Preserving the past Racin' with the best Nine Middlesex County farms are on their Winston Cup stars compete at New Egypt way to being preserved Speedway Page 3 Page 22 Serving North and South Brunswick August 29, 20 fww.gmnew New Brunswick man charged in burglary cording to police. No. Bruns. homeowner Saloom said police heard a commotion injured in struggle with once they entered the residence and rushed up the stairs. alleged home invader Yosko was found struggling with Gar- BY PAVE GOLDBERG rard on the bathroom floor, according to Staff Writer police. "Yosko was waiting for the police to New Brunswick man has been arrive at the time," Saloom said. "Both arrested after police say he was males were covered in blood." A caught in the act of burglarizing a Garrard resisted police when they tried North Brunswick home. to arrest him, according to Saloom. Hassan K. Garrard, 22, of New "The officers attempted to subdue him, Brunswick was arrested and charged with but he was resisting and would not submit burglary, aggravated assault and resisting his hands for arrest after numerous verbal arrest during an alleged burglary at a resi- commands to release his hands from his dence on Noah Drive at 1:02 a.m. Aug. 22. chest," Saloom said. "There was a piece of "We came on Ihc call of a burglary in broken glass in his hand, and he refused to progress," said North Brunswick Detective release it despite numerous requests." George Saloom. "Upon arrival, a woman Saloom said the officers were forced to alerted the officers on the scene that her use pepper spray on Garrard. husband had Garrard trapped in the bed- After struggling for several minutes, room." police said that they were able to handcuff Bruce Yosko, the owner of the Noah Garrard. Drive home located in the Governor's Yosko had to be sent to the hospital Pointe development of North Brunswick, because of the severity of his injuries, said that he was sleeping on a couch when according to Saloom. Police believe that Garrard reportedly broke into their home. the injuries were the result of the struggle Yosko told police he awoke and found between Garrard and Yosko. Garrard going through his wallet which "He had a severe laceration to his right was on a coffee table next to the couch. arm and a laceration above his nose," Yosko then confronted Garrard while Yosko said. "He was transferred to St. FARRAH MAFFAI his wife telephoned police. Peter's hospital in New Brunswick for fur- Tigers jump through flames for trainer Evgueni Baranok at the Carson and A nearby patrol car responded to the ther treatment. Garrard had a small cut on Barnes five-ring circus in North Brunswick on Friday. For more pictures, see scene within a couple of minutes, ac- page 12. Continued on page 16 Index Business 23 Raymond Rd. plan to calm traffic moves forward Classified 27 Concrete island gets Mayor Debra Johnson called for road, and slow traffic, but residents dents in the area to develop a solu- Milestones 19 the meeting before moving ahead objected because they felt that the tion that everyone was satisfied green light from with the plan to place a 12-foot- striping would not do enough to with. Opinion 10 wide concrete island in the center calm the traffic. It was the fifth alternative that Police Beat 21 council and residents of the road to calm traffic. The new design by CMEwas approved Tuesday night. Sports 22 BY CHARLES W. KIM Residents have appealed to the Associates, Parlin, won the Cornell and Public Affairs Staff Writer township to do something about approval of the council and those Coordinator Ron Schmalz also met Quote of the week: living along the road. pian to calm traffic on speeding motorists along that sec- with officials from the state "The tractor-trailer barely Raymond Road in South tion of the road. Johnson said during the meeting Department of Transportation to touched the house. If the Brunswick will now move That part of Raymond Road was that the project should be a priority, make sure that the plans could A widened by developers as part of and that the township will investi- secure DOT approval. trailer had hit the house forward. at a full impact, the their site-plan approvals for new gate how much the project will Residents within 200 feet of the house would have been Township Council members decided Tuesday night to move construction. cost, and see if there is any funding proposed island were sent a notice knocked off its founda- Residents said at an earlier available to start the project in the of Tuesday night's meeting, tion." ahead with a plan to install a con- crete island in the center of the road meeting that the widened section fall. according to acting Township has caused the speed of vehicles If not, Johnson said that the Manager Geoffrey Urbauik. North Brunswick between Douglas Drive and the intersections of Sandor and there to increase. funding should be included in next Cornell will now look into just police Sgt. Jim Curry Several residents have made year's budget. how much the project will cost and Page 5 Dccrpark drives. About 50 residents attended a signs asking motorists to slow Township Engineer Jay Cornell, see if there arc funds for off-track down to make the section safer. of CME, presented four alterna- improvements placed in escrow by Visit Greater Media special meeting Tuesday night at Newspapers' Web site the municipal building on Route The council first looked at using tives at a prior council meeting, but developers to begin the project in www.gmnews.com 522. a striping barrier to narrow the then met again with about six resi- the fall. 2 SENTINEL, AUGUST 29, 2002 NS COMPLETE SALE! LINE OF SHRUBBERY Emerald Green Arbs GREENHOJgjj 3'-4' OO 10" HANGING FOR so t)UR BEST FALL RHODIES & BASKETS AZALEAS WITH MUMS CROP EVER!! $ 00 LARGE FIELD GROWN 3 3fOR 10 FLOWERING LARGE CABBAGE & KALE SELECTION OF FOR tax FALL BOWS ALL COLORS 5 POTS FOR "^ I tj 24" WINDOW 18" URNS + tax BOXES WITH MUMS OVER 100,000 TOP QUALITY W/MUMS $ 99 MUMS TO CHOOSE FROM!! 14 EACH LARGE SELECTION OF HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS 99 EACH 5 FOOT LARGE BALES OF STRAW SCARECROWS GIGANTIC $393 9 00 lift|0^smKS': •"pI^CQRN^ EARTH POTS UPEACH OR l^t^^NTS w/MUMS ITEM RED 99 6 EACH CEDAR MULCH 2FOR$1200 3 CU. FT BAGS DECORATIVE STONE oo XINNIAS CEDAR MULCH « tax IST°QUALITY AZAIEAS3 5 POTS FOR IU+tax NUGGETS™, TOP SOIL ™, POTTING SOIL RHOMES LARGE BALES COW MANURE OF PEAT MOSS PEAT HUMUS 3.8 CU. FT BAGS (40 LB BAGS) GOLDTHREADCYPRESS ° DYED BLACK MULCH ASSORTED |UNIPtRS CENTER PIECE PINE BARK MULCH "DARKEST AVAILABLE" < ASSORTED HOUY MUMS 3 BAG3 CUS . FT. BAGS 1 MANY MORE Crfiia Jliiallshtmun ~ "--'- Front Ki sJJ to , .uin On Main Street (Englishtown). Take Rt. 33 West (Freehold Raceway Mall) go I eli <jn \\ it.., street, stay left on LalattaA-re approx. 5 miles to right on Perrineville Rd., malie right on Federal Rd. Gaskos is approx. 3 miles on left. LJ-5!f'l ^'L'Jfl bitlltd.. East Brunswick FromRt. lull io nid.make right on Main St • Mmlw .orl), , 1st light make left on DeVoeAve to Rt. 9 south to Gordons Corner Rd. into l.il .\ ihom niles (cross over Rt. 522) to ston Englishtown, make left on Main Street & right on water Street, stay left on Lasatta Ave., which turns mil L iiUn on [c-deral-Gaskos is up on rij'ht into Federal Rd, Gaskos is (approx. 3 miles on right) SENTINEL, AUGUST 29, 2002 3 Nine farms are preserved in program's latest round List for preservation includes three South Brunswick farms BY_BRjAN DONAHUE Staff Writer ramatically increasing the rate at which local faims are being D enrolled in the state's Farmland Preservation Program, Middlesex Coun- ty officials have recently announced that nine more farms, totaling 485 acres, will be preserved. In the 12 years since the first area farm was enrolled in the program in 1990, the development rights to another 21 were purchased through the progiam, and during the next year officials expect to close on the latest nine, which will bring the total number of Middlesex County farms enrolled in the piogram to 31. Through the progiam, landowners sell their development rights, also known as easements, to the county, which uses state, county and municipal funding in the purchase. The landowners retain ownership of their land and can continue funning it, PHOTOS BY JERRY WOLKOWITZ but they agree to a permanent deed Three generations of the Von Thun family work on the farm in South Brunswick. Pictured left to right are Tim Von Thun, 10, restriction that allows only agricultural Robert Jr. and Robert Sr. uses on the property. The nine most recent farms include one in East Brunswick — a 48-acie farm on Fresh Ponds Road owned by William J. Warren III. The development rights were pui chased foi $1.68 million, including $1,008,000 from the state; $352,800 from the county; NOW IN SEASON and $319,200 from the township of East Brunswick. Two of the farms are located in Monroe. These include a 29-acrc Schoolhouse Road farm owned by Warren R. Barnes, whose rights were purchased for $1,329,650 — and the 44-acre Kovacs Estate farm on Federal Road, which cost $374,000. A 12-acre farm on Cottrell Road in Old Bridge, owned by Ann Miller, was entered into the program for $250,000.
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