LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-sixth Parliament 23 August 1960 – 7 December 1962 Queensland Parliamentary Debates INDEX Contents of this document * 36th Parliament, 1st Session 23 August 1960 – 24 March 1961 Index from Hansard, V.227-229, 1960-61 36th Parliament, 2nd Session 22 August 1961 – 7 June 1962 Index from Hansard, V.230-232, 1961-62 36th Parliament, 3rd Session 21 August 1962 – 7 December 1962 Index from Hansard, V.233-234, 1962 *The Index from each volume of Hansard corresponds with a Parliamentary Session. This document contains a list of page numbers of the daily proceedings for the Legislative Assembly as printed in the corresponding Hansard volume. A list of page numbers at the start of each printed index is provided to allow the reader to find the electronic copy in the online calendar by clicking on the date of the proceedings and then to a link to the pdf. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-sixth Parliament – First Session Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.227-229, 1960-61 23 August 1960 – 24 March 1961 (Nicklin Government) INDEX PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1-27 23 August 1960 600-615 12 October 1960 27-45 24 August 1960 615-676 13 October 1960 46-92 25 August 1960 676-709 14 October 1960 93-133 30 August 1960 710-802 18 October 1960 133-148 31 August 1960 803-818 19 October 1960 149-181 1 September 1960 819-881 20 October 1960 182-218 6 September 1960 881-916 21 October 1960 218-235 7 September 1960 916-990 25 October 1960 235-274 8 September 1960 990-1013 26 October 1960 274-311 13 September 1960 1014-1069 27 October 1960 311-327 14 September 1960 1069-1094 28 October 1960 327-367 15 September 1960 1094-1159 1 November 1960 367-407 20 September 1960 1160-1176 2 November 1960 407-422 21 September 1960 1176-1239 3 November 1960 422-456 22 September 1960 1239-1264 4 November 1960 456-499 27 September 1960 1265-1327 8 November 1960 499-515 28 September 1960 1327-1344 9 November 1960 516-544 29 September 1960 1344-1403 10 November 1960 544-600 11 October 1960 1404-1438 11 November 1960 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1438-1501 15 November 1960 2247-2314 23 February 1961 1501-1531 16 November 1960 2314-2373 28 February 1961 1531-1618 17 November 1960 2373-2391 1 March 1961 1618-1653 18 November 1960 2391-2471 2 March 1961 1653-1713 22 November 1960 2472-2564 7 March 1961 1713-1746 23 November 1960 2564-2581 8 March 1961 1747-1826 24 November 1960 2581-2675 9 March 1961 1826-1862 25 November 1960 2676-2703 10 March 1961 1862-1942 29 November 1960 2703-2766 14 March 1961 1942-1978 30 November 1960 2706-2783 15 March 1961 1978-2077 1 December 1960 2783-2857 16 March 1961 2077-2101 2 December 1960 2858-2889 17 March 1961 2102-2138 6 December 1960 2889-2964 21 March 1961 2139-2160 7 December 1960 2964-3007 22 March 1961 2161-2202 21 February 1961 3008-3117 23 March 1961 2202-2246 22 February 1961 3117-3128 24 March 1961 1960-61 QUEENSLAND Official Record of the Debates OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DURING THE First Session OF THE Thirty.. Sixth Parliament 9 and 10 ELIZABETH ll Comprising the periods from the Twenty.third day of August to the Seventh day of December, 1960; and from the Twenty-first day of February to the Twenty-fourth day of March, 1961. VOL. 229 BRISBANE By Authority: S. G. REID, Government Printer, Brisban~ first Session of the Thirty-Sixth Parliament of Queensland 1960-61 THE GOVERNOR His Excellency Colonel Sir HENRY ABEL SMITH, K.C.V.O., D.S.O. THE MINISTRY Premier and Chief Secretary; and Vice-President of the Executive Council-Honourable GEORGE FRANCIS REUBEN NICKUN. Minister for Labour and Industry-Honourable KENNETH JAMES MORRIS. Minister for Education and Migration-Honourable JACK CHARLES ALLAN PIZZEY, B.A., Dip.Ed. Minister for Justice and Attorney-General-Honourable ALAN WHITESIDE MUNRO. Treasurer and Minister for Housing-Honourable THOMAS ALFRED HILEY. Minister for Development, Mines, Main Roads and Electricity-Honourable ERNEST EVANS. Minister for Agriculture ami Forestry-Honourable OTTO OTIOSEN MADSEN. Minister for Health and Home Affairs--Honourable HENRY WINSTON NOBLE, M.B., B.S. Minister for Transport-Honourable GOJRDON WILLIAM WESLEY CHALK. Minister for Public Works and Local Government-Honourable LLOYD HENRY 1 SCURFIELD ROBERTS. ( ) Minister for Public Lands and Irrigation-Honourable ALAN ROY FLETCHER. THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY §pealier-Honourab!e DAVID ERIC NICHOLSON Murrnmba Chairman of Committees-TAYLOR, HAROLD BOURNE, Esquire, D.S.O. C!ayfield Temporary Chairmen of Committees- BAXTER, WILLIAM EDWARD, Esquire Hawthorne DEWAJR, ALEXANDER TATTENHAJ~L, Esqnire WaveU Dll'LOCK, LESLIE FRANK, Esquire Aubigny GPA 'TE~..r, ERIC J'Olir'-.J", Esquire South Coast LOW, DAVID ALAN, Esquire Cooroora ADAIR, HERBERT ARTHUR, Esquire Cook AIKENS, THOMAS, Esquire . Townsville South ANDERSON, lVffiRVYN JOHN REGINALD, Esquire Toowoomba Eag ARMSTRONG, ROY ALEXANDER, Esquire Mulgrave BAXTER, WILLIAM EDWARD, Esquire Haw~horne BEARDMORE, EDWIN JAl\ffiS, Esquire Balonne BENl\'.ET'I', COLIN JAJ.'-'lES, Esquire, B.A., LLB. South Brisbant BJELKE-PETERSEN, JOHANNES, Esquire Barambab BROfvfLEY, FRED PHILLII', Esquire Norman BURROWS, JA!\IIES, Esquire Port Curtis BYRNE, PETER, Esqnire Mourilyau CAl\iPBEI.L, FREDEHICK ALEX,-1..1\'"DER, Fsquir;> Aspley CAJREY, CECll, CHARLES, Esquire Albert CHALK, Honourable GORDON WILLIAlVI WESl.EY tockyer COBURN, ARTHUR, Esquire Burdekin DAVIES, HO RACE JASON, Esquire Maryboro·Jgh (2) DAVIS, EDWARD WILLIAM, Esquire Barcoo DEAN, HAJROLD, Esquire Sandgate DELAMOTHE, PETER ROYLANCE, Esquire, O.B.E., M.B., Univ. §yd. Bowen DEWAR, ALEXANDER TATIENHALL, Esquire Waven DIPLOCK, LESLIE FRANK, Esquire . Aubigny (1) Died, 11 April, 1961 (2) Died, 10 April, 1961 rv. 1'H.E LEGiSLATIVE ASSEMBL \'-continued DONALD, Jk'UES, Esquire ..... Ipswich East DI.WFICY, JOHN JOSEPH, Esquire ..... Warrego DUGG.AN, JOHN EDMUND, Esquire Toowoomba W, EVANS, Honourable ERNEST Mirani EWAN, WILLMM MANSON, Esquire Roma .FLETCHER, .Honourable ALAN ROY Cunningham GA VEN, ERIC JOHN, Esquire South Coast GILMORE, THOMAS VERNON, Esquire Tablelands GRAHAM, FREDERICK DICKSON, Esquire ...... Mackay GUNN, WILLIAM MORRISON, Esquire Wynnum HANLON, PATIUCK JOSEPH, Esquire Baroona HARRISON, ROBERT LESLIE, Esquire Logan HART, GRAHAM LLOYD, Esquire, Q.C. Mount Gravatt HERBERT, JOHN DESMOND, Esquire Sherwood HEW.ITT, l'.TEVILLE THOMAS ERIC, Esquire ..... Mackenzie HILEY, Honourable THOMAS ALFRED Chatswortb HILTON, Honourable PAUL JEROME RE.MIGIUS Camarvon HODGES, ALLEN MAXWELL, Esquire Gympie HOOPER, KEITH WILLIAM, Esquire Greenslopes HOUGHTON, JAMES EDWARD HIRAM, Esquire Redclifi'e HOUSTON, JOHN WILLIAM, Esquire Bulimba HUGHES, CLIVE MELWYN, Esquire Kurilpa INCH, ALEXANDER JAMES, Esquire Burke J01'i'ES, VINCENT EDWARD, Esquire Callide KNOX, WILLIAM EDWARD, Esquire Nundah LLOYD, ERIC GAYFORD, Esquire, D.F.C. Kedron LONERGAN, WILLIAM HORACE, Esquire Fiinders LOW, DAVID ALAN, Esquire Cooroora MADSEN, Honourable OITO OTIOSEN Warwick MANN, JOHN HENRY, Esquire Brisbane MARSDEN, IVOR, Esquire ..... Ipswich West MELLOY, JOHN, Esquire ..... Nudgee MORRIS, Honourable KENNETH JAMES Mount Coot-tba MULLER, ADOLF GUSTA VE, Esquire Fassifem MUNRO, Honourable ALAN WHITESIDE Toowong NEWTON, HAROLD FRANCIS, Esquire Belmont NICHOLSON, Honourable DAVID ERIC Murrnmba NICKLIN, Honourable GEORGE FRANCIS REVBEN ..... Landsborough NOBLE, Honourable HENRY WINSTON, M.B., B.S. Yeronga PILBEAM, REGINALD BYRON JARVIS, Esquire Rockbampton S. PIZZEY, Honourable JACK CHARLES ALLAN, B.A., Dip.Ed. Is is RAE, WALLACE ALEXANDER RAlVISAY, Esquire Gregory RAMSDEN, SAMUEL RAYMOND, Esquire Merthyr RICHTER, HAROLD, Esquire Somerset 1 ( ) ROBERTS, Honourable LLOYD HENRY SCURFIELD Whitsunday ROW, JOHN ALFRED, Esquire Hinchinbrook SHERRINGTON, DOUGLAS JOHN, Esquire ..... Salisbury SMITH, PERCY RAYMUND, Esquire, LL.B ....... Windsor SULLIVAN, VICTOR BRUCE, Esquire Condamine TAYLOR, HAROLD BOURNE, Esquire, D.S.O. Clayfield THACKERAY, MERVYN HERBERT, Esquire ...... Rockbampton N. TOOTH, SEYMOUR DOUGLAS, Esquire Ashgrove TUCKER, PERCY JOHN ROBERT, Esquire Townsville North WALLACE, GEORGE WALTER GORDON, Esquire Cairns WALSH, EDWARD JOSEPH, Esquire Bundabert: WHARTON, CLAUDE ALFRED, Esquire Bumett WINDSOR, ROBERT LEVI, Esquire ..... Ithaca (1) Died 11 April, 1961 COI\'.IMIT'TEES Library.-Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. DEAN, Mr. DONALD, Mr. EWA..~, Mr. HOUSTON, Mr. RAMSDEN and Mr. TOOm. Parliamentary Buildings.-Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. HANLON, Mr. HEWIIT, M.r. HODGES, Mr. HOOPER, Mr. NEWTON and Mr. SHERRINGTON. Printing.-Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. BJELKE-PETERSEN, Mr. CAMPBELL Mr. DUFFICY, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. SMITH and Mr. W ALLACE. Refreshment Rooms.-Mr. SPEAKER, Dr. DELAMOTHE, Mr. LONERGAN !Hr. MANN, Mr. MARSDEN, l\1r. RICHTER and Mr. THACKERA Y. Standing Orders.-Mr. SPEAKER, Mr. DUGGA:'J, Mr. LLOYD, Mr. MUNRO \fr. NICKLIN, Mr. TAYLOR and Mr. WALSH. ELECTIONS TRIBUNAL Elections ludges- 1960-The Honourable THE CHIEF JUSTICE (Sir Alan lames Mansfield, K.C.M.G.) 1961-The Honourable Mr. JUSTICE STABLE. Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.227-229, 1960-61 23 August 1960 - 24 March 1961 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Index to Subjects Address in Reply­ BILLS-continued: Adoption, 407. Barristers Act of 1956 Repeal (initiation), 185; (initiation in committee), 223, Answer of Governor, 615. 241, 319, 372, 414; (amendment­ Debate, 37, 100, 138, 151, 185, 244, 280. Mr. Hilton), 324, 333, 369; (1 °), 338, 373. 417; (2°), 607; (committee), 609; Presentation to Governor, 600. (3°), 633; (assent), 1094. Adjournment of House, Formal motions under Canals Acts Amendment (initiation), 1408; Standing Order No. 137- (initiation in committee), 1440;
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