FTS DAILY ]Where You Read It First Monday, SeDtember 8.1997 Volume XXXV, Number 4 I ew choices foster a successful orientation by MELISSA GALIN halls and buying last minute room supplies, Senior Staff Writer new students were attending panels orga- The freshman had a larger choice in nized by the orientation committee. advising this year with the addition of the Herbert says these programs are impor- Windows On Research option. tant sources of information for new stu- Windows on Research matched students dents. with a faculty advisor who let the students “Students have more choices in college conduct independent research projects with than they did in high school. We want to their faculty advisor. give them information without overloading In addition to their academic purpose, them. these advising groups helped make orien- “Many new students said the panel ‘In- tation less overwhelming for incoming stu- troducing the Departments’ opened their dents, said Dean of Advisirg Casey eyes to new subjects not available to them CczT! zj/-KO p c I:. in high school, and some students told me ‘;!as i?iart\?lamii:E :c SF,: -:;.-! stu- Dai/y fi/e photo ‘‘r.: they chose classes based on what they Two DTD brothers were allegedly involved in a fight this past weekend. s c-c! tkir !YC!Z-S i heard in the panels,” Herbert said. Another panel entitled “Many Stories One Community” was well received by stu- caiinome-it’s very alien. There was areal dents as well. Students and TUPD sense of community though,” she said. Weng says she enjoyed hearing other Windows on Research is the fourth op- people’s viewpoints about their experiences tion for freshman advising along with the at Tufts. differ in’accounts of Explorations program, Perspectives, and “At first I thought it would be boring, but faculty seminars. itwasreallycooI.Itwassoamazing1thought Zean ofFirst-Year StudentsJean Herbert about staying for a second one,” she said. earlv morning fight said that overall advising was successful Registration is always at the top ofthe d this year. list of concerns for first year students. Al- by LINDA BENTLEY the Dail’y as to the cause of the fight, Sgt. “Students fkli they had an anchor in their though some students who registered late Daily Editorial Board Paul Riley said, “Fraternity brothers were advising groups,” she said. in the day had to change around their sched- Facts remain uncertain in the aftermath on their porch when two students passed Jenn Weng, a freshman who is enrolled ules at the last minute, Herbert said the ofa fight involving at least two members of by asking for a cigarette. Someone threw a in a faculty seminar, said that her peer Iead- process went more smoothly than in past the Delta Tau Delta (DTD) fraternity and beer bottle from the fraternity and I guess ers made a concerted effort to build friend- years. two other persons this past weekend. The that’s what started the whole situation.” ships within her advising group. “They “The registrar did a wonderful job in fight, whichoccurredat2:30 a.m. on Satur- Riley added, however, that “one of the iiivitedus totheirsuite fordinnerone night. training staff to be patient with the new day morning in front of the DTD house on persons passing by [the DTD house] had a They are making an effort to keep in touch students,” she said. 98 Professors Row, is still under investiga- broomstick handle.” with us even though their responsibility Students were able to look on the Uni- tion by Tufts Police Department. Senior Marshall Einhorn, a bystander ends when orientation ends,” she said. versity web page for an updated listing of The Tufts Police account ofthe incident who witnessed part of the incident, hap- Freshman Kim Oriole said it was helpful closed classes. In addition, faculty and reveals discrepancies when compared with pened upon the scene when, while walking to have older Tufts students as leaders. “I deans worked together over the summer to the stories told by bystanders and frater- on Packard Ave., he heard a commotion on felt that I could ask them anything. And I open up additional sections in popular in- nity members alike. Among the facts on Professors Row. “I was walking up Packard did,” she said. troductory classes to decrease the number which TUPDofficials andstudentwitnesses when 1 heard screaming from agirl. I passed In between getting used to the dining of students shut out of classes. disagree is this -were the two non-frater- the trees to see a bunch of guys fighting in “It’s not perfect yet,” Herbert says. nity members Tufts students or local the streets.” “There is still some frustration, but it’s youths? Einhorn said that he saw a Tufts student improving.” Yesterday afternoon, TUPD reported to throw a glass bottle at another person in- The peer leaders’ attendanceat registra- the Daily that, according to their investiga- volved in the fight, after which one of the tion helped make the process run more tion, the two persons involved in the fight combatants went to the trunk of his car, smoothly and made first year students feel with the fraternity members were Tufts stu- which Einhornsaidwasparked inthemiddle more comfortable,Coakley-Kopec said. dents. Members of DTD, however, have of Professors Row. When the individual “It made a difference to have another alleged that the two other persons involved returned, Einhorn said, he was carrying a older student there to help new students in the altercation are youths from the com- baseball bat. with last minute changes to their sched- munity unrelated to Tufts - a belief that Upon witnessing this scene, Einhorn ules,” she said. they base on information they received said that he immediately ran to the blue light from a TUPD officer at the scene. phone on the comer of Sawyer and Packard Matriculation ceremonies. see ORIENTATION, page 11 Omar Mattox, president of the Tufts and notified the TUPD. - Community Union Sen- Mattox said that he was inside the frater- nity house when the fight broke out. “1 Students learn art of mediation E~~~i~thYiiE~~heard a commotion coming from outside witness what caused the and when I looked outside my window I saw TCU Senators and Judiciary members attend seminar fight, but said that he a kid take a baseball bat from his trunk.” specifically asked TUPD Upon going outside, Mattox said he By LAUREN HEIST The facilitators used role play- to be neutral parties who do not Sgt. William Williamsaf- found a chaotic scene. “I came downstairs Daily Editorial Board ing and simulations to enforce the form opinions about the conflict. terthe incident ifthe two inthemiddleofit,andoneofmyfriendshad Although Tufts Community skills taught during the confer- “You have to take away the per- persons involved in the been hit on the head.” Union (TCU) senatorsare usually ence. sonal attack and just have the is- fight were Tufts stu- Riley reported that four officers were on seen as advocates for the student “Mediation is much different sues,” Schnirman said. dents. the scene and that, when they arrived, there body, there are times when the from everything I’ve ever done,” Although conflict mediation “[Sgt.] Williams told was one student with a “cut on his fore- senators are caught in the middle senator Brooke Jamison said. skills are most necessary for the me that they were not head,” who was treated by Tufts Emer- of groups of students with differ- Conflict mediation teaches members ofthe TCUJ, who were Tufts students,” Mattox gency Medical Services, and another stu- ent interests. people to bring two different sides required to attend the conference, said. To help senators in these sticky together to solve a conflict. “You the senators said they also felt When Questionedby see FIGHT, page 1 I situations, the Tufts Community listen to the party’s conflict and that the skills they learned will be Union Judiciary and the Senate help them come to their own solu- beneficial. jointly organized a three-day me- tion,” Jamison said. Schnirman saidmediation skills diation conference this past week. “The whole trick is the media- would have been useful last year be held tonight The 20-hour conference was tor can’t have anything to do with when dealing with the University A meeting will be held this afternoon at 5 p.m. in Rabbi Jeffrey held from Sept. 4 to 6 and was the solution,” senator Jack and Tufts Burma Action Group, Summit’s Hillel office to determine the time and content of the attended by members of the Sen- Schnirman said. who wanted to have the Univer- memorial service to be held for Mark Teverovsky. Teverovsky’s ate, the TCU Judiciary, student “Taking aside is not always the sity to end their contract with the friends are encouraged to attend the meeting tonight to help the advocates, and administrators. best policy,” Jamison said. Pepsi Corporation. University chaplains prepare for the upcoming memorial service. Campus Judicial Consulting But Schnirman said it is achal- “That kind of thing definitely Teverosky, who completed his sophomoreyear last year, commit- conducted the conference led by lengetoremain impartial.“It’skind would have helped us, without a tedsuicideinlate July. He wasabiologymajorandanactivemember two certified mediators, one of of frustrating that you have to doubt,” Schnirman said. of the theater community at Tufts. whom istheheadjudicial officerat remain completelyneutral,” hesaid. Senator David Rosenberg sug- Illinois State University. Campus He added,”Your tendency gested that conflict mediation skills Judicial Consulting is a nation- when you’re asking questions is could be used this year in other wide service which offers media- to grill someone likea lawyer.” situations.
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