S ■ ■jW ill ■■■■■* ^11 I d a i l y .< lMV» bMB for eff« I nagbic ffom ccMbally pravldsd by the SUts fbr . _ lara cMebnUag ,lhe throwing pqfablas at tha Cbastnut R E ^ V E BASIS JDRGED tsaobsra, bIm bem endorsed by both S '*>*?«■ tww pastnad*lnhopaa TOWN ITHREE ACCIDENTS lodge wlndowe to attract tha atton- major poUtical parties, Mr. sung M A i N ^ D I • ffwinl event Ipdcon at prtvaifo and of a batter year to coom. « t tin Ms tlen of tho girt now hla wrifa, of be- pointed ou t pobUe partlee and diurch eendcia. H e untoward Inektont o f nay kind 5 ,8 4 1 ing a mambor of a gang wrhleh as- FOR TEACHER PENSIONS The ten-year plan ta r making up cceurrad that ebiild ba attribiiUd ON NEW YEAR EW BMilted a Hartford womaa la Wind- ,, — j - j a l . c f church balto a deSdt acenmulated since tha State AS 1936 DIES ODT hnfoa tha atfflneai of the night herw to obaervanca o f the new ysnito ■or. ceefing. ThTM accMeato were re- Sinn 1982 SUtc H m B een •uHMSded the .teeerve plan In 1982 •tajuto ae 1888 bade foreweU and yraafce, formerty a prise llghtsr, has the -bppbbval of the Retirement PW'foi Met evening and there were Apprepriatliic Fmids Neceg- JW7 was tuband in for a stay of was arrested early this morning Iqr Board, Oonneoticut State Teaeiien M days, which Mamfosaier in par­ several court cases today but none MANCHESTER— A CRY OF VILLAGE (HARM ForettrSe W on u Hat Policemoi Hannan Muake and Ray­ muT for Two Yew . AeeociatiCB; Public School Super- apparentlgi wasi' the result of axces- ticular and tha country in general •foe Mlttvatlag. Whatever ImhibH VOL.LVt.NO.79 mond OrlSia at the home oC'.hls fa­ toteadente AatodatioB, Brneat W. Most F olb Evideatlj R ^ to ecnlktont wlS m e «r ,b e t t fo ^ h d ther-in-law. Thomas Olander, at 70 Butterlleld, state codimlesioner of Ing then was of liqiior. and there Fnctored S l ^ Police PubUc support of afTorta to return aducatlon, and others. pntoperoua Umea for aU. was u a ^ b tc d ly piraty, was dona Mill streat, when hie wife and 15 teachers’ p a e o n s to the security o f was Uttle outwkrd sign mootha old child have lived a ^ asking the Stats to smortkM mim hdoors to Celebrate In the privacy of hOBMa or cluba and. a reserve basis was urged today by *l»we Is no doubt biit everyone evidently reached their iSr C ovt Cates Today. she left him two ago. School Superintendent Arthur______ ^H. the deficit over a tan-year period, ggt thtol^ T m r'a was more Mr. filing explained, the necessity specUve hcniea saM y and without WOMAN MAYOR Franks was drank mad created n ilB g .Mr......... Sling................... caUed attentloa to A e New Tear. widely rtbisrved here than It has BRITAIN, ITALY j] Friends Hope For Kidiwped Boy’s Return trouble in the wee amall boura of coariderable dlsturbaace when he a talkt A to ba given by Harold B. fo r asking a complete restitution at cedi In the past six yaan. ana tim* to eliminated. this morning. PoHoa acttrftlea Haw Taar’s arc llaally forced hie w «y into the house Cblttonden, chairman of the Stata Publle parttoa for too numeroua to after belag refused admittance for Teachers Retirement Board. Jan. 8 Under the plan followed ataice DEFIES 1E00PS and Haw Taar’s ’mw alag Included Msndiester’a Main street at mld- ware held throughout Man- IN GENREMAlfS more then an hour. Prosecuting A t­ at 9 p. m. over Stotlon W TIC, Hart­ 1983, contrary to the original agiee- An informal raoaptloa will ba PLANE FORi ford. 1M6 gave way to 1987— •ttanded by large tendered new members of tho- Sec­ tba Inraatlgation of tbraa antomo- torney Shea told the court. ment, tba State has- appropm toi c i^ d e c f joyful oelebranto, whUe W slekowAI. local Mr. Chittenden Is to explain the every two yeara only enough money was silent and atiU and almost da- ond Congregatianal church, Friday bUa abddsnta, la cea of which Jos^h Wroldewskl, 48, of- 34 f o ^ ,rere again u many private TO RETAINf • JOB ta(t tbla monuaf Horth street, was flaed $15 and 10-year deferred payment plan that tq pay panslone of retiring teachers re rM . and ao was most of the town evening, January 8 , in the eburen P A C T m o S E A womaa was sarlously InJnrsd, and for that matter aa for as outdoor ob­ - Many of the churches parlors. Arrangemsats.wUI ba to tba York whara aba wlU taka coats for latoxlcstion. He was ai^ will be eubmltted to the Graeral As­ foi the hlenniiim, Oontimianoe held W a ^ Hlght aarvioea and all post gradnata tba arrest of tbraa pataons, one sembly for making up the Sljia,039 penalone, therefore, to wholly de- servance the passlitg of the oM bands of the Marrtad Oouplaa chib which resulted from ana of the auto m tad late last night by Policemen -'^fleit the State created In the p>ndent upon the action of succeed year and the arrival of the new wa* jra™ 'WH attended, the new y ^ m which James Cummings to presi­ NAZI CRUISER TO QU WoOMB’s Hospital, Musks and Griffin. He pleaded not bel^ greeted with servlcea^ DijtliHi Beidi O ffidil. 1$ Agreement Sifiied b Gei- ■ight aupsnrlaor In tka craabas. eachen Retirement Fund. sive laglalatiuea. concerned, an Indication ^ t Che praise and prayer In dent, and sU of tha church people Mrs. Louisa S t Dannie, 40, cf 89 guilty but Policeman Musks testl- Restoration of tba reserve basis wlU be welcome. oC tha Middli 5ed that WroblewsU was found ly­ Under the original reaerve baato, Pleasant street ForeatrlUa, owner for teachers’ penatons, same the State eet aside at tba tlma a -L Ricjied b j C ovt as She $YsI ffl Terms Bat May of a ear which ran Into tha Waal ing on bis back on an Oakland bosla on which Insurance companies teacher retired enough money to p i^ street lawn, unable to help himself. ] of Middle turnpike bridge over tha Issue pension annultiaa and the heels hto or her pension for life. Holds Ao City RaR from AHACK ON FREIGHT wld ba Um Hoekanura river abmtly after seven !T Lead to* *HegDfa4ioi’’ efl sUag t t Oaatar o'clock last night. Is In S t Francis Ltagua^ Sunday hospitat Hartford, with a fractured Appoirtee of Governor. A e Gt3 Wv m Spam. , U d iraaMB as woD skull and laoaratlooa of tha face Socialist Freifbto; to attand. m iD Y PRINTS IPACELU READY ' win apaair <m “Rlglillgtita Hw eon, Lorain S t Dennis,... 33, HALE’S . Daytona Beadi, Fla.. Jan. 3.— Rome, Jan. 3.— (A P )—Great Brit- driver of the car, when questioned hj Genmni, '.SWdawlag tbs araata of <AP)—Defiant Mra. Irene Arm- # j M t passed. A former in the hospital by Police Sergeant ■la and Italy todgy aigned a gentle- OF SUSPEa IN T0TAKE0VER1F r«-O aatar Oongragatlaiial John J. McOUim, claimed that the atnng elung to her mayor’s job to­ man’s agreemant. an -official com­ auto either struck a hols-ln the road day under protection of a court oiv Hamnif ha his baas glalag similar munique announced, guaranteeing I S n t Bmiday o f a or a tire went flat forcing the car dar which balked Governor Dave the autus quo o f the Mediterranean MAIT^N CASE a daeada... to the left of the road. PoUceman Sbottx’a bayonet-backed effort to P O P E ^ D I E S Coast;Sefeiili Walter R Cksselto, who Investigat­ onat her. and drawing the two great powers tm Mr. and M n . HaroM ed, reported that there was no hole Adjutant-General Vivien OoUina Into closer co-operation. Only a tha Maaebastar M s- In tba road and that none ■aBUBOBad 300 Ouantomen yeaterday brief eoitununique was puhltohed to Man Who Qosdy FRt De­ |Php9l Sm eiaty b Prepared bj Rack’s Wa ataaadjr Uaed la tlraa were daL to anforea the executive order aeat- MMrmc# the Important news that yaara. Tha boy a The auto was on tba taft c f the Ing a new d ty ' admInlatraUon but friction between Bnsjand and Italy hat sight or tbraa road about 50 feet before It struck the eoldlera were eent home aoon which at this time last year threat- scription of Kidnaper b for hterim Headship of in Reptrtf T ilt U bafoia IPM tha bridge. Policeman CaaaeUs said. after Judge Herbert Frederick on. raed to bun t Into open conflict, had adinr addmgbt had start- M nad the Bholts appointees from been eUminated. 'The text of the The front end of the car was a total taking ottlca. Ship Has Reel ' ' year la Ufa. Both wreck, ha reported. ■usouBced, will Held; Dnarmed and Feniih Cathofic World As Condi­ a n .dolag waU. ‘Tfotking ran be done before Mon be published Monday. S t Dennle* injuries included day", the adjutant-general aald la iscaratlons of tba face and bead and Meetliig In the Chigl Palace. a Reprisal dtoperaing hto soldiers. The w rit to Count Galeaxao Cfono, Italian min- b is When Arrested. tion of Illness Progresses. ha tha gnast y a s k- chest iBjarian Sergaaat MeOUan la- returnable for argument in Judge ported.
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