HEIDEGGER AND JASPERS ON NIETZSCHE: HEIDEGGER AND JASPERS ON NIETZSCHE: A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF HEIDEGGER'S AND J ASPERS' INTERPRETATIONS OF NIETZSCHE by RICHARD LOWELL HOWEY II MARTINUS NIJHOFF I THE HAGUE I 1973 @ I973 by Martinus Nijholl, The Hague, Netherlands All rights reserved, including the right to translate or to reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form ISBN-13: 978-90-247-1538-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-010-2443-3 001: 10.1007/978-94-010-2443-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IX INTRODUCTION I General Problems in Nietzsche Interpretation I Special Problems in Jaspers' Nietzsche Interpretation 3 Special Problems in Heidegger's Nietzsche Interpretation 8 An Alternative Interpretation: A Fundamental Dualism II CHAPTER I. NIETZSCHE AS A MAN AND AS A PHILOSOPHER I4 The Relevance of Nietzsche's Life to His Thought I4 Friendship (16) - Solitude, Loneliness, and Philosophy (22) - Sickness and Health (24) - Christianity and the Anti-Christ (27)­ Transvaluation and Humanism (32) - Aesthetics versus Positi- vism (34) - Jaspers on the Relevance of Nietzsche's Life to His Thought (38) - Heidegger on the Relevance of Nietzsche's Life to His Thought (40) Nietzsche's Extremism and Honesty: A Theory of Commu­ nication 4I Nietzsche: Poet, Philosopher, Psychologist or Social Critic 44 Jaspers' View (44) - Heidegger's View (45) Summary 46 CHAPTER II. NIETZSCHE'S METAPHYSICS AND EPISTEMOLOGY 47 Being and Becoming 48 Jaspers' View (50) - Heidegger's View (55) - Comparison and Contrast (57) The Will to Power 59 Jaspers' View (61) - Heidegger's View (64) VI TABLE OF CONTENTS Nietzsche's Doctrine of Truth Jasper's View (70) - Heidegger's View (76) - Excursus: An Im­ plicit Critique of Phenomenology? (81) - Comparison and Con­ trast (83) Eternal Recurrence Jaspers' View (88) - Heidegger's View (91) Transvaluation and Nihilism 97 Jaspers' View (99) - Heidegger's View (102) Some Concluding Remarks 105 CHAPTER III. NIETZSCHE'S PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY !O7 Nietzsche's Theory of Man and the Will to Power 108 Jaspers' View (I13) - Heidegger's View (II7) The Death of God and Nihilism II9 Jaspers' View (123) - Heidegger's View (125) The Superman 131 Jaspers' View (133) - Heidegger's View (137) Nietzsche's Ethics and the Transvaluation of All Values 139 Jaspers' View (142) - Heidegger's View (146) Eternal Recurrence, TRUTH and Truths 148 Jaspers' View (153) - Heidegger's View (158) Nietzsche's Anthropocentrism 159 Jaspers' View (I6I) - Heidegger's View (I62) Some Concluding Remarks 164 CHAPTER IV. AN EVALUATION OF HEIDEGGER'S and JASPERS' INTERPRETATIONS 167 How Jaspers Reads His Own Philosophy into Nietzsche's 169 How Heidegger Reads His Own Philosophy into Nietzsche's 179 Parallels-Nietzsche and Jaspers: An Expanded View 184 Parallels-Nietzsche and Heidegger: An Expanded View 189 Doctrines versus Contradictions 193 TABLE OF CONTENTS VII CHAPTER V. AN ALTERNATIVE INTERPRETATION: A FUNDA- MENTAL DUALISM IN NIETZSCHE'S THOUGHT 196 Nietzsche's Metaphysics and Epistemology 197 Nietzsche's Philosophical Anthropology 201 The Question of Telos 203 Some Concluding Remarks 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY 2I2 INDEX OF NAMES 217 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank the following publishers and copyright holders for their permission to use quotations from the material listed below: George Allen & Unwin: The Complete Works ot Friedrich Nietzsche, by Friedrich Nietzsche, edited by Oscar Levy and compiled by Robert Guppy, copyright, 1964; William Barrett: "Plato's Doctrine of Truth," in Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, by Martin Heidegger, translated by John Barlow, copyright, 1962 by Random House Inc.; Basil Blackwell & Mott LTD: Being and Time, by Martin Heidegger, translated by John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson, copyright, 1962; Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.: The Use and Abuse ot History, by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Adrian Collins, copyright, 1957; and "Discourse on Method," in Discourse on Method, Optics, Geometry and Meteorology, by Rene Descartes, translated by Paul J. Olscamp, copyright, 1965; Cambridge University Press: Early Religious Poetry of Persia, by James Hope Moulton, copyright, 19II; J. M. Dent & Sons: "Nietzsche and Schopenhauer," in Egotism in German Philoso­ phy, by George Santayana, copyright, 1916; Doubleday & Co., Inc.: Either/Or, 2 vols., by S0ren Kierkegaard, translated by Walter Lowrie, copyright, I959; Duquesne University Press: "The Language of the Event: The Event of Language," in Heidegger and the Path ot Thinking, by Theodore Kisiel, edited by John Sallis, copyright, 1970; Faber & Faber: Four Quartets, by T. S. Eliot, copyright, 1943; Farrar Straus & Giroux: "Introduction," in Karl Jaspers' Reason and Existenz, by William Earle, copyright, 1960; and Reason and Existenz, by Karl J aspers, translated by William Earle, copyright, 1960; Verlag Anton Hain KG: Edmund H usserl: Versuch einer systematischen DarsteUung seiner Phanomenologie, by Alwin Diemer, copyright, 1956; Carl Hanser Verlag: Werke in drei Biinden, by Friedrich Nietzsche, edited x ACKNOWLEDGMENTS by Karl Schlechta, copyright, I954; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.: Four Quartets, by T. S. Eliot, copyright, I943; and The Great Philosophers, by Karl Jaspers edited by Hannah Arendt, translated by Ralph Manheim, copyright, I966; Harper & Row Publishers: Nietzsche, by Martin Heidegger, copyright, I96I; "Who Is Nietzsche's Zarathustra ?," in The Review oj Metaphysics, vol. XX, no. 3, by Martin Heidegger, translated by Bernard Magnus, copyright, I967; What Is Called Thinking?, by Martin Heidegger, translated by Fred D. Wieck and J . Glenn Gray, copyright I968; "Splendor of the Simple," in On Understanding Violence Philosophically and Other Essays, by J. Glenn Gray, copyright, I970; Harvard University Press: "Introductory Quotation," in Wilfrid Desan's The Tragic Finale: An Essay on the Philosophy oj Jean-Paul Sartre, by Maurice Rostand, copyright, I960; Hogarth Press LTD: "Thoughts for the Times on War and Death," and "On the History of the Psycho­ Analytic Movement," in vol. XIV of the Standard Edition of The Complete Psychological Works 01 Sigmund Freud, revised and edited by James Strachey, copyright, I957; Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc.: Nietzsche the Thinker: A Study, by William Mackintire Salter, copyright, I9I7; Johnsen Publishing Company: Theories oj Ethics, by William H. Werkmeister, copyright, I96I; Longman Group LTD: From Exorcism to Prophecy: The Premisses of Modern German Liter­ ature, by Michael Hamburger, copyright, I965; Macmillan Company: Nietzsche as Philosopher, by Arthur C. Danto, copyright, 1965; McGraw-Hill Book Company: From "Nietzsche," in Biographic Clinics, copyright, 1904, P. Blakiston's Son and Co. Used with per­ mission of McGraw-Hill Book Company; Mrs. Ernest Newman: The Life oj Richard Wagner, by Ernest Newman, copyright, 1946, by Alfred A. Knopf; Martinus Nijhoff: H eidegger: Through Phenomenolo­ gy to Thought, by William J. Richardson, Preface by Martin Heidegger, copyright, I963; Northwestern University Press: The Anatomy oj Disillusion: Martin Heidegger's Notion of Truth, by William B. Macom­ ber, copyright, 1967; Open Court Publishing Company: "Jaspers' Relation to Nietzsche," in The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers. The Library of Living Philosophers, copyright, 1957, Tudor Publishing Co. Now published by the Open Court Publishing Company; Princeton University Press: Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist, by Walter Kaufmann (third revised and enlarged edition, copyright (c) I968 by Princeton University Press); and The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, ed. by G. Adler, M. Fordham, and H. Read, translated by R. F. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS XI C. Hull, vol. 7, Two Essays in Analytical Psychology (copyright (c) 1953 and 1966 by Bollingen Foundation), reprinted by permission of Princeton University Press; Quadrangle Books, Inc.: "Ontological Autobiography," in Phenomenology in America, edited by James M. Edie, copyright, 1967; Random House, Inc.: Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future, by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Walter Kaufmann, copyright, 1966; The Birth of Tragedy and the Case of Wagner, by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Walter Kaufmann, copyright, 1967; The Philosophy of Nietzsche, by Friedrich Nietzsche, edited by Willard Huntington Wright, copyright, 1954; and The Will to Power, by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Walter Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale, copyright, 1967; Henry Regnery Co.: Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks, by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Marianne Cowan, copyright 1962; Schopen­ hauer as Educator, by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by James W. Hillesheim and Malcolm R. Simpson, copyright, 1965; and Nietzsche and Christianity, by Karl Jaspers, translated by E. B. Ashton, copy­ right, 1967; Routledge and Kegan Paul: Man and His Values, by William Henry Werkmeister, copyright, 1967; Charles Scribner's Sons: "Phases of Nietzsche," in Egoists: A Book of Supermen, by James Huneker, copyright, 1910; Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.: The Existentialist Revolt, by Kurt Reinhardt, copyright, 1960; Uni­ versity of Arizona Press: Reprinted from Nietzsche: A n Introduction to the Understanding of His Philosophical Activity, by Karl Jaspers, translated by Wallraff and Schmitz, copyright, 1965; University of Nebraska Press: Man and His Values, by William Henry Werkmeister, copyright, Ig67; The Viking Press, Inc.: The Portable Nietzsche, by Friedrich Nietzsche, selected and translated, with an introduction, prefaces, and notes by Walter Kaufmann, copyright, 1967; Yale University Press: Introduction to Metaphysics, by Martin Heidegger, translated by Ralph Manheim, copyright, 1959. .
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