5-2018 F m o o oe is oe l and info and W elds and woods. and elds f both through trails hiking C hidbey I amano slands.com ere are dog-friendly dog-friendly are ere T restaurant. a and shops, specialty galleries, Greenbank Farm Greenbank is publicly-owned farm is home to art art to home is farm publicly-owned is T – 9 9 from invading ships. invading from Sound Puget protect to forts three Fire”; of “Triangle region’s the e fort, featuring cannons, was part of of part was cannons, featuring fort, e T 1890’s. the in built fort a and rst lighthouse, Admiralty Head Lighthouse, Lighthouse, Head Admiralty lighthouse, rst f region’s the both to home ere is a Visitor Center located at Make Whidbey. Make at located Center Visitor a is ere T Fort Casey State Park State Casey Fort overlooking Puget Sound is is Sound Puget overlooking f blu is T - 8 8 Small shops and restaurants greet visitors along the main highway. highway. main the along visitors greet restaurants and shops Small is, for many, where they drive on the mainland, or where they depart. depart. they where or mainland, the on drive they where many, for is, stunning views. views. stunning Clinton and South Whidbey South and Clinton – Whidbey Island’s ferry gateway gateway ferry Island’s Whidbey – 18 18 and provides opportunities to explore parks, beaches, trails and and trails beaches, parks, explore to opportunities provides and Reserve is home to historic farms, the seaport town of Coupeville, Coupeville, of town seaport the farms, historic to home is Reserve towering forests, and camping options, including cabins. including options, camping and forests, towering Center. Visitor rural landscape and community. Established in 1978, the 17,572 acre acre 17,572 the 1978, in Established community. and landscape rural Camano Island State Park State Island Camano Corner Ken’s – Explore peaceful beaches, beaches, peaceful Explore – a as well as options dining and Shopping - 26 26 17 landing National Historical Reserve, past meets present in a working working a in present meets past Reserve, Historical National landing Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve Historical National Landing Ebey’s – At Ebey’s Ebey’s At – 7 7 park is also home to the Center for Wooden Boats and cafe. and Boats Wooden for Center the to home also is park ce. f o Commerce of Chamber the at Center Visitor a is ere T e e T cabins. historic the in stay may you and remaining, last the one e South Whidbey Harbor at Langley is located here. here. located is Langley at Harbor Whidbey South e T paradise. dining is a Visitor Center at the Chamber of Commerce. of Chamber the at Center Visitor a is is is among among is is T Sound. Puget dotted resorts shing f waterside small wineries, breweries, and specialty food shops make this a shopping and and shopping a this make shops food specialty and breweries, wineries, ere T here. located are Wharf Historic the and Museum Historical Cama Beach State Park State Beach Cama – In the middle of the 20th century, century, 20th the of middle the In – you with its small-town charm and artistic “vibe.” Galleries, restaurants, restaurants, Galleries, “vibe.” artistic and charm small-town its with you 25 25 this town an authentic charm few places can match. Island County County Island match. can places few charm authentic an town this Langley – Whidbey Island’s “Village by the Sea” will captivate captivate will Sea” the by “Village Island’s Whidbey – 16 16 a hundred years ago. Small shops, art galleries, and restaurants give give restaurants and galleries, art shops, Small ago. years hundred a Coupeville is town’s Front Street is largely unchanged from from unchanged largely is Street Front town’s is T – for visitors to the island. the to visitors for 6 6 stop” “must another is this Farm, Kristoferson from street the famous living archway made of laburnum trees. laburnum of made archway living famous Visitor Center Visitor across plaza shopping busy a at Located - ere’s a summertime farmers market, restaurants, a winery and world world and winery a restaurants, market, farmers summertime a ere’s T 24 24 c Northwest Trail. Northwest c f Paci Bayview Corner Bayview ere’s always something happening here. here. happening something always ere’s T – 15 15 the of part is and views great ers f o f blu the along trail hiking e e T paragliding. and picnics for place favorite a now is park state team-building course. team-building Fort Ebey State Park State Ebey Fort – Built at the start of World War II, this this II, War World of start the at Built – e farm is also home to a challenging challenging a to home also is farm e T rappel. nal f a and bridge log trail. of miles two on birds many and Wheels, 5 5 year-old working farm at Canopy Tours NW. Six zip lines plus a a plus lines zip Six NW. Tours Canopy at farm working year-old Medicine “Stonehenge”, Explore priority. top the are spaces sacred and Kristoferson Farm Kristoferson Sanctuary Earth – Zip line among the trees at a 100 100 a at trees the among line Zip – nature where place peaceful and spiritual A - 23 23 14 ere is a Visitor Center at the Chamber of Commerce. of Chamber the at Center Visitor a is ere T Museum. region’s past and present military heritage at the PBY Naval History History Naval PBY the at heritage military present and past region’s through the city’s historic Main Street – Pioneer Way. Explore the the Explore Way. Pioneer – Street Main historic city’s the through antidote to city life. city to antidote people. and dogs both for includes 1.6 miles of wood trails, a meadow and lake for a perfect perfect a for lake and meadow a trails, wood of miles 1.6 includes escape expansive uncrowded, an is beach this coast, west the on beaches Park and Oak Harbor Marina. Be sure to stroll, sip, and shop your way way your shop and sip, stroll, to sure Be Marina. Harbor Oak and Park Four Springs Lake Preserve Lake Springs Four Beach f Blu Double is 50-acre nature preserve preserve nature 50-acre is T – dog-friendly best the of one Named – is packed with great places to eat and shop. It is home to Windjammer Windjammer to home is It shop. and eat to places great with packed is 22 22 13 Oak Harbor Oak e city of Oak Harbor, Island County’s largest city, city, largest County’s Island Harbor, Oak of city e T – 4 4 and ponds. and ce. ce. f o Commerce of Chamber the at Center Inlet, this state park is a quick trip south from Oak Harbor. Harbor. Oak from south trip quick a is park state this Inlet, private beach features more than a mile of waterfront hiking, forests, forests, hiking, waterfront of mile a than more features beach private ere is a Visitor Visitor a is ere T stores. antique numerous to home is Freeland dock. Barnum Point Barnum Park State Whidbey Joseph – Opening to the public in 2018, this formerly formerly this 2018, in public the to Opening – Admiralty of views beautiful With – ers great views of Holmes Harbor and a nice nice a and Harbor Holmes of views great ers f o Park Freeland Island. 21 21 3 Freeland – Freeland is the commercial hub of South Whidbey Whidbey South of hub commercial the is Freeland – 12 12 a “highway” for migrating birds. birds. migrating for “highway” a Hiking trails through the tide land round out the region. the out round land tide the through trails Hiking Ala Spit Ala c Flyway, Flyway, c f Paci the on are Islands Camano and Whidbey – watchers and features a special platform to make the experience easier. easier. experience the make to platform special a features and watchers Inlet. Admiralty overlooking f blu the from views water the enjoy and 2 2 Iverson Spit Preserve Spit Iverson Park State Whidbey South is beach is a favorite for bird- for favorite a is beach is T – hike to place great a is park is T – 20 20 11 soars 17 stories above the waters and giant cedar trees. trees. cedar giant and waters the above stories 17 soars s and sea water roaring at river speed, the bridge bridge the speed, river at roaring water sea and s f cli Towering photo. this a “must stop”. “must a this summer. early and other recreation. Be sure to walk onto our famous bridge and snap a a snap and bridge famous our onto walk to sure Be recreation. other make more and roaster ee f co artisanal an galleries, Restaurants, spring the in display colorful a on put here, right developed some most visited state park, it is popular for hiking, camping, boating and and boating camping, hiking, for popular is it park, state visited most Corner is a small-town market square updated for the 21st Century. Century. 21st the for updated square market small-town a is Corner rhododendrons, of variety amazing An garden. 10-acre this in stars Terry’s Corner Terry’s Gardens Rhododendron Meerkerk Bridge and Park State Pass Deception e Camano Island Marketplace at Terry’s Terry’s at Marketplace Island Camano e T – the are “Rhodies” – State’s Washington – 19 19 10 1 Travel Notes Travel FREE MAP SUMMER & FALL Events: WINTER & SPRING EVENTS: Drive off the mainland to..
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