If You }]ave OysDep~s~a Send no money, but wrlie Dr. Sheep, I~aefne, WIs., ]~ox 1.13. for ,six bt~ttlcs of l)r. Shooll'S l~cstorativc; A% /g~ ~ A ~P ~'be Life - ~a.~/ng express I; Md. If cured. Day $5.50--1f not. l~ Is frcc. I II ~'er~/ce of ehe' I~ Some of the we;flghiest planters in the "~Vest Ind~es live oil coJl'c~; grotlllds. qE3v£ ?/ . ,..,,., Ar~ You Usin~ Allen's Foot E:~se? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Duruln~, Sweating Feet, 'lhe fom~der o[ the United States Three VVomen Found eliefo was secured, with an appropriation of Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allmfs Life-Saving Service, Dr. William A. $t0,C00. In the next congress an addi- ents Newel], is still living at the ripe age FoottEase, a, powder to be shaken into tional appropriation of $20,000 was the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe dos, of 83 and practicing his profession of made, as the result of Dr. Newell's ef- Stores, 25e. Sample sent FI~EE. Ad- nial medicine at Allentown, N.J. Dr. New- forts, and the experiments were ex- dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. ,~nia oil's thoughts were first directed to the tended to other points on the Atlantic and question ~.f life saving by his witness- coast and the Gulf of Mexico, ~Iou can't ea~ tile kernel and raise another rior ing the wreck of a vessel at Long In 1857-59 Dr. Newell was governor crop of nuts from the shell. u In Branch, N. J., in which thirteen lives of New Jersey; and in 18G1 he was ap- :on- were lost. This was in 1839. In 1846 pointed by President Lincoln as super- Try Gr'~In-Ol .Try Grain-O! Ask your Grocer tod:~y to show you, a pack- angent ceremonies make much call for Dr. Newcil entered congress and there intendent of the New Jersey coast life- The S lent 131L~rch. ] orders and decorations. Paris has al- began ills agitation for some method by r~ge of GRAIN-O, the now food drink that takes saving service. Returning to congress tee place of coffee. The children may drink, it When themarch begins in the morning ways led in such matters, but the which navigation along a certain per- in 1865, he was enabled, from his four wit>out injury as well as the adult. All who And the h~al't and foot are light, try it like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal work is ranch better paid for in this tion of the New Jersey coast might be "years' experience in the work, to great- When the ilags are all a-flutter country, and the orders have been lay- renflered less dangerous. Among those brown ef Mocha or Java. but it is made from And the world is gay and bright, ly advance the usefulness of the sys- pure ~rains. and the most delicate stomach re- ish of ]ate years. The work is like whom he interested as supporters of tem. In 1866 he propoged extensions cofves it wlthou~ distress. ~.~ the price of cof- When the bugles lead the column, headwork, and yet it is not. You his views were Abraham Lincoln and fee. 15c'and25 cts. per package. Sold by all And the drums are proud in the van, of the service, and successfully advo- groccrs~ must take up the tiny sections of tub- John Quincy Adams. When the light- cated~ }~ppropriations 0f $50,000. It's shoulder to shoulder, forward ing bit by bit on the needle and sew it house bill of the senate came before ,In arch! Today the government appropriates The child is wiser in his innoeone~ than the fast to the foundation, but an aeeu- ~he housg, for con~ideration, Dr. New- for this purpose more than $1,500,000 philosopher in his wisdom. All! let him lag who can. rate eye for proportions and a steady ell offered a second resolutlon, provld- annua!ly, maintaining nearly 300 res- hand is needed to get the effect smooth ing for surf-boats, rockets, carronades Garfield Tea is the most used, the For it's easy to marci~ to music cue stations, manned by 2,000 brave ~and symmetrical. Once done wrong, and other necessary apparatus for the and skilled wreckers and life-savers. best liked, and is the original herb With your comrades all in line, tea for the cure of constipation and it can't be altered. There are no flow- better preservation of life and prop- It is said that tiffs feature of our gov- And you don't get tired, you feel in- sick headache. It strengthens the di- ing lines and fancy innovations as in erty from shipwreck along the New ernmental system, which Is under the spired, gestive or,~ans. embroidery with silks or crewel. Jersey coast. An appropriation of direction of the treasury department And life is a draught divine. Everything is exact, formal, diseiptin- $t0.000 was asked, Thts resolution in at Washington, has no counterpart in times of war the number of individual ed, as in the military service." the form of an amendment to the light- In When the march dra~s on at evening, any other country. It is estimated that homicides always increases. house bill was unanimous'y adopted. And the color-bearer's gone, 225,000 lives have been saved by the In the third session of the thirtieth methods which Dr. Newell originated, When the merry strains are silent Gen. G'ant's Courtesy. llall's Catarrh Cure congress, an extension of the service and in great part perfected, half a cen- Timt piped so brave in the dawn, Lids Lord Reed gives in the Century from Little Egg harbor to Cape May tury ago. Is taken internally. Price, 75c. When you miss the dear old fellows a true account of "A Woman's Experi- Who started out with you, ences During the Siege of Vicksburg." Words are vehicles for thought; but vehicles, When It's stubborn and sturdy, for- It concludes wlth an extract from "a ~.~ of course, are often empty. ward march, letter which gives a graphic history ~~ While no woman is entirely free from perlodxeal suffering, i* does not seem Though the ragged lines are few. of the rest of our experiences with ~~~ ]%[rs. %V]IlSlOlV'S Soothln~ Syrup, General Grant and his army, and has [~~ For chihlrcn teething, softens tile g'lHllS, rclluce,~ In- ~o have been the plan of nature that woman should suffer so severely. :Lydi~ flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. :IN. ]Pinkham's Yege¢ablo Compound is the most thorough female regu- Then it's hard to march in silehee, lator known to medical science. It relieves the condition which produces so And the road has lonesome grown, and posted on the spot."~ George ~ Parents first teach a child to talk, then, try to much discomfort and robs menstruation of its terrors. And life is'a bitter cup to drink, came in today, and such a dcs~r~ptio~ teach it to hold its tongue. The three letters here published should encourage every woman who suffers : But the soldier must not mourn. as he gave of the destrucUon and deso- Aug. 6, 1898. lation in the county! Oakland, where ,~,;" Plso's Cure cauno~ be too highly spoken of as "DEAR Mns. Pn~Kg~M : -- I have e poor, sick a~ a cough cure.--& W, O'BItIEN, 322 Third .~ve., omach every And this is the task before us, our things were, was comp!etely sack- ~:. 2~.~ N., Minneapolis, Minn,, Jan, 6, 1900. suffered since the age of sixteen with ,rning, e v e r y- A task we 'may never shirk, ed. I had fitted up two rooms with ~:~-(~.~:~ painful menstruation. I have bee~ treated for months, and was told that ng I eat hurts In the gay time and the sorrowful my own furniture, lace curtains, and .~"~'~! If thou are a master be sometimes bllnd~ ifa am very weak, a servanL sometimes deaf. the womb had fallen a little. The , time mantel and toilet ornaments. I left ,~..%,~-,~> doctor says that is now in place again, n, and sallow. We must march and do our wo:k. a pantry stocked with provisions for ~( ' Some articles must be described. Whlte's but I still have the same pain. Please ' I have tried a We must march when the music el~e~rs many months, a cedar chest full of Yucatan needs no descriptiou; it's the real tell me what to do."~Mns. E~MA 'tor, but he did thing ...... seem to do me US, handsome clothing, the rector's fine, Ir(UE[rL, 112 Trautman St,, Brooklyn, E. D.~ N.Y. 7 good."~ Miss .March when the strains are dumb, library packed in boxes, and even my The friends of the ,Opposition candidate, are .OGIE POLLAIID, Plucky and valiant, forward, march! little trunk full of sewing materials, always "heelers " Jan. 19, 1899. So. ~th St., And smile, whatever may come. and my writing desk and work table. "DEAR l%[ns. P~N~=x~ :~After re- ___-hmond, Vs. ceiving your reply to my letter of just as they stood. The soldiers cut DOUGL'AS.FACTORY April 23, 1900. For, whether life's hard or easy, the carpets into strips with their pen ) "Since receiving your answer *o The strong man k~eps his pace, knives, and tore the lace curtains from To Ilo l]nl~trged~]lerore ¢ho First of July, been cured of the severe pain at time my letter I have been taking your %Viii 31[;~ke..6,000 Fairs Daily.
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