Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection 1981 Analysis of material distribution from NSC San Diego to local customers Eller, Jeffrey M. Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School http://hdl.handle.net/10945/20421 '! --* 1 1 I Til,.,...'.* tAJ*£* Hum ."v IGfi'; - •: '*'' 9fflH jtfjlcra si jlgW ' '-"'' ''. 01- cv*" NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION FROM NSC SAN DIEGO TO LOCAL CUSTOMERS by Jeffrey M. Eller and Robert T. Moore III September, 1981 Thesis Advisor: Alan W. McMaster: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. T2020 r\ I SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data Bnlatad) READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING FORM J i report nTTmITK 2. OOVT ACCESSION NO. RECIPIENT'S CAT ALOG NUMBER 4 TITLE (and Submit) 5 TYPE OF REPORT a PERlOO COVERED Analysis of Material Distribution From NSC San Master's Thesis Diego To Local Customers September 1981 t PERFORMING ORG REPORT NUMBER i 7. AUThOR.«> CONTRACT OR GRANT NLMBERfij Jeffrey M. Eller Robert T. Moore III to. program element » PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME *NO AOORESS oroject task AREA a WORK UNIT NUMBERS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 12. REPORT DATE II CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND AOORESS Naval Postgraduate School September 1981 Monterey, California 93940 IS. NUMBER OF PAGES 253 n. security class, (oi ihia '*tx>r, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 9 3940 Unclassified IS*. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE l«. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ai thla Mapart) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited tram Atport) 17 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (at MM aOttract antarad in Block 30, It dlllarmnt II SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES an ravataa »lda ll nacaaamry and Idantltr ay Block ximoar) 1» KEY *OROS | Contlnua NSC San Diegc, Local Delivery, Physical Distribution, Material Distribution, Local Customer Support, NSC San Diego Material Movements klaek mammae) 20 ABSTRACT (Conitnua an ravataa tlda II nacaaamry and Idamiltr ay On 1 October 1980 the wholesale support function of the Naval Air Station, North Island (NASNI) was consolidated with that of the Naval Supply Center, San Diego (NSCSD) according to the DOD Material Distribution Study and the Shore Establishment Realignment Program (SER V) . If the consolidation is to be judged as a success, NSCSD must offer improved post-consolidation support to its local customers, especially the Naval Air Rework Facility (NARF) at NASNI. This thesis offers a general discussion and documentation of the FORM 1473 EDITION OF I NOV •• IS OBSOLETE DO I JAN 73 j S/N 103-014- ««0 Unrlflssifi rl SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data Kntatad) f eo»«Tv eiiiiinctTiaii 90 Twit • »»?—— rtmtm ggwggj pre-SER NSCSD local delivery system in order to form a baseline from which to measure future system performance and effectiveness. It specifically addresses NSCSD' s local delivery organization, facilities, and resources, plus the identification of the local customer base and the volume of business they generate. DD Forrn 1473 - Tr-i 1 Q g g -• f 1 Jan i 3 j jh *<"•'•«> t#!-u«iTv Ci_ AttiriCATlOM 0' T *"« *»flt^*«" 3«'« Approved For Public Release; Distribution Unlimited AN ANALYSIS OF MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION FROM NSC SAN DIEGO TO LOCAL CUSTOMERS by Jeffrey M. Eller Lieutenant Commander, Supply Corps, United States Navy B.B.A., Lamar University, 1971 and Robert T. Moore III Lieutenant Commander, Supply Corps, United States Navy B.A., University of Washington, 1971 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September, 1981 ABSTRACT On 1 October 1980 the wholesale support function of the Naval Air Station, North Island (NASNI) was consolidated with that of the Naval Supply Center, San Diego (NSCSD) ac- cording to the DOD Material Distribution Study and the Shore Establishment Realignment Program (SER V) . If the consolidation is to be judged as a success, NSCSD must offer improved post-consolidation support to its local customers, especially the Naval Air Rework Facility (NARF) at NASNI. This thesis offers a general discussion and documentation of the pre-SER NSCSD local delivery system in order to form a baseline from which to measure future system performance and effectiveness. It specifically addresses NSCSD's local de- livery organization, facilities, and resources, plus the identification of the local customer base and the volume of business thev generate. TABLE OF CONTENTS I- INTRODUCTION 14 A. PURPOSE-- 15 B. METHOD OF ANALYSIS 15 C. SCOPE OF ANALYSIS 16 II. MATERIAL/DOCUMENT FLOW ANALYSIS 19 A. BACKGROUND 19 B. ORGANIZATION 20 C. PHYSICAL FACILITIES 24 D. DOCUMENT FLOW ANALYSIS 34 E. MATERIAL FLOW ANALYSIS 41 F. VOLUME AND TYPE OF BUSINESS 48 III. LOCAL DELIVERY SYSTEM 55 A. BACKGROUND 5 5 B. LOCAL CUSTOMER BASE 55 C. LOCAL DELIVERY ORGANIZATION AND ASSETS 60 D. DELIVERY SERVICES PROVIDED 66 IV. LOCAL DELIVERY VOLUME OF BUSINESS 78 A. DATA REDUCTION 78 B. LOCAL DELIVERY WORK LOAD ANALYSIS 91 C. VOLUME OF BUSINESS EXTRAPOLATION 115 V. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12 7 A. SUMMARY 12" B. RECOMMENDATIONS 12 9 APPENDIX A. LOCAL CUSTOMER LIST 132 B. UMMIPS TIME STANDARDS 139 C. LOCAL CUSTOMER LIST BY REQUISITION SUBMISSIONS- -- 140 D. LOCAL CUSTOMER LIST BY SHIPPING DOCUMENTS 145 E. LOCAL CUSTOMER LIST BY WEIGHT AND CUBE 15 F. REQNS, ISSUES, WEIGHT AND CUBE DATA BY ZONE 155 G. ZONE PLOTS OF DATA 219 H. CURVE FITTING EQUATIONS 247 LIST OF REFERENCES 250 BIBLIOGRAPHY 251 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST - 252 LIST OF TABLES 1. BROADWAY WAREHOUSE SPACE/UTILIZATION 28 2. NCA WAREHOUSE SPACE/UTILIZATION 31 3. LIST OF MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT 4 3 4. SUMMARY STATISTICS OF ISSUES MADE 50 5. BREAKDOWN OF SHIPMENTS 52 6. MODES OF MATERIAL SHIPMENT 5 5 7. NSCSD TRANSPORTATION HOLD TIMES 60 8. LOCAL DELIVERY VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT 6 5 9. SCHEDULED DEDICATED RUNS 70 10. SEMI -SCHEDULED DEDICATED RUNS 71 11. ZONE DELIVERY SCHEDULE 74 12. NSC LOCAL CUSTOMERS AND ZONE DESCRIPTIONS 75 13. TOTAL PALLETS OF MATERIAL MOVED BY NSCSD 79 14. VOLUME OF CHILL AND FROZEN PROVISIONS MOVED 89 15. TOP 21 CUSTOMERS BY NUMBER OF REQUISITIONS 94 16. REQUISITIONS BY ZONE 96 17. REQUISITIONS BY SUB-ZONE 96 18. TOP 21 CUSTOMERS BY NUMBER OF SHIPPING DOCUMENTS-- 9 8 19. SHIPPING DOCUMENTS BY ZONE 100 20. SHIPPING DOCUMENTS BY SUB- ZONE 100 21. TOP 2 5 CUSTOMERS BY WEIGHT AND CUBE 106 22. SHIPPING DOCUMENTS, WEIGHT, AND CUBE 3Y ZONE 106 23. WEIGHT AND CUBE MOVED BY SUB -ZONE 10 7 24. WEIGHT AND CUBE OF POSSIBLE FFT MATERIAL 107 25. ABC ANALYSIS OF EXTENDED REQUISITION WEIGHT 113 26. ABC ANALYSIS OF EXTENDED REQUISITION CUBE 113 27. 9 MONTH EXTRAPOLATION QTYS VS 9 MONTH ANALYSIS QTYS 12 2 28. LOCAL CUSTOMER REQUISITION EXTRAPOLATION 122 29. LOCAL CUSTOMER MATERIAL ISSUES EXTRAPOLATION 123 30. LOCAL CUSTOMER WEIGHT AND CUBE EXTRAPOLATION 123 LIST OF FIGURES 1. NSC SAN DIEGO ORGANIZATION CHART 21 2. MATERIAL DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION CHART 2 2 3. LONG BEACH ANNEX ORGANIZATION CHART 2 5 4. BROADWAY COMPOUND LAYOUT 2 7 5. NATIONAL CITY .ANNEX LAYOUT 30 6. LONG BEACH ANNEX LAYOUT 5 3 7. NSC SAN DIEGO ADP REQUISITION DOCUMENT FLOW 36 8. NSC SAN DIEGO CODE 105 REQUISITION DOCUMENT FLOW-- 37 9. NSC SAN DIEGO ISSUE DOCUMENT FLOW 38 10. BROADWAY COMPOUND ISSUED MATERIAL FLOW 44 11. NATIONAL CITY ANNEX ISSUED MATERIAL FLOW 47 12. NSCSD MAJOR CUSTOMER CENTERS 5 8 13. NSC SAN DIEGO LOCAL DELIVERY ORGANIZATION 61 14. CODE 30321 ORGANIZATION CHART 65 15. CODE 30522 ORGANIZATION CHART 64 16. NSC SAN DIEGO DELIVERY ZONES 73 17. SAMPLE DRIVER'S DAILY LOG 81 18. ABC ANALYSIS OF EXTENDED REQUISITION WEIGHT 111 19. ABC ANALYSIS OF EXTENDED REQUISITION CUBE 112 20. EXAMPLE OF WEEKLY REQUISITION DATA 117 21. SAMPLE DATA PLOT 119 22. SAMPLE CURVE FITTING PLOT 121 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADP Automatic Data Processing AMHS Automated Material Handling System ASW Anti- Submarine Warfare AUTODIN Automatic Digital Network BMHS Bulk Material Handling System CAS REP Casualty Report CNO Chief of Naval Operations COMNAVAIRPAC Commander, Naval Air Forces, Pacific COMNAVSURFPAC Commander, Naval Surface Forces, Pacific DAAS Defense Automatic Addressing System DHF Demand History File DPDO Defense Property Disposal Office DOD Department of Defense EDF Enlisted Dining Facility FCF Freight Classification File FFT For Further Transfer FFV Fresh Fruits and Vegetables FMSO Fleet Material Support Office FY Fiscal Year GSK General Stores Material ICP Inventory Control Point IPC Issue Priority Group LBNSY Long Beach Naval Shipyard 10 MCRD Marine Corps Recruit Depot MHE Materials Handling Equipment MILCON Military Construction MTIS Material Turned In To Store MTR Mandatory Turn- in Repairable NAB Naval Amphibious Base NC Not Carried NCA National City Annex NARF Naval Air Rework Facility NAS Naval Air Station NASM Naval Air Station, Miramar NASNI Naval Air Station, North Island NAVCOMMSTA Naval Communications Station NAVE LEX Naval Electronics System Command NAVMTO Navy Material Transportation Office NAVSTA Naval Station NIS Not-in-Stock NISTARS Navy Integrated Storage, Tracking, and Retrieval System NOSC Naval Ocean Systems Center NRFI Not -Ready -for- Issue NRMC Naval Regional Medical Center NSC Naval Supply Center NSCSD Naval Supply Center, San Diego NTC Naval Training Center POE Point of Entry PWCSD Public Works Center, San Diego 11 PWRS Pre-positioned War Reserve Material RFI Ready For Issue SOAP Supply Overhaul Assistance Program SER Shore Establishment Realignment SIMA Shore Intermediate Maintenance Activity SPCC Ships Parts Control Center SUBSUPFAC Submarine Support Facility SUPSHIP Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion, and Repair UADPS Uniform Automated Data Processing System UIC Unit Identification Code USCG United States Coast Guard 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to take this opportunity to express their appreciation to Mr. Dennis Mar of the Naval Post- graduate School Computer Center. His assistance and support in the computer programming conducted for this thesis was unfailing and most welcome.
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