Bombs bursting Shining Star page 6A page1C JULY 11,1997 VOLUME 24 NUMBER 35 IS, 36 PAGES •'' ' -•>? i s 13 n d PCs Summer sails They were a sight to behold, dozens of children learning how to sail or improving their skills just west of the causeway last week. More than 250 kids will hone their skills at the Edison Sailing Center this summer. This is the first year the school is using the Sanibel location as part of a pilot program offered through the Sanibel Parks and Recreation Department and approved by City Council in the spring. Nearly 30 students signed up for the six-day program which ended July 3. Children take to the water in Optimist boats which are eight feet or shorter. Some of the more eJcperienced students set but on Lasers which hiive the bli^J fl Island Water "makes sure Kids jump with joy there is no turning Back By Gwenda Hiett-Clements of the Federal Clean Water and Air for summer'wreck Staff Writer Act. Jill doodiTMii The Island Water Association's plan Cross connection occurs when pip- to provide safe water for residents and ing from irrigation wells gets connect- Si\ wocks of non- visitors with continued installation of ed to the IWA's potable water system. Inn |n>i! hit tliL v. it\ backflow devices is on schedule. This can result in contamination of not like .i meiAine ball The installation of backflow devices only the involved member's own water, Well, .utuiillv, ihe and cross connection control is in com- •please~seepage 5A Siiimiiir Wrtvk pliance with state law enacted as part JI 1 lie Turn on knowledge, not lights for turtles Rivn.it11m Cun-iplcs is p had already been notified of the light- By Gwenda Hiett-Clements hn !-* Ji in,.i r,n% ing; we had noted that problem earli- Staff Writer Sv lioul il£».' * OLIIC'SKI A tiny sliver of a moon lost out to er. Now it has become a tragedy. We md t(i i, iMi-- D i iil> large globe lights on Sanibel Siesta want to get to the point where there is |M II qins *(. ' i' .1' Ul I condominiums Sunday, July 6 leading no disorientation. We are doing better, in- i«- id l,.i\e u > md to disorientation of loggerhead turtle much belter than last year. It's a mir- ui|"\ the Minim* r hatchlings. Located about 100 acle that any of them survive 1 I ink-1 IIK A ik tut yards just west of Fulgur and horrible for us to be an „• o o| I he ( it, HI Street in Zone 4, this was the addttonal problem before they S.IIIIIH1! ihi«- [in M mi first nest to hatch on the east even get to the water." ll IS T i\UI tUMll 1 [i ,' end index nesting area. When a lighting or other \I The first turtle hatching sea turtle code violation is LiI d.i\ . imp disorientation led to follow up noted, the first step is to send I'.irks md Roi icili in investigation as part of a letter of compliance to the Ini.Lt H hiiA \ i n n»il enforcement of the City's Sea Turtle residence. At that point city officials K c i i i- K\. I i • n Ordinance. will meet with the owners to suggest Sii|vmikMi li-iil The City's Natural Resources solutions and give recommendations. Director Rob Loflin, said, "This a dif- If the problem is not corrected, a citia- •ji.ini in \iij.n«.i i ferent scenerio now. Animals have tion will be issued. lh >t \ ii, .11 ,i (.<- • 11 died. There are other- lights on adja- Loflin said, "We don't want to be 111 -Ik' • 11'LI| cent properties contributing to the Nazi turtle police, but when some- N"11 ilk1 .i.t .ii npk problem, one on a dune walkover, but thing like this happens, everybody has ,iu Jp UILL up Ii, il .. John Michael Ligon makes an utterly stylo- the turtles went up right toward their a sense of emergency." LT.kU 1 i. Ill 111 <M,I Ii II East End Coordinator for the full jump at the Sanibel Summer Wrt-rk lights. We want to get the problem Program at the elementary school last w<*«-k. dm mi.' flu i •inn u taken care of immediately. The condo •please see page 12A svv pagof) \ 2A • JULY 11, 1997 Ql ISLAND REPORTER Road rally romp gets motors and blood pumping By Michelle Moran Editor It wasn't enough Rollerblading down Periwinkle holding on to the back of the Rolls Royce in which our treasured office manager Shirlene Grasgreen and her husband Marty rode in style for the Fourth of July parade. No, I wanted to do it all-. So I kidnapped Fort Myers Beach Observer Editor Dawn Grodsky and islander Cathy Curtis for the road rally. I had planned on doing the rally in the Rolls Royce, but Rosemarie Pirillo of Aviance Rolls had to head back to the Cape for a wedding. So we were left to race off in my little Blue Mazda. We packed in the car. Cathy was excited and asked what exactly the rally was. I looked back and shrugged my shoulders. "It's some sort of scavenger hunt," I said, adding it was my first year participating. A veteran rally-er, Dawn tried to explain it to us. Chamber director David Besse signs up par- Some of the clues led the rally racers to We stared blankly. ticipants in the 18th Annual Sanibel-Captiva Gulfside City Park where they had to get a $1 Chamber of Commerce Road Rally outside parking receipt and count the "12s" on the "You'll see. It's simple," she said with exaspera- dollar bill. tion. "You just have to do what it says," the Sundial. « "What what says?" Cathy said. Dawn didn't engine and took our place in the starting line. We "Wow, I was really into that!" I said as my muscles answer. were the fourth car to start. We were ready. relaxed. We got to the Sundial and signed in. Chamber Then my radiator blew. "No, really?" Dawn said smiling. Director David Besse handed me a plastic bag con- Undaunted we moved into action. "Next year, we'll kick butt," Cathy said. taining pamphlets from island businesses. We got a T- Dawn raced off with our photographer to pick up We would not know our fate until Monday after Shirt, a couple of Koozies, some coupons, and then her car at Bailey's. I talked to the timekeepers and got the judges' complicated calculations were announced. someone tried to sell me my newspaper. a new starting time. Cathy organized our materials In the end we placed 20th, slightly above the middle "We'll just stop by the office and get copies of the and unloaded my car. of the pack, with a score of 26. papers," I said, giving away my budget. When Dawn arrived we were ready to go. "The registration was slightly off," Besse said. "There's a free drink coupon in the cups there," Finally Grover gave us the list of clues and we "Everyone seemed to have a good time. Everyone got Besse said. were off. , in a little quicker. It was very competitive. The differ- Grover Arp handed me some white shoe polish We counted off the number of yellow roadside ence between first and second place was just a few and I put our number on my car. Then I wrote our signs on Casa Ybel on the way to Algiers. Then we points." team name "Roving Reporters." Cathy added "The argued about the color of the crayons at the There were 46 teams. Besse said one team came in Goddesses." Children's center. Then we forgot how many street early. signs we counted. We were ready. "If your time is off then you have no chance," he We went to Crocodial's for a drink before hitting Dawn pulled into Algiers and headed to the park. said. "We had a few that took a holiday detour. And the road. That's when the challenges began. There were a few clues to gather there. Dawn backed we have a few people that aren't talking to each other I sweetly told teammates John Biddle and John up through the parking lot so we wouldn't have any but they'll get over it. We should have a no spouse "Crusher" Healy, "We're gonna kick your butts." extra miles on the car. rule. Spouses can't ride in the same car together." Crusher slipped the pink bag with some of our We had 72 minutes to answer 72 questions and clues from my backpack when I wasn't looking. I collect three bonus questions for a total score of 100. wished him luck when he returned it to me later. Each correct answer was worth one point. Although Road Rally Results As the starting time near, Cathy and Dawn took there are no penalties for wrong answers, points are their navigator positions in the car. We revved the deducted for being under or over the determined time 1. Van of Nuts 68 and/or miles for the course. (One point for every 2. Shanie& Holly 59 l/10th of a mile, and two points for every minute.) 3. Margarite Magic 58 Weather We completed four of the seven bonus questions 4. 3 Stooges & Shan 54 High Low Rain about island newspapers before we left the Sundial.
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