COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13,2001 SESSION OF 2001 185TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 11 SENATE A Resolution memorializing the Congress ofthe United States to enact the Fairness in Asbestos Compensation Act. TUESDAY, February 13,2001 Which was committed to the Committee on The Senate met at 1 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS, February 12,2001. The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mark S. Schweiker) Senators TARTAGLIONE, STOUT, O'PAKE, KITCHEN, in the Chair. SCHWARTZ, WILLIAMS, LAVALLE, BODACK, MELLOW PRAYER and HUGHES presented to the Chair SR 24, entitled: A Resolution noting with great concern the current conflict between The following prayer was offered by the Secretary ofthe Sen­ the United States Navy and the citizens ofVieques, Puerto Rico. ate, Hon. MARK R. CORRIGAN: Which was committed to the Committee on MILITARY AND o God, our Father, we pause this afternoon and take these few VETERANS AFFAIRS, February 12,2001. moments to turn our attention to You, for You are the beginning and the end of all things. We thank You for all the gifts and REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES blessings You have so generously bestowed on us. Help us to be Senator BELL, from the Committee on Consumer Protection ever mindful ofthe role You must play in all human endeavors, and Professional Licensure, reported the following bills: ifthey are to truly be successful. Amen. JOURNAL APPROVED SB 137 (pr. No. 143) The PRESIDENT. A quorum ofthe Senate being present, the An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), Clerk will read the Journal ofthe preceding Session ofFebruary known as the Public School Code of1949, providing for regulation of 12,2001. credit card marketing on a college or university campus. The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding Session, when, on motion ofSenator BRIGHTBILL, and agreed SB 153 (Pr. No. 159) to by voice vote, further reading was dispensed with and the Journal was approved. An Act amending the act ofDecember 20, 1985 (p.L.457, No.1 12), known as the Medical Practice Act of 1985, further providing for respiratory care practitioners; and providing for refusal or suspension HOUSE MESSAGE or revocation ofrespiratory care practitioner certificates, for automatic suspension and temporary suspension ofrespiratory care practitioners, HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE for impaired professionals and for continuing respiratory care education. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION The Clerk ofthe House ofRepresentatives informed the Sen­ SB 154 (Pr. No. 160) ate that the House has concurred in resolution from the Senate, entitled: An Act amending the act ofOctober 5, 1978 (P.L.II09, No.261), known as the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, further providing for Recess adjournment. respiratory care practitioners certificates and permits; providing for refusal or suspension or revocation of respiratory care practitioner certificates, for automatic suspension and temporary suspension of RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED respiratory care practitioners, for impaired professionals and for The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senate continuing respiratory care education. Resolutions numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which SB 280 (Pr. No. 286) were read by the Clerk: February 12.2001 An Act prohibiting the sale ofproducts containing dog or cat fur, skin or hair; defining a criminal offense; directing the Bureau of Senators ARMSTRONG, MOWERY, WENGER, STOUT, Consumer Protection to conduct investigations; and imposing penalties. THOMPSON, WILLIAMS and LOGAN presented to the Chair SR 22, entitled: 170 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - SENATE FEBRUARY 13, SB 295 (pr. No. 299) CALENDAR An Act providing for the regulation ofhome improvement contracts SENATE RESOLUTION No. 23 and for registration of certain home improvement contractors; CALLED UP OUT OF ORDER, ADOPTED prohibiting certain acts; prescribing requirements for home improvement contracts; establishing the Home Improvement Guaranty Senator BRIGHTBILL, without objection, called up from Fund; and providing for claims against the fund and for the offense of home improvement fraud. page 4 ofthe Calendar, as a Special Order ofBusiness, Senate . Resolution No. 23, entitled: Senator GREENLEAF, from the Committee on Judiciary, reported the following bills: A Resolution designating March 2001 as "Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania. SB 130 (Pr. No. 137) On the question, Will the Senate adopt the resolution? An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for protection from abuse orders. The yeas and nays were required by Senator BRIGHTBILL and were as follows, viz: SB 216 (Pr. No. 223) YEA-45 An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) ofthe Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for limitations of Armstrong Greenleaf Murphy Thompson actions. Bell Helfrick Musto Tilghman Bodack Holl Q'Pake Tomlinson Boscola Hughes Piccola Waugh SB 223 (pr. No. 229) Brightbill Jubelirer Punt Wenger Conti Kasunic Rhoades White, Donald An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) ofthe Corman Kitchen Robbins White, Mary Jo Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for aggravating Costa Kukovich Scarnati Williams circumstances in the sentencing procedure for murder ofthe first degree. Dent LaValle Schwartz Wozniak Earll Lemmond Stack Furno Logan Stout SB 253 (Pr. No. 312) Gerlach Mellow Tartaglione An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) ofthe NAY-O Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for extending the statute of limitations for attempt to commit murder, solicitation to commit murder and conspiracy to commit murder. A majority ofthe Senators having voted "aye," the question was detennined in the affrrmative. SB 290 (pr. No. 294) SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS GUEST OF SENATOR JAKE CORMAN An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for court orders PRESENTED TO mE SENATE relating to adoption records. The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from RESOLUTION REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE Centre, Senator Connan. Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, it is an honor for me to Senator CONTI, from the Committee on Intergovernmental introduce a young man who is shadowing me today, Chase Affairs, reported the following resolution: Kaniecki. He is an 11 th grade student at Indian Valley High School in Mifllin County, where he is the treasurer of student SR 8 (Pr. No. 27) council, a member of the National Honor Society, on the distinguished honor roll, and vice president ofthe safety club. He A Resolution memorializing Congress to repeal a statutory impediment tostate long-term care partnerships. also participates in the varsity club, conservation club, and works at the local YMCA, and even though he does all ofthat, he is The PRESIDENT. The resolution will be placed on the also the starting quarterback on the Indian Valley football team, Calendar. which he assures me is the leading contender for the State championship next season, so hopefully he will be back here to LEAVES OF ABSENCE take that bow later on. He also plays on the basketball and baseball teams, and I would like the Senate to give him its usual Senator BRIGHTBILL asked and obtained leaves ofabsence wann welcome. for Senator MADIGAN and Senator MOWERY, for today's The PRESIDENT. Will Chase please stand so the Senate may Session, for personal reasons. welcome you. Senator O'PAKE asked and obtained a leave of absence for (Applause.) Senator WAGNER, for today's Session, for personal reasons. 2001 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - SENATE 171 GUESTS OF SENATOR JAMES J. Kuliszewski. They have traveled to our State Capitol and are RHOADES PRESENTED TO THE SENATE visiting us today to learn firsthand about the workings oftheir State government. The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Let us welcome them to our Senate Session today. Schuylkill, Senator Rhoades, to introduce some extraordinary The PRESIDENT. Will our special students and guests please guests. rise so the Senate may welcome you. Senator RHOADES. Mr. President, I really do not know his (Applause.) name or her name or its name, but I do know the people who are accompanying it. As you all know, if you were down in the GUESTS OF SENATOR JOE CONTI Rotunda, this is Vocational-Technical Week, and I am proud to PRESENTED TO THE SENATE introduce five people who are taking the project for Schuylkill County and bringing it here to us. The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from The PRESIDENT. I would mention to Senator Rhoades that Bucks, Senator Conti. our electronic guest is about to enter the hall of the Senate. I Senator CONTI. Mr. President, I have followed some tough would direct the Members' attention to the entrance door at the acts in the past, but this is a pretty tough one to follow. It is my rear ofthe Senate. pleasure today to introduce to my colleagues here in the Senate Senator RHOADES. Mr. President, you say things are not the Villa Joseph Marie High School girls' soccer team. This happening in education, take a look, folks, yes, they are. This is soccer team captured the 2000 PlAA Class AA Girls' Soccer the Schuylkillbotics robot. It is a team made up, or at least it is State Championship. The Jems finished the season with 21 wins, composed of 12 school districts in Schuylkill County. They will 2 losses, and 2 ties, including 16 consecutive wins at the end of be entering their robot against 42 other teams in regional the season. Accompanying the team is the principal, Sister M. competition on March 22. They will start at Drexel University, Elaine, and also the head coach, John McOwen, various assistant and then from there, ifthey are successful, will go to the Epcot coaches, and parents, and I would ask you, Mr. President, to lead Center where they will compete beyond that particular point. us in our usual warm welcome to the Villa Joseph Marie High Let me tell you, you talk about a combination ofdedicated School girls' soccer team.
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