NBCF NEWSLETTER JUNE 2017 We LOVE sharing photos of your choir in action! If you have photos to share, please send them. The next NBCF Newsletter will be posted mid-July, 2017. Send your news before Monday, July 10 to: [email protected] NBCF NEWS CHORAL FEST 2017: POULENC GLORIA REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN! October 20-22, 2017 St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church 212 Parr Street, St. Andrews NB Clinician: Dr. Matthew Leese Registration and accommodation information and a tentative schedule for Choral Fest 2017 are now available! Online learning files are available at: http://www.cyberbass.com/Major_Works/ Poulenc_F/poulenc_gloria.htm http://www.voiceparts.com/mfc/poulenc/glo- ria/poulenc_gloria.html Francis Poulenc and many other sites. Visit: http://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/choral- AWARDS fest/ We continue to seek nominations for this year’s Please note that, although the start and end NBCF Award for Distinguished Service Award times of the Choral Fest weekend are firm, the and Youth Achievement Award. Please include proposed schedule is subject to change. a biography for your nominee. Winners will be SILENT AUCTION announced at Choral Fest 2017. We are looking for donations for the NBCF Email: [email protected] silent auction to take place during Choral Fest. Because the NBCF no longer has office space, MEMBER NEWS our ability to store items is very limited. If you have a donation to make, we would appreciate FREDERICTON LADIES CHOIR NAMES NEW a description of the item and its approximate MUSIC LEADERSHIP TEAM value, and your willingness to keep it until The Fredericton Ladies Choir announces the Choral Fest in October. appointment of a new director and a new ac- And if you are interested in serving on the companist following the retirement of former committee, we would love to hear from you! NBCF Newsletter June 2017 Page 1" of 8" NBCF NEWSLETTER JUNE 2017 director Peter Steeves and accompanist Julie de l'appel au voyage, celui de cœurs qui bat- Maston in the spring. tent le tempo. Sally Dibblee has accepted the position of Reconnu pour son répertoire éclectique et ses choir director. Sally has enjoyed 20+ years per- mises en scène soignées et originales, cet en- forming in opera and concert houses through- semble qui célèbre son 25e anniversaire ef- out North America. She has also been a vocal fectuera une tournée dans les Maritimes, s’ar- instructor privately and at Mount Allison Uni- rêtera à Moncton, pour un concert, en com- versity and serves as adjudicator at music festi- pagnie du Chœur Beauséjour. Les billets sont vals across the country. After spending 2-4 au coût de 15$ auprès des choristes et à la months on the road every year, she now wants porte. to spend more time in her studio at home in VOIX FERRÉES: LE SON QUI NOUS HANTE Fredericton where she lives with her husband and two sons. Thursday, June 29, 7:30 pm Central United Church The choir’s new accompanist is Nadine Martin, who moved to Fredericton two years ago after Le Chœur Beauséjour, under the direction of spending 10 years in Halifax. She was collabo- Monique Richard, will host the Montreal vocal rative pianist at her alma mater Dalhousie Uni- ensemble, Les Voix Ferrées, in a magnificent versity and accompanist for Gilbert and Sulli- concert entitled "The sound that haunts us." van Society. Nadine has been an accompanist But what sound? Of the wind that blows, of the since age 11 when she played for and directed call to travel, of hearts that beats time. the choir at her small church on Prince Edward Recognized for its eclectic repertoire and its Island. She has competed and accompanied careful and original staging, the ensemble is regionally, provincially, nationally, and interna- celebrating its 25th anniversary with a tour of tionally winning numerous awards. She was a the Maritimes, including a stop in Moncton for Young Artist for two seasons at Scotia Festival a concert with Le Chœur Beauséjour. of Music. Tickets are $15, available from choir members The choir will return to rehearsal in September. and at the door. The tentative date for the choir’s annual UNB SUMMER MUSIC CAMPS Christmas concert is December 10; further de- tails will be announced in the fall. The annual UNB Music Camps are dedicated to furthering the experience and growth of VOIX FERRÉES: LE SON QUI NOUS HANTE New Brunswick music students. Originally de- Jeudi 29 juin à 19 h 30 signed for string, wind, and choral students, it Église Central United Church has since expanded to include songwriter Le Chœur Beauséjour, sous la direction de camps, half and full-day camps for the very Monique Richard, accueillera l’ensemble vocal young, and programs for youth strings. montréalais, les Voix Ferrées, dans un mag- Every one of our summer camp activities-the nifique concert intitulé "Le son qui nous hante.” music, stories, and crafts-is specially designed Mais quel son direz-vous ? Celui des vagues to nurture your child’s natural curiosity, draw- qui se brisent, celui du vent qui souffle, celui ing him or her toward learning new concepts and new ideas. Through these fun filled activi- NBCF Newsletter June 2017 Page 2" of 8" NBCF NEWSLETTER JUNE 2017 ties children gain a greater knowledge of mu- CAMPS D'ÉTÉ DU DÉPARTEMENT DE sic, inspiring creativity and imagination. MUSIQUE DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONCTON Visit: http://www.unb.ca/cel/programs/cre- Camp « Soli Tutti » ative/music-camp/summer-music-camp/in- 3 au 7 juillet 2017 dex.html Avec les professeurs du Département de 150 VOICES FOR 150 YEARS musique: Saturday, July 1, 2017 • Michel Cardin, guitare Perth-Andover Veterans Field, 4:00 pm to • Michel Deschênes, percussions 7:00 pm • Nadia Francavilla, violon To celebrate Canada's 150th birthday this summer, the Perth-Andover Community Choir • Monette Gould, chant is hosting a wonderful Canada Day Event: 150 • Roger Lord, piano Voices for 150 Years of Canada. On Saturday, • Monique Richard, chorale area choirs will perform Canadian songs (of their choosing), and then all the singers will • Lisa Roy, chant joint together in one 150-voice mass choir to L’atelier « Soli Tutti », qui aura lieu du 3 au 7 juil- sing several Canadian songs. let, s’adresse aux autres familles d’instruments Bring a lawn chair and join us for some out- — chant, piano, violon, guitare, percussions, etc. standing Canadian Music on this special — et est offert sous la direction du personnel Canada Day! enseignant du Département de musique. Des- tinés aux francophones et aux élèves provenant d’un programme d’immersion en français de partout à travers les provinces mar- itimes (les jeunes issus de tout environnement linguistique sont toutes et tous les bienvenus), ces programmes mettent l’accent sur la créa- tion et l’interprétation de musique de chambre en petits ensembles. Les jeunes de 12 à 22 ans possédant au moins deux ans de formation sur leur instrument ou en chant sont invités à s’in- scrire. Cette semaine musicale, remplie de plaisir et de défis, est conçue pour aider les élèves à élever leur niveau musical grâce à la com- préhension de la relation entre le corps et l’es- prit, le développement d’éléments fondamen- taux comme la production de son et la tech- nique, de même que l’exposition à un réper- toire nouveau et inspirant. Les élèves recevront des cours privés avec les spécialistes du Dé- NBCF Newsletter June 2017 Page 3" of 8" NBCF NEWSLETTER JUNE 2017 partement de musique, ainsi que de la forma- The « Soli Tutti » workshop, to be held on July tion en groupe dans le contexte de musique 37, offers instruction in all other instruments, de chambre. Des représentations profession- including voice, guitar, strings, percussion and nelles et des ateliers uniques auront égale- piano, by the faculty and staff of the Music De- ment lieu tout au long de la semaine. Chacun partment. Aimed at Francophone and French des camps se terminera avec une représenta- Immersion music students throughout the Mar- tion ouverte au public à la salle Neil-Michaud itime provinces (students of any language de l’Université de Moncton. background are welcomed equally), these Visitez: http://www.umoncton.ca/umcm-fass- programs focus specifically on the creation musique/camps-musique and performance of chamber music in small ensembles. Students aged 12 through 22 years of age with a minimum of two years of instruc- tion on their instrument or voice type are invit- ed to apply. These two fun and challenging camps are de- signed to help students reach the next level in their musical achievements through improving their mind-body awareness and connection, reinforcing the fundamentals of sound produc- tion and technique, and exposing students to new and inspiring repertoire. Students will have the opportunity to study privately with specialist faculty members, and will receive en- semble coaching for various chamber music Élèves du camp d'été de l’U de M groupings. Professional performances and unique workshops will also occur throughout the week. Each camp will culminate with the UNIVERSITÉ DE MONCTON MUSIC CAMPS students giving a free public performance in U Camp « Soli Tutti » de M’s Salle Neil-Michaud. July 3-7 2017 Visit: http://www.umoncton.ca/umcm-fass- With the faculty of the Department of Music: musique/camps-musique • Michel Cardin, guitare SCHOOL OF CHURCH MUSIC CHOIR • Michel Deschênes, percussions SCHOOL 60TH ANNIVERSARY PERFOR- • Nadia Francavilla, violon MANCES • Monette Gould, chant Thursday, July 6 , 7:00 pm • Roger Lord, piano St’ Luke’s Church, Saint John NB • Monique Richard, chorale The Diocesan School of Church Music annual Choir School will present a festive Choral • Lisa Roy, chant Evensong, with the Junior Choristers, Counsel- lors and Adult Staff.
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