1876 2019 The Campus Meadville, Pennsylvania Volume 144, Issue 12 – FRIDAY, November 15, 2019 – Meadville, Pennsylvania www.alleghenycampus.com Community ASG talks celebrates solutions life of to campus Wissinger vandalism By SARA HOLTHOUSE By ETHAN WOODFILL News Editor News Editor [email protected] [email protected] No one knows the full extent of This week, a fire alarm forced mem- the legacy they will leave behind bers of Allegheny Student Govern- ment to stand in freezing tempera- or the number of lives that they tures for over 10 minutes, a brief delay touched while on Earth. For Pro- of the full agenda ahead of them on fessor Emeritus of Biology and Tuesday, Nov. 12 in room 301/302 of Environmental Science Scott the Henderson Campus Center. Wissinger, that amount is larger Beginning with cabinet reports, than a forest. the Allegheny College Birding Club’s The campus community, constitution was approved pending a along with friends and family of second vote next week. Once up and Wissinger, gathered for a Celebra- running, the club will feature birding tion of Life ceremony at 11 a.m. trips, bird identification research and Saturday, Nov. 9, in Ford Memori- conservation activities. al Chapel. Wissinger passed away Ben Blackburn, ’21, and Ashley on Oct. 5, 2019. Leonard, ’20 — two students from a Ford Memorial Chapel was political science class with Assistant Professor of Political Science Andrew packed during the celebration of Bloeser — in conjunction with the life — community members filled SHAELYN URSIDA/THE CAMPUS Student Coalition for Labor, present- the main floor and extra chairs Orchesis dancers perform the piece “Circus,” choreographed by Rachel Lynn, on Tuesday, Nov. 12, in Shafer Auditorium. ed a resolution to make an addendum had to be brought out to accom- to the current Statement of Commu- pany all the attendees. nity to be more inclusive of college After everyone had found a workers. seat, the celebration began with The Greatest Show: Orchesis “We’re looking to add the word an introduction by Jane Ellen Nic- ‘classism’ to the current phrasing kell, chaplain of Allegheny Col- ‘actively challenge racism, sexism, lege. Students perform Allegheny’s annual fall dance show heterosexism, religious biogtry and “I’m glad so many people have other forms of harassment and dis- crimination,’” Leonard said. gathered here,” Nickell said. See ORCHESIS page 7 See WISSINGER page 2 See ASG page 3 State Senator Art Haywood visits campus, talks civic advocacy By ETHAN WOODFILL Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader cluding Senators Art Haywood and is the democratic chair of the Health shot and killed by police officer Dar- News Editor Ginsburg and the family of the late Camera Bartolotta, and Represen- and Human Services Committee and ren Wilson. Haywood outlined the [email protected] Justice Antonin Scalia. tatives Sheryl Delozier and Jordan sits on the Appropriations, Finance, In- timeline of events following Brown’s Along with the nationwide prize, Harris. tergovernmental Relations and Judicial death. Each year, the college recognizes there is also an award for public fig- Haywood, serving the 4th sen- Committees. He is also the co-chair public figures who demonstrate ci- In August 2014, when Brown was ures in Pennsylvania. On Sept. 23, atorial district of Pennsylvania — of the Criminal Justice Reform Cau- killed, the African American com- vility throughout their career or at the first prize recipient to ever visit cus. President of Allegheny College Hil- munity represented more than one- a critical moment through its Prize Allegheny College — gave a talk Haywood has sponsored and ary Link awarded the Prize for Civil- third of Ferguson; meanwhile, only for Civility in Public Life. Nation- on Student Civic Advocacy at 12:15 cosponsored bills regarding public ity in Public Life in Pennsylvania to al winners have included former p.m. Friday, Nov. 8, in the Tillot- education, economic development, one out of seven served on the City the four chairs of the Pennsylvania Vice President Joe Biden and the son Room at Tippie Alumni Center single-payer healthcare, clean en- Council. late Senator John McCain, as well as Criminal Justice Reform Caucus, in- at Cochran Hall. The program was ergy and gun violence. He has also “That’s the classic mathematical hosted by the Office of the President advocated for raising the minimum definition of underrepresentation,” and the Center for Political Partici- wage and introduced a resolution in Haywood said. pation. Senator Haywood was intro- the Pennsylvania Senate calling for Following the shooting of Brown, duced by Brian Harward, Robert G. a House impeachment inquiry into violent protests erupted in Ferguson. Seddig Chair in Political Science and the Trump presidency. In March 2015, the United States Director of the CPP. Haywood graduated as a Marshall Justice Department released a report “President Link is out of the Scholar from the London School of listing Constitutional violations that country on college business today, or Economics at Morehouse College Ferguson had committed. The Attor- she would be here to offer her own and went on to attend University of ney General’s Office released com- expression of appreciation to each Michigan Law School. plaints about the city’s low level of- of you for coming,” Harward said. “Thank you all here at Allegheny fense fines financing the city and its “Senator Haywood is most deserv- College,” Haywood said. “I’m very ing of (the Civility Prize) and we are honored to receive the civility award. race-based policing. These reports indebted to his service and public This is a conversation about how in- resulted in a municipal judge and leadership. … We hope this will be dividuals, young people as well, can the city manager resigning. A con- one of many opportunities for us to get involved with the political sys- sent decree forced the City of Fergu- examine civility in public life, rather tem. … How can we turn public will son to improve its policing practices. than simply — though important- into public policy?” After the 2015 election, the rep- EMILY RICE/THE CAMPUS ly — recognizing those who reflect Haywood began with the lessons resentation of African Americans in State Senator Art Haywood (PA-4) talks to students about pathways those principles.” learned from the Black Lives Mat- City Council became three-sevenths. to civic advocacy on Friday, Nov. 8, in the Tillotson Room at Tippie Haywood represents parts of Mont- ter protests in Ferguson, Missouri, Alumni Center at Cochran Hall. gomery and Philadelphia counties. He where in 2014, Michael Brown was See HAYWOOD page 3 IN THIS WEEK’S CAMPUS VETERAN’S DAY CARBON NEUTRALITY UKRAINE METAL The battle doesn’t end for all Allegheny moves into new Metal band Jinjer releases soldiers when they make it era as plans continue to newest album “Macro”. back home. reach carbon neutrality goal by 2020. Page 4 Page 6 Page 5 H: 36º L: 19º H: 33º L: 21º H: 40º L: 27º FRIDAY Snow: 20% SATURDAY Snow: 10% SUNDAY Snow: 0% Sunset: 5:00 p.m. Sunrise: 7:10 a.m. Sunrise: 7:11 a.m. Sunset: 4:59 p.m. Sunset: 4:58 p.m. 2 November 15, 2019 The Campus [News] AlleghenyCampus.com WISSINGER from page 1 “We are gathered here salamanders as they migrated for a time of remembering on cold and rainy spring eve- and celebrating the life of nings from forests and hill- Scott Wissinger. All of us sides to a series of six ponds were shocked and saddened that he created shortly after by Scott’s unexpected death arriving at Allegheny,” Vene- last month. We gather with sky said. heavy hearts still trying to Venesky described how comprehend the enormity of during these weeks Wissinger that loss. As we planned this would make, give and grade gathering, Sue (Wissinger) final exams and then fly to was very clear that our time Colorado for the start of the together should be a celebra- summer research season. tion; a time to celebrate the “(Wissinger) managed this life that Scott lived and the exactly how you might think, impact he made on so many with controlled chaos,” Vene- people.” sky said. Nickell added that friends, Additionally, Venesky said family and Wissinger’s former he and his students helped students had traveled across with the project every year the United States to cele- as much as they could, which brate Wissinger’s life. Nickell often included finding a fake thanked those in attendance salamander among the pile of and those who helped with real salamanders. the planning and setting up of “This was a trick (Wissing- the event. er) pulled off seamlessly every After Nickell’s introduc- year in the midst of all of the tion, the first person to speak chaos,” Venesky said. was Assistant Professor of Bi- Venesky closed his re- ology Matt Venesky. marks with a confession. EMILY RICE/THE CAMPUS Venesky shared a story of “This will come as no Friends, family and the Allegheny community fill the room to remember the life of Professor Emeritus Scott when he came to interview for surprise to my biology col- Wissinger at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2019, in Ford Memorial Chapel. a faculty position at Alleghe- leagues nor would it surprise “As many of you know, often left fundraisers with and Sam Reese, lab technician even if it was 5 a.m. where AJ ny and was headed back to Scott,” Venesky said. “Scott, it Scott loved to plant trees,” hundreds of trees and his goal in the Geology and Environ- was. Tampa, Florida, when he ran was me who walked through Whiteman said. “But he didn’t of having every tree species mental Science Departments, “No matter what the hour into Wissinger at the Pitts- every classroom and lab of just plant and care for (these native to Pennsylvania on his performed “Three Littlethough, AJ sounded in better burgh International Airport.
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