Pretoria, 7 January 2011 Januane 2 No. 33915 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 JANUARY 2011 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Aile Proklamasies. Goewerment&kennlsgewlngs, Aigemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennlsgewlngs en Raadskennlsgewlngs gepubllseer, word vir Included In the following table of contents which thus forms a verwyslngsdoelelndes In die volgende Inhoudsopgawe inge­ weekly Index. Let yourself be guided by the Gazette numbers In sluit wat dus 'n weekllkse Indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die the rlghthand column: Koarantnommers In die regterhandse kolom lei: CONTENTS INHOUD and weekly Index en weekllkse Indeks Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL NOTICES GOEWERMENTS· EN ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Department of Arbeld, Departement van Government Notices Goewermentskennisgewings R. 1237 Marketing of Agricultural Products Act R.1219 Labour Relations Act (66/1995): (4711996): Establishment of statutory Cancellation of Government Notice: measure: Registration of processors, National Bargaining Council for the producers and persons dealing in Clothing Manufacturing Industry ........... .. 3 33893 lucerne seed and lucerne hay...... ........... 4 33901 A. 1220 do.: National Bargaining Council for the R.1238 do.: do.: Records and returns by proces- Clothing Manufacturing Industry: sors and persons dealing in Extension to Non-parties of the National lucerne seed and lucerne hay.......... ....... 12 33901 Main Collective Re-enacting and Amending Agreement.. .......................... .. 4 33893 Health, Department of R.1240 Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (66/1995): Haarkapper- en Kosmetologiedlenste Government Notices Bedingingsraad (Semi-Nasionaal): R. 1256 Medicines and Related Substances Act Verlenging van tydperk van Hoof Konek- (101/1965): Regulations relating to a tlewe Ooreenkoms ................................. 25 33901 transparent pricing system for medicines and scheduled substances: Amendment 3 33906 Gesondheld, Departement van R. 1264 Tobacco Products Control Act (83/1993): Goewermentskennisgewings Regulations relating to the display of tobacco products at wholesale and R. 1256 Medicines and Related Substances Act retail: Correction notice ........................... 2 33913 (101/1965): Regulations relating to a transparent pricing system for medicines Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of and scheduled substances: Amendment 3 33906 Govemment Notices A. 1264 Tobacco Products Control Act (8311993): Regulations relating to the display of R. 1239 Promotion of Access to Information Act tobacco products at wholesale and (212000): Description submitted in terms retail: Correction notice .......................... 2 33913 of section 15 (1) ...................................... 22 33901 R. 1257 National Prosecuting Authority Act Handel en· Nywerheld. Departement van (32/1998): Publication of the code of conduct for general information .............. 3 33907 Goewermentskennisgewing 1 Standards Act (8/2008): Standards Labour, Department of matters ................................................... 5 33915 Government Notices Algemene Kennisgewings R.1219 Labour Relations Act (66/1995): Cancellation of Government Notice: 6 KoOperasiewet, 2005: Kooperasies van National Bargaining Council for the die register geskrap te word ................... 14 33915 Clothing Manufacturing Industry ............. 3 33893 7 do.: K~perasi~s wat van die register R.1220 do.: National Bargaining Council lor the geskrap IS................................................ 15 33915 Clothing Manufacturing Industry: Justlsle en Staatkundlge Ontwlkkellng, Departement van Extension to Non-parties of the National Main Collective Re-enacting and Goewermenmkenn~ge~ngs Amending Agreement......... .............. ....... 4 33893 R. 1239 Promotion of Access to Information Act R. 1240 Labour Relations Act (66/1995): (212000): DeSCription submitted in terms Hairdressing and Cosmetology Bar­ of section 15 (1) ...................................... 22 33901 gaining Council (Semi-National): Exten­ A. 1257 National Prosecuting Authority Act sion of period of operation of Main (3211998): Publication of the code of Collective Agreement .............................. 25 33901 conduct for general information ........ ...... 3 33907 National Treasury Landbou, Bosbou en Vlsserye, Departement van Government Notice Goewermenmkenn~ge~ngs 1261 Public Finance Management Act: 1237 Wet op die Bemarking van Statement of the National Revenue, R. Landbouprodukte (47/1996): Instelling Expenditure and Borrowing as at 30 November 2010 ................................ 3 33910 van statutOre maatre~l: Registrasie van verwerkers, produsente en persone wat General Notice in lusemsaad en lusernhooi handel dry! . 8 33901 3 Public Finance Management Act R. 1238 do.: do.: Aantekeninge en opgawes deur (1/1999): Rate of interest on verwerkers en persone wat met lusern- Govemment loans .................................. 11 33915 saad en lusemhooi handel dryf............... 17 33901 STAATSKOERANT, 7 JANUARIE 2011 No.33915 3 Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. Rural Development and Land Reform, Department of Landellke Ontwlkkellng an Grondharvormlng, Departement van General Notice Aigemene Kennisgewing 1118 Draft Land Tenure Security Bill, 2011: 1118 Draft Land Tenure Security Bill, 2011: Invitation for comments .......................... 3 33894 Invitation for comments ........................ '" 3 33894 Social Development, Department of Maatskapllke Ontwlkkellng, Departement van Government Notice Goewermentskennisgewing R. 1258 Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Including R. 1258 Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Including the Social Assistance Amendment Act, the Social Assistance Amendment Act, 2010): Draft regulations: Publication 2010): Draft regulations: Publication for comment ........................................... 3 33908 for comment .................... '" .................... 3 33908 Trade and Industry, Department of Naslonale Tesourle Government Notice Goewermentskennisgewing 1 Standards Act (8/2008): Standards 1261 Public Finance Management Act: matters ..................... ... ... ... ... ........... ... ..... 5 33915 Statement of the National Revenue, Expenditure and Borrowing as at General Notices 30 November 2010 ........... '" ........ ........... 3 33910 6 Co-operatives Act, 2005: Co-operatives Aigemene Kennisgewing to be removed from the register.............. 14 33915 7 do.: Co-operatives removed from the 3 Public Finance Management Act register.. ............... ... ... ... ... ... ...... .............. 15 33915 (1/1999): Rate of interest on Government Loans.................................. 11 33915 Transport, Department of Vervoer, Departemant van General Notices Aigemene Kennisgewings 4 International Air Service Act (60/1993): Grantlamendment of international air 4 International Air Service Act (60/1993): service license......................................... 12 33915 Grant/amendment of international air 5 Air Service Licensing Act (11511990): service license......................................... 12 33915 Grant or amendment of domestic air 5 Air Service Licensing Act (11511990): service licence......................................... 13 33915 Grant or amendment of domestic air service licence......................................... 13 33915 Water Affairs, Department of Waterwese, Departement van Government Notice Goewennenmkenn~gewing 1260 National Water Act (36/1998): Restrictions on the use of domestic and 1260 National Water Act (36/1998): industrial water in the Municipality of Restrictions on the use of domestic and George in the Western Cape Province... 2 33909 industrial water in the Municipality of George in the Western Cape Province '" 2 33909 BOARD NOTICE RAADSKENNISGEWING 190 Engineering Profession Act (46/2000): Engineering Council of South Africa: 190 Engineering Profession Act (46/2000): Guideline Scope for Services and Tariff Engineering Council of South Africa: of Fees for Persons Registered in terms Guideline Scope for Services and Tariff of Fees for Persons Registered in terms of the Act ................................................. 3 33892 of the Act ................................................. 3 33892 4 No.33915 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 JANUARY 2011 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Closing times PRIOR TO PUBLIC HOLIDA YS for GOVERNMENT NOTICES, GENERAL NOTICES, REGULATION NOTICES AND PROCLAMATIONS The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days: 30 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 7 January 2011 BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING Sluitingstye VOOR VAKANSIEDAE vir GOEWERMENTS-, ALGEMENE- & REGULASIE .. KENNISGEWINGS ASOOK PROKLAMASIES Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15:00 op die volgende dae: 30 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 7 Januarie 2011 STAATSKOERANT, 7 JANUARIE 2011 NO.33915 5 GOVERNMENT NOTICE GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWING DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY DEPARTEMENT VAN HANDEL EN NYWERHEID No.1 7 January 2011 STANDARDS ACT, 2008 STANDARDS MATTERS In terms of the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No.8 of2008), the Council of the South African Bureau of Standards has acted in regard to standards in the manner set out in the Schedules to this notice. All South African standards that were previously published by the South African Bureau of Standards with the prefix "SABS" have been redesignated as South African national standards and are now published by Standards South Africa (a division of SABS) with
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