Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Da Bee Lab 1-1-1858 Megachile Centuncularis J. W. Douglas Entomological Society of London Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/bee_lab_da Recommended Citation Douglas, J. W., "Megachile Centuncularis" (1858). Da. Paper 249. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/bee_lab_da/249 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Bee Lab at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Da by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~-------..--.__ ,________ ......____ __ ..,,.._. __...,;_, ..., ___ .._.._... .,_, .... _ .... ____ ___, 'S WEEKLY INTELLIGENCEU. THE EN.l'OMOLOGIST 'S WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. 167 Chlienius Nigricornis, devour entirely; any poor power­ *Elaphrus Riparius, it I uever find it except on or under stones, less beetle that comes in their way is ,, Cupreu~, under whi ch ants ar e, but I have never speedily arlded to the list of \'ictims; even *Loricera Pilicornis, fuuod it actually amongst them .-Utcu . those harde st of all Col eoptera - the Pteroslichus Nigrita, SHIELD, Calle de Sulis, lllonte Video, c_urculionida-I find deprii ·ed of legs 8011th America; June 28. ,, Ina-qualis, aud auteonm, and eventually 1 believe * Auchomenus l\Iarginatus, the marauders attack each other, for their liYMENOPTEnA . Anisodactylus Bin otatu s, mutilated skeletons are scatt ered in all llfegachile centuncularis.-At the hack Stenolophus Teutouus (apparently u), rare), dirP.ctions, showing the truth of the old of this house two rose tr ees grow up the Harpalus Rubripes, adage, that " two of a trade never wall, one of which is select ed by this bee agree." The species find are C<wab11s Bembidium Flavipes, I for her operations, the leav es being lar ge r 11iolaceus, Pterostichus madid11s ancl P . and thinne, · th an those of the other tree, * ,, 4-guttutum, me/anari ·us, nncl sometimea a member of which are never touched by her . Sh e ,, Bipunctutum. another amiable family, Or,1Jpus olens, comes in a direct line over the tall trees 'ac- ~hose marked with au asterisk are plen- drops in to assist at the re,·els.-J. at the uottom of the ga.-den, and soon lhis tiful: I ha,·e also found eight or nine W. DouGLAs, selects a leaf. On this she setll es, gene­ :ats species of Stenus; and Xnntltolinus and 6, Kingswood Place, Lee; July'29. rally, but not always, with her head to end St ·ilicus swarm uuder the cut gross j the footstalk, and takin g the leaf betwe en =t where Cacicula pecl/Jralis can also be Insects on the "Flat H olme.'' - I yesterday joined a party of excursionists her legs, rapidly cuts ou t a piece in the Dot found in any quantity . I ha, ·e taken ued there Plti/ont_lms rubid11s, Aromia mos- by steamer to the "Flat Holme," in the mann er often described, sometim es cir. t is c/1ata, L eiosoma. ovatula, and sereral Bristol Channel. As a collecting-ground cular, but often oval, her operutiou s 1,c. aro others during the last week. On the it contains but a limited area, the entire ing no doubt guided by the req uir ements circumference of the islet not exceeding of her nest, the o,·al piec es heing for the Dlf, • willows I lnok X!Jpltidria dromerlarius ~· (Hym.) last ye11r al,out this time._ three-fourths of a mile. The day was, outside walls, and the circular ones fo1· arc E. C. Rn:, 284, King's lloarl, Cite/sea, however, favourable _, and I was fortunate the partitions. It bas beeu sai d that she 1• • S. W. ; July 30. enough to take the following very local poises herself on her wings in orcler lo £J.; B, ·etles at Home.-I n the front of this insects in tolerable abund ance :-Cteni­ amid tearing the leaf or to h incler bet· house so graphically described in New- opru sulplmr eus, Geotrupes lrcvis, and and the piece from falling to the gruund of m~n·s 'Insect Hunt ers,' there is a small Hipparchia Semele. The first-mentioned when the latt er is cut off, but I narr owly •~e ~'r'.cked area, and the aspect being north beautiful beetle I took principally on the watched this one, and in every inst ance u14 u ts usually so1newhat damp, aud the wing, and a few on the blossoms of the her win gs were motionle ss. As th e ..,.., f thistle: the second abounded everywhere. cutting proceeded, she cu rlcd th e piece re~~rt o sunc'.ry Onisci. Here they ,.J nui:ht lead q111et and sequesterecl li1•es At the instance of the Pr esi<lent of the under her, and when th e piece was se­ ~• becumcs such ret iring animal s, but it Cottcswold Naturalists' Club-who was parated both she and it fell downwards present with many memuers of that for a short distan ce; th en, and not till I~ no happy valley for them, for by ac­ cident . or clesign certain filibu stering Society-I made a short address to the then, did she open her wings to arrest eul Carab,dtl! drup down into it and relin- assembled excursioni sts, iall'iting th eir the downward tend ency, and soon re­ ,u- quishiug their usual noctu:n al i1abi1s attention to my prizes, which were covei-ing herself , mounted upwards with bi" emp!oy tbemsch •es by making mur derou: handed round for examination, when I her uurden . Sometimes, but not alwar, ''1 day_lag_ht attacks upon the peaceful hope I may have succeeded in inocul ating she rested on the palin gs close by, anti some of my he arers with a desire to know th en, rising upward s, proceeded in a "'' .O,u,c,. In vain they roll tLu cmse 1ves r iu~o bnlls, their nssa ilunts find n sa lient more of the beautiful organi sms sub­ dir ect line to her nest.-J, ,v. DouaL .\S, .J,I p111111,. a11J working away with th eir mitted to their observation . - \.V. V. 6, King swoorl Pla ce, l ee ; July 30. J•t pow,•rJul mandible s, soon leave notbiug GotsE, Elmor e Court; Jul!J 30. Sire:x: Gigas.-I see an announccm cnt A11ts'-nest Beetles near ,lf unte Video.­ of the capture of one of thi s spec:irs (in liut u shell• Th ese beet Ies , however, Jo I ha, ·e taken two species of Myrmeco­ or near a pine wood) in th is week's nut . de,. ·ote. ex c Iu sive• attention to tbc 011111 ·1 philous Cole optera residing amongst the 'Intelligencer.' About two month s sin ce , .' lor if a caterpillar• unluckily •~lls lruru tile 1. • ·h ants, and another species whi ch see ms to I met with a good spec imen in the H i~h urrc tree ClUOVl' , tliry be in some way cunne ctecl with them, as Street, Portland Town. Huw am I tu I for Reeoerch-- Purpoeoe-..=-- Only -.J = - Roproductaon Of Thie Item May Conatltu-;:- ··- ~ !ZJPL~ Copyrloht Infringement - I - 168 THE ENTOMOLOGI&T'S WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER. account for this "loc ality?" -Jom,r Noiv ready, pr-ice 311.,No . XIX. of GA.RUND, F.L .S., Dorch ester; Aug . 12. Sire:z: Gigas. - On the 30th ultimo W] was captured a fine Sil-ex Giga.,, Linn. DP i It entered on upper room throu)!h an open window, a short distance from this BRITISH BUTTERFLIES No. 100] neighbourhood. Its sudrlen appearance, AND MOTHS. I I with its bold and noisy flight, and formi­ I dable ovipositor, caused not a little diffi­ By H. T. ST A I NT ON. 1· culty in securing it without injury ; this, London: Van Voorst, Paternoster Row, I however, was effected, and it was kindly presented to me ali\•e and in good condi­ tion. To the ahoYe record, I mny men­ WE WC tion that one of the same species was mologisl captured in August, last year, in the Second Edition, price 31., a few 1 central part of the city, entering a ENTOMOLOGIST'S COl\f­ craft, wh building in a ~imilar manner, through PANION. in the I an open window, hut was brougl1t to me I much mutilated from the rough way it By H. T. STA.1NTO~. only "II I I was taken and secured. - T . TmE MORE, one of I 1· 15, Northampt on Street, Lower Road, " For those interested in the study of t the smaller moths, this book will be found bavtl e• l1linglon; August 6. I orgreat use.''-Athenreu111. our cons London: Van Voorst, Paternoster Row. what ever Now ready, price 3s. 61l., fewest p THE WORLD OF INSECTS; ~ our me A GUIDE TO ITS WONDERS. ' every rE I By J. \V. Douous, To Entomologists. appears Secrel4ry to the Entomological Society of London. eriog a London: John Van Voorst, Pater­ HIP BOXES 2d. per dozen, or if begs tb1 noster Ro1v. C more than three dozen are taken to hint they will be charged I½d, per dozen . thereby I SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. l\fE-rHYLATEDCHLOROFORM for killing "Ausw e Moths, &c., 6d. per oz. BENZINE for rather Cloth, gilt, price 3s., extracting Grease. SoLUTION for de­ SU mJClC. III stroying the Insects which attack speci­ the qt( mens in Cabinets. CA111P11on,CoRK for A BOOK FOR THE COUNTRY IN SUMMER pound c TIME. Boxes and other requisites supplied nt ( BY H. T, STAINTON. No moderate rates by E .
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