20666 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE October 30 EXTENSIONS 0~ REMARKS A Liberal Goes Off His Rocker publicans alike. It was particularly reas­ U.S. Constitution and helps to bolster the suring to have my colleagues commend me in Socialist-Communist cause. I believe his the House of Representatives for my restraint liberal voting record and his radical left­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS and actions during this incident. wing actions, consistently to the left CYf ADAM OF CLAYTON PowELL, speak for themselves. You Mr. Speaker, further I include a sam­ can call him whatever name you wish. I HON. ED FOREMAN ple of the hundreds of kind telegrams I am sure that sound, responsible Texans who OF TEXAS have received commending my restraint review GONZALEZ' records are capable of and actions during this incident: placing a suitable name on the gentleman IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from San Antonio without my assistance. SAN ANTONIO, TEX., Wednesday, October 30, 1963 October 30, 1963. As a conservative, I have consistently Mr. FOREMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ap­ R epresentative ED FOREMAN, fought to reduce the size, cost, and control House Office Building, Washington, D.C.: of the Federal Government. I am more in­ preciate this opportunity to present, by terested in extending freedom than I am way of my Washington Report, an exact The citizens association deeply regret the u n principled attack against you by HENRY in promoting a welfare state. Therefore, account of the very unfortunate and em­ B. GONZALEZ. We apologize in the name of not only will I work at my very best in my barrassing incident created by the man the citizens of 20th District. Carry on the Armed Services Committee and on the from San Antonio [Mr. GONZALEZ] yes­ House Floor toward this goal, but, when my · fight. committee and the House are not in session, terday in his unwarranted and disgrace­ Respectfuly, I will continue to travel across these United ful physical attack upon me. RoBERT C. MOORE, States at my time and expense to work for The report follows: President, the Citizens. the election of responsible conservatives, A LmERAL GoEs OFF Hrs ROCKER ( OR, AN IR­ both Democrat and Republican. DALLAS, TEX. RESPONSmLE AND VULGAR HOTHEAD GETS Congressman ED FOREMAN, I can do my job most effectively in ·the MAD I FIGHTING WHEN Hrs ULTRALmERAL Washington, D.C.: second instance, believe, by pointing out VOTING RECORD Is ElcPOSED) the liberal voting record of those Members Your dignity, character, dedication to the of Congress who are working to replace our It was 12 :25 p.m., Tuesday, October 29, ~vernment are above reproaq_h. We're be­ 1963, during a. quorum call on the floor of hind you. free enterprise system with a Socialist-wel­ fare state. I'll try to leave the name call­ the U.S. House of Representatives. I was KATHY and CLIFF GOLDSMITH. · sitting in the second row visiting with two ing to the hardworking Washington news of my colleagues, Mr. BEN REIFEL, of South correspondents. SAN DIEGO, CALIF., Sincerely yours, Dakota., a.nd Mr. DEL CLt.WSON, of California, October 30, 1963. ED FOREMAN, when suddenly Mr. HENRY GONZALEZ, of San ED Congressman FOREMAN, Member of Congress, 16th District Texas. Antonio, Tex., rushed up to me and ex­ Washington, D.C.: claimed, "I understand you called me a. Call them as you see them with best re­ Communist." gards to you and your family. I replied, "No, HENRY, I did not call you BEV AND RAY STONECIPHER. a. Communist. I did say, however, that I be­ The 120th ~nniversary of B'nai B'rith lieve your ultralibera.l, leftwing voting rec­ MIDLAND, TEX., ord does a. disservice to the U.S. Constitution October 29, 1963. and helps to bolster the Socialist-Communist Hon. ED FOREMAN, EXTENSION OF REMARKS ca.use." House Office Building, OF Before I could finish my statement, GON­ Washington, D.C.: ZALEZ interrupted, "Well, I'm gonna beat the . Congratulations. West Texans are behind HON. ABNER W. SIBAL ______ out of you, in fa.ct, I may Just pistol- you 100 percent. OF CONNECTICUT whip you the way we do down in San An­ JACK·Rl7SSELL. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tonio." RAY STEWART. "OK," I said, "Get after it." Wednesday, October 30, 1963 GoNZALEZ, motioning toward the door into Mr. Speaker, yesterday morning, after the Speaker's lobby, said, "Step out that door reading recent news articles, and before Mr. SIBAL. Mr. Speaker, under leave and I will." Mr. GoNZAL!2 attacked me, I had written to revise and extend my remarks, I want I got up, walked to the door, and as I the following letter to the editor of the to take this opportunity of offering trib­ stepped off the House floor into the lobby, El Paso Herald-Post: ute to B'nai B'rith, the remarkable GONZALEZ swung [a.t me] with his rig~t Jewish service organization which this fist. He missed my head and ]?.it my right CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, month observes its 120th anniversary. shoulder. He was furious, cursing loudly Washington, D.C., October 29, 1963. and acting like a vulgar, berserk madman. Mr. RoBERT W. LEE, On October 13, 1843, 12 Jews of Ger­ I said, "HENRY, you a.re unduly upset. I Editor, EZ Paso Herald-Post, man origin met in Sunsheimer's Cafe in do believe you have lost your mind. In fa.ct, . EZ Paso, Tex. New York to found an organization I cannot imagine a. supposedly intelligent DEAR PETE: I was somewhat surprised to which would unite all Jews, without re­ adult exhibiting this type of conduct in the see the front page headlines and story on gard to national origin, for the purpose Halls of Congress-I am a.shame4 _for you." your paper Thursday, October 24, 1963, quot­ "of inculcating the purest principles of With this, I turned and walked back onto ing me as calling HENRY GONZALEZ a. "pinko." philanthropy, honor, and patriotism." the House floor. GONZALEZ was still stand­ But I was even more surprised to read the In the following years, B'nai B'rith has ing in the lobby with his fists doubled, shout­ editorial in the following day's edition, en­ ing vulgar, uncomplimentary charges and titled "FOREMAN Goofs," in which you con­ succeeded in such magnificent measure insults. demned me at considerable length for this that today it is a world-renowned rally­ Admittedly, it was difficult, indeed, for me misquotation. Knowing you personally, and ing point for all Jews. to restrain myself and maintain dignity being particularly familiar with your fine From B'nai B'rith, volunteers respond­ while subjected to this obscene and intem­ newspaper and your outstanding background ing to President Lincoln's plea, joined the perate attack by Mr. GONZALEZ. However, I of fairness and responsibility in news stories ranks of the Union Army. Since then, sincerely believe that most of my west Texas and editorial writing, this sudden barrage of B'nai B'rith volunteers have served with friends would have expected me to mainta.in news and editorial castigation of me by you my composure and uphold the dignity of my and your newspaper came as quite a shock­ distinction in both world wars. During office i:ather than resorting to the savage and ing surprise, indeed. the Baltimore flood of 1868, the Chicago indecent action exhibited by the man from Apparently, one of your enterprising fire of 1871, and the San Francisco fire of San Antonio. I hope and trust that upon Washington correspondents, in his zeal to 1906, B'nai B'rith members rushed to the reflection of this unfortunate incident, Mr. write a colorful and controversial front page a.id of the victims. As a forerunner to GoNZALEZ will exhibit the intelligence not story at a time when congressional news was the American Red Cross, B'nai B'rith to attempt such an irresponsible tirade again. very dull, decided to do a bit of name call­ has aided its fellow ·citizens in time of The hundreds of telephone calls and tele­ ing for me. Your correspondent called me, grams from a.cross the country compliment­ discussed the California. incident with me, trouble without regard to religion. ing me on the handling of this situation have and asked if I thought HENRY B. GONZALEZ The Anti-Defamation League was or­ been a sourc13 of encouragement and re­ was a "pinko." My reply was that, in my ganized under auspices of B'nai B'rith to assurance in the intelligence and concern of opinion. HENRY GONZALEZ' Ultraliberal, left­ combat anti-Semitism in the United Americans everywhere-Democrats and Re- wing voting record does a disservice to the States. 1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 20667 It established the Hillel Foundation, trend in the aerospace industry of the the Augusta Association chairman for which is a vital cultural force on cam­ State. The award of additional future this ~pp~arance, Mr. David P. Smith: puses throughout America. programs to Texas will only maintain If the churches can't fight communism The Pioneer American Hospital for the gradual decline predicted. then certainly no one else is going to carry research on tuberculosis and chest dis­ There has been much publicity on the their fight for them. eases was founded by B'nai B'rith at establishment of the NASA Manned Denver. At Hot Springs, Ark., B'nai Space Flight Center in Houston, Tex. B'rith initiated the first important hos­ We naturally recognize the significant pital center devoted to relief of arthritis. contributions this new Center is making On Pinkos and Patriots Both are non-sectarian, free hospitals and will continue to make within the for the needy.
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