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Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Copeia. http://www.jstor.org Copeia,1989(2), pp. 332-344 Pteroglanis manni Eigenmann and Pearson, a Juvenile of Sorubimichthysplaniceps (Agassiz), with a Review of the Nominal Species of Sorubimichthys (Pisces: Pimelodidae) JOHN G. LUNDBERG, PEDRO NASS AND FRANCISCO MAGO-LECCIA Recently collected growth series of Sorubimichthys planiceps from the Apure and Orinoco rivers in the llanos of central Venezuela demonstrated marked ontogenetic change from juvenile to adult in coloration and fin and snout mor- phology. Comparison of the holotype and original description of Pteroglanis manni to the juveniles of S. planiceps revealed close similarity, suggesting that these taxa are conspecific. The nominal species of Sorubimichthys are reviewed based on examination of the literature, available types and other specimens. Sorubimichthys spatula (Agas- siz), the type species, and S. planiceps (Agassiz) are likely conspecific but are not synonymized due to lack of information on S. spatula whose holotype (the only specimen) is destroyed. A syntype of S. planiceps has been located in the MHNN, and is designated the lectotype. Platystoma artedii Giinther, long treated as a synonym of S. planiceps, is reallocated to the genus Pseudoplatystoma. Sorubim- ichthys ortoni Gill is confirmed as a junior subjective synonym of S. planiceps. The holotype of S. gigas (Giinther) is identified as belonging to the genus Brachy- platystoma. Series de desarrollo de Sorubimichthys planiceps colectadas recientemente en los rios Apure y Orinoco en los llanos centrales de Venezuela revelan cambios ontogeneticos notables en la morfologia del hocico, aletas y la coloracion entre los ejemplares juveniles y adultos. La comparacion del holotipo y la descripcion original de Pteroglanis manni con los juveniles de S. planiceps presenta similar- idades que sugieren que estos taxa son coespecificos. Las especies nominales de Sorubimichthys fueron revisadas en base al examen de la literatura, tipos disponibles y otros ejemplares. Sorubimichthys spatula (Agassiz), la especie tipo, y S. planiceps (Agassiz) son aparentamente coespecificas pero no fueron sinonimizadas debido a la ausencia de informacion suficiente sobre spatula cuyo holotipo, el unico ejemplar, fue destruido. Un sintipo de S. planiceps pudo ser localizado en el MHNN, y fue designado el lectotipo. Platys- toma artedii Giinther, desde hace mucho tiempo considerado como un sinonimo de S. planiceps, fue asignado al genero Pseudoplatystoma. Sorubimichthys ortoni Gill fue confirmado como un sin6nimo subjectivo menor de S. planiceps. El holotipo de S. gigas (Giinther) fue identificado como un Brachyplatystoma. THE catfish family Pimelodidae presents one or a handful of individuals. These especially some of the more challenging problems remain isolated in our developing conception in South American ichthyology. This diverse of pimelodid classification, awaiting additional family contains over 300 nominal species and material or data pertaining to their relation- several more pending description. Despite ships and status. This paper identifies and at marked morphological diversification underly- least partly resolves a few such problems with ing the more than 50 nominal genera, it is only the nominal genera and species of Sorubimichthys recently that genera and higher groups have and Pteroglanis. The impetus for this work came begun to be characterized in a phylogenetic from the study of recently collected larval and framework (Stewart, 1986; Lundberg and juvenile pimelodids and emphasizes the impor- McDade, 1986; Lundberg et al., 1988). Many tance of developmental information in the sys- nominal pimelodid taxa are known from just tematics of South American fishes. ? 1989 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists LUNDBERG ET AL.-REVIEW OF SORUBIMICHTHYS 333 GENUSSORUBIMICHTHYS as, or assigned to, Sorubimichthyshas presented questions of one sort or another. We are able Agassiz (in Spix and Agassiz, 1829) estab- to resolve or offer additional information and lished the catfish and described genus Platystoma opinions on all of these. five member species, including P. planiceps and Whitehead and Myers (1971) reported that P. To these two nominal spatula. species, Spix, the type of planiceps was destroyed in Munich in of the same volume the plates (here repro- during World War II. However, M. Kottelat duced as 1 the Fig. A-B), simultaneously applied (pers. comm.) located a probable syntype of names Sorubim and Sorubim pirauaca jandia. planiceps in the MHNN, that closely matches Whitehead and the Myers (1971) analyzed Agassiz's original description and Spix's plate. of nomenclature of and problems Spix Agassiz's Photographs of this 458 mm specimen (fish "Brazilian Fishes" and concluded that Agassiz's lengths reported in this paper as SL) sent to us names and are valid. Bleeker planiceps spatula by J.-P. Haenni clearly show it to be the species name when he used (1862) accepted Spix's jan- that is everywhere called S. planiceps (see below). dia as the of his So- (spatula) type species genus The syntype that we designate as the lectotype did rubimichthys.Bleeker, however, not assign is labelled "Platystomaplaniceps Agassiz (Sorubim to or oth- pirauaca (planiceps) Sorubimichthys any pirauaca Spix), Bresil, 811." er genus. Gunther (1864) continued to recog- Platystoma artedii Gunther (1864) was based nize sev- Agassiz's Platystomacontaining, among on the figure of"Mystus No. 6," Figure 6, Plate eral others, both planiceps and spatula. 29, in volume 3 of Seba (Levrault 1827-1828). and ac- Eigenmann Eigenmann (1888, 1890) Study of this figure leads us to conclude that Bleeker's cepted Sorubimichthys,noted that the artedii is based on a specimen of Pseudoplaty- name is in the Platystoma preoccupied Diptera, stoma, probably P. fasciatum. Contrary to Gun- and used both Agassiz's names, allocating spat- ther's (1864) original description, the snout, ula and to A planiceps Sorubimichthys. summary while apparently a little longer than the lower of and Eigenmann Eigenmman's proposed syn- jaw, does not project greatly (not nearly as much for these is as follows: onymies species as in Sorubimichthysplaniceps). The figure shows other characteristics of artedii that both match Sorubimichthys spatula (Agassiz, in Spix and Pseudoplatystomaand clearly distinguish it from Agassiz, 1829) S. such as the cranial fontanelle Platystoma in and planiceps, deep spatula Agassiz, Spix Agas- that extends to the caudal siz, 1829 posterior eye, spotted fin, mental barbels that extend beyond the head Sorubimjandia Spix, in Spix and Agassiz, 1829 to the pelvic fins, and adipose fin inserted in Sorubimichthysplaniceps (Agassiz, in Spix and advance of the anal fin. Body color pattern is Agassiz, 1829) unfortunately not illustrated. Also of interest is Platystomaplaniceps Agassiz, in Spix and Agas- the caption of the figure that parenthetically siz, 1829 notes "Pimelodusfasciatus Lacep., Silurusfascia- Sorubim pirauaca Spix, in Spix and Agassiz, tus Gmel.," which we suppose refer to Pseudo- 1829 platystomafasciatus (Linnaeus). We recommend Platystoma artedii Gunther, 1864 that Platystomaartedii Gunther be removed from Sorubimichthysortoni Gill, 1870 synonymy of S. planiceps and be treated as a subjective junior synonym of Pseudoplatystoma Eigenmann and Eigenmann (1888, 1890) also fasciatus (Linnaeus). allocated Platystomagigas Gunther, 1872, to So- Sorubimichthysortoni Gill (1870) is based on a rubimichthysmaking a total of three nominal single specimen from the Peruvian Amazon species in the genus. housed at the USNM. Following examination Miranda Ribeiro (1911) reported specimens of this specimen we concur with Eigenmann and that seemed to share the supposed diagnostic Eigenmann (1888, 1890) that it is S. planiceps. characters of these nominal species and syn- onymized the three under the name planiceps. The type of Platystoma gigas Gunther (1872) Miranda Ribeiro's lead has not been followed is a
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