TEST CODE TEST DESCRIPTION REFERENCE RANGE SPECIMEN REQUIREMENTS CPT CODE 16082 ABO GROUP AND RHO TYPING Specimen Container: 86900 Hemagglutination Lavender and No additive (red top) 5.0 (2.0) whole blood and 1.0 mL serum Performed: mon - sat turn around: next day 82003 ACETAMINOPHEN (TYLENOL) Therapeutic: 10-20 ug/mL Specimen Container: 82003 Immunoassay No additive (red top) 1.0 (0.2) mL serum Transfer serum to plastic screw cap vial. Performed: referred-A Collect prior to next dose turn around: 3-5 days 12009 ACETONE Negative Specimen Container: 82009 Nitroprusside reaction Gel barrier (gold or tiger top) Clinical Use: The presence of ketone bodies is important in the evaluation 1.0 (0.3) mL serum of carbohydrates metabolism. Allow specimen to completely clot (this can take up to 60 minutes), Centrifuge for 15 minutes. The serum should be physically separated from contact with cells within two hours from Performed: mon - sat the time of collection. turn around: next day ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR (AChR) BLOCKING 83515 ANTIBODY <15% of inhibition Specimen Container: 83519 Radioimmunoassay No additive (red top) Clinical Use: Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a neuromuscular disorder charactarized 1.0 (0.2) mL serum by muscle weakness, most commonly due to autoantibody-mediated Transfer serum to plastic, screw top vial. loss of functional acetylcholine receptors (AChr) in the neuromuscular Serum is the only acceptable sample. junction. This assay is most useful when the acetylcholinesterase receptor modulating antibodies are positive. The assay for blocking Transport at room temperature Performed: referred-A antibodies is useful in monitoring response to therapy. turnaround: 3-5 days 84240 ACETYLCHOLINE (AChR) MODULATING ANTIBODY <32% binding inhibition Specimen Container: 83519 Radiobinding assay No additive (red top) Clinical Use: Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a neuromuscular disorder charactarized 1.0 (0.2) mL serum by muscle weakness, most commonly due to autoantibody-mediated Transfer serum to plastic, screw top vial. loss of functional acetylcholine receptors (AChr) in the neuromuscular junction. Modulating Antibody to AChR caues weakness by inhibiting or modulating binding to the receptors. Performed: referred-A turnaround: 3-5 days 84238 ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR BINDING ANTIBODY Negative: ≥.30 nmol/l Specimen Container: 83519 Radioimmunoassay Equivocal 0.31-0.49 nmol/L No additive (red top) Positive: ≥ .50 nmol/L 1.0 (0.2) mL serum Clinical Use: Transfer serum to plastic, screw top vial. Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a neuromuscular disorder charactarized Serum is the only acceptable sample. by muscle weakness, most commonly due to autoantibody-mediated loss of functional acetylcholine receptors (AChr) in the neuromuscular Transport at room temperature junction. This assay aids in the differentiating between generalized MG and ocular MG, and in monitoring therapeutic response. If bincing antibodies are negative, assays for blocking and modulating antibodies should be considered.NICL Laboratories/2011 TEST CODE TEST DESCRIPTION REFERENCE RANGE SPECIMEN REQUIREMENTS CPT CODE Performed: referred-A NICL Laboratories/2011 TEST CODE TEST DESCRIPTION REFERENCE RANGE SPECIMEN REQUIREMENTS CPT CODE turn around: 3-5 days 84065 ACID PHOSPHATASE, PROSTATIC (PAP) < 2.8 ng/mL Specimen Container: 84066 Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay PAP values from different assay methods cannot be used No additive (red top) interchangeably. This assay was performed using the DPC Chemiluminescence method. 1.0 (0.3) mL FROZEN serum Transfer serum to plastic, screw top vial and freeze. Clinical Use: For diagnosis and monitoring of prostatic carcinoma. Samples should be obtained before rectal exam, biopsy, prostatectomy or prostatic massage, since manipulating the prostate gland my lead to elevated Performed: referred-A PAP levels persisting up to 24-48 hours. turn around: 3-5 days 84240 ACTH - ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC HORMONE Adult Males: 7 - 50 pg/mL Specimen Container: 82024 Immunoassay Adult Females: 5 - 27 pg/mL EDTA (lavender top) 1.5 (0.5) mL FROZEN plasma Clinical Use: Transfer plasma to plastic, screw top vial and freeze. Determination of ACTH is useful in differentiating between primary and secondary adrenocortical hypo-and hyperfunctional disorders: Draw specimens between 7 am and 10 am. If drawn Addison's disease, Cushings syndrome, adrenal carcinoma, ectopic during any other time, the reference ranges do not ACTH syndrome, and nodular hyperplasia. apply. Performed: referred-A turn around: 3-5 days 85307 ACTIVATED PROTEIN C RESISTANCE >2.1 Normal Specimen Container: 85307 RVVT Clotting Assay 1.6-2.1 Borderline 3.2% Sodium Citrate (light blue top) <1.6 Abnormal 2.0 (1.0) mL FROZEN plasma Transfer plasma to a screw cap vial and freeze. The Activated Protein C Resistance (APC-R) test is a clotting based method used to screen for factor V Leiden mutation. A positive reuslt is suggestive of Factor V Leiden mutation. Carriers of this mutation are at a greater risk for venous thrombosis. This test is not a genetic test. Refer to the Factor V (Leiden) Mutation Analysis. Performed: referred-A turn around: 3-5 days 80314 ACYCLOVIR Accompanies report Specimen Container: 80299 High Performance Liquid Chromatography No additive (red top) Clinical Use: Acyclovir is commonly used in the treatment of herpes simplex virus 1.0 (0.5) mL FROZEN serum Transfer serum, to a screw cap vial and freeze. Performed: referred-A turnaround: 7-10 days 82017 ACYLCARNITINE Accompanies report Specimen Container: 82024 Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry Sodium heparin (green top tube) Clinical Use: Elevation of one or more acylcarnatines is diagnostic for an 1.0 mL FROZEN plasma organic aciduria or a fatty disorder. A low carnatine level may Transfer plasma to a screw cap vial and freeze. mask a disease state. Performed: referred-a Date of Birth is required. turnaround: 5-7 days 86178 ADENOVIRUS ANTIBODY < 1:8 Antibody Not detected Specimen Container: 86603 Complement Fixation ≥1:8 Antibody Detected No additive (red top) Single titers of ≥1:64 are indicative of a current infection. Titers 1.0 (0.5) mL serum of 1:8 to 1:32 may be indicative of either past or recent infection. Transfer serum to a plastic, screw cap vial. since CF antibody levels persist for only a few months. A four-fold or greater increase in titer between acute and convalescent Transport at room temperature NICL Laboratories/2011 TEST CODE TEST DESCRIPTION REFERENCE RANGE SPECIMEN REQUIREMENTS CPT CODE specimens confirms the diagnosis. Clinical Use: Adenoviruses can cause acute respiratory and conjunctivitis, as well Performed: referred-A as infantile diarrhea. turn around: 5-7 days 87252 ADENOVIRUS CULTURE Negative Specimen Container: 87252 Rapid Culture VCM Collection Kit A 3 mL conjunctival or throat swab or 3 mL fresh stool (1.0 minimum) or 50 mL first morning urine Transport at room temperature Performed: referred-A turn around: 5-7 days AFB SMEAR AND CULTURE (ACID FAST SMEAR & 87117 CULTURE) See individual assays Specimen Container: 87015 Sterile, leak-proof container 87116 Conventional Culture, Microscopic Exam, Radiometric Assay Clinical Use: 87206 There are more than 70 species of Mycobacteria of which the primary 10 mL sputum or bronchial wash (2.0 mL minimum) pathogen is M. tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a chronic, granulomatous disease caused by M. tuberculosis. Identification, and, if appropriate, antibiotic sensitivity, is required to initiate therapy. NICL Laboratories/2011 TEST CODE TEST DESCRIPTION REFERENCE RANGE SPECIMEN REQUIREMENTS CPT CODE Performed: referred-A turn around: preliminary 3 wks/final 8wks 12105 AFP, TUMOR MARKER < 1.3- 8.0 ng/mL Specimen Container: 82105 Siemens Centaur/Chemiluminescence Gel barrier (gold or tiger top) Clinical Use: AFP is a tumor-associated protein. An elevation of serum AFP above 1.0 (0.2) mL serum values typically found in healthy individuals occus in several malignant diseases, most notably nonseminomatous testicular cancer Transport at room temperature and primary hepatocellular carcinoma. AFP is not recommended as a screening procedure to detect cancer in the general population. Performed: mon-sat turnaround: next day 14465 ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE (ALT, SGPT) 0-6 days: 0-60 U/L Specimen Container: 84460 Kinetic 6 days-2 years: 0-50 U/L Gel barrier (gold or tiger top) 2-5 years: 0-45 U/L >5 years: 0-35 U/L 1.0 (0.2) mL serum Clinical Use: Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) measurements are useful in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease and certain liver diseases. Performed: daily turn around: next day 12040 ALBUMIN 0-6 Days 2–5 mg/dL Specimen Container: 82040 Dye Binding/Bromcresol Green 6 days – 2 years 3-5 mg/dL Gel barrier (gold or tiger top) 2–59 years 3.2-5 mg/dL >60 years 2.8–5 mg/dL 1.0 (0.2) mL serum Clinical Use: Serum albumin measurements are used in the monitoring and treatment of numerous diseases involving primarily the liver and kidney. Its main value lies in the follow-up therapy, where improvement in the serum albumin level is the best sign of successful medical treatment. There may also be a loss of albumin in the gastrointestinal tract, in the urine by the damaged kidney, or by direct loss of albumin through the skin. More than 50% of patients with gluten-sensitive enteropathy have depressed albumin. The only cause of increased albumin is dehydration; there Performed: daily is no naturally occurring hyperalbuminemia. turn around: next day 82041 ALBUMIN, SYNOVIAL FLUID Acccompanies report Specimen Container: 82085 Nephelometric Sterile, screw cap container Clinical Use: The serous cavities surroundin the abdomen, heart and lungs will 3.0 (2.0) mL Synovial Fluid accumulate fluids, called effusions, when their production or Overnight fasting is preferred. resorption is not in balance. The serum-effusion albumin gradient is Performed: referred-A used to classify whether an effusion is a transudate or an exudate. turn around: 3-5 days 12055 ALCOHOL, (ETHANOL), BLOOD None Detected Specimen Container: 82055 Enzymatic Oxidation Sodium flouride (grey top) or Gel barrier (gold or tiger top) Test for medical purposes only 5.0 (2.0) mL whole blood or 1.0 (0.3) mL serum DO NOT REMOVE STOPPER.
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