Herpetologists' League !"#$%"&'$()$*"+,"-*+./+'0.1/$"2!/3.45"63,+/)74$8",.+9":+;(</"&394(+=">(347+."%)?0"#+?$* +/"-?0$."@$9A$.*"+,"?0$"B$/3* !3?0+.2*85"!/7.$%"BC"B;3$*$/D49' &+3.($5"E$.'$?+;+F)(4=":+;C"GH="#+C"I"2&$'C="HJJG8="''C"KLMNKOJ P3A;)*0$7"A15"E$.'$?+;+F)*?*Q"R$4F3$ &?4A;$"STR5"http://www.jstor.org/stable/3893032 !(($**$75"HUVWUVKWWJ"HK5HW Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=herpetologists. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Herpetologists' League is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Herpetologica. http://www.jstor.org 268 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 51, No. 3 1976. On occurrence of Himalayan newt Tylo- et d'Afrique du nord. Editions Paul Lechevalier, totriton verrucosus Anderson, from Arunachal Pra- Paris. desh, India. Zool. Survey India News Letter 2:243- WONGRATANA, T. 1984. Range extension of the 245. crocodile salamander, Tylototriton verrucosus, to NUSSBAUM, R. A., AND E. D. BRODIE, JR. 1982. Par- Phu Luang, Thailand. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. titioning of the salamandrid genus Tylototriton 32:107-110. Anderson (Amphibia: Caudata) with the descrip- ZHAO, E. 1990. Notes on some taxonomicproblems tion of a new genus. Herpetologica 38:320-332. in Chinese salamanderswith revised list. Pp. 217- POPE, C. H., AND A. C. BORING. 1940. A survey of 220. In E. Zhao (Ed.), From Water onto Land. Chinese Amphibia. Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. 15:13- China Forestry Press, Beijing. 86. ZHAO, E., AND K. ADLER. 1993. Herpetology of SHRESTHA, T. K. 1984. On the distributionand hab- China. Society for the Study of Amphibians and itat of the Himalayan newt (Tylototriton verru- Reptiles, Contri. Herpetol. 10:1-522. cosus Anderson)in the eastern Nepal. J. Bombay ZHAO, E., AND Q. Hu. 1984. Studies of Chinese Nat. Hist. Soc. 81:485-487. Tailed Amphibians. Sichuan Scientific and Tech- SOMAN, P. W. 1966. An addition to the amphibians nical Publishing House, Chengdu. of Nepal and extension of the range of the Indian newt Tylototriton verrucosus Cuv. Sci. Cult. (Cal- Accepted: 8 October 1994 cutta) 32:427-428. Associate Editor: Linda Trueb THORN, R. 1968. Les salamandresd'Europe, d'Asie Herpetologica,51(3), 1995, 268-279 ? 1995 by The Herpetologists'League, Inc. A NEW SPECIES OF OSORNOPHRYNE (ANURA: BUFONIDAE) FROM VOLCAN SUMACO, ECUADOR WITH NOTES ON OTHER MEMBERS OF THE GENUS ANDREW G. GLUESENKAMP Division of Biological Sciences, Section of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA ABSTRACT:A new species of the Andean genus Osornophryne is described from the cloud forests of Volcan Sumaco in central Ecuador. This species can be distinguished from all other members of the genus by the combinationof its unique ventral coloration,rugose skin, and pustular dorsal ridges. Individuals of two other species of Osornophryne,0. guacamayo and 0. antisana, were encountered at the same locality. I discuss some aspects of the microhabitat preferences and diets of these toads. Morphometriccomparisons and notes on the status of digital reduction in the genus are included. Key words: Bufonidae; Osornophryne sumacoensis; New species; Volcan Sumaco; Provincia Napo; Ecuador; Cloud forests;Andes; Digital reduction RUIZ-CARRANZA and Hern'andez-Ca- moed. This genus is distinguished from macho (1976) erected the bufonid genus other bufonid genera by the combination Osornophryne to include two species of of the presence of six presacral vertebrae small, Andean toads: Osornophryne per- with fusion of the atlas and the first trunk crassa Ruiz-Carranzaand Hernandez-Ca- vertebra, wide variation in the phalangeal macho and Atelopus bufoniformis (Per- configuration of the hands and feet, and acca). Since then, three more species of inguinal amplexus. Species of Osorno- Osornophryne have been described: Osor- phryne are found in paramo, subparamo, nophryne talipes Cannatella, 0. antisana and cloud forest and generally seem to be Hoogmoed, and 0. guacamayo Hoog- terrestrial with some exceptions. Individ- September 19951 HERPETOLOGICA 269 uals of species of Osornophryne have been and a descriptionof canonicalvariates in encountered in swampy areas, rocky crev- order to quantify morphologicaldiffer- ices and gravel stream beds, under rocks ences and overlap among the species. and dead vegetation, as well as in terres- Specimensexamined are listed in Appen- trial and arboreal bromeliads (Cannatella, dix I. X-rayswere examinedusing an il- 1986a; Hoogmoed, 1987; Ruiz-Carranza luminatedtable and a loupe.Any phalan- and Hernandez-Camacho, 1976). During geal element visible on a radiographwas field work in the cloud forests of Volcan counted, regardlessof size. Limbs with Sumaco, workers from the University of curleddigits which made viewingof pha- California at Davis and from Pontificia langes impossiblewere not included in Universidad Catolica del Ecuador discov- phalangealcounts. ered specimens of three species of Osor- nophryne:0. antisana, 0. guacamayo, and Osornophryne sumacoensis sp. nov. a previously undescribed species. Speci- Holotype.-QCAZ 4570, adult female, mens were collected in August 1992 be- collected at 2500 m on slope of crater 5 tween 2100 m and 2860 m elevation. The km east of summit of Volc'anSumaco majority of specimens were collected near (00035'S,77037'W), Provincia Napo, Ec- a small crater lake 5 km east of the summit uadoron 31 July1992 by AndrewG. Glue- of Volcan Sumaco. In this paper, I describe senkamp. the new species from Volcan Sumaco, Paratypes.-QCAZ4571, a subadultfe- compare it to the other described species, male collected3.5 km east of the summit and present statistical data to support the of VolcainSumaco, same data as for ho- recognition of six taxa within the genus. I lotypeand QCAZ4572, a subadultfemale also report observationson phalangeal for- collected4.5 km east of the summiton 1 mulae within the genus. August1992 by AndrewG. Gluesenkamp. Measurementsof holotype.-Measure- MATERIALS AND METHODS ments are followed by those of the two Measurements are in millimeters and paratypesin parentheses.SVL 33.4 (32.0, were made using calipers. I followed the 32.1), TIB9.5 (8.9, 7.6), FOOT 10.4 (10.2, procedure used by Cannatella (1986a), ex- 8.0), HWID 11.7 (11.2, 11.9),HLEN 11.1 cept that I did not include femur length. (10.5, 10.9), IOD 3.9 (3.7, 3.5), IND 3.0 Abbreviationsare as follow: SVL = snout- (2.9,3.3), E-N 2.2 (2.1,2.1), EDIA3.2 (2.9, vent length; TIB = tibia length; FOOT = 2.9), N-R 2.2 (2.1, 2.1), EWID 2.3 (2.5, length of foot from base of inner meta- 2.4); TIB/SVL0.28 (0.28, 0.24); HWID/ tarsal tubercule to tip of 4th toe; HWID HLEN 1.05 (1.06, 1.09);HLEN/SVL 0.33 = greatest width of head; WLEN = length (0.33,0.34); HWID/SVL 0.35 (0.35,0.37). of head from posterior margin of jaw to Diagnosis.-Head roundedin dorsaland tip of rostrum; IOD = interorbital dis- lateral views with pointed tip extending tance; IND = internarial distance; E-N = beyond upper jaw. Canthusrostralis pus- distance from anterior margin of orbit to tular, raised: pustular ridge along outer posterior margin of nostril; EDIA = di- margin of upper eyelid. Lips flared. Tym- ameter of eye; N-R = distance from an- panum absent. Six presacralvertebrae, at- terior margin of nostril to tip of rostrum; las fused with first. Dorsolateral,mid-dor- EWID = widest width of upper eyelid sal, and parasaggital ridges pustular. Skin measured perpendicular to medial axis of warty with interspersed tubercles; skin of skull; AGG = Andrew G. Gluesenkamp trunk more tuberculate dorsally than ven- field numbers; QCAZ = Museo de Zoolo- trally. Venter in life blue with black spots. gia, Departamento de Ciencias Biologicas, Hands and feet palmate. Phalangeal for- Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ec- mula of hands: 1-2-3-3 or 1-2-3-2, that of uador; UCD = University of California, feet: 1-2-2-4-1, 1-2-2-4-2, or 1-2-3-4-2. Davis. I used SAS 6.03 (SAS, 1988) to per- Osornophryne sumacoensis can be dis- form a principle component analysis, dis- tinguished from all other members of the criminant analysis,jackknife classification, genus by its unique ventral coloration. 270 HERPETOLOGICA [Vol. 51, No. 3 A Osornophryne sumacoensis B Osornophryne sumacoensis C Osornophryne sumacoensis D Osornophryne antisana E Osoinophryne antisana FIG. 1.-Osornophryne sumacoensis, holotype, QCAZ 4570, adult female, SVL 33.4: (A) dorsal, (B) ventral, (C) lateral aspect of the head. 0. antisana, QCAZ 4575, adult female, SVL - 23.3: (D) dorsal, (E) lateral aspect of the head. September 1995] HERPETOLOGICA 271 TABLE 1.-Measurements
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