ai^skfe^ ^i-^ ^^&¥ -^,. .--^i,?. |«sMa;ti0n ^om r^v^-^Wmiiii With Messrs, DOUGLAS and BANNATYNE'S Compliments steamship Owners Underwriting Association L- 35a, Castle Street, Liverpool steamship Owners London Underwriting Association L- 9, Crosby Square, London, E.G. Z — STl )NS, 119, w.c. Pitt-Lewis' lete Practice ;cy, embodying the .'t tho Cou UNIVERSITY 'ull Index. Third Acts, Rult holder of Edition. sometime E COLYAR, Bar- the Stiide OF CALIFORNIA ." Vol. I. Demy rister-at-L ress.) 8i-o. 1887. ." " ANGELES Lam Times. OiiL- uf tho lest LOS Addison oi gB and their eher of the Inner KoiiieJies. " &c. Royal 8vo. Teini>le, K 1887. /'»•« it he has done it " Upon a cart SCHOOL OF LAW excellently. " — Addison's T LIBRARY ^hth Edition. icoln. Author of r,v HOKA ''rice 21. lO.s. rloth. Odgers on the La^\^ of both in Civil aud Libel and Statutes. Second Criiiiinul C; yspaper Libel and K'iiHi'U, C( i.D., Barrister-at- Rejnstratio of best in the ^--"- . ,.v,.^..^.o .ac tho '• s ^iZ'r fner - j 6— — '-— . handrof t'h/ifrXssion'upou"a"ny subject. "-Soiici'coi-.V Journal, August C, 1SS7. Chalmers' Digest of the Law of Bills of Exchange, the Bills of Exchange Act, Note.-, and Cheques. Third Kdiiinn . Containing Pr. ....i.^sorv CHALMERS Draughts- [>><"[. ith a Com.m-ntary thereon. By II is Honor JU DGE Price Ifo. cloth. mar7of the Bills of L.xcluinge Act, 1882, &c. Demy 8ro. 1887. Amould on the Law of Marine Jnswc2ince.—^ixt/i Lditio7i. By DAVID MACLACHLAN, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 2 FoLs. Royal 8vo. 1887. Price 3L cloth. « . i « Archbold's Pleading and Evidence m Criminal Cases,— iidirt iiietits, &c., and 1h(> Evidence necessary to With till- Statutes I'rfi-edi.nts of J Proceedings Hupport tht-m. Tu'entieth 7i(/ifio7i, iiichidmg the Practice in Criminal Barris(er-at-Law, and Stipendiary V-v Indictment. Bv WILLIAM BRUCE, Esq., 11. lis. cloth. M';._'i-tr:it.' for thf Horough of Lccd.'-. l!oy,d VImo. 1880. Price M. Morris' Patents Conveyancing. —Being a Collection of for Inventions, arranged Prrccdeiitd in Conveyiincing in relation to Letters Patent Mortgages, Special Clauses, a.sf'.llow8 :— Common Forms, Agreements, Assignments, Copious Notes LiconrcH Miscellaneous. Statutes, Rules, Ac, with Dissertations and Barrister-at-Law. on the Law and Practice. By ROBERT M(JRRIS, M.A., 5s. cloth. Hm/nl Hro. 1887. Price 11. Mitchesons Charitable Trusts.—The Jurisdiction ot the such Jurisdiction, 185.3-1883, with Ci.ir'f CcMani-Moii l,<.iiiL' the A<tH conferring MITCHESON, Bar- Iiltroduct:;;;' E^ys -la Lu.. By RICHARD EDMUND li^s. cloth. riHt<T.at-Law. Der,.y Svo. 1887. Price , „ , i a„„ i<» iss7 " (JominiHhi<>ncrs."-/;cm Journal, Aug. 13, lb87. A "Tvir.-M- han'n^.ok < f \.h>: r.:iw of the Clmrity Smith's Manual of Common Law.— Kor Practitioners and useful Practical Rules and Stud.-nt... Compri.Mng the Fundamental Principles, with Dewions. By .JOSIAH W. SMITH, B.C.L., Q.C Tenth Edition By J. 12mo. Price 14s. cloth. TRUSTRAM, LL.M., Es*^., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 1887- m A Catalogue of Law Works gratia on a/pplication. STEVENS AND SONS, 119, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON, W.C. Wilson's Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, Rules of Court, and Forms, with other Acts, Orders, Rules and Regulations relatinar to the Supreme Court, with Practical Notes. Sixth Edition. By CHARLES BURNEY, B.A. (Oxon.), a Chief Clerk of the Hon. Mr. Justice Chitty, Editor cf " Diiuiell's Chancery Forms,-" M. MUIR MACKENZIE. B.A. (Oxon.), of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, FeUow of Hertford College, Oxford, and C. ARNOLD WHITE, B.A. (Oxon.), of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8vo. 1887. Price 2.5s. cloth. "The practitioner will find that it supplies all his wants."—Laio Times. Chitty's Index to all tlie Reported Cases decided in the the Privy Council, and the House of Lords, several Courts of Equity in England, | with a Selection of Irish Cases on or relating to the Principles, Pleading and Practice ; of Equity and Bankruotcy from the Earliest Period. Fourth Edition. Wholly I Revised, Re-classified, '.And brought down to the end of 1883. By HENRY ! EDWARD HIRST, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Vols. I. to V., "Abandonment" to "Practice and Pleading." Royal Svo. 1882-87. Vols. I., II., III., and Y., 'price j eachXl.Ms.Qd. \o\.lY., price 21. 2s. cloth. (Vol. VI, in the press.) I Dale and Lehmann's Digest of Cases Overruled, not i Followed, Disapproved, Approved, Distinguished, Commented on, and Specially Considered in the English Courts, from the year 1756 to 1886 inclusive, arranged according to Alphabetical Order of their Subjects ; together with Es^ract from the Judcmeuts delivered thereon, and a complete Index of the Cases, in which are included all Cases Reversed, from the year 1856. By CHARLES WILLIAM MIT- CALFE DALE, M.A., LL.B., and RUDOLF CHAMBERS LEHMANN, M.A., both of the Inner Temple, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law ; assisted by CHARLES H. L. NEISH, M.A., of the Middle Temple, and HERBERT H. CHILD, B.A., . f Lincoln's Inn, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. RoyalSvo. 1887. Price 21. IQs. cloth. *^* Forms a Supplement to " Chitty' s Equity Index" and Fisher's Common Law Digest. Pollock's Law of Torts: a Treatise on the Principles of Obligations arising from Civil Wrongs in the Common Law. By FREDERICK POLLOCK, Esq., Barrister-at-Law ; Professor of Common Law in the Inns of Court. Demy 8vo. 18S7. Price 21s. cloth. "It is impossible to speak of Mr. Pollock's latest prodnctioa except in terms of unqualified praise. ... To the practitioner as well as to the student Mr. Pollock's work will prove most useful. It fills an empty spj,ca in the legal library, and supplies a clear want. It is concise, logically arranged, and accurate."— Xa^o Times, Feb. 26, 18S7. Pollock's Principles of Contract.—Being a Treatise on the General Principles relating to the Validity of Agreements in the Law of England. Fourth Edition. By FREDERICK POLLOCK, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Professor of Common Law in the Inns of Court, &c. Demy 8uo. 1885. Price U. Ss. cloth. Woodfall's Landlord and Tenant.— With a full collection of Precedents and forms of Procedure ; containing also a collection of Leading Propositions. Thirteenth Edition. By J. M. LELY, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Royal Svo. 1886. Price 38s. cloth. Prideaux's Precedents in Conveyancing.—With Disserta- tions on its Law and Practice. Thirteenth Edition. By FREDERICK PRiDE AUX, late Professor of the Law of Real and Personal Property to the Inns of Court, and JOHN WHITCOMBE, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. 2 Vols. Royal Svo. 1885. Price 3Z. 10s. cloth. " The most useful work out on Conveyancing."—Law Journal. Theobald's Law of Wills.—A Concise Treatise on the Law of Wills. Third Edition. By H. S. THEOBALD, Esq., Barrister-at-Lav/. Royal Svo. 1885. Price ll. 10s. cloth. " A work of great ability and value. It bears on every page traces of care and sound judgment." —Solicitors' Journal. Williams' Bankruptcy Practice.—The Law and Practice in Bankruptcy, comprising the Bankruptcy Act, 1883 ; the Bankruptcy Rules, 1886; the Debtors Acts, 1869, 1878; and the Bills of Sale Acts, 1878 and 1882. Fourth Edition. By R. V. WILLIAMS, W. V. WILLIAMS, and E. W. HANSELL, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. Royal Svo. 1886. Price 11. 8s. cloth. All Standard Law Works are kept in stock, in law calf and other bindings. REFERENCE INDEX MARITIME LAW DECISIONS. : ALPHABETICAL REFERENCE INDEX TO EECENT AND BIPORTANT MARITIME LAW DECISIONS COMPILED BY ROBERT R. DOUGLAS. LONDON STEYENS AND SONS, 119, CHANCERY LANE, 1888 : T LONDON PIONTED BY C. F. EO"WORTn, GEEAT NEW BTEEET, FETTEE LANE— K.C. ^ PREFACE. V ^ In the following pages will be found the result, in a condensed form, of most of the recent, and several of the more important and less recent, Maritime Law Decisions, with complete Alphabetical References to the various points decided thereby. In each case the date of trial is given, together with the weight of legal authority in favor of and against the decision arrived at, and the decision itself very briefly, but, where possible, in the words used in the judgment. Although I have taken every care to avoid errors, I fear I shall not have succeeded entirely, and I have to crave the leniency of my readers. I think a work of this kind, gathering within itself information extracted from a variety of soui'ces, vrill be found useful to mercantile men. Our law is based almost exclusively upon prece'dent, and the merit I claim for this jDub- . fr. lication is that, to some extent at all events, it enables parties, in case of a dispute, to ap- praise their relative legal positions. ROBERT R. DOUGLAS. LiVEEPOOL. December, 1881 lyozs 8 INDEX OF CASES. PLAINTIFFS. PAGE PAGE A. M. Brunch-it, The 95 Behn v. Biu'ness 52 Acacia, The 165 Belfort, The 53 Adamson v. Newcastle Steam- BeUcairn, The 71 sliip Freightlnsurance Asso- Benares, The 64 ciation 53 Bemina, The 70, 71 " Agamemnon, The 204 Berridge v. The " Man on Agnes Otto, The 66, 80 Marme Insm-ance Co 128 Aitchison v. Lolire 2, 22o Bertie, The 199 Akerblom v. Price 204 Beryl, The 59 Albano, The v. Nettuno, The 147 Beta, The 70 Alhambra, The 54 Betthyany v. Bouch 21 Allen V. Coltart 16, 139 Bepion r. Godden 155 Alhson V. Bristol Marine In- Bu-kett, Sperling & Co. v. Steel, surance Co 117 Young & Co 217 Allkins V. Jupe 129 Blackbui-n, Low & Co.
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