofield Memorial Paper, 1943). F. T. Farmer, Esq., B.Sc., Ph.D., in the Chair. "Recent Biblical Archreology," by Sm CHARLES MARSTON, J.P., F.S.A., President. Sir Fre<leric Kenyon, G.B.E., K.0.B., D.Litt. LL.D., in the Chair (Published only.) "Archreological Notes," by Sm CHARLES MARSTON, F.S.A:, Air CommodoreP.J. WISEMAN, C.B.E.,andSrnFREDERIC KENYON, G.B.E., K.C.B., D.Litt., LL.D. ( Communicalions.) "-The:Assassination of Sennacherib," by E. B. W. CHAPPELOW, F.R.A.S., F.R.S.A. "Sonie Events of the Forty Days Following Christ's Resurrec­ tion,· with Special Reference to the Great Meeting in Galilee," by Lt.-Col. F. A. MoLONY, O.B.E. (late R.E.). 3. Council and Officers. The following is a list of the Council and Officers for the year 1943:- Jruill,nt. Sir Charles Marston, F.S.A. lllict-f ruilwits. (Limited to seven.) Lient.-Col. F. A. Molony, O.B.E., late R.E. A. W. Oke. Esq., M.A., LL.M., F.G.S. Prof. A. Rendle Short, M.B., B.S., B.Sc., F.R.C.S. Sir Frederic G. Kenyon, G.B.E., K.C.B., D.Litt., LL.D., F.B.A. W. Bell Dawson, Esq., M.A., D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.s;c. irustus. Alfred W. Oke, Esq., M.A., LL.M., F.G.S. Robert E. D. Clark, Esq., M.A., Ph.D. Wilson E. Leslie, Esq. ANNUAL REPORT. IX C:011ntil. (Limited to twenty-four.) (In Order of Original Election.) A. W. Oke, Esq., M.A., LL.M., F.G.S. Lieut.-Col. L. M. Davie•, M.A., Ph.D .. Lieut.-Col. F. A. Molony, O.B.E., late R.E. D.Sc., late R.A., F.G.S., F.R.S.E. t C I T C Sk' . 1 te RE FR Wilson E. LeslieLEsq. Lieu ·• 0 • · • mner, a · ·• · · Percy O. Ruoff, Esq. Met.S. Robert E. D. Clark, Esq., M.A., PbJ). Rev. Principal H. S. Curr, M.A., B.D., Air Commodore P. J. Wiseman, C.B.E., B.Lltt., Ph.D. R.A.F. Douglas Dewar, Esq., B.A., F.Z.S. Prof. S. Nevin, M.D., B.Sc., M.R.C.P. Jo11SJ1UJ! f)ffinu. Wilson E. Leslie, Esq., Treasurer. Lleut.-Col. T. C. Skinner, late R.E., F.R.Met.S., Secretary. Rev. Principal H. S. Ourr, M.A., B.D., B.Lltt., Ph.D., Editor. Lleut.-Col. F. A. Molony, O.B.E., late R.E., Papers Seoretary. ~nbit.er. l\Iessrs. Luff, Smith & Co., Incorporated Accountant. ~ uistant .Srmtaru. Mrs. L. L. M. E. Malcolm-Ellis. 4. Election of Officers. In accordance with the Rules the following Members of the Council retire by rotation: R. E. D. Clark, Esq., M.A., Ph.D., and Prof. Samuel Nevin, M.D., B.Sc., of whom Dr. Clark offers (and is nomi­ nated by the Council) for re-election. Messrs. Luff; Smith and Co., Incorporated· Accountants, offer (and are nominated by the Council) for re-election as Auditors for the ensuing year, at a fee of five guineas. 5. Obituary. The Council regrets to announce the deaths of the following Fellows, Members and Associates:- Dr. G. K. Paterson, E. A. Molony, Esq., 0.B.E., E.W. G. Masterman, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S., Captain Anthony Biddulph, B.A., R.E., Rev. F. Lacy, M.A., Rev. F. W. Pitt, Mrs. C. E. Moilliet,James Ryley, Esq., Prof. H. A. Kelly, M.D., A. E. Montague, Esq. 6. New Fellows, Members and Associates. The following are tlie names of new Fellows, Members and Associates up to the end of 1943 :_.:. FELLOWS: William Sutherland, Esq., M.D., Ch.B., W. C. Jl'.raser, Esq., M.A., F. A. Tatford'., Esq., M.I.P.A., F. T. Bendall, Esq., D. W. Wallace, Esq., X ANNUAL REPORT. A.R.C.S., B.Sc., D.I.C., H. L. Alexander, Esq., G. H. Carter, Esq., R. C. Denton, Esq., Rev. L. W. Barnard, A.B., M.A., D.D., Ernest White, E~q., M.B., B.S. MEMBERS: L. D. Ford, Esq., R. N. Hansford,Esq.,B.A.,Rev. E. L.Sim­ monds, M.A., B.D., Rev. Angus F. Mackay, M.A., Clive A. Thomson, Esq., LL.B., Rev. C. F. H. Henry, M.A., Th.D., A. G. Beaven, Esq., Rev. L. E. H. Stephens-Hodge, M.A:, Rev. A. Rutherford, F.R.G.S., Miss F. K. Forster, B.Sc., L. Richmond Wheeler, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.A., F.L.S., W. E. H. Stokes, Esq.,PaulBelyavin, Esq., C.E.,A. Bogden, Esq.,F.R.S.A., M.R.S.L., A. K. Weaver,Esq., M.A.,Ian Gilmour,Esq.,Missl.J. MacDonald, Rev. E. E. Ingham, W.R. Payne, Esq., G.
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