BU£OE%!) -GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (Publishedby Authority UNITED! Nations ee HA ae _s “ES og — Vol. LVI, No. 51 6th JUNE, 1980 i | Price 25¢ Cibpany z = = . 4 LUNE " General Notice 473 of 1980. notice that he has consented to the cancellation of that portion ROADS ACT[CHAPTER 263] of General Plan EG377 consisting of Stand 57, Chatsworth Township. - Application for Closure of Portions of Roads: : - C.C.WORRAEL, Banket-Trelawney Rural Council Area 6-6-80, - 4 Surveyor-General, __ITis hereby notified, in terms of section7 of the Roads Act General Notice 475 of 1980. : - [Chapter 263], that application ‘has been made for the portions ‘LAND SURVEY ACT [CHAPTER 147} of the roads described hereunder, declared district roads by Rhodesia Notice 634. of 1972, and shown on plan 918, held in: Decision on Application for the Cancellation of Portion of theoffice of the Secretary for Roads and Road Traffic, Posts General Plan BEG6 of Stands 2659. to 2799 and 2921 to 2976, and Télecommunications, to be closed upon the completion of |, Gwelo Township, of Gwelo Township Lands, Gwelo District the newDarwendale Road. __ FURTHER.to the application notice of which was published _ Descriptions of portions of roads to be closed in the Gazette of the 15th February, 1980, the Minister of Reference: Lous . ek Lands, Resettlement and Rural Development hereby, in terms i 7/64; Portion of Darwendale Road. of subsection (3) ‘of section 44 of the Land Survey Act [Chapter 147], gives. notice that he has consented to the cancellation of : Commencing m mo oe c |. that portion of General Plan BEG6 consisting of the portion of ' . On the Remainder of Railway Strip through Downend the general plan defined as‘follows: Reserve, at its junction with road 7/80. =. | Starting at. B15; thence on a direction of 170° 40°40” Passing for a distance of 45,12 metres to an unnamed point; thence through , : : oo ‘on 4 direction of 162° 43’ 30” for a distance of 40,41 metres _ The Remainder of Railway Strip through Downend |. ‘to .an unnamed point, on the outside figure boundary ‘Reserve and Railway Strip of Darwendalé. sf. OS9-OS8; thence along that boundary on a direction of 252° 43°30” for a distance of 83,15 metres to an unnamed Terminating — , point; thence direct to B14; thence direct tothe starting-point. On Railway Sttip. of Darwendale, approximately ‘300 metres ss C. Cc, WORRALL, beyond the junction withroad 7/70.- 6-6-80, oo: Surveyor-General, ‘Reference: General Notice 476 of 1980. a 7/80: Portion of Oldlands Road. DEEDS REGISTERIES ACT [CHAPTER 139] | _ ,. Commencing . we » Notification of Cancellation of Deed of Grant 12936: OnDarwendale Station Reserve Part A of New Burnside, Stand 465, Selukwe Township, Selukwe District : at its junction with road 7/64. a ’ - Passing through NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of Local Govern- . DaiwendaleStation Reserve Part A” of"New Butnside, ment and Housing intends’ to direct the Registrar of Deeds, at .Road Servitude No. Bulawayo, to cancel. Deed.of Grant 12936, im terms of sub- 1 over Darweéndale Kop, the oan (1) of section 18 of the Deeds Registries Act [Chapter Remiainder of New Burnside and Greenside Ranch. fTerminating ~ : oo ‘Fhe. property concerned is Stand. 465, Selukwe Township, On Greenside Ranch, at ‘its junction with the proposed . Situate‘in the district of Selukwe. ~ ‘Tealigned portion of road 7/80 on to the new: Darwendale ' Any person objecting. torthe proposed ‘cancellation is heteby | soad, : required to lodge his objection in writing, giving his nameand Any. person wishing to obiect to the closure of such. portions address and the grounds ,of objection, with the Minister of of roads must do so in writing to the Minister of Roads and: Local Government and Housing, Private Bag 7706, Causeway, Road Traffic, Posts and. Telecommunications, P.O. Box 8109, on or before the11th July, 1980. Causeway, on or before the 7th July, 1980. 4 E. J. M. ZVOBGO, 6-6-80, Minister ‘of Local Government and Housing. - i & P, MAINWARING, Secretary for Roads and Road Traffic, ' General Notice 477 of 1980. * 6-6-80, Pests and Telecommunicaticns. IRON AND STEEL, INDUSTRY ACT [CHAPTER 287] General Notice 474 of 1980. | Appointment of Member: The Zimbabwean Iron and Steel oO ' LAND SURVEYACT [CHAPTER 147] Commission : La. Decision on Application for the Cancellation of Portion of IT is hereby notified that the Minister.of Commerce and GeneralPlan EG377 of Stands 14 to 27, 29 to 36.and 38to 60, Industry. has, in terms of subsection (1) of section 4 of the . Chatsworth Township, Chilimanzi District a Iron and Steel“Industry Act [Chapter 287], chosen Mr. J. H. E. Peacock, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Mines and Energy '. FURTHERtothe application notice of which was published Resources, to be a member of the Zimbabwean Iron and Steel in’ General Notice35 of 1980, the ‘Minister of Lands, Resettle- Commission, in place of Mr. A. P. Vincent,’ . L ment and Rural Development hereby, in terms of subsection (3) ‘ " J. EH. BAKER, of section 44 ‘of the Land Survey Act {Chapter 147], gives . 6-6-80. Secretary for Commerce and Industry. ‘ i * i. 510 ‘ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,67H JUNE, 1980. General Notice 478 of 1980. Fs , . Registered COMPANIES ACT [CHAPTER 190] . number \ Name — Objects .. e W.O. 1/80 Christian Aid Ministries . "To promote. ‘and propagate the -Companies Struck Off the Register - us Gospel. : To provide assistance to all Ir is hereby notified, in-termsof section 283 of the Com- | destitute and displaced people. panies Act [Chapter 190], that the names of the companies-set To offer Bible teaching and to © liaise with similar organizations. out in the Schedule have been struck off the register, | s . R. J. TUCKER, W.O. 2/80 Leo Club of Redeliff . 5.) To provide, the youth of the 6-6-80,- - Registrar of Companies. world an opportunity " for’ SCHEDULE development and contribution, - and to promoteservice activities , - ‘ . wate of .- among,the youth.- Number Name ofcompany Capital registration gg : $ W.O.3/80 Lions Club of Shangani. |. To bring together’ business and 23/48 Farmers Supplies (Pvt.) Ltd... - 50000 © 5.2.48 professional men for the purpose 267/49 © Agricultural and General Advisory Services 20000 ~- 27.7.49, of promoting general welfare.. (Pvt.Ltd. : ; ‘ This club may .also offer its 459/145/50 Bothwell House (Pvt.) Ltd. ote »« 400000 4.12.50 . co-operation to other organiza- 346/52 George Nunn & Company (Pvt.) Ltd... 8 000 2.9.52 ’ tions in charitable endeavours \ 20/53 ‘Woodrow Tobacco Estates (Pvt.) Ltd. 10 000 27.1.53 — 1 for the public welfare. { » 268/55 "Documentary Films (Pvt) Ltd... 2 . $000 * 23.5.55. W.O. 4/80 The National Association of fo initiate, encoprage, promote 568/55 C. W. Cremer (Pvt) Lid, 2 2. 2. 40000 22,9.55 Societies. for the Care. of the and develop co-operation ‘of, 556/93/57 Stat Wholesalers (Pvt.) Ltd. oe ee 8000 . 18.6.57 _ Handicapped (N.A.S.C.0.H.) | and between, member organiza- 317/58 _ J. Roe (Pvt) Ltd... 2. eo ee 3 000 26.3.58 tions of the association in 121/59 Nayan Investments (Pyt.} Lid. - 8 000 19.2.59 sos | 173/61 - Raymond Davis Investments (Pvt.) Lid. - 8000 24.3.61 ot ‘matters concerning the care of the handicapped. un 650/64 ~ Evenel (Pvt) Ltd.. 1. 24 000 1.12.64 I 435/68/67 Kanya Hlaza Mining CompanyGry Ltd. 20000 17.8.67 To review from time to_ tire 547/67 . “Freelands” Estatés (Pvt.) Ltd. - os . 24000 18.10.67— ' ‘the facilities available’ for the rehabilitation of the “handi- | 703/68 Format Sound'(Pvt.) Ltd. i... 24 000 11.9.68 capped. ' 714/70 Harleen Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd... 5. 24000 . 13.8.70 902/174/70- Lancaster’s Tavern (Pvt.) Ltd. .. .» 24000 23.970 _ To operate as an advisory body 954/70 Radlect (Pvt) Ltd. .. + .. 24000 . 22.10.70 to .the Government on any existing or future organization ‘ 810/71 IL.M.F. Electrical Company (Pvt) Lid. .: 55 000 16.8.71 concerned with the care ‘of the 158/72 Heat Exchangers (Rhodesia):(Pvt.) Ltd. 24 000 14.2.72 531/72 Canot Holdings Pvt.) Ltd. .. .« 24000 2.5.72 | handicapped.- . 894/72 A.G.E. Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd... .. 24000 2.8.72 © To provide factual information 1002/72 Goromonzi Trading Company (Pvt.) Ltd.. 24000 24.8.72 when required to any interested 1233/72 ‘Coimbra Bazaar (Pvt.) Ltd... ... 24000 9.10.72 ~ , _ body. 140/73 Rhogold (Pvt) Ltd... 2 . «100000 = -16.2.73 W.O.5/80 ‘National Council on Alcohol To initiate and encourage the 1295/73 Guys & Dolts (vt) Ltd. 2... 32000 20.12.73 Abuse. and Drug _Depondenre prevention and treatment of - 359/74 Plastool Engineering and Manufacturing 24000 — 19.4.74. a * alcohol and drug abuse. ; ; : (Pvt.) Ltd. ?. To rehabilitate the victims of © 360/74 Ollie’s Cash Butchery (PvtjLtd. 32000 19.4.74 © ‘alcoholism and drugdependence. 274/78". Gait Enterprises Company (Pvt.) Ltd. 32000. .18.4.75 69/76 Thomas Allen (Pvt.) Lid. 2. 2. .. 320007 24.2.76 To ‘pursue: these objects at‘a national level. 307/77 S. J. Stander & Son (Pyt.) Ltd... 7. 32000 10.8.77 . To co-ordinate other organiza-. 4° ' General Notice 479 of 1980.: e tions working on the same. : Problems. - _WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS ACT [CHAPT.ER 93) ae W.O. 6/80 National Council of the Hard be To develop facilities for the Welfare Organizations (Registration) (No. 1) Notice, 1980 ‘Hearing oO | deaf and hard of hearing of all . | ages. IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (7) of section 9 _ To investigate and record data to the Welfare Organizations Act [Chapter 931, that the welfare concerning the deaf and hard of organizations specified in the Schedule have been registered in hearing.
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