PUBLIC LIBRARY A Wat Hark around this notice shows that The Paper that stops when the time is ^ this subscription runs out on the first of the Not forced on any one. Thafs worth the following month and should be renewed at THE LOWELL LEDGER money and then some, $2.00 per year in ad* vance. once to avoid break in service. .nd THE alto weekly solo 'A civSo, , J'uhli,. VOL XXVIII, NO. 19 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, OCT. 14, 1920 VOL. XVI, NO. 38 m READI FOR THE Fi DilGED BY FIRE FORDHBSED ALL MID 101LOOK' S Belding Band Will Pliy Both Days. Kuhn Family Suffers Loss of Goods W. E, Eddy Company of Detroit, Newsy Notes About People and Big Crowds Expected. in Austin House. Takes Lowell Business. P'-ces You Know. Forging Ahead Everything is ready for the Low- A fire discovered by neighbors The Krelser Auto company hai Alarm clocks, at Stocking's, udv. ell Community fair, which opens (if M, E. Kuhn in his home on Mon- leased and turned over its Ford We cash many pay checks each week and have today, Thursday, and continues roe street at 9:30, a. in., Tuesday, business to W. E. Eddy company, W. N. Ferris, Democratic cuiuli- dute for governor, has been invited learned some interesting things in this way. We until Friday night, according to destroyed and damaged much of of Detroit. Mr. Edtfy, the new Annual One Cen full page announcement made in the household goods and wearing manager of this company, comes to to speak here during the fair. have found out, for instance, that the men and last week's paper. apparel and did much damage to Lowell, well recommended, and Shirt sale on at Scott's variety Next Week women who deposit part of their pay checks in a The committee announces the the house, which is owned by O. C. with several years of experience in store, all sizes, SLSO, Thursday and engugement of the Beldins band Austin. the Ford business. Having been Friday, Oct. 14 and 15. adv. 19 Savings Account are the ones who bring in larger of ilfteen pieces for both days of The fire seems to have started in employed for the past several years Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kyser and Thursday, Friday and Saturday pay checks later on. And we have found that the fair, also of acrobats, who will a closet located under a stairway by the Ford Motor Co., in Detroit. son Hussell, spent Sunday at the give exhibitions both days in front leading to the chamber and much He is familiar with the business in home of Mrs. Kyser's uncle, Uu- those who have Checking Accounts in this bank of the Post office. of the loss is on clothing, bedding, all its departments. dolph Wittenbach, near Moseley, Friday ut 8 p. m., U. S. Senator etc. Mr. Kreiser will carry all his past October 21, 22, 23 are always the ones who are promoted with great* Mr. and Mrs, Edward Kyser and The Kuhn family were all absent accounts with customers and wishes lownsend and Congressman Mapes daughter Ptauhne, visited their est regularity. will give addresses in front of the from home and the attention of the to thank all who have given him lather, M. T. Story, ut South bos- Post oilice. neighbors was attracted by smoke their business support while in This ^ile is put cn by the I UruK Co, au Hdvertiaiug ton, Sunday. The reason is simple: Thursday 2:30 p. m., ball game from the roof. The fire alarm Lowell. plan. Hut her than npend Jarpe sums ot money iu other between Parnell and Cascade. $50 soon called the department and This new company is ready for Winter apples for sale ill the ways to couvince vou of the ineiit ol these ^ood.-' thev are prize. friends who removed much of the business and can make reasonably Gut lit ord tarm % miles west of Thrifty, SyaUmatic People Forge Ahead Grand Trunk depot. Some sec- ependiufr it on this ^ait iu periuittiug: ue tu H'i! vou u ful! Si Friday, 1:30 p. m., four racisg furniture, etc., and extinguished prompt deliveries on all models of events. WOO purses. the llames promptly, considering cars and tractors. adv. onds and some cider apples. \V. size package of standard merchandise for om ceut. Uu Faster Than Others. Exhibits of farm products by the start they had. J. Gulliford. Lp 111 former nales, we issued large bills ^rivinp a list and prices cf ers within 30 miles of Lowell. house and contents were insured. CLOVER LEAF CLUB. McQueen's garage handles uiev- articles offered, but owing to the scarcity and hi^h price of A bank account is a good index to character. Have Big parade at 10 a. m., Friday, The Kuhn family are living tem- A very successful meeting was olet parts and all accessories, adv tt print paper we are obliged to omii if tins year, but we in that of the Clover Leaf club, held forming on "The Addition," West porarily with Mrs. Kuhn's mother, Attorney General Alex .1 (iroes- vite yuu to call mi'i w tiie ;-voods .lisplayed and th:-'spleu- you one? if not, why not bring YOUR pay cbeck side. Prizes. Best and most rep- Mrs. 1 liscutt. on Oct. 12, at the home of Mrs. H. beck, of Detroit, Hepublican can- did bargains wo an-* oflVriu^. Kvcry article is high class to this bank and open an account with us? reseniative tloiit in the parade by A peculiar circumstance, concern- L. Weekes. After the usual busi didate lor governor, will deliver an j maniifacturer, merchant, farmer, ing the tire, is the fact that snuidges ness meeting the program was in address in front uf tlu- Lowell ruerchamlise, the sain" af- w»hh)| "uu every dav at regular charge of Mrs. Hattie Peckham, Such an account will help you fdrtre ahead. school or grange. $15, *10, $5. Best had started in the same place on I'ost oilice at 4 p. in., SaliinKiy, Ucl. prices, general purpose farm team, .'<12, $9. the previous Thursday and Friday who presented the following num- 1G. *0, S.'l. Best decorated auto .$10, $5. nights, indicating defective electric bers : Ledger-Solo correspondents mv Worst looking rig. $10, $7, $5, 553. wiring as the cause. Piano duet. Mesdames Hodges Toilet Articles, Food Products, Candy, Rubber Best clown, $10, $5, $2.00. and Weekes. inviteu to call at I tie I.edHer ollu v Ihursday or l;rida.\ IIIMI sii|»- The Lowell Board of Trade will Vocal solo, Edith Pletcher, with LOWELL SCHOOL NOTES. plies, also theater lickt-ts. Goods, Household Remedies, Stationery, Etc. City State Bank give $00 in prizes for best communr accompaniment by Mrs. Weekes. The Lowell High school football the othce your headt|ii;irlei n during ity exhibits by grange, divided $30, Piano duet, Mildred Peckham and $20, $10. squad easily defeated Belding High Mary Cameron. the fair, leave wraps, iiincli Imskrls, here Friday afternoon b* a score We give you 4^ and safety to serve Canning demonstration Friday Group of songs, children from etc. Welcome to ail. of 54-0. ut 4 p. m., in the McKay store. first and second grades, under di- Velvet collars put on overconts. This is the second victory of Low- drain exhibit opposite Post oilice. rection of Miss Boe. Lowell Cleaning & Du'lng Works. D. G. LOOK ell High this season, the llrst being All participants responded to en- Potato exhibit, north-east side. Mrs. 11. H. Harris is visiting lier Ford hardware block. when it smothered Catholic High's cores and acquitted themselves One ©f the 8000 Rexali Drug Stores. reserves team under a 91-0 score. mother, brother, and sister near Fruit exhibit—City State bank most creditably, rendering a very This week, Friday, Lowell meets South Lyon, and also attending a block. interesting program, and after a missionary meeting of the North- Lake Odessa's team on their own short social session the club ad- Garden crops exhibit—Front grounds. western Branch of the Women's Post oilice. journed to meet next on Oct. 20 A feature of the Belding game Foreign Missionary sock-ty held Babbit exhibit—Front Look's with Mrs. Edwin Fallas. this week in Detroit. Sin- expects store block. was the brilliant interference which Press Beporter. (he Lowell line and bucklield of- to return Saturday. Poultry exhibit—Front Lowell State biink. fered their runners. Belding nev- TO CELEBRATE ARMISTICE DAY. The Armistice da\ prognun else- er threatened to score after the first Cooking and sewing exhibits, the The several committees of the where alluded to, will he held af- half. The score at the end of the McKay store. West side. Community Welfare association ternoon and evening :it the (lily llrst half was 25-0. KODAKS School exhibit—Cily hall. met Monday evening, Oct. II. at hall, Nov. 11. For tin- evening The Lowell line-up was greatly gathering, dancing. g;tmcs and .i All exhibits to be in place from the Cily hiiii, at which time plans weakened when the fourth quarter. general good time is phniiu-d. This 12. noon, Thursday, and remain un- were made to littingly celebrate the Aldrich, Lowell's right tackle, sus- LIVER sells the best amateur outfit on the til 0 p. in. Friday. anniversary of the signing of the will he a conununih :il!';iir .md ev- tained a fractured nose and had to erybody in Lowell and vicinitj is No charge for* ball game, races Armistice.
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