COMPOUND WORDS IN THE MARK WALDEN’S NOVEL “EARTHFALL RETRIBUTION” A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora in English and Literature Department of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities of State Islamic University of Makassar By: SARINA Reg. Num. 40300114014 ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2019 ii iii iv v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Alhamdulillahi rabbil „aalamiin, the researcher praises her highest gratitude to Allah subhanahu „wata‟ala who has been giving her guidance, mercy and blessing for completing this thesis. Shalawat and salam are always be delivered to the last our prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, who has guided us to the right way of life. The researcher really thank to the people who pray, help and guide her along this time, she realizes these people that have a lot contribute during her researcher and writing thiss thesis. Therefore, the researcher would like to express her appreciation to all of them. They are: 1. First, the researcher would like to express her biggest gratitude to her beloved parents, Abdul Salam and Hj. Halija with their prayers, affection, patience, love, advice, motivation and nonstop support spiritually and financially, also her brothers and sisters, Muhammad Jefri, Muhammad Yusuf, S.E, Muhammad Al-Fayyad, Herianti and Putri Herlina. So the researcher can complete this thesis. 2. A lot of thanks to Prof. Dr. H. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si, as the Rector of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar. 3. A lot of thanks to Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag, as the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar. vi 4. Kustiwan Syarief, S.Ag., M.A., Ph.D, as the head of English and Literature Department and Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd, is the secretary of English and Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar as well as all the staff. 5. The deep gratitude is expressed to my beloved supervisors, Dr. Hj. Nuri Emmiyati., M.Pd, as the first supervisor, and Faidah Yusuf, S.S., M.Pd as the second supervisor. Thank for giving valuable time and patience, guidances, supports, advice, comments, corrections and suggestions to the researcher to finish this thesis. 6. The researcher would like to express to thank to my examiners, Dr. Jumharia Djamereng, M.Hum, as the first examiner, and Helmi Syukur, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. as the second examiner who have given their comments, supports, and advice to the researcher. 7. All the lecturer of English and Literature Department for valuable the knowledge during her study at Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar. 8. All of the researcher friends in English and Literature Department of 2014, and also AG-1.2, especially, Reski Amanda, Mohd Erfan, S.Hum, Rama Kanyan Pandika, S.Hum, Kartina, S.Hum, Erni, S.Hum, Ummul Nurfa Khair, S.Hum, Karmila, Lilis Arianti, Sri Ulfiana Arif, S.Hum, and the others who cannot be mentioned one by one but overall thank you so much for the great friendship, solidarity, and togetherness that she has been through, without their advice and mention this thesis can be finished. vii 9. The big and lovely family, especially for Jofisa Girls; Asrawati, Yuli Wahyuni, S.Hum, Nurul Fadilah, S.Hum, Salwa Arisanti, and Magfira Mustafa, S.Hum, thank for sharing the life and dreams, for understanding and support her in happy and sad. Also, thanks for the friendship, laugh, memories, support and craziness that will never found in any other place. Thank you so much my girls. 10. My firend as a siblings Hartina, Hasmirayani, Amd. Kep, Zamzam Suriani, Syamsuriani, S.Hum, Hartina Hamri, S.Hum, Dina Nur Ubayti, S.Hum and who have given numbers helps and guidance during the years of her study. 11. Special thanks to all her friends in my lovely home ECUINSA’s organisation, thanks for the valuable experiences, knowledge, lessons, solidarity, good memories, also for chose me as a Secretary of ECUINSA Brave English Competition 2016. Hope, keep solid and exist, togetherness is the bigges power, english is our spirit. 12. KKN 58 Uleweng Riaja, Marwah, S.Sos, Mega Selvia, Ainun Najib, Muhammad Irvan, Annas, Wa Ode Maharani, Ika Kartina, S.Kep, Syarifuddin, T, S.Sos, thanks for the memories and experiences of being together till the our program in Desa Ulaweng Riaja Kecamatan Amali Kabupaten Bone. 13. All of the people who helped the researcher to finish this thesis that cannot be mention one by one, thank you so much, thank you for the kindness, may Allah subhanahu „wata‟ala bless us. Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamiin. viii Finally, the researcher wish this thesis can be useful for all the people who read it, suggestions and criticisms will be accepted in order to improve this thesis. Romang Polong, February 12th 2019 The Researcher Sarina 40300114014 ix TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER PAGE .................................................................................................... i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ............................................................ ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ..................................................................... iii APPROVAL SHEET .......................................................................................... iv PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI .................................................................................. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... x ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1 A. Study Background ...................................................... 1 B. Research Questions .................................................... 5 C. Objectives of Research ............................................... 5 D. Significance of Research ............................................ 5 E. Scope of Research ...................................................... 6 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................... 7 A. Previous Findings ....................................................... 7 B. Review of Literature .................................................. 9 1. Morphology .......................................................... 9 2. Compound Words ................................................ 10 3. Compound Words and Phrase .............................. 12 x 4. Types of Compound Words ................................. 13 5. Form of Compound Words .................................. 18 6. Parts of Sentence of Compound Words ............... 19 C. Earthfall Retribution Novel ........................................ 21 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................. 23 A. Research Method ........................................................ 23 B. Data Source ................................................................ 23 C. Instrument of Data Collection .................................... 24 D. Procedures of Data Collection ................................... 24 E. Technique of Data Analysis ....................................... 25 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................. 26 A. Findings ...................................................................... 26 1. The Types of Compound Words .......................... 27 a. Compound Nouns .......................................... 27 b. Compound Verbs ........................................... 34 c. Compound Adjectives .................................... 38 d. Compound Adverb ......................................... 44 e. Other Form Classes ........................................ 47 2. The Function of Compound Words ..................... 49 a. As Subject ...................................................... 49 b. As Predicate ................................................... 51 c. As Object ........................................................ 52 xi d. As Adverb ...................................................... 57 B. Discussions ................................................................. 59 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ...................... 61 A. Conclusions ................................................................ 61 B. Suggestions ................................................................ 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 64 APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 67 BIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................... 97 xii xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background There are thousand of languages spoken by people all over the world. Every society has its own language. In other word language allows people to produce the expression through words, phrases, and sentences. Also, every language has a different rule in forming word, namely a morphology. Morphology is a branch of linguistics which investigates word structure and word formation, proposed by Kroeger (2005:348). Allah the Almighty also describe about the language in the Holy Qur‟an Surah Ar-Rum Verse 22 as follows: َٰ َو ِم ْه آيَاتِ ِه َخ ْل ُق ال َّس َما َوا ِت َوا ْْلَ ْر ِض َوا ْختِ ََل ُف أَ ْل ِسىَتِ ُك ْم َوأَ ْل َواوِ
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