Daylight ~ 8ving Ends .saturda_ Move Clock T.HE NE~llK PO.ST And Watche Back Engine Housed At Christiana Saturday : ~~A~~~~ Everybody Wins A Prize . EXERCISES I In Newark Post Contest Dickinson Head U" OF D" Guest At u. of D" FLOWERS ALL ARE State De1egate Convocation Makes Report IN SHOW PAID 20% Three requisites; purpose pre­ Of Conference paration and practice were cited by Dr. Fred Pierce Corson, president Entries Must ,ON MONEY At Washington of Dickinson College, as necessary for a successful life at the Convoca­ Be Subnlitted tion exercises of the University of altalnment of national. s t~ te, Delaware on Monday. Friday Night ITURNED IN • ~.. ~.~~. :on tr y goa ~~i~o l~ ~~;~i ~~PI::~~~ HeJd in Mitchell Hall, the exer- cises officially opened the college A. B. Eastman. chairman of the .~,~.(,~,.#'..G•• oncU ces in an e fTort to help No Expense fertility and stabilize year and permitted 17 students who flower show comittee, today placed production has been had completed work during the emphasis on the fact that all en- To Workers 01 the 1938 Agricul- summer to receive degrees. tries for the sixth annual .Leoru;erva.lion Program, it was Objective Or Purpose display must be submitted Friday Who Enter week by C. Arthur "The first requisite of every suc- night between the hours of six and committeeman from cesful lite is the obtaining of an ten o·c1ock. COlnpaign recently attended objective or purpose." Dr. Corson This limit has been set in order of iarmer committee­ said. that the judging can be started with Agricultural "The second requisite is prepara- early Saturday morning. The contest The candidates in The Newark Adn1 inilltra'tion officials Governor Ric~ard C. McMullen times past took care 01 the rural POints and Newark. The processIon tion as it is necessary to solve the is staged yearly by the Newark Gar- P ost's subscription campaign are spoke at Chrl~tJana last Satur~ay fires but thIS was no longer neces- was headed by the first pIece 01 fire problems that one encounters on his den Club. starting this week to show strength alter~oon, durm~ the celebration sa~y. as the rural companies were apparatus housed In the Christiana way toward his objective. This pre- Specimen exhibits will be judged and m any of them h ave already marking the housll~g .of the. new ap- dOlDg very efficient work. headquarters more than 15 years paration should especially develop by Miller Speakman and Howard E. had votes placed to their credit in paratus ot the Christiana FIre Com- John K. Johnston. of Newark. in ago. The Continental Band of New- accuracy and Initiative. Individual Ball. officers of the Delaware Dahl- the list. This is bound to help those pany. He stated t~at the firemen do behalf of the Aetna Hose. Hook and ark. The TaJleyville Ladies' Auxil- initiative is the basis of American ia Society and the baskets. bowls ~vho show th~y have actually started a great work .whlch ranks n~xt to Ladder Company of Newark, pre- iary Drum and Bugle Corps and freedom and its use dilferentiates BOYS ARE and artistic arrangements will be In the campaign. that of the police: He gave a hIstory se~ted the Christiana Fire Company the Cranston Heights Band. furn- and American from a citizen of a judged by Mrs. Irving Warner. pres- The. campaign department of lhe of fire-fighting In Delaware. The WIth the new apparatus. The New- ished the music. communistic or fascist nation where ident of the Wilmington Garden Post IS open each Wednesday and Rev. Richard M. Green. pastor of ark Company gave to the company a J ohn Burge is chief of the Chris- regimentation is paramount. ARRESTED Club. Saturday nights from 7 to 8 for the the Christiana M. E. ~hurch, intro- special set of lights for the front of tiana Company. The committee on "Finally there is practice or need Despite unfavorable weather con- benefit of anyone wishing to call at duced the speakers. Lieutenant-Gov. the new truck. Rev. Green accept- arrangements consisted of the fol- of applying the knowledge you ob- ditions this summer. a large num- the office then rather than during Edward . W. ~ooc~ spoke somewhat ed both for the Christiana Company. lowing: Thompson Eastburn. chair- tain to the problems which arrive bel' of exhibits is anticipated. t~e day office hours. In fact c ~ n- of the hIstorical slgmficance of Chr- Brief talks were also given by man. George Walters, David Cleav- after you leave college." The flowers will be on display dldate ~ ~ re asked to report theil" Istlana. He ~ta ted that George Re.ed. George Walters.' president of the es. John Burge and Isaac Thorpe. Dr. Corson also pointed out that Police Here Nab Saturday from one to ten o'clock subscl"lptlOn at least Wednesday and one of the sIgners of the Declaration Christiana Fire Company and by F ive hundred guests enjoyed the possession and position which are and on Sunday from one to six 0'- Saturdays during the campaign. of Independence. w as born in one of I John Moore. president of the Coun- refreshments which were served by the outward symbols of success. do Y outllS Accused clock. There w ill be no charge for Prizes For Everybody the old taverns of the town. ty Firemen's Association. Ith e Christiana Ladies' Auxiliary. not always denote a successful lite. Of S 10 admission. There will be a prize for e very- Lauds Rural Companies Firemen Parade A bonfire was built outside of the tor one may have them without tea Ing body in this campaign. You just Preceding the speaking. a street town at the conclusion of the cele- having developed his native powers ___ N ok S t cannot lose. You must get som e- William J . Lutz, Chief Engineer par ade w as held with the following bration and the Christiana Fire to the utmost. Arrested by ChIef of P olice Wil- eWal COlI S thing for whatever eitort you ma ke. of the DiImington Bure~u of Fire. ~remen and. co~p a ni es partlcipat- ~ompa n y gave a d~m o n s tr a~io n ot Degrees Conferred Ii am H Cunnlllgham and Officer Ie- I Spen(l Three A twe nty percent commission is gave a revIew of firemen s work a nd mg: Hockesslll. MIll Creek Hundred. ItS fire-figh ting effiCI ency WIth the Dr. Walter Hullihen. president Roy C. HIU last Thursday mgh t, two paid to each a nd ever y candidate stated that the city of Wilmington in Talleyville. Cranston Heights. Five new appara tus. of the university. who presided over youths were held under $1 .000 bail Days At Call1p I who hands in even one subscription - thEl exercises. conferred degrees on each by Magistrate Benjamin EU- ! to The Newark P ost in this ca m- for soil depleti ng 16 undergraduates ami one gradu- banks on theft charges. paign. Therefore everybody gets a the acreage which would I ate studen.t. The boys are Willard Philhower. Pl-onlOtiol1S l\'Iade In pl lze of some kind requi red to meet nation­ FARMERS I FARMERS ENGINEER• Dean WlIllfred J . Robinson of the 19, of Cowentown. Md .• a nd Roland U. I Of T H I ThIS twenty percent commlSSlon for consum ption and ex­ WOmen's College, pre.ented the fol- Simpers. 17. of near Newark. I all {S I'OOp ere; !means you ca n start working tod ay crops. The soil build- MEET lowing from that school for degrees: P olice investigati on started fol- ! Man y Advanced III List and get paId at 11I gh!. You d o not will include the crop and MISS MIldred Argela l\~cCabe, bach- lowing co m lai n ts re istered b the need to w alt a mlllute for you I:' IS SPEAKER y which will help in restor- HERE TO BALLOT elor of arts and Madeleine Dorell Fader Mot: r Com ;'1 that Yarts Headed by Scou t Master C. Ver- n.w ne One dollar out of every maintaining the soil re­ Brown. Hazel May Cross. L~u were being taken Pfr o~ used Pcars non Steele. 25 Boy Scouts a~1d Offi- fIve IS yo ur~ I"I gh t away . And on of the state and nation. "IIOzatl"on Of Lions Tol(1 Of Boys Harvey. Gladys Mae HopkinS. stored on rivate ro ert . cers of Troop 55. left l as~ FrIday for top of all this ev ery.vote Issued 0 11 Eastern States Stabl and Norma Sarah Smarte. who re- . p p . PY a three-day tra1l1111g trIp at Camp these same subscrlphons WIll count -rnll ~e] . ect8 Potato CI'OP To Education By cei ved degrees of bachelor,of science ACC Ol:dll1g ~ offiCials of the com- Rodney. Saturd ay night a Com t of for you on the final prizes of the C Tl}" ~ . in education. pany. tl~·es . woeels a nd o~h er parts Honor was held, with Paul D. Lov- campa ign. October 23rd. .... C.. h · I B A I ! Faculty Member Mr,. Harvey, a graduate of the \~~ r e b e ll~g taken 111 growing quan- ett. Jr.• assisted by Leslie Truitt, Nothing To Lose ~iiiiiiil~,~;~: L ocaI urc 1 e nSWere( Wilmington High School, class of htles until t~ e practIce became an presiding. - What have you to I ? Cer taiJll'·, ___ 1903. completed her four-year col- expensIve nU Isance.
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