E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2016 No. 104 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was The senior assistant legislative clerk need to do in the immediate term.’’ called to order by the President pro read as follows: That is the head of the CDC. tempore (Mr. HATCH). A bill (S. 3100) to ensure that State and They might like to pretend that the f local law enforcement may cooperate with Zika control measure walks back clean Federal officials to protect our communities water protections, but that is false too. PRAYER from violent criminals and suspected terror- It actually contains a temporary, tar- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- ists who are illegally present in the United geted compromise to promote mos- fered the following prayer: States. quito control as long-term solutions Let us pray. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, in like a vaccine are being developed. Eternal God, the center of our joy, order to place the bill on the calendar They might want to dust off the ‘‘war we lift our eyes to You. In a world with under the provisions of rule XIV, I ob- on women’’ playbook, too, but this change and decay, You are changeless. ject to further proceedings. Zika control measure actually provides Your presence makes us glad, and Your The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- more resources for women’s health peace guards our hearts. tion is heard. services through community health Lord, today keep the eyes of our law- The bill will be placed on the cal- centers, public health departments, makers focused on You. May they look endar. and hospitals. to You in their going out and coming f It is really puzzling to hear Demo- in, in their rising up and lying down. crats claim to be advocates for wom- May they see You in their labor and ZIKA VIRUS AND VA–MILCON en’s health measures when they are the leisure and in their pleasure and sor- FUNDING BILL ones trying to block this Zika legisla- row. Guide them in life’s morning and Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we tion and its critical resources to pro- evening, for the kingdom, power, and all heard Democrats warn that we tect women’s health. The CDC has said: glory belong to You. Give them the ‘‘cannot delay any longer’’ on Zika ‘‘Zika virus infection during pregnancy wisdom to seize this day, working cre- control funding. We have heard them can cause a serious defect called atively to keep America strong. warn that ‘‘every day we wait is in- microcephaly, as well as other severe We pray in Your majestic Name. creasing the risk that we will have fetal brain defects.’’ Amen. problems with Zika.’’ We have even So today Democrats have a choice: f heard them warn that ‘‘the mosquitoes Continue pushing thinly veiled par- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE are not going to be on recess.’’ But tisan arguments and block the Zika now, as we are about to vote on a bi- control funding or join with us to ad- The President pro tempore led the cameral compromise that reflects the vance a serious solution and send crit- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: $1.1 billion funding level that Demo- ical funding to the President’s desk I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the crats already unanimously supported right now. United States of America, and to the Repub- here in the Senate, they are threat- Remember, this legislation is the last lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ening to block the Zika control money. chance we have to get Zika control The Democratic leader yesterday funding to the President’s desk for f went so far as to say that his Members weeks. We should pass it to protect RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY ‘‘have no choice’’ but to oppose it. He those especially at risk—pregnant LEADER and our friends across the aisle can try women and babies. We should pass it to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- to come up with a line of excuses as to help prevent the spread of Zika and TON). The majority leader is recog- why they are blocking funding to ad- other mosquito-borne illnesses. We nized. dress the Zika crisis and blocking sup- should pass it to help keep Americans f port for our Nation’s veterans, but here safer from this public health concern in is what it all boils down to: This is par- the midst of mosquito season. MEASURE PLACED ON THE tisan politics. We know that blocking this bill CALENDAR—S. 3100 They might like to pretend this Zika would mean preventing critical anti- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I control measure is ‘‘woefully inad- Zika funds from moving one step closer understand there is a bill at the desk equate,’’ but Senate Democrats are all to becoming law. But here is what else that is due a second reading. on the record supporting this level of it would mean: blocking critical fund- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The funding, and the CDC Director has tes- ing for our veterans, our servicemem- clerk will read the bill by title for the tified that this $1.1 billion funding bers, and their families. These men and second time. level is sufficient ‘‘to do the things we women voluntarily serve in our Armed ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4591 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:29 Jun 29, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28JN6.000 S28JNPT1 emcdonald on DSK9F6TC42PROD with SENATE S4592 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 28, 2016 Forces in order to protect our country took another $100 million from the Great idea—OK, I am glad you came and our freedom. They don’t ask for Ebola funding, which is badly needed. up with that. We are going to stick much, but we ask so much of them. All you have to do is talk to anyone at that in there too. That is why we must meet our com- NIH or the Centers for Disease Control, Under this legislation the Repub- mitment to them by passing this Vet- and they will tell you. Ebola is not licans stuck in there a line to prohibit erans and Military Construction fund- gone. the legislation that says you can’t fly ing measure as soon as possible. This Then they proceeded. I don’t know if a Confederate flag in a military ceme- bill will increase critical resources to they sat in a room and said: Let’s do tery. Under their legislation, you can help ensure veterans receive health everything we can just to hit every go ahead and do it. care and the health benefits they rely constituency group the American peo- This conference report is disgraceful. on. It will improve quality of life on ple like, and let’s just poke in their It is shameful to use a real-life public military bases for soldiers, sailors, air- eyes. That is what they did. health crisis to push the radical Repub- men, marines, and their families. It How about women’s health? How lican agenda. It is radical. I have told will support critical national security anti-women’s health can they make it? you what they are doing. There is a point of order against the projects such as missile defense. It is a I will tell you that we are dealing here with pregnant women and women who bill also. We could raise that. bipartisan measure that earned the Republicans were eager to inject pol- want some type of birth control. The support of both Democrats and Repub- itics in this legislation, even rescind- Republican conference report restricts licans when it passed the Senate. So ing $543 million from the Affordable funding for birth control provided by let’s work together today and pass it Care Act, making the bill rescindable. again. Planned Parenthood. My friend says For these and other reasons, we are they can go someplace else for it. In f going to vote against cloture. America today, there are huge seg- But it is not just Democrats saying RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY ments of the American people where this bill is a disaster. No, don’t leave it LEADER this is the only place they can go for to us. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The help. Women need Planned Parenthood, I ask unanimous consent to have Democratic leader is recognized. and what do the Republicans do be- printed in the RECORD a letter from 40 cause of their fixation on doing every- public health care groups, including f thing they can to hurt Planned Parent- some of these radical organizations ZIKA VIRUS AND VA–MILCON hood? They do these phony television like the March of Dimes, the American FUNDING BILL interviews. They have fake cameras. Academy of Pediatrics, the American The courts have decided that what College of Obstetricians and Gyne- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I don’t they did is wrong. They have been cologists, Easterseals, the American know what planet my friend the Re- sued, but that is OK. Anything they Public Health Association, and 35 publican leader is living on. This con- can do to whack Planned Parenthood, more. ference report is the most irresponsible they are going to do it, and they tried There being no objection, the mate- legislation I have ever seen in my 34 it here.
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