TRADES DIRECTORY .1 HUNTING DO~SHIRE. FA.R Aughton John, "Safefield house, Aicon- Brawn John, .Abbotsley, St. Neots Clift.on J. (exor~. of), Hemingford .Ab- bury Weston, Huntingdon Brawn .Tohn, Spa1dwick, Huntingdmi bot~. St. Ives Ayres Alfred Stokes. Holme,Peterboro' Brawn J. T. 'Vorndit,ch, Kimbolton Coles J. The Hill, Yaxley, Peterboro' Baker Wm . .Abbots Ripton, Hun~ingdn Brawn Jonn. Grrat Gidding,l'eterboro' Coles .Joseph, Yaxley, Peterborough .Baker William, .Alconbury Westun, Brawn S. J. Gr2at Gidding, Peterboro' Coles W. The Foliy,Yaxley,Peterboro' Hnntingdon Brawn William, Barham, Huntingdon Collett MissH . .Abboh Riptn.Huntngdn Banks Charles, Hail Weston, St. Neots Brawn William, Ea~t lodge, Leighton Collett J. King's Rip~on, Huntingdon Bannister Samuel S. Ivy house, Fare et, Bromswold, Huntingdon Collett J. Gt. \Vhyte,Ramsey,Hntngdn Peterborough Braybrook G. Old Hurst, Huntingdon Collet!; Wm.A!bbots Uipton.,Huntingdon Barber John Thos. Covington,St.Neots Breary Uobt. Great Staughton ~1oor, Collett William, Upwood, Huntingdon Barlow Harry, Middlemoor, Ramsey, St. Neots Cooper Mrs. Thomas; The Limes, Hnntin(l'don Bridgfoot A. G :·eut 'Vhyte, Ramsey, King's Ripton, Huntingdon Barlow Henry, Ramsey St. :Mary's, Huntingdon . Cope .Arthur, Wistow, Huntingdon llnntingdon Bridgfoot Thomas Flowers, Xew town, Cordell William, Bury, Huntingdon Barlow Peter, Rose Cottage creamery, Ramsey, Hunt-ingdon Corney David, 'Vellingtmi house, Ram- Somersham,. St. Ives Brightman Isaac, Buckden, Huntingdn sey St. Mary's, Huntingdon Barnes William, Farcet, Peterborough Britnell J. Gt. Staughton, St. Neots Cowling David, \Voodhurst,HuntingdJ1 Barnes William, Sawtry, Peterborough Brittain F. \V. Eynesbury, St. Neots Cowling- James, 'Vistow, Huntu1gdon Barrett Wm. sen. Bluntisham, St. Ives Britten Geo. Wm. Hilton, St. Ives Cranfield Henry,Buckden, Huntingdon Barton Arthur, Woodhurst1 St. Ives Bromhead Geo . .J.konbury,Huntingdon Criswell James I.-. Somersham,St.Ives Bass J. Broadalls, Ramsey, Huntingdn Broughton G. 1Yarboys, Huntingdon Criswell .Joseph, Somersbam, St. Iv(>S Bateman William, jun . .AlconburyWes- Broughton Wm.Warboys, Huntingdon Croft T.Ramsey St.M.ary's,Huntingdn ton, Huntingdon Brown Ebenzr. Warboys, Hnntingdon Cropley ~~r~. Mary, Pond's Bridge~ llates John, Grafham, St. Neots Brown E. Beech house, Spaldwick, Ramsey, Huntingdon · Beal John, .Abbotsley, St. Neots / Huntingdon Crosbie James, Tetworth, ·Sandy Beard Abraham, Pond's Bridge, Ram- Brown Edward, Grafham, St. Neots Crosby Mrs . .A. Yaxley, Peterboroug~ Bey, Huntingdon LJrown Wm. Needingworth, St. Ives Cross George, Upwood, Huntingdon Beaton John, Yaxlev, Peterborough Browne .Aaron, Earith, St. Ives Cross Wm. King's Ripton, Huntingdn Bedford Geo. Wennington, Huntingdn Browning George & Edward, Redhill, Crowson Jsph. Needingworth, St. Ives Bedford Papworth, Fenton, , Pidley, Midloe, St. Neots Curtis Wm. Gt. Raveley, Huntingdon Hnntingdon . Browning .A. Eynesbury, St. 'Neots Cutmore Rt. H. Chesterton, Peterboro' lledford Papworth,Warboys,Huntingdn Rugby Edwin, Cat-worth, Huntingdon Cutrnure )Vm. Chesterton, Peterboro' Bedford William, High fen, Warboyl'l, Burgess Grorg-e, The Gables, Fen- Davry Mrs. Mary, Elton, Peterboro' Hnntingdon stanton, St. lves Davi~ Wm. Jas. Stilton, Peterborough Beeton F. T. Hollow, Ramsey, Hunt- Burton Alfred, Easwn, Huntingdon Dawkes Cbas . .Agden Green, St.Neot,., ingdon ' Bm·ton Benj. Molesworth, Thrapston DawsonJ.New town,Ramsey,Huntngd~ Beeton Frank, Great Whyte, Ramsey, Burton Benj. Old Weston, Huntingdn Day Jos!'ph, Yaxley, Peterborough Hnntingdon Burton Mrs. F. Folksworth, Peterboro' Denton Mrs. Elizabeth, Ramsey St. Behagg .Arthur, 'Varboys, Huntingdon Burton Mrs. Fanny, Winwick, Oundle Mary's, Huntingdon Behagg- D. Ramsey Hollow, Huntingdn Burton F. Upthorpe, Spaldwick,Hunt- Dew Henry, .Alconbury, Huntingdon Beharrell Thomas, Bury, Huntingdon ingdon Dew John, Little, Stukeley,Huntingdn Beldam Alfred, Bluntisham, 3t. Ived Burton Robt. Folksworth, Peterboro' Dew R. The Hollows, .Alconbury. 11eldam L. J. Bluntisham, St. Ives Burton Rueben, Whitehall, Farcet Fen, Huntingdon . llellamy Edward, Mereside, Ramsey, Pete1·borough Dickens Hrnry llerbert, Manor house,. Huntingdon Butcher John, Holywell, St. Ives Sibson, Stibbington, Wansford llellamy Frederick William, Ramsey Butcher "William, Earith, St. Ives Dickerson Charles, Low farm, King's St. Mary's, Huntingdon Butler Edwin, Sackville house, Ram- Ripwn, Huntingdon Bellamy Frederick William, T~ Fen, -sey, Huntingdon Dickellson J. King's Ripton,Huntingdn Rameey, H]llltingdon Butler H. High st.Ramsey,Huutingdn Dorrington S. Wennington, Huntingcln Belton Joseph, Grafham, ~t. Neots Butler J.Biggin la.Ramsey,Huntingdn Dorringwn Saml. Wistow, Huntingdn llenton Jabez, Somersham, St. Nf'Otl'l Cardell E. H. Gt. Paxton, St. Neots Dorrington T. jun. Wistow,Huntingdn Berridge Thus. Conington, Peterboro' Catmell .Alfred, Yelling, Huntingdon Dorrington -'I'. U. Wistow, Huntingdn Berry Henry, Stow Longa, ~t. Neots Caton J. Gt.Whyte,Ramsey,Huntingdn DrinQ" Charles, Wyton, Huntingdon Berry Samuel George, Ramsey St. Caton John, jun. Great Whyt!', Ram- Dunklin William, Fortyfeet bridge,. Mary's, Hunting-don. -sey, Huntingdon Ramo.;ey, Huntingdon Be1tin~on YPrden Henry, ·.vater New- Cawcutt Mrs. ~ary, Offord D'Arcy, Edwards H. Great Raveley,Huntingdn ton, Wansford Huntingdon Edwards Thomas, The Chestnut-s. BidwelJ. James, Earit-h, St. Ives Chandler Mrs. Lydia Manning, God- Earith, St. Ives Billiat Joseph, Sapley, Huntingdon manchester, Huntingdon Ekins Mrs. Elizabeth Martha, Laurel Bird Arthur J. Redshank, Farcet F~n, Chandler \Ym. Fenstanton, St. Ives house, 1Var'boys, Huntingdon Peterborough Chapman Arth. Spaldwick, Huntingdn Ekins Fred G. Warboys, Huntingdon Bishop Harry U. Eynesbury, St. Neots Chapman C.High st.Ramsey,Hntngdn Ekins Geo. L. Warboys, Huntingdon Bishop J. T. Gt. Raveley, lluntingdon Chapman Mr;< ..John, Alconbury, Wes- Ekins John, New Pond lodge, Great. Bishop Wm. Hail Weston, St. Neots ton, Huntingdon Staughton, St. Neots Blackman Lawrence, Yaxley,P.eterboro'l Chap man T.Alconbnry, 'Vestn.Hntngdn Ekins Thoma~, Pidley, Huntingdon lllarkwell Mrs. Ann, Park lane,Stonely, Chapman Thomas, Little Whyte, Ram- Ellington 'Vrn. Henry, Orton Water'- • St. Neots sey, Huntingdon ville, Peterborough Blackwell William, Stonely, St-. Neots Cbapman Tom, Fortyfeet bridge,Ram- Eiliot John, Fen~tanton, St. Ives Bland Robert, Palmerston road, Wood- sey, Huntingdon · I Ellis Thomas, Conington, Peterboro' stone, p,eterborough Chapman W. S . .Ashfield ho.Kimbolton EJis T. Ramsey St. Mary's,Huntingdn Bletsoe Bernard,Gt.Gidding,Peterboro' Charles George, Dillington, St. Neots Elliston Rt. Gt. Stnkeley,Huntingdon Bletsoe Francis, Stonely, St. Neots Cheney Jas . .A. Morborne, Peterboro' Elson Eli, Elton, Peterborough Blott J. Arthur, Midloe, St. Neots Cheney Miss Susannah .Ambrose, Old Enfield E. Godmanchester, Huntingdn Blott Thomas, Dillington, St. Neots Weston, Huntingdon England 'Ym. Warboys, Huntingdon Blunt H. L. Orton Longneville, Peter- Cheney W. Gt. Gidding, Peterboro' Everett D. "\Vood Walton, Peterbor<Y borough Chew .Arthnr, Old Hurst, Huntingdon Everitt Mrs. Ellen, Denton,Peterboro• Bolton Geo. Old Weston, Huntingdon Christmas F. Great Gransden, Sandy Everitt Golden, Hop Yard house,Ram- Boolll Lariat, Fortyfeet bridge, Ram- Christmas Thomas, Colne, St. Ives sey, Huntingdon aey, Huntingdon Church Mrs. E. Spaldwick, H~tingdn Everitt Wm. :Folks-worth, Pet~rboro' Bosworth C.Great Staughton,St.Neots Clark Daniel, Houghton, Huntingdon Evison John, Upwood, Huritingdon Bower Mrs. S. Orton Waterville, Clark Herbt. King's Ripton,Huntingdn Fairy GPo. Wm. Stonely, St. Neot!l Peterborough Clark John, Norman Cross, Yaxley, Fairy Richard, Warboys, Huntingdon Bowk"'l' Wallace, Elton, Peterborough Peterborough Fairy Wiliam, Covington, St. Neots Bowland Henry, Sawtry, Peterborough Clark Jonas, Park Hall road, Somers- Farnsworth Wm. Fletton, Peterboro' Bowyer Thmr. Soutboe, Huutingdon ham, St. Ives Farr William, Yelling, Huntingdon Bowyer William, Somersha:m, St. lvea Qark W. S. Honghton, Huntingdon Farringdon Harry, Winwick, OundlB Bradford J. Mereside, Ramsey, Hunt- Clark William, Denton, Peterborough Farringdon James William, Great Gid .. ingdon l Clarke Geo. Gt. Raveley, Huntingdon ding• Peterborough JJradioo-d Samuel, Middlemoor~ Ram- Clarke George, 'l'ilbrook, St. Neots Farrington Fredk. Winwick, Oundle aey, Jlpntmgdon ~ , .. Clarke T. Little Raveley. Huntingdon Feary Nevill, Earith, ..St. Ives BradBhaw Isaacpreat P~ucton.SU.Neot~ Clift~n Fredk. :a. &nghton,Huntngdn Few Jn. S. ~eedingworth, St. Iv~ Jn.q A. Godmancbester, ~ule-;s- H. l', Tbe t\J.Cir~Halmll.l'.eterboro'} t'iu-.llaf oAks. Duc::i.. uorth, llnntingdon· .
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