Open Geosciences 2021; 13: 39–48 Research Article Chao Luo*, Ailin Jia, Jianlin Guo, Wei Liu, Nanxin Yin, Cen Chen, Junlei Wang, Xuanbo Gao, and Zhiqiang Guo Modeling of dense well block point bar architecture based on geological vector information: A case study of the third member of Quantou Formation in Songliao Basin https://doi.org/10.1515/geo-2020-0222 received June 06, 2020; accepted January 08, 2021 1 Introduction Abstract: Although stochastic modeling methods can Reservoir architecture refers to the geometric shape, achieve multiple implementations of sedimentary micro- scale, direction, and superimposition of different levels facies model in dense well blocks, it is difficult to realize of architecture units [1,2]. In recent years, with the dee- continuous convergence of well spacing. Taking the pening of reservoir descriptions, reservoir architecture - small high sinuosity meandering river sediments of the has gradually become an important research content third member of Quantou Formation in Songliao Basin as [3,4].Different kinds of reservoir architectures are recog- an example, a deterministic modeling method based nizable over a broad range of scales, commonly in a hier- on geological vector information was explored in this archically nested fashion [5–7], and the distribution of article. Quantitative geological characteristics of point these reservoirs triggers off a wide range of scales of fi bar sediments were analyzed by eld outcrops, modern sedimentary heterogeneity from basin-fill scale [8,9],to sediments, and dense well block anatomy. The lateral sandstone-conglomerate scale [10], to sets of inclined extension distance, length, and spacing parameters of strata scale [11], to lithofacies scale [12], and to micro- the point bar were used to quantitatively characterize scopic pore-throat scale [13]. Geologists and engineers the thickness, dip angle, and frequency of the lateral have greatly improved the methods for building geologic layer. In addition, the three-dimensional architecture and petrophysical reservoir models by applying the con- modeling of the point bar was carried out in the study. cepts of stratigraphy, sedimentary basin analysis, facies The established three-dimensional architecture model of models, and geostatistics [14–18]. A considerable number well X24-1 had continuous convergence near all wells, of scholars have conducted architecture analysis of dif- which conformed to the geological knowledge of small ferent types of reservoirs and have achieved abundant high-sinuosity meandering river, and verified the relia- results, but these achievements are mainly concentrated bility of this method in the process of geological model- on outcrops and modern sedimentary structures [19–21]. ing in dense well blocks. How to accurately characterize the findings of reservoir Keywords: deterministic modeling, small high-sinuosity description in three dimension and establish a reservoir meandering river, vector information, point bar, lateral architecture model becomes the core and difficulty of layer reservoir modeling. For high-sinuosity meandering river, the establish- ment of three-dimensional geological model in sedimen- * Corresponding author: Chao Luo, Petroleum and Gas Engineering tary microfacies is becoming more and more mature Department, Chongqing University of Science & Technology, [22–24]. There have been numerous studies and methods Chongqing 401331, China, e-mail: [email protected] - Ailin Jia, Jianlin Guo, Junlei Wang: Research Institute of Petroleum that build geologic models of various scales of hetero Exploration & Development, PetroChina, Beijing 100083, China geneities within meandering river reservoirs, including Wei Liu: State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and process-based [25–27], stochastic [28,29], deterministic Control, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China [30], and combined stochastic-deterministic models Nanxin Yin, Cen Chen, Xuanbo Gao: Petroleum and Gas Engineering [31,32]. Many of these studies explore depositional system Department, Chongqing University of Science & Technology, fi [ ] Chongqing 401331, China and sandbody connectivity on a eld scale 33,34 . Others Zhiqiang Guo: China Petroleum Logging Co., LTD Training Center, address the potential effect of lithological and petrophy- Shaanxi, Xi’an 710000, China sical heterogeneity on fluid flow [35]. Seismically based Open Access. © 2021 Chao Luo et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 40 Chao Luo et al. geomorphic characterizations of channel systems [36] are also greatly improving reservoir modeling to fill interwell 0 200Km gaps. However, modeling of architecture units including lateral deposits and lateral layers in dense well blocks Songliao Basin still requires extensive research. The application of pixel- based methods (such as sequential indicator simulation) Beijing Northern can hardly meet the requirements. Although many models Plunge can be achieved, these methods often result in difficult to Northeastern match dense wellbore data [37,38]. Western Uplift Slope Geological information is usually very clear due to Central Depression the abundant data of dense well blocks. Therefore, with the consideration of the matching between dense well block data and geological database, a high-precision Qian’an Songyuan deterministic modeling method was explored in this Changling Sag article, which was especially suitable for dense well block Southeastern Uplift modeling with rich data in East China. Taking the third Research area member of the Lower Cretaceous Quantou Formation in Southwestern Uplift Boundary of the Songliao Basin as the research object, a deterministic the basin Boundary of first order architecture modeling method based on geological vector structural unit information was proposed. Outcrops and modern sedi- Boundary of second order structural unit ments with similar sedimentary conditions are selected ˄˅a for dissection. A comprehensive analysis of the geo- Stratigraphy Reservoir Lithology k Erathem System Series Formation Member ource rock logical characteristics was carried out in dense well S roc Cap rock block, and geological vector information of the modeled Neogene Cenozoic N object was obtained, including the architecture unit ratio, Paleogene E the spatial structure of architecture unit, and its size. The Mingshui Km22 Hydrocarbon (K m) bearing 2 model was quantitatively characterized by the informa- formation Km21 Sifangtai tion of thickness, dip angle, and frequency of lateral Ks2 (K2 s) Kn25 layer. Finally, a point bar model was established in a Kn 24 Heidimiao typical well area of the study area. Nenjiang Kn23 (K2 n) Kn22 Upper Kn21 Mesozoic Cretaceous Yaojia Ky22+3 Saertu (K2 y) Ky21 Putaohua Kqn22+3 Qingshan Gaotaizi 2 Regional geological setting kou(K2 qn) Kqn21 Kq24 Fuyu Kq Yangda Quantou 23 chengzi The study area is located in the southern part of Daqing (K q) 1 Kq 22 Placanticline in Songliao Basin (Figure 1), which is multi- Kq21 Nong an Lower [ ] - Kd24 high dome anticline 39 . A series of typical small mean Denglouku Kd23 (K1 d) Kd22 dering river deposits with a thickness of about 150 m were Kd21 Hydrocarbon developed in the third member of Quantou Formation Yingcheng Ky (K y) 1 bearing 1 formation through long-term filling of the underlying Denglouku Ksh13 Shahezi [ ] Ksh12 Formation 40 . Many scholars have investigated the (K1 sh) Ksh 11 paleoclimate and sedimentary environment of the small Huoshiling Carboniferous Kh1 Paleozoic (K1 h) -Permian C-P meandering river and estimated the curvature of the ( ) Target intervals Unconformity Conglomerate Glutenite Sandstone meandering river equation 1 by using the relationship - Argillaceous Arenaceous Mudstone Breccia Volcanite Coal between the mean bank full channel depth and the mean sandstone mudstone ˄˅b bank-full channel width [41,42]. Mathematical models between the meander-belt width and annual discharge Figure 1: Stratigraphic column and location in the southern Songliao [ ] Basin. (a) Structural sketch map of the southern Songliao Basin; have also been studied by many geologists 43,44 .In (b) summary diagram showing the stratigraphy and basin evolution the third member of the Quantou Formation, the curva- of the Songliao Basin. ture of the ancient river is calculated between 2.48 and A case study of the third member of Quantou Formation in Songliao Basin 41 2.65 with a flow rate about 115.51–274.57 m3/s (equation 2). In a typical humid environment, it is a small high- sinuosity meandering river, with a horizontally oblique feature for the lateral layer of the point bar [45]. The average well spacing is less than 50 m in the study area. This means that dense well block data make archi- tecture analysis possible. 0.68 0.4 ( ) S =/5.26 DWc 1 2.13 ( ) Q = 0.00014 Wm 2 3 Methods Previous studies have shown that the lateral layer is obli- quely draped in space as a result of lateral accretion in the point bar [46]. The plane geometry of the lateral layer is in the shape of an arc, and the cross-sectional shape is an oblique-inserted mud wedge. The main parameters Figure 2: The mathematical characterization of the planar shape of the lateral accretion layer [47]. (a) Theoretical retroflexion curve; (b) characterizing the spatial distribution of a single lateral cross-section delineated by translation of retroflexion curve; (c) formation are the inclination, dip angle, and extension internal characteristic of point bar; (d) morphological parameters
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