ir ipiii Census Ref HA iii 201 1980 j i .A566x V. 2 I pt . i ID I sec. 1-2 For Reference room Not to be taken from this liii!iiii!ilili: m 'mmmm^mrt, iii »^^^^^^^^^ BUREAU OF THE CENSUS LIBRARY C80-2-1D SUBJECT REPORTS art 1 American Indians, Eskimos, \~. and Aleuts on Identified Census HA 201 Reservations and in the 1980 .A5 66X V.2 Historic Areas of Oklahoma pt. ID c .3 (Excluding Urbanized Areas) Census of Population U.S. Department of Commerce BUREAU OF THE CENSUS BUREAU OF THE CEl^SUS LIBRARY ^ , Census of . ^ ^ ^ Population "^ H^ VOLUME 2 P'-'^ SUBJECT REPORTS American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts on Identified Reservations and in tine Historic Areas of Oklahoma (Excluding Urbanized Areas) PC80-2-1D Part 1 Issued November 1985 t, U.S. Department of Commerce Malcolm Baldrlge, Secretary Clarence J. Brown, Deputy Secretary Sidney Jones, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs BUREAU OF THE CENSUS John G. Keane, Director BUREAU OF THE CENSUS John G. Keane, Director POPULATION DIVlSlOW C. L. Kincannon, Deputy Director Roger A. Harriot, Chief Acknowledgments Many persons participated in the diverse Chief, Decennial Planning and Data Services Data collection activities were supervisee activities of the 1980 census. These acknowl- Branch, assisted by Imelda M. Hall. Important in the Field Division by Lawrence T. Love edgments generally reflect staff during the post- contributions were made by Sharron S. Baucom Chief, under the direction of Richard Blass census data publication process. The Bureau was and Cynthia M. Taeuber, Population Division, Charles Hancock, and George T. Reiner, Assist guided by then Director, Bruce Chapman, and and Carmina F. Young, Housing Division. ant Chiefs, with the assistance of the director; Deputy Director, C.L. Kincannon. Primary This report was planned and its content and assistant directors of the Bureau's regional direction of the data publication program developed in the Population Division by Karen offices. was performed by William P. Butz, Associate A. Crook and Gloria J. Porter under the direc- Geographic programs and plans were de- Director for Demographic Fields, assisted tion of Patricia A. Berman, former Chief, Racial veloped in the Geography Division under by Petar A. Bounpana, Assistant Director Statistics Branch. Important contributions were Robert W. Marx, Division Chief, Donald I. for Demographic Censuses, in conjunction made by Edna L. Paisano. Contributions also Hirschfeld and Alice Winterfeld, Branch Chiefs. with Barbara A. Bailar, Associate Director were made by June H. Cowles and Deborah L. Publications editing, design, composition, for Statistical Standards and Methodology, Burgess. The work was under the general and printing procurement were performed by Howard N. Hamilton, Acting Associate Director direction of Nampeo McKenney, Assistant the staff of the Publications Services Division, for Information Technology, James D. Lincoln, Division for Racial Statistics Chief Ethnic and Raymond J. Koski, Chief; Milton S. Andersen, then Associate Director for Administration, and Programs. William A. Downs, Chief, Decennial Arlsne C. Duckett, and GerakI A. Mann, Stanley D. fVloore, Associate Director for Field Planning and Data Services Branch, assisted by Branch Chiefs. Operations The Director's staff was assisted by Imelda M. Hall and Sherry Pollock, in Housing The Statistical Methods Division was largely Sheriry L. Courtland. Direction of the census Division were responsible for the material on responsible for weighting the supplementary enumeration and early processing activities housing Important contributions for the questionnaire data, producing estimates of was provided by Vincent P. Barabba. former material on the indicated fields of specialization sampling error and quality control of the data Director, Daniel B. Levine, former Deputy were made by the following persons; Education coding operations. This work was supervised by Director, and George E. Hall, former Asso- Statistics, Rosalind R. Bruno; Migration Sta- Charles D. Jones, Chief, and Susan M. Miskura, ciate Director. tistics, Celia G. Boertlein and Kristin A. former Assistant Division Chief. Important Hansen; Health and Poverty Statistics, John M. Responsibility for the contributions were made by Henry F. Woltman, overall planning, McNeil and Thomas Gelinne; Labor Force coordinating, processing, and publication of the Thomas W. Harahush, Richard A. Griffin, Statistics, Thomas S. Scopp, Thomas J. 1980 census was in the Decennial Census Divi- Michael L. Mersch, Robert G. Edson, Milton C. Palumbo, John A. Priebe, Paula L. Vines, sion under the direction of Stanley D.Matchett, Fan, and Janet St. Clair. and Delana F. Kametani;and Income Statistics, Chief, assisted by Rachel F. Brown and Roger O. George F. Patterson. The system design, technical specifications Lepage, Assistant Division Chiefs The follow- and assembly were the responsibility of the A number of American Indian and Alaska ing Branch Chiefs were responsible for support Technical Services Division, Native governments and organizations. Federal C. Thomas services: Donald R. Datzall,Steplwn E.Goldman, DiNenna, Acting Chief, and Robert J. agencies, researchers, and advisors contributed Varsoii, Judith A. McKay, Dennis W. Stoudt, and Richard Branch Chief. to the development of the questionnaire and R. Warren. The systems design and computer Many other persons participated in the content of the report. programs necessary for this report were pre- various activities of the 1980 census. For a Administration support was provided by the pared by Valerie Gregg, Caroline Magill, Georga list of key personnel, refer to the History of the Administrative Services Division, Robert L. McLaughlin, and Williiam Peil. 1980 Census of Population and Housing, Kirkland, Chief, and William C. Fanning, Assist- (PHC80-R2). ant Chief. Responsibility for the overall planning, co- ordinating, processing, and publication of the Computer processing was performed in the Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication 1980 census Supplementary Questionnaire Pro- Computer Operations Division, C. Thomas Data gram for American Indians was in the Popula- DiNenna, Chief, James E. Steed, George M. tion Division under R. Bowden, and Joseph J. Sferrella, Assistant Nampeo McKenney, 1980 census of population. Volume 2, Subject Chiefs. Assistant Division Chief for Ethnic and Racial reports. Statistics Programs, and Patricia A. Berman, Questionnaire processing procedures were PC80-2- former Chief, Racial Statistics Branch, under developed in the Decennial Processing Staff by Issued the James S. Werking, then Chief, assisted by general direction of Roger A. Harriot, 1. United States-Census. 20th 1980. 2. Chief, Paula J. Schneider, Program Director, Isabelle McCants and Judy Dawson. The cler- United States— Population— Statistics. I. United and Zitter, Division ical coding and conversion of the questionnaires Meyer former Chief. States. Bureau of the Census. II. Title: Subject were in Karen A. Crook and Edna L. Paisano, Racial performed the Data Preparation Divi- Reports. Statistics Branch, had major responsibility sion, Don L. Adams, Chief; Jeffersonville HA215.A132 312'.0973 81-607939 AACR2 for the development and implementation of Processing Office, Robert L. Kirkland, then various phases of the Program. Responsibility Processing Manager, assisted by Judy Petty, for developing the housing portion of the 1980 Norris Barringer, Carolyn Roseman, Leorda For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. census supplementary questionnaire content Housten, and Laurslle Nelson. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. and processing specifications and designing the User services were provided by the Data 20402. Postage stamps not acceptable; currency tabulations was in the Housing Division under User Services Division under the supervision submitted at sender's risk. Remittances from the direction of Arthur F. Young, Chief, and of Michael G. Garland, Chief, Marshall L. foreign countries must be by international under the supervision of William A. Downs, Turner, Jr., and Paul T. Zaisset, Assistant Chiefs. money order or by draft on a U.S. bank. •ENERAL Hi than is feasible to publish in printed DELATED SUPPLEMEMTARY (ELATED SUPPLEMENTARY reports. An extensive amount of data OOESTIOMNAIRE MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE MATERIALS Ill on American Indians, Eskimos, and SYMBOLS AND GEOGRAPHIC Aleuts are published in the Volume 1 Plans are to produce a Summary Tape ill ABBREVIATIONS reports and included on the summary File (STF) providing statistics similar to OF SUPPRESSION DATA FOR tape flies. For a description of the 1980 those published in this report for the CONFIDENTIALITY IV census data products, see Appendix F, American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut "Publication and Computer Tape Pro- populations. The STF will include greater GENERAL gram." subject and/or geographic detail than Legal provision for the 1980 census, is feasible to provide in the printed This report Is part of the Subject Reports which was conducted as of April 1, report. In addition, plans are to provide series and presents sample data from 1 980, was made in the Act of Congress a Public-Use Microdata file of the sup- the 1980 Census Supplementary Ques- of August 31, 1954 (Amended August plementary questionnaire information. tionnaire For American Indians (Reser- 1957, December 1975, and October The Public-Use Microdata sample is a vations and Historic Areas of Oklahoma) 1976), which codified Title 13, United computerized file containing most popu- for the
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