JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1619 Nystatin A solution prepared as follows: To 10 mg add 50.25 mL of a mixture of diluted methanol (4 in 5) and sodium hydroxide TS (200:1), dissolve by warming at not exceeding 509C,andadddilutedmethanol(4in5)tomake500 mL. Ofloxacin Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in150,000) Orciprenaline Sulfate A solution in 0.01 mol/L hydrochloric acid TS (1 in 10,000) 1620 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Oxazolam A solution in ethanol (95) (1 in 100,000) Oxethazaine A solution in ethanol (95) (1 in 2500) Oxybuprocaine Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (1 in 100,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1621 Oxycodone Hydrochloride Hydrate An aqueous solution (1 in 10,000) Oxymetholone A solution prepared as follows: To 5 mL of a solution in methanol (1 in 5000) add 5 mL of sodium hydroxide-methanol TS and methanol to make 50 mL. Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in50,000) 1622 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Oxytocin An aqueous solution (1 in 2000) Penbutolol Sulfate A solution in methanol (1 in 10,000) Pentazocine A solution in 0.01 mol/L hydrochloric acid TS (1 in 10,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1623 Peplomycin Sulfate Asolutionpreparedasfollows:To4mgadd5mL of copper (II) sulfate TS, and dissolve in water to make 100 mL. Perphenazine 1 Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in200,000) Perphenazine 2 A solution obtained by adding 10 mL of water to 10 mL of the solution for Perphenazine 1 1624 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Perphenazine Maleate 1 An aqueous solution (1 in 20,000) Perphenazine Maleate 2 A solution obtained by adding 30 mL of water to 10 mL of the solution for Perphenazine Maleate 1 Pethidine Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (1 in 2000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1625 Phenethicillin Potassium An aqueous solution (1 in 5000) Phenolsulfonphthalein A solution in diluted sodium carbonate TS (1 in 10) (1 in 400,000) Phenylbutazone A solution prepared as follows: Dissolve 1 mg in 10 mL of dilute sodium hydroxide TS, and add water to make 100 mL. 1626 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Phytonadione 1 A solution in isooctane (1 in 100,000) Phytonadione 2 A solution in isooctane (1 in 10,000) Pimaricin A solution in a solution of acetic acid (100) in methanol (1 in 100) (1 in 200,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1627 Pindolol A solution in methanol (1 in 50,000) Pipemidic Acid Hydrate A solution prepared as follows: Dissolve 0.1 g in 20 mL of sodium hydroxide TS, and add water to make 200 mL. To 1 mL of this solution add water to make 100 mL. Pirarubicin A solution prepared as follows: Dissolve 10 mg in 80 mL of methanol and 6 mL of diluted hydrochloric acid (1 in 5000),andaddwatertomake100mL.To10mLofthissolutionadddilutedmethanol(4in5)tomake100mL. 1628 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Pirenoxine A solution in phosphate buffer solution, pH 6.5 (1 in 200,000) Pirenzepine Hydrochloride Hydrate An aqueous solution (1 in 40,000) Piroxicam A solution in a mixture of methanol and 0.5 mol/L hydrochloric acid TS (490:1) (1 in 200,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1629 Potassium Canrenoate A solution in methanol (1 in 100,000) Potassium Clavulanate An aqueous solution (1 in 50,000). To 1 mL of this solution add 5 mL of imidazole TS (Warm in a water bath at 309 Cfor12minutes). Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate A solution prepared as follows: To 10 mL of an aqueous solution (1 in 2000) add phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0 to make 100 mL. 1630 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Pranoprofen A solution prepared as follows: To 10 mL of a solution in 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid TS (1 in 5000) add water to make 100 mL. Pravastatin Sodium An aqueous solution (1 in 100,000) Prazepam A solution prepared as follows: Dissolve 0.01 g in 1000 mL of a solution of sulfuric acid in ethanol (99.5) (3 in 1000). JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1631 Probenecid A solution in ethanol (95) (1 in 50,000) Procaine Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (1 in 100,000) Procarbazine Hydrochloride Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in100,000) 1632 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Procaterol Hydrochloride Hydrate An aqueous solution (7 in 1,000,000) Promethazine Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (1 in 100,000) Propranolol Hydrochloride A solution in methanol (1 in 50,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1633 Pyrantel Pamoate A solution prepared as follows: Dissolve 0.1 g in 50 mL of dimethylformamide, and add methanol to make 200 mL. To 2 mL of this solution add a solution of hydrochloric acid in methanol (9 in 1000) to make 100 mL. Pyrazinamide Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in100,000) Pyridostigmine Bromide Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in30,000) 1634 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Pyridoxine Hydrochloride Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in100,000) Pyrrolnitrin A solution in ethanol (95) (1 in 100,000) Quinine Ethyl Carbonate A solution in methanol (1 in 20,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1635 Quinine Sulfate Hydrate An aqueous solution (1 in 20,000) Ranitidine Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (1 in 100,000) Reserpine A solution in acetonitrile (1 in 50,000) 1636 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Riboflavin A solution in phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0 (1 in 100,000) Riboflavin Butyrate The sample solution obtained in the Assay Riboflavin Sodium Phosphate A solution in phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0 (1 in 100,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1637 Rifampicin A solution prepared as follows: To 5 mL of a solution in methanol (1 in 5000) add 0.05 mol/L phosphate buffer so- lution, pH 7.0 to make 100 mL. Ritodrine Hydrochloride A solution in 0.01 mol/L hydrochloric acid TS (1 in 20,000) Rokitamycin A solution in methanol (1 in 50,000) 1638 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Roxatidine Acetate Hydrochloride A solution in ethanol (99.5) (1 in 10,000) Salazosulfapyridine A solution in dilute sodium hydroxide TS (1 in 100,000) Salbutamol Sulfate Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in12,500) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1639 Santonin A solution in ethanol (95) (3 in 250,000) Scopolamine Butylbromide An aqueous solution (1 in 1000) Siccanin A solution in ethanol (99.5) (1 in 10,000) 1640 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Sodium Cromoglicate A solution in phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.4 (1 in 100,000) Sodium Picosulfate Hydrate An aqueous solution (1 in 25,000) Spiramycin Acetate A solution in methanol (1 in 50,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1641 Spironolactone A solution in methanol (1 in 100,000) Sulfinpyrazone A solution in 0.01 mol/L sodium hydroxide TS (1 in 100,000) Sulpiride A solution prepared as follows: To 5 mL of a solution in 0.05 mol/L sulfuric acid TS (1 in 1000) add water to make 100 mL. 1642 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Sultiame A solution in methanol (1 in 100,000) Tamsulosin Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (3 in 160,000) Tegafur A solution in 0.01 mol/L sodium hydroxide TS (1 in 100,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1643 Terbutaline Sulfate A solution in 0.01 mol/L hydrochloric acid TS (1 in 10,000) Testosterone Propionate A solution in ethanol (95) (1 in 100,000) Tetracaine Hydrochloride A solution in ethanol (99.5) (1 in 200,000) 1644 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Tetracycline Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (1 in 62,500) Theophylline Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in200,000) Thiamine Chloride Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (1 in 100,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1645 Thiamylal Sodium A solution in ethanol (95) (7 in 1,000,000) Timepidium Bromide Hydrate An aqueous solution (1 in 50,000) Timolol Maleate Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(3in100,000) 1646 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Tinidazole A solution in methanol (1 in 50,000) Tipepidine Hibenzate A solution in ethanol (99.5) (1 in 100,000) Tizanidine Hydrochloride A solution in diluted 1 mol/L ammonia TS (1 in 10) (1 in 125,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1647 Tocopherol Nicotinate A solution in ethanol (99.5) (1 in 20,000) Todralazine Hydrochloride Hydrate Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(3in100,000) Tofisopam A solution in ethanol (95) (1 in 100,000) 1648 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Tolazamide A solution in ethanol (95) (1 in 100,000) Tolnaftate A solution in methanol (1 in 100,000) Trapidil An aqueous solution (1 in 125,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1649 Trepibutone A solution in diluted dilute sodium hydroxide TS (1 in 10) (1 in 100,000) Triamcinolone Acetonide A solution in ethanol (95) (1 in 100,000) Triamterene A solution prepared as follows: Dissolve 0.01 g in 100 mL of acetic acid (100). To 10 mL of this solution add water to make 100 mL. 1650 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Trichlormethiazide A solution in ethanol (95) (3 in 250,000) Trimebutine Maleate A solution in 0.01 mol/L hydrochloric acid TS (1 in 50,000) Trimetazidine Hydrochloride Asolutionin0.1mol/LhydrochloricacidTS(1in6250) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1651 Trimetoquinol Hydrochloride Hydrate A solution in 0.01 mol/L hydrochloric acid TS (1 in 20,000) Tubocurarine Chloride Hydrochloride Hydrate An aqueous solution (3 in 100,000) Tulobuterol Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (1 in 2500) 1652 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Ulinastatin An aqueous solution 2000 units/mL Urapidil A solution in ethanol (95) (1 in 100,000) Vancomycin Hydrochloride An aqueous solution (1 in 10,000) JP XV Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra 1653 Verapamil Hydrochloride A solution in 0.01 mol/L hydrochloric acid TS (1 in 50,000) Vinblastine Sulfate An aqueous solution (1 in 50,000) Vincristine Sulfate An aqueous solution (1 in 50,000) 1654 Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra JP XV Warfarin Potassium A solution in 0.02 mol/L potassium hydroxide TS (1 in 100,000) Zaltoprofen A solution in ethanol (99.5) (1 in 100,000).
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