Southland Boys' High SchooL Esta. blished 1877. Opened 1881. BOA lrn Ol' GOVERNOHS. CHAIRi\IA.:\"-R. A. AKDERSOK. Esq. R. A. ANDERSOX, Esq. Elected by The Governor. A. F. HAvVKE. Esq. G. T. STEVENS, Esq. B!Pcted bo· Southland Education Board. J. CROSBY Si\'IITH. Esq.) Elected by Parents. J. T. CARSWELL, Esq. I HTS WORSHJP THE }lAYOR OF INVERCARGILL. SECRETARY-MR F. STEVENSON. Tay Street. ST.\FF OF 'Ht:E SCHOOL. PRIKCIPAL-:.\IR T. D. PEARCE, i\LA. FIRST ASSISTAKT­ MR J. P. DAKIN, B.A. SECO.ND ASSISTAXT­ MR_ J. S. McGRATH, B.A. THJRD ASSISTANT­ :\'IR i\1. ALEXANDER, M.Sc. FOURTH ASSISTANT­ MR ,J. STOBO, M.A. FIFTH ASSISTANT- MR L. J. B. CHAPPLE. (On active service.) SIXTH ASSISTAl\"T­ :VIR R. R. MACGREGOR. SEVEl'-:TH ASSISTA.:\"T­ i\IR .P. E. RICE. PHYSJCAL INSTRUCTOR­ ,\IR .J. PAGE. DRA WT;\"G �-JASTER- i\IR J. W. DICKSOK. 'SCHOOL OFFICERS, 1916. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREFECTS. H. Dyer, J. Donald, G. Kingston, .J. :\I. Laing, C. Lipscombe, F. McDonald, D. i\!Ianson, T. Preston. R. G. Stevens. CADETS. strations-Lieut. .J. B. Strutliers. 0.C.-Major Pearce. illu 2nd in Command-Lieut. Stobo. The First XV. Artillery Section-Lieut. Stobo. Platoon CommanderE-Lieut. Rice. R. R. :\[acgregor. Pages. •Company Sergt.-Major-I-I. Dyer. Governors a,nd Staff 1 Platoon Sergeants-D. :\1anson. G. Kingston. R. G. Ste1·ens, L. Soper. School Officers 2 Section Cornmander8-Corporals D. Hay, .J. Donald, R. Fraser, Roll of Honour 5-J-! .J. Mayo, T. .James, T. Preston. Fnr King and Empire Lance-Corporals-F. :\IcDowall, .J. Alexander. R. :\Iabson, S. Hall, H-16 D. Reed. :IIilitary Kotes 17-19 Bug:lers--K. Dunnage, .T. Ferguso,1. FOO'l'Il,\LL. Ll'tters from France 19-23 Drummers-B. Ayling. G. ::vrcCaw. xv. Old Bo�·s· Column 23-26 Team. Capt. Dep.-Capt. Secy. Musings ou Education 26-27 1st xv. R. A. Coutts L. Soper vV. Ryburn and c. Editorial 28-29 xv. w. P. Gardner 2nd xv. T. Preston Dickens T. Pryde 29-32 3rd Johnson C. Evans IXTER-FORM Ath1etic Sports 33-35 4th D. Reed E. CRKerr I ('li:F. Phyi:ical :\[easuremehts 35 v. '£. Form. Capt. Dep.-Capt. Secy. Gymnastics 35-37 VJ. & Ryburn Stevens Howie Five,, 38-39 IVA. A. :\1abson Johnson Barnett Tennis IVA.rvB. B. :\Iarshall .Joyce Sanders 39--40 fVB. A. Petrie Hartley Dickens Cricket 4J-H B. :IIahony J. :VI. McKenzie Orange Cade' :\'otes fTIA. A. Coakle? Mccaw Raines ·IIIA. B. Kitto Preston Dawson L'atriotic Poems -15-+7 fTTB. Scott Woods Hinton Football 48-()2 'l'E�'NIS-Secretaries: W. Ryburn. J. 0. Sanders. The Trip to Dunedin l•'IVES-Secretaries: T. Preston, J. :vra�·o, E. Service. 62-63 LIBIURl'-Librarians: J. Donald. F. McDowall. The Library 63-64 t'Of'O.\. f'Ll'R-Secretary:SOT."J'HLX� andDl.\ Treasurer: X. .J. Ewart. Snh�criptions 64 H. D?er, G. Kingston. T. Preston. R. G. Stevens, .J. Donald, Exchan,;,;es 64 F. :\TcDowall. W. Ryburn. Subscribers 65-66 "Non ;;clwlae �ed vitae dis,;imus." Published twice a year. SUBSCRIPTION: 2s 6d per annum, payable to the Editor, Southan_d Boys' High School, Invercargill. Contributions from, and news relating to, Old Boys will be thankfully received by the Edito1·. DECEMBER, 1916. No. 29. ROLL OF HONOUR. OUR FALLEN HEROES. A., ADAMSON, F. F., Sergt.-Gallipoli, Ma.y, 1915. ADA.USON, W. Bomb.-Gallipoli, 1915 . .\.LEXANDER, W. A.-GalliJJO!i, August, 1915. .\.LDRIDG E, A. G., Lieut.-Galli1)oli, August, 1915. BALLANTYNE, A. S,--France, ,July 13, 1916. BAXTER, BRUCE, Sergt.-France, September 15, 1916. B-\XTEU, LINDSAY-France, August 24, 1916. BROOKE, BURTON-France, June 8, 1916. CUARLESTON, A. A. (Terence)-Fra::ice, September 16, 1916. CHARLESTON, A. D.--France, October 1, 1916. CHltIS'l'OPHERS, VICTOR-Gallipoli, May 31, 1915. CHRJSTOPHERS, HER.DEBT H., Capt.-France, June 2, 1916. COCHU,.\NE, ED'WIN G.-Gallipoli, May, 1915. CUEAN, P. L., Lance-Corp.-France, July 26, 1916. FELLOWES,K. A. R.-Ga.!lipoli, April 27, 1915. FOTHElUNGHA:II, W, L., Sergt.-France, September 19, 1916. FUASER, G-.-Gallipoli. April 27, 1915. FUEW, D.. Sergt.-France, June 11, 1916. FREDERIC, J., Capt.-Mesopotamia, 1916. C}A R,nSON, J. "\Y.-Suez, 1915. GILMOU.R, A., Lance-Corp.-France, September 17, 1916. HIIWIE, W. G., Lieut.-Gibraltar, 1915. ,TUITESON, ALLAN F.-France, June 22, 1916. ,f()YCE, NEVILLE, Lieut.-France, June, 1916. KENNEDY, THOS. E. S.-Trentham, 1916. 6. 7. J, LAMBETH, T, A., Corp.-France, 1916. :,uACKAY, RS.. ROBEU'fSON, L. l,YTTLE, D. J. A,, Lieut.-Gallipoli, May, 1915. MACRAE, L ROBER'.l'SON, M, �ARSH, J, B.-Gallipoli, August, 1915. :.UacGIBBON, RYBL'R:V, E • . UcCARTNEY, M.-France, July 14, 1916. MAIR, L. SALMON, C. �fcKJ-�NZIE, IAN UOY, Sergt.-France, September 27, 1916. :McBRIDE,F. W, SAMPSON, W. 1[cNAR, ANGUS, Capt., R.A.M.C.-France, October 30, 1914. McQUEEN, J. SEDDON, G. UcQUARRIE, WALTER.. E.-Gallipoli, May 8, 1915. MILES, Sli:EURE'l'T, G. filTCHELL, W, A., Corp.-Gallipoli, 1915. MORRIS, A, SPROA'f, G. MORRISON, JAS., Corp.-Gallipoli, 1915. XELSON, D.J. S'fEWART, A. 'REYNOLDS, OSWALD Jl,-France, September 25, 1916. P.U!LL, L. STOUT, E. SCOULLAU, J. L.-Gallipoli, April, 1915. PAT'.l'ON, STRANG, C. .,, SELBY, W. G.-Gallipoli, August, 1915. PAYNE, J. 'fDIPAXY, T. SlU�ET, H. G,-France, September 10, 1916. PETRIE, A. 'l'RAILL, R. S'l'R{T'l'HEUS, J. B., Lieut.-France, September 27, 1916. PILCHER,S. F, TRAILL, A. Sl'TTOX, J{., Corp.-Gallipoli, October, 1915. POW, J, 'l'RAILL, E. 'l'HOMSON, ,J. (;HAS.--Trei:itham, June, 1916. REID, WILLCOX, F. 'l'OTJULL, COllCPTON, Lance-Corp.-Gallipoli, 1915. REID, C. T. WILLL\i'IIS, H. TOTHILL, GEORGE--France, 1916. RIGG, R. \rYLLIE,Total, '.I\ WILLCOX, QEOR.GE H. C.-France, July 19, 1916. Rl'fCHIE, Total, 44. 73, JIISSING. MEN'fIONED IN DESPATCHES. J<'ORD. S. LAMON'r, S. BAIRD, B., Capt., R.A.M.C.-Distinguished Conduct Medal. -LAMONT, N. McKENZIE, G. D. LI�DSA Y, A. B., Capt.. R.A.M.C. SALJUON, C., Lieut.-Distinguished Conduct Medal. WOUNDED. '.J'I.llPANY, T., Corp.-Distinguished Conduct Medal. ADAMSON. X. L, J<'RASER, W, WYLLrn, T., Capt., R.A.M.C.-i\1ilitary Cross. ANDERSON, A. FRIEND, ,J. BA'.rH, F. GILCHitlST, N. OX ACTIVE SERVICE. BUSH L. GILMOUR, 0. (The Rector will be glad to receive particulars of any necessary CARSWELL, F. GRANT, E. additions or corrections.) CAR'l'ER, C. GRIEVE, R. .\D,DISO�, FRANK F., Sergt., France. Killed May, 1915. CAT'fO, J. G{;y, ,J. ADA'JISOX, :NORlfAX, La.nee-Corp., France. · Wounded. COUI,TEU, A. HOUS'rON, ,T. ADAMSON,G., HARRY K. G., Trooper, France. DALE, D. IVE, C. ,\DA;l[SON, W. A., Bomb., Gallipoli. Killed, 1915. DRURY, G. ,lEl\"NINGS, R. .\GNEW. Lance-Corp., 12ths, Cycle Corps, France. FALCONER, ,T. KEAST, J<'. ALDRIDGE, A. G., Lieut!, Gallip:ili. Killed, August 10, 1915. 1",\LLOW, N. mNG, I!.' .\LEXANDER, W. A., Gallipoli. Killed, August, 1915. FINDLAY, F. j..JNG, M. .\�DERSON, DOUGLAS A., Trooper, Egypt., 14ths. J<'INLAYSON, T. LHIONT, S. .\ :'\'HUS, HOY, Lieut., N.Z. Engineers, 14ths. FORRESTER, ,T. L YMBOURN, l!. ,\RCHEU, l(. G. FORSYTH, N. ;\[.\ C ,\ LIS'l'EH, ,I. .\ :'l'DEitSON, ..\LBER'J' (Greenhills), France. Wounded. FORTUNE, R. JL\C.-\N, G. RAIX, GORDOX H., Sergt .. Artillery, Gallipoli. l'RASER, N. ;1UCDO:V.\LD, A. H.\ lRD, W. S., Lieut., R.A.M.C., France. 8. 9. BAIRD, BilUCE, Capt., D.C.M., France. BALLA�'J'l1"E, L., 9ths, France. DOBIE, J. DOUGLAS, Ambulance. BALLANTYNE, A. S'.l.'UAU'f, France. Died of wounds, 1916. DJtURY, G. de C., Cant. Regt. Artillery. Wounded. BAilLO-W, A. };,, Ambulance. DT.1NCAN, ROBERT, 15ths, Artillery. BA'l'H, FRANK H., Sapper, Gallipoli and France. Wounded. DYKES, CHAS., llths. BAXTER, JUWCE, Sergt., France. Killed in action, Sept., 1916. EGGLETON, A. S. Uev. BAX'l'ER, '1', LINDSA'f (with the Australians), Gallipoli ·and France. EDWARDS, R., Ambulance. Killed, 1916. FALCONER, ,T, W., Corp., France. Wounded. BENNET, C. L., Sergt., 1.9ths. FALLOW, N. JI., with Australians. Wounded. BON'fHRON, ESCOT, Trooper, 6ths. FJ;LLOWS, A. R., Gallipoli. Killed, April 27, 1915. BOYNE, ,T. lU., 2nd Lieut., 20ths. FERGUSON, ,T, S., Lance-Corp., Gallipoli. Discharged. HUEBNER, CED. H., Gallipoli and England. FINDLAY, }'.RANI{, Corp., Gallipoli and France. ·wounded. BRODIB, P. };, S. FINDLAY, IVAN, Gallipoli. Discharged. BROOKE, BUR'rON, Gallipoli and France. Kllled, June 8, 1916. FINDLAY, J. GIB., Gunner, Gallipoli. Discharged. BROWN, C. S., Lieut., 20ths. FINDLAY, OSil., Corp., 8ths, Ambulance. BJWWNLIE, W,, Surgeon-Capt., R.A.M.C. FINLAYSOX, THOS., Imperial Tunnelling Corps. Wounde�l. BUSJJ, 'fHOMSON, Trooper, Gallipoli and France. FISJJER, C. J., Samoa and France. BUSH, LANCE '1'. T., Lieut., Cant. Batt. Wounded. FORD, SrENCER, France. Missing, September, 1916. BROWN, HFGH L. (Pahia), Trooper. FORRESTER, J., France. Wounded. CARSWELL, FRANK, France. Severely wounded. Returned N.Z. FORSYTH, NORMAN L., Lieut., Samoa and France. Wounded. CARS ..WELL, JAlUES. 13ths. FORTUNE, RAY E., France. Wounded. CAUTER, C. L., Sergt .. France. Wounded. }'OS'l'ER, UERT. CATTO, JOHN. Returned N.Z. Wounded. FOSTER, LINDSAY, Trooper 14ths, Egypt. CAVELL, ARTHUR. FOS'.1.'ER, WALL ACE, Trooper 7ths. CHARLESTON, A. A. (Terence), Gallipoli and France. Killed, Sep- FO'l'HERINGHAM, W. L .. Sergt., F1:ance. Killed, Sept. 19, 191G. tember 16, 1916. FRASER, �ORJIAl-V D., Gallipoli. Wounded. CHARLESTON, ALL.AN D., Samoa and France. Killed Oct. 1, 1916. FRASER, W. (from Waimatuku). Wounded. CHRISTIE, R. LYALL, Med, Dresser, Gallipoli. Returned N.Z. FR.\.SER, K. G., Gallipoli.
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