E608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 21, 2010 HONORING CHARLES KEY IN RECOGNITION OF THE ARME- McKnight who has received the Arvada Wheat NIAN RELIEF SOCIETY’S 100TH Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. ANIVERSARY Brianna McKnight is a 7th grader at Mandalay HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH Middle School and received this award be- cause her determination and hard work have OF CALIFORNIA HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF OF CALIFORNIA allowed her to overcome adversities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The dedication demonstrated by Brianna Wednesday, April 21, 2010 McKnight is exemplary of the type of achieve- Wednesday, April 21, 2010 ment that can be attained with hard work and Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today perseverance. It is essential students at all Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise to honor the Armenian Relief Society as it today to commend and congratulate Charles levels strive to make the most of their edu- celebrates its 100th anniversary. cation and develop a work ethic which will Key upon being awarded with the ‘‘Lifetime The Armenian Relief Society, ARS, estab- guide them for the rest of their lives. Achievement Award’’ by the Veterans of For- lished in 1910, is a non-profit organization de- I extend my deepest congratulations once voted to community and cultural service. Ini- eign Wars, Post 9896. Mr. Key was honored again to Brianna McKnight for winning the Ar- tially a mostly women’s organization, it em- on Saturday, January 30, 2010, in Chowchilla, vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for California. powered women to take leadership roles and act for the betterment of society, and encom- Youth award. I have no doubt she will exhibit Mr. Charles Key was raised in Henryetta, pass the importance of serving the needs of the same dedication and character to all her Oklahoma. At seventeen years old he enlisted Armenian genocide victims. future accomplishments. in the United States Navy. Mr. Key completed As time elapsed, the goals of the ARS f Navy Boot Camp at the Navy Recruit Training branched out to reach all communities in dis- INTRODUCTION OF H.R. 5088, AMER- Center at San Diego, California. After boot tress—Armenian and non-Armenian alike. In ICA’S COMMITMENT TO CLEAN camp he was designated and trained as a Ma- addition to disaster relief and assistance dur- WATER ACT chinist Mate and was assigned to the USS ing wars and epidemics, the ARS has broad- Boxer CV–21, a twenty-seven thousand ton ened its activities and developed a mission and a common purpose. Today, they address HON. JAMES L. OBERSTAR Essex class aircraft carrier. While on the social, educational, developmental, and cul- OF MINNESOTA Boxer, Mr. Key completed two deployments to tural roles within communities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Western Pacific from 1950 to 1951. Over the course of a century, the organiza- Wednesday, April 21, 2010 The USS Boxer was returning from the Far tion has launched chapters in more than 26 Mr. OBERSTAR. Madam Speaker, today I East in 1950 when North Korea invaded South countries. The ARS situated its western roots am introducing ‘‘America’s Commitment to Korea. The carrier made a rapid turn-around in Fresno in 1915 and has expanded to in- Clean Water Act,’’ legislation to reaffirm the as it was carrying needed Air Force and Navy clude 26 chapters in California, Nevada, Ari- zona, Texas, and Utah. Hence, the ARS of ability of the Clean Water Act to protect the planes, as well as personnel, and headed to Western USA was established in 1984 in re- Nation’s waters, including wetlands. These the war zone in the Pacific. During the fol- sponse to the growing needs of expanding waters support our nation’s economic well- lowing months, Mr. Key and his shipmates communities. Geographical location has never being, enable our quality of life, and sustain worked diligently to keep aircraft in the air by steered members off their precise course of our environment for generations to come. providing air support for the United Nations’ making a difference in local communities and Over its thirty-seven-year history, the Clean fighting forces ashore. Between 1951 and around the world simultaneously. Water Act has restored countless rivers, lakes, 1952, while aboard the USS Boxer, Mr. Key The ARS’s passion to help people has blos- and streams, protected drinking water sup- made three additional Korean War cruises. somed into various constructive projects. plies, and preserved water quality and water- The planes from the USS Boxer hit transpor- Since its establishment in 1980, Armenian Re- related habitat essential to waterfowl, wildlife, tation and infrastructure targets in North Korea lief Society Social Services Centers have and fisheries. and gave close air support to troops on the aided approximately 60,000 people annually In 1972, Congress set a goal that the Na- front lines. On August 5, 1952, while engaged regarding issues such as immigration, coun- tion’s waters would be fishable and swim- seling, and services for the elderly. In the year mable by July 1, 1983. Great progress toward in combat operations, a fire broke out on the 2000, the ARS Child, Youth & Family Guid- that goal has been made, but 40 percent of hanger deck. The fire resulted in nine deaths, ance Center was created to provide a gateway our waters still do not meet the goals and several aircraft were lost and there was signifi- to individuals and families suffering from prob- standards of the Act. cant damage to the hanger deck. Mr. Key and lems such as marital and family conflicts and In 2001 and 2006, two decisions of the U.S. his shipmates worked non-stop, and within two substance abuse. Supportive professional Supreme Court threw the Nation’s clean water weeks the USS Boxer returned to combat du- therapists offer individual and group psycho- programs into turmoil, creating confusion and ties off the Korean coast. therapy, family psychotherapy, and crisis inter- uncertainty for communities, developers, and Upon returning to the United States, Ma- vention. With the support of generous donors, agricultural interests, and placing at risk the chinist Mate 3rd Class Key was honorably dis- the ARS continues to support such centers as Nation’s ability to restore, protect, and main- charged from the Navy at the Naval District in well as schools, scholarship programs, cultural tain water quality and the water-related envi- centers, health-care clinics, and orphanages to San Francisco. For his service, Mr. Key was ronment. name a few examples. Today, ARS chapters awarded the China Service Medal, the Navy Turmoil, confusion, and uncertainty are no also work hand-in-hand with other charities way to run a program. The result has been in- Occupation Award, the Korean Service Medal, such as the American Red Cross, Catholic creased processing times and backlogs as the the United Nations Service Medal and the Charities, Salvation Army, and YWCA. agencies struggle to interpret the court deci- Good Conduct Medal. During his civilian ca- I am proud to recognize the past and sions. That is why I developed legislation to reer, Mr. Key was a California licensed elec- present members and supporters of the ARS restore the common understanding of the trical and air conditioning contractor. for their unique contributions to the global scope of the Clean Water Act based on dec- Mr. Key is a Life Member of the Chowchilla community, and I ask all Members to join me ades-old interpretations of the U.S. Army Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9896 and a in congratulating the Armenian Relief Society Corps of Engineers and the Environmental member of the First Christian Church of for 100 years of dedicated service. Protection Agency. Madera. Mr. Key and his wife, Christine, had f The bill will ensure that the Clean Water Act two sons, three grandchildren and two great- BRIANNA MCKNIGHT can cover the same waters as it did under the grandchildren. regulatory decisions in place in 2001. These decisions were based on a common under- Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend HON. ED PERLMUTTER standing developed over the 29 years of the OF COLORADO and congratulate Charles Key upon being Act as to defining its appropriate scope. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES named as a ‘‘Distinguished Life Member’’ by By restoring the common understanding and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 9896. I in- Wednesday, April 21, 2010 practice of protecting the Nation’s waters and vite my colleagues to join me in wishing Mr. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise wetlands as existed prior to 2001, we can pro- Key many years of continued success. today to recognize and applaud Brianna vide much-needed certainty to the regulated VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:25 Apr 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21AP8.023 E21APPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS April 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E609 community, and avoid costly litigation over re- as a mammoth expansion of Federal power. meet regional community needs. Areas in sponsibility for protecting clean water. We can Restoring the Clean Water Act is only an ex- which Volunteer Fairfax acts as a clearing- also restore bedrock protections for our citi- pansion to the extent the Supreme Court ig- house and matches volunteers to community zens and our neighborhoods from polluters nored the intent of Congress and 30 years of needs include literacy programs, homeless who place families and communities at risk. precedent by narrowing the Act. and poverty assistance, emergency response Clean, safe water is a basic right for all Opponents argue that the Federal govern- and recovery functions, senior citizen assist- Americans.
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