Local Council Index Local Council Finance Facts 2005- 2007

Local Council Index Local Council Finance Facts 2005- 2007

2005–2007 Local Council Index Local Council Finance Facts 2005- 2007 LOCAL COUNCIL INDEX BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA The Local Council Index gives a three-year comparison of growth and development, plus information on membership, advancement, outdoor activities, and chartered organizations. Prepared by Registration Service No. 28-925-08 2008 Printing C O N T E N T S PAGE DIRECTORIES Local Council Index - City and State Directory .....................................ii - v Local Council Index - Council Number Directory .....................................vi - viii Source For Facts In This Index .....................................ix FACTS FOR 2007 5 - Year Comparative Merit Badge Table (2003-2007) .....................................x - xiii Cub Scout 5 - Year Advancement Summary (2003-2007) .....................................xiv Cub Scout Advancements by Region .....................................xv Boy Scout 5 - Year Advancement Summary (2003-2007) .....................................xvi Boy Scout Advancements by Region .....................................xvii National High Adventure Base Attendance 2007 .....................................xviii Cub Scout Camping Report Summary .....................................xix Boy Scout Camping Report Summary .....................................xx Venturing Camping Summary .....................................xxi 98 - Year Membership - Youth and Adult .....................................xxii - xxvii 16 - Year Membership - LFL - Youth and Adult .....................................xxviii Annual Membership Summary .....................................xxix National Chartered Organization Report .....................................xxx - xxxi LOCAL COUNCIL INDEX Definition of Terms .....................................xxxii - xxxv Corrections and Adjustments .....................................xxxvi Local Council Index .....................................1-337 FINANCE FACTS 2005 - 2007 Local Council Finance Facts Beginning on Page F1 - F336 i LOCAL COUNCIL INDEX -- CITY/STATE PAGE DIRECTORY CNCL LCI FINANCE CNCL LCI FINANCE CNCL LCI FINANCE NO. CITY/STATE PAGE PAGE NO. CITY/STATE PAGE PAGE NO. CITY/STATE PAGE PAGE Alabama California (Con't) Georgia 1 Birmingham 175 F-174 35 San Rafael 296 F-295 97 Albany 140 F-139 3 Dothan 135 F-134 39 Santa Ana 322 F-321 101 Athens 182 F-181 4 Mobile 136 F-135 53 Santa Barbara 299 F-298 92 Atlanta 181 F-180 5 Montgomery 137 F-136 41 Santa Rosa 297 F-296 93 Augusta 145 F-144 6 Tuscaloosa 105 F-105 51 Van Nuys 308 F-307 91 Columbus 155 F-154 95 Griffin 156 F-155 Alaska Colorado 96 Macon 157 F-156 100 Rome 158 F-157 610 Anchorage 285 F-284 60 Colorado Springs 311 F-310 99 Savannah 146 F-145 696 Fairbanks 288 F-287 61 Denver 330 F-329 98 Valdosta 141 F-140 64 Grand Junction 313 F-312 758 Waycross 143 F-142 62 Greeley 331 F-330 Arizona 63 Pueblo 312 F-311 Hawaii 10 Phoenix 329 F-328 Connecticut 104 Honolulu 325 F-324 11 Tucson 303 F-302 102 Wailuku Maui 324 F-323 69 Derby 47 F-47 Arkansas 66 East Hartford 85 F-85 Idaho 67 Greenwich 46 F-46 13 El Dorado 106 F-106 72 Milford 95 F-95 106 Boise 280 F-279 16 Fort Smith 126 F-125 107 Idaho Falls 332 F-331 14 Hot Springs 125 F-124 Delaware 111 Twin Falls 281 F-280 18 Little Rock 127 F-126 81 Wilmington 96 F-96 Illinois California Direct Service 116 Belleville 250 F-249 22 Alameda 291 F-290 117 Champaign 223 F-222 30 Bakersfield 294 F-293 800 Irving 124 118 Chicago 270 F-269 57 Camarillo 309 F-308 121 Decatur 224 F-223 31 Foster City 295 F-294 Far East 129 Highland Park 260 F-259 27 Fresno 293 F-292 147 La Grange 228 F-227 58 Glendale 310 F-309 803 Tokyo 290 F-289 702 Morris 234 F-233 32 Long Beach 304 F-303 751 Mount Prospect 235 F-234 33 Los Angeles 321 F-320 Florida 138 Peoria 226 F-225 59 Modesto 301 F-300 141 Quincy 251 F-250 40 Pasadena 305 F-304 88 Fort Myers 138 F-137 660 Rockford 233 F-232 42 Piedmont 298 F-297 87 Jacksonville 180 F-179 144 Springfield 227 F-226 23 Pleasant Hill 319 F-318 84 Miami Lakes 177 F-176 127 St Charles 271 F-270 45 Redlands 306 F-305 83 Orlando 176 F-175 112 Wood River 249 F-248 47 Sacramento 323 F-322 85 Palm Beach Garden 178 F-177 25 Salinas 292 F-291 773 Pensacola 144 F-143 49 San Diego 307 F-306 89 Seminole 139 F-138 55 San Jose 300 F-299 664 Tallahassee 142 F-141 28 San Leandro 320 F-319 86 Tampa 179 F-178 ii LOCAL COUNCIL INDEX -- CITY/STATE PAGE DIRECTORY CNCL LCI FINANCE CNCL LCI FINANCE CNCL LCI FINANCE NO. CITY/STATE PAGE PAGE NO. CITY/STATE PAGE PAGE NO. CITY/STATE PAGE PAGE Indiana Maryland Mississippi 145 Bloomington 211 F-210 220 Baltimore 87 F-87 691 Columbus 113 F-113 156 Evansville 212 F-211 82 Bethesda 86 F-86 304 Hattiesburg 111 F-111 157 Fort Wayne 213 F-212 757 Cumberland 84 F-84 303 Jackson 110 F-110 160 Indianapolis 272 F-271 221 Hagerstown 71 F-71 302 Meridian 109 F-109 omokoK261 312-F412 olepuT847 361-F461 152 Munster 229 F-228 Massachusetts 165 South Bend 215 F-214 Missouri 227 Boston 37 F-37 249 Canton 43 F-43 653 Columbia 259 F-258 Iowa 234 Chicopee 39 F-39 307 Kansas City 265 F-264 243 Dalton 41 F-41 306 Springfield 255 F-254 172 Cedar Rapids 199 F-198 244 Framingham 42 F-42 311 St Joseph 256 F-255 133 Davenport 225 F-224 236 Haverhill 40 F-40 312 St Louis 266 F-265 177 Des Moines 261 F-260 230 Lancaster 38 F-38 178 Dubuque 201 F-200 225 Norton 36 F-36 Montana 173 Waterloo 200 F-199 254 Worcester 44 F-44 224 Yarmouth Port 35 F-35 315 Great Falls 314 F-313 Kansas Michigan Nebraska 194 Garden City 253 F-252 255 Ann Arbor 216 F-215 322 Grand Island 257 F-256 192 Salina 252 F-251 265 Auburn 218 F-217 324 Lincoln 258 F-257 197 Topeka 254 F-253 262 Detroit 274 F-273 326 Omaha 275 F-274 198 Wichita 262 F-261 264 Flint 217 F-216 266 Grand Rapids 263 F-262 Nevada 270 Kalamazoo 219 F-218 Kentucky 271 Lansing 220 F-219 328 Las Vegas 333 F-332 261 Marquette 202 F-201 329 Reno 302 F-301 204 Lexington 160 F-159 276 Pontiac 264 F-263 205 Louisville 188 F-187 277 Port Huron 222 F-221 New Hampshire 200 Owensboro 159 F-158 274 Traverse City 221 F-220 330 Manchester 88 F-88 Louisiana Minnesota New Jersey 211 Baton Rouge 189 F-188 286 Hermantown 204 F-203 212 Lafayette 115 F-115 283 Mankato 203 F-202 358 Florham Park 90 F-90 209 Lake Charles 114 F-114 299 Rochester 206 F-205 334 Millville 48 F-48 213 Monroe 107 F-107 296 Sartell 205 F-204 347 Morganville 50 F-50 214 New Orleans 190 F-189 250 St Paul 273 F-272 333 Oakland 89 F-89 801-F801tropeverhS512 notecnirP253 89-F89 690 Rancocas 56 F-56 Maine 341 Toms River 49 F-49 216 Bangor 34 F-34 218 Portland 97 F-97 iii LOCAL COUNCIL INDEX -- CITY/STATE PAGE DIRECTORY CNCL LCI FINANCE CNCL LCI FINANCE CNCL LCI FINANCE NO. CITY/STATE PAGE PAGE NO. CITY/STATE PAGE PAGE NO. CITY/STATE PAGE PAGE New Mexico Ohio Puerto Rico 412 Albuquerque 334 F-333 433 Akron 236 F-235 661 San Juan 55 F-55 413 Roswell 315 F-314 450 Ashland 241 F-240 436 Canton 237 F-236 Rhode Island New York 438 Cincinnati 277 F-276 440 Cleveland 267 F-266 546 Providence 104 F-104 364 Albany 99 F-99 441 Columbus 278 F-277 366 Auburn 59 F-59 444 Dayton 239 F-238 South Carolina 376 Batavia 63 F-63 449 Findlay 240 F-239 368 Binghamton 60 F-60 439 Springfield 238 F-237 550 Charleston 151 F-150 380 Buffalo 100 F-100 460 Toledo 268 F-267 553 Columbia 154 F-153 382 Falconer 64 F-64 463 Warren 242 F-241 552 Florence 153 F-152 391 Geneva 65 F-65 467 Zanesville 243 F-242 551 Greenville 152 F-151 388 Hawthorne 52 F-52 549 Spartanburg 150 F-149 375 Horseheads 62 F-62 Oklahoma 405 Kingston 68 F-68 South Dakota 386 Massapequa 101 F-101 468 Ardmore 128 F-127 404 Medford 103 F-103 469 Bartlesville 129 F-128 695 Rapid City 318 F-317 640 New York 94 F-94 474 Enid 130 F-129 733 Sioux Falls 210 F-209 393 Oneonta 66 F-66 480 Oklahoma City 191 F-190 397 Rochester 102 F-102 488 Tulsa 192 F-191 Tennessee 374 Salisbury Mills 51 F-51 373 Syracuse 61 F-61 556 Chattanooga 161 F-160 400 Utica 67 F-67 Oregon 559 Jackson 162 F-161 713 Johnson City 163 F-162 491 Central Point 282 F-281 557 Knoxville 185 F-184 697 Eugene 289 F-288 558 Memphis 186 F-185 North Carolina 492 Portland 326 F-325 560 Nashville 193 F-192 416 Albemarle 149 F-148 Pennsylvania Texas 414 Asheville 147 F-146 415 Charlotte 148 F-147 504 Bloomsburg 74 F-74 561 Abilene 116 F-116 420 Gastonia 183 F-182 500 Butler 73 F-73 562 Amarillo 131 F-130 424 Goldsboro 166 F-165 777 Doylestown 57 F-57 564 Austin 194 F-193 70 Greensboro 165 F-164 509 Du Bois 76 F-76 578 Beaumont 120 F-120 426 Kinston 168 F-167 532 Erie 69 F-69 577 Corpus Christi 119 F-119 421 Raleigh 184 F-183 512 Greensburg 77 F-77 571 Dallas 195 F-194 425 Wilmington 167 F-166 508 Johnstown 75 F-75 573 El Paso 316 F-315 427 Winston-Salem 169 F-168 524 Lancaster 79 F-79 662 Fort Worth 198 F-197 502 Lehigh Valley 91 F-91 574 Galveston 118 F-118 North Dakota 515 Mechanicsburg 78 F-78 775 Harlingen 123 F-123 501 Moosic 54 F-54 576 Houston 196 F-195 429 Fargo 276 F-275 525 Philadelphia 92 F-92 694 Lubbock 121 F-121 527 Pittsburgh 93 F-93 567 Midland 117 F-117 528 Reading 80 F-80 580 Paris 132 F-131 497 Reedsville 72 F-72 741 San Angelo 122 F-122 538 Warren 70 F-70 583 San Antonio 197 F-196 539 West Chester 82 F-82 584 Texarkana 112 F-112 533 Williamsport 81 F-81 585 Tyler 133 F-132 544 York 83 F-83 587 Wichita Falls 134 F-133 iv LOCAL COUNCIL INDEX -- CITY/STATE PAGE DIRECTORY CNCL LCI FINANCE CNCL LCI FINANCE CNCL LCI FINANCE NO.

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