THREE Prayer for the Day VALLEYS Almighty God, INFORMATION who in the passion of your blessed Son SHEET made an instrument of painful death 14th September 2020 to be for us the means of life and peace: grant us so to glory in the cross of Christ The Countrymen’s club - Farm visits that we may gladly suffer for his sake; and cream teas who is alive and reigns with you, From August to October 2020, on select dates, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, the Countrymen’s club based at Boyshill, one God, now and for ever. Holnest, will be offering a cream tea and a farm Amen. walk to local men with a rural background along with their wives and carers. A PRAYER FOR ALL THOSE You will have 1.5 hours on the farm with a AFFECTED BY CORONAVIRUS maximum of 2 couples on the farm per ses- Keep us, good Lord, sion. Social distancing rules and relevant hy- giene precautions will be strictly observed. under the shadow of your mercy. There will be an opportunity to see the animals Sustain and support the anxious, and some of the crafts that our countrymen be with those who care for the sick, have made over the years as well as the chance to talk about farming and the rural way and lift up all who are brought low; of life. that we may find comfort There will be a small charge of £5 per person knowing that nothing can separate us to cover costs. from your love If you are interested, please give them a call on in Christ Jesus our Lord. the number below and they will let you know the dates and times available. Compline Worship & other service details Rylands Farm, Boyshill, Holnest DT9 5PS for this forthcoming week Tel: 01935 210703 Monday – Compline - at 6.00pm via Three Valleys Team Facebook page (Rev.George Moody) Coffee & Cake! Wednesday @ 6.00pm – worship online From Tuesday 1st September @ 10.30am Leigh Village Church will be resuming their Friday @ 6.00pm – An Evening prayer service – online Three Valleys Facebook. monthly coffee mornings (please try to remem- ber to bring a Mug with you). If the weather is (Sunday morning 20th September) - online ser- fine it will be held in the churchyard. vice of worship (Morning Prayer) at 10.00am led by Rev.Anne Budgell – via Three Valleys Team As of Wednesday 2nd September there will be facebook page. Coffee & Cake at Yetminster Jubilee Hall be- tween 10.00am – 11.30am (the first Wednes- day of every month). Please come along and support! The garden may be used for the above purposes if the weather is fine – “Social distancing rules will be in place”. A Message from the Clergy Team There has been some concern expressed that 21st Setember 2020 the clergy are not seen so much in the villages during the lockdown. We are aware LPA Commissioning Service @ 6.30apm at of this and want to assure you that we are St.Andrew’s, Yetminster with Bishop Karen still available for telephone consultations or (Please note that every Sunday morning on via skype, zoom and all the other electronic facebook the Rev.Anne Budgell will be leading methods of communication a service of worship for those who would prefer not to come out yet). Please share the Pew Sheet with others in your benefice who may not be receiving a copy by – email from the office – Thank you. Harvest Services 27th September 2020 @ 10.00am Clergy Contact Details This year, the above will be held at the follow- Team Rector: Tony Gilbert: 01935 873 044 ing Churches Bradford Abbas, Chetnole & [email protected] Folke. Sadly, there will be no hymn singing al- lowed and social distancing rules will still be in Team Vicar: George Moody: 01935 873 214 place. [email protected] th New date! 18 October 2020 @ 10.30am Team Vicar: Richard Kirlew: 01963 23 570 Harvest Festival @ St Andrew’s Church, [email protected] Yetminster - (followed by hopefully a soup and cheese lunch in the hall – it is hoped that the above will be a outside service). Benefice Office Contact Details Jubilee Hall, Church Street, Yetminster DT9 6LG Annual Meetings/APCM’s Announcement ! Tel. 01935 872600 [email protected]/ Annual meetings must normally be held each year by the end of May. Please send items for this Pew Sheet to: The Bishop has made special provision ex- [email protected] Benefice Website: tending the time for holding annual meetings of www.threevalleysteam.org parishioners to choose churchwardens and an- nual parochial church meetings (APCMs) to 31 Please send items for publication on the website October 2020. The terms of office of church- (especially forthcoming/recent events) to itemsfor- wardens and PCC members have also been [email protected] extended. You can now meet physically in a church or a The Wriggle Valley Mothers’ Union church hall if the guidance for the safe opening of these buildings is followed, and good physi- th A coffee morning is planned on October 24 in the cal distancing and hygiene measures are em- Methodist Church, Yetminster to enable them to do ployed. some much needed fund raising. The above charity, like so many others have suffered due to the Covid-19 epidemic. If you have time, do take a If, exceptionally, that is not possible, another look at their wonderful range of cards plus other option is for the Bishop to make provision mod- things that can be ordered on-line. I understand ifying the procedure for annual meetings so that delivery is very prompt and efficient. that they can be held remotely using video- conferencing software. Forthcoming Services Sunday 20th September 2020 If you think you will need to meet remotely for your parish annual meetings, you should con- Thornford @ 10.00am tact your Archdeacon. Diocesan registries Batcombe @ 10.00am have received advice from the Legal Office of the National Church Institutions about remote meetings, and will be able to assist in meeting Beer Hackett, St Michael’s – 10.00am- particular needs that arise in their dioceses. 4.00pm Sundays & Wednesdays For more information, contact your Archdea- Folke, St.Lawrence’s – Tuesday & Sat- con. urdays 10.00am – 4.00pm (starting 24th New Blog! The Rectory Window. June) The Rev.George Moody is writing a new blog Glanvilles Wootton – Open on called ‘The Rectory Window’ (therectorywin- dow.blogspot.com) This is based on Mark’s Wednesdays & Sundays (10.00- Gospel. It will appear on a more occasional 4.00pm) tbc basis than his previous blog ‘Look up in Lock- Hermitage – open on Wednesdays & down’ which has now finished. Sundays Howell, St Lawrence’s – this will be ARRANGEMENTS opened by appointment – phone num- bers on Church notice board and porch FOR OPENING gate. CHURCHES Re-opening of Churches For the latest Gov.guidelines please refer to the St Andrew's Yetminster: link below: - Open from 8am to midday daily, seven https://www.gov.uk/government/publica- days a week. Please note: There will be tions/covid-19-guidance-for-the-safe-use-of-places- no access from the south entrance of-worship-from-4-july/covid-19-guidance-for-the- safe-use-of-places-of-worship-from-4-july around the Tower for the next three months, due to scaffolding and the The change in the Government's guidance Tower works team, so please use the means that those of our churches, that are able main north door. to do so safely, can now open for private Leigh, St Andrew’s open daily 10am to prayer. 4pm Batcombe, St Mary Magdalene open 24/7 Holnest, Church of the Assumption, open on request Chetnole St Peter's will be open Those who have been able to open up for a on Wednesdays and Sundays from 10 few hours each day or at set times during the am to 4pm (possibly earlier or later de- week have found themselves negotiating the pending on the day). long list of measures that they need to put in place to keep us all safe. Thornford, St Mary Magdalene open For the first month after we are allowed back on Sundays & Wednesdays – 10.00- st into church we intend to hold simply three ser- 4.00pm beginning Sunday 21 June. vices per Sunday, one service in each of the Three Valley groups (Wriggle Valley, Gifle Val- Bradford Abbas – 9.00am – 7pm on ley and Vale of the White hart). These will ro- Sundays & Wednesdays tate through the various churches in those ar- eas. We will also continue broadcasting a weekly service via the internet. It seems likely that initially, distancing rules will have to be ob- served in church and that hymn singing will not be allowed as the deep breathing needed to sing is believed to increase the risk of spread- ing the virus. Details of where the services are to be held will be published in the weekly elec- tronic pew sheet, on our Facebook page and Jonathan, who has been serving as Rector of our website nearer the time Blandford Forum and Langton Long, will lead a team to support and serve resource local churches Please be aware that as of last weekend, it is in 3 key areas: discipleship, leadership and com- now compulsory for members of the congrega- munity transformation. This will be across all levels tion (adults) to wear a ‘face mask,’ whilst at- (Benefice, Deanery and our Diocesan Board of Ed- tending a service inside the church. ucation schools), with an approach that is about thinking both locally and with a collective Diocesan Hand sanitising gel and disposable face masks mindset.
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