H8552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 16, 2010 Murphy (CT) Ruppersberger Stark b 1933 The CHAIR. The gentleman will state Murphy (NY) Ryan (OH) Stupak his parliamentary inquiry. Murphy, Patrick Sa´ nchez, Linda Sutton Messrs. LIPINSKI and COSTELLO Nadler (NY) T. Teague changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to Mr. GOHMERT. My parliamentary Napolitano Sanchez, Loretta Thompson (CA) ‘‘nay.’’ inquiry is, since the rules of the House Neal (MA) Sarbanes Thompson (MS) So (two-thirds not being in the af- allow for someone in opposition to Nye Schakowsky Tiberi claim time in order to speak on a bill, Oberstar Schauer firmative) the motion was rejected. Tierney is that rule being abrogated now, or Obey Schiff Titus The result of the vote was announced Pallone Schock Tonko as above recorded. can we follow the rules and have some- Pascrell Schrader Towns one like me, who is opposed to the bill, Pastor (AZ) Schwartz Tsongas f Paulsen Scott (GA) claim time? Vela´ zquez Payne Scott (VA) TAX RELIEF, UNEMPLOYMENT IN- The CHAIR. No such rule is applica- Visclosky Perlmutter Sensenbrenner SURANCE REAUTHORIZATION, ble to these proceedings. Perriello Serrano Walz Wasserman AND JOB CREATION ACT OF 2010 Mr. GOHMERT. I’m sorry. I did not Peters Sestak understand. Peterson Shea-Porter Schultz The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pending Pingree (ME) Sherman Waters The CHAIR. There is no such rule. Polis (CO) Shuler Watson any declaration of the House into the Mr. GOHMERT. So this is set up now, Pomeroy Simpson Watt Committee of the Whole pursuant to the rules have been abrogated, so no Price (NC) Sires Waxman House Resolution 1766, the Chair would time is allotted to anyone in opposi- Quigley Skelton Weiner note that the Senate amendment to Reyes Slaughter Welch tion? Did I understand that correct, Richardson Smith (WA) Wilson (OH) the House amendment to the Senate Mr. Chairman? Rodriguez Snyder Woolsey amendment to the bill H.R. 4853 con- The CHAIR. The gentleman has not Ross Space Wu tains an emergency designation for stated a parliamentary inquiry. Rothman (NJ) Speier Yarmuth purposes of pay-as-you-go principles Roybal-Allard Spratt Mr. GOHMERT. Parliamentary in- under clause 10(c) of rule XXI and an quiry, then. NAYS—166 emergency designation pursuant to The CHAIR. The gentleman will state Aderholt Foxx Moran (KS) section 4(g)(1) of the Statutory Pay-As- his inquiry. Akin Franks (AZ) Murphy, Tim You-Go Act of 2010. Mr. GOHMERT. Under the rules of Alexander Gallegly Myrick Accordingly, the Chair must put the the House, going back to the Thomas Austria Garrett (NJ) Neugebauer question of consideration under clause Bachmann Gerlach Nunes Jefferson rules of the House, as adopted Bachus Gingrey (GA) Olson 10(c)(3) of rule XXI and under section by this majority in this term, someone Barrett (SC) Goodlatte Owens 4(g)(2) of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go in opposition to a bill is always given Bartlett Graves (GA) Paul Act of 2010. the right to claim time. So I am asking Barton (TX) Graves (MO) Pence Biggert Griffith Petri The question is, Will the House now the parliamentary inquiry if that is Bilbray Guthrie Pitts consider the Senate amendment to the now the case, or if that rule—the Bilirakis Hall (TX) Platts House amendment to the Senate standing rule—is not going to be al- Bishop (UT) Harper Poe (TX) amendment? Blackburn Hastings (WA) Posey lowed at this time? Blunt Heller Price (GA) The question of consideration was de- The CHAIR. The gentleman’s premise Boehner Hensarling Putnam cided in the affirmative. is incorrect. Bonner Herger Rahall The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. GOHMERT. The gentleman’s Bono Mack Hoekstra Reed Boozman Holden Rehberg ant to House Resolution 1766 and rule premise is incorrect? Boucher Hunter Reichert XVIII, the Chair declares the House in So someone can claim time in opposi- Boustany Inglis Roe (TN) the Committee of the Whole House on tion? Thank you. Brady (TX) Issa Rogers (AL) the state of the Union for the consider- The CHAIR. The House is operating Broun (GA) Jenkins Rogers (KY) Brown-Waite, Johnson (IL) Rogers (MI) ation of the Senate amendment to the under a rule that allocates control of Ginny Johnson, Sam Rohrabacher House amendment to the Senate the time for debate to the chair and Buchanan Jones Rooney amendment to the bill, H.R. 4853. ranking minority member of the Com- Burgess Jordan (OH) Ros-Lehtinen mittee on Ways and Means. Burton (IN) Kaptur Roskam b 1937 Calvert King (IA) Royce b 1940 Camp King (NY) Ryan (WI) IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Campbell Kingston Scalise Accordingly, the House resolved Mr. TAYLOR. Further parliamentary Cantor Kline (MN) Schmidt itself into the Committee of the Whole inquiry, Mr. Chairman. Cao Lamborn Sessions The CHAIR. The gentleman from House on the State of the Union for the Capito Lance Shadegg Mississippi will state his inquiry. Carter Latta Shimkus consideration of the Senate amend- Mr. TAYLOR. I understand that Cassidy Lee (NY) Shuster ment to the House amendment to the Chaffetz Lewis (CA) Smith (NE) under the rule just passed, the time has Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. Childers Linder Smith (NJ) been allocated to a proponent on this Coble Lipinski Smith (TX) 4853) to amend the Internal Revenue side of the aisle for the bill, a pro- Coffman (CO) LoBiondo Stearns Code of 1986 to extend the funding and Cole Lucas Stutzman ponent on this side of the aisle for the expenditure authority of the Airport Conaway Luetkemeyer Sullivan bill. The understanding was, though, and Airway Trust Fund, to amend title Costello Lummis Taylor that time would be allowed to the op- Culberson Lungren, Daniel Terry 49, United States Code, to extend au- ponents of this bill. Davis (KY) E. Thompson (PA) thorizations for the airport improve- Diaz-Balart, L. Mack Thornberry I am asking if the Chair or someone Diaz-Balart, M. Manzullo Tiahrt ment program, and for other purposes, would identify who that time will be Djou McCarthy (CA) Turner with Mr. SABLAN in the chair. yielded to. Dreier McCaul Upton The Clerk read the title of the bill. Duncan McClintock Walden The CHAIR. The rule provides for the Emerson McCotter Westmoreland The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the debate time to be allocated equally and Fallin McKeon Whitfield Senate amendment is considered read. controlled by the chair and ranking Flake Mica Wilson (SC) General debate shall not exceed 3 minority member of the Committee on Fleming Miller (FL) Wittman hours equally divided and controlled by Forbes Miller (MI) Wolf Ways and Means. Fortenberry Miller, Gary Young (AK) the chair and ranking minority mem- The Chair recognizes the gentleman ber of the Committee on Ways and from Michigan. NOT VOTING—26 Means. Mr. LEVIN. I yield myself such time Berry Hare Ortiz The gentleman from Michigan (Mr. as I may consume. Brown (SC) Johnson, E. B. Radanovich LEVIN) and the gentleman from Michi- Buyer Kilroy Rangel The Democratic majority in the Cleaver Marchant Rush gan (Mr. CAMP) each will control 90 House has made it crystal clear that DeGette McCarthy (NY) Salazar minutes. we stand on the side of middle income Gohmert McHenry Tanner PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRIES families, of unemployed workers, of Gordon (TN) McMorris Van Hollen Granger Rodgers Wamp Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Chairman, I have small businesses struggling in this dif- Halvorson Olver Young (FL) a parliamentary inquiry. ficult economy. The compromise before VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:07 Jun 10, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\H16DE0.REC H16DE0 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE December 16, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8553 us clearly requires painful choices. these last weeks, obstructing and hold- Senate. And the President has flatly These choices relate to each of the ing hostage everything until they get refused to sign such legislation into three criteria for judging the merits of their way on the tax breaks for the law. So again, tell me, how do we get a this package: Does it add to the def- very wealthy, I am not willing to put better deal by waiting? It makes no icit? Does it promote economic the fate of the middle class and the un- sense to gamble with the American growth? And does it promote fairness? employed in the hands of the Repub- people’s jobs and the very paychecks For decades, Republicans have un- lican majority next year. Especially they rely on to put food on the table wisely promoted a view that tax cuts when voiced by the Senate Republican and keep the house warm this winter. pay for themselves. So while making leader that their main priority is the Americans are suffering through the deficit reduction their rhetoric, they failure of our President. deepest and longest recession since the never have had any intention of paying I reserve the balance of my time. Great Depression. This is not a time for tax cuts which add to the deficit, Mr. CAMP. Mr. Chairman, I yield for political speeches or electoral pos- plain and simple. Adding to the deficit myself such time as I may consume. turing. This is a time to act respon- is defensible if the bill meets another This House—the people’s House—has sibly, to do what is right, and to vote criterion: Does it promote economic a simple choice today: raise taxes on ‘‘yes.’’ Employers are begging us to growth? Adding to the deficit in the families and small businesses or pre- pass this legislation. Small businesses short term as a tool to promote eco- vent a massive job-killing tax increase and the National Federation of Inde- nomic growth that will, in turn, help from going into effect a mere 16 days pendent Business are supporting the address the long-term deficit has been from now.
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