1262 June 1 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 case. I think the Justice Department and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intel- Attorney General did the right thing, and I'm ligence; John W. Warner, chairman, Senate Com- very pleased that the eleventh circuit upheld mittee on Armed Services; Jesse Helms, chairman, their decision today. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Orrin G. Thank you very much. Hatch, chairman, Senate Committee on the Judi- ciary; William V. Roth, Jr., chairman, Senate Com- NOTE: The President spoke at 8:38 p.m. at the mittee on Finance; and Richard C. Shelby, chair- Chancellery. In his remarks, he referred to Com- man, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. missioner Nancy Ellison Rollnick, Presidential This letter was released by the Office of the Press Scholars Foundation; and Cuban youth Elian Secretary on June 2. Gonzalez, rescued off the coast of Florida on No- vember 25, 1999, whose custody case was decided by the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in favor Remarks on Receiving the of his father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez. The tran- International Charlemagne Prize script released by the Office of the Press Secretary in Aachen, Germany also included the remarks of Chancellor Schroe- June 2, 2000 der. Ladies and gentlemen, Chancellor Schroe- Letter to Congressional Leaders der, Lord Mayor Linden, President Rau, Reporting on Sanctions Under the President Havel, His Majesty Juan Carlos, President Halonen, previous laureates, mem- Foreign Narcotics Kingpin bers of the Charlemagne Foundation, leaders Designation Act of the clergy and cathedral, and members of June 1, 2000 the German and American Governments. Let me begin by thanking the Lord Mayor Dear Mr. Chairman: for his welcome and his wise words and my I hereby report pursuant to section 804(b) good friend Chancellor Schroeder for his of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Act, 21 kind comments and his visionary statement. U.S.C. 1901±1908, 8 U.S.C. 1182 (the ``King- The rare distinction you have bestowed pin Act''), that the following 12 foreign per- upon me I am well aware is in large measure sons are appropriate for sanctions pursuant a tribute to the role the American people to the Kingpin Act, and that I am imposing have played in promoting peace, freedom, sanctions upon them pursuant to the Act. and security in Europe for the last 50 years. Benjamin Alberto Arellano-Felix I feel the honor is greater still because of Ramon Eduardo Arellano-Felix the remarkable contributions made by pre- Jose de Jesus Amezcua-Contreras vious recipients of this prize toward our com- Luis Ignacio Amezcua-Contreras mon dream of European union. Rafael Caro-Quintero Of course, as has already been said, that Vicente Carrillo-Fuentes dream has its roots here in Aachen, an an- Chang Chi-Fu cient shrine that remains at the center of Wei Hsueh-Kang what it means to be European, the seat of Noel Timothy Heath an empire, a place of healing waters, peace Glenroy Vingrove Matthews treaties, furious fighting. With its liberation Abeni O. Ogungbuyi at the end of World War II, Aachen became Oluwole A. Ogungbuyi perhaps the first German city to join the Sincerely, postwar democratic order. William J. Clinton Today, as I have seen, Aachen is both a sanctuary for sacred relics, dating back to the NOTE: Identical letters were sent to Floyd dawn of Christianity, and a crucible of Eu- Spence, chairman, House Committee on Armed Services; Benjamin A. Gilman, chairman, House rope's new information economy. Here, Committee on International Relations; Bill Charlemagne's name summons something Archer, chairman, House Committee on Ways and glimpsed for the first time during his life, Means; Henry J. Hyde, chairman, House Com- a sense that the disparate people of this mittee on the Judiciary; Porter J. Goss, chairman, Earth's smallest continent could actually live Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 / June 2 1263 together as participants in a single civiliza- the EU's efforts to come closer together tion. would either fail or, succeeding, would fatally In its quest for unity, even at the point divide Europe and the United States. The of a sword, and in its devotion to the new countries of Central and Eastern Europe idea that there was actually something called feared becoming a gray zone of poverty and Europe, the Carolingian idea surpassed what insecurity. Many wondered if Russia was had come before, and to an extent, it guides headed for a Communist backlash or a na- us still. tionalist coup. Twelve centuries ago, out of the long, dark In January of 1994 I came to Europe for night of endless tribal wars, there emerged the first time as President, both to celebrate a light that somehow has survived all the rav- Europe's new birth of freedom and to build ages of time, always burning brighter, always upon it. Then, I spoke of a new conception illuminating Europe's way to the future. of European security, based not on divided Today, that shining light of European union defense blocs but instead on political, mili- is a matter of the utmost importance, not just tary, and cultural integration. This new secu- to Europeans but to everyone on this planet, rity idea required, as has already been said, for Europe has shown the world humanity the transatlantic alliance to do for Europe's at its best and at its worse. Europe's most East what we did for Europe's West after violent history was caused by men claiming World War II. the mantle of Charlemagne, men who sought Together, we set about doing that. We to impose European union for their own ends lowered trade barriers, supported young de- without the consent of the people. History mocracies, adapted NATO to new challenges teaches, therefore, that European union, not and expanded our Alliance across Europe's to mention transatlantic unity, must come old divide. We made clear, and I repeat from the considered judgment of free people today, that NATO's door remains open to and must be for worthy purposes that when new members. The EU took in three new threatened must be defended. members that opened negotiations with a The creators of this prize and its first win- dozen others, created a single market with ners clearly understood that. We often say one currency. that theirs was the generation that rebuilt We've stood by Russia, struggling to build Europe after World War II, but actually, they their own democracy and opened the way did far more. They built the foundation of to a partnership between Russia and NATO something entirely new, a Europe united in and between Ukraine and NATO. We de- common commitment to democracy, free fended the values at the heart of our vision markets, and the rule of law. That achieve- of an undivided Europe, acting to stop the ment endured for half a century but only for ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and forging what half a continent. I believe will be an enduring peace there. Then, 11 years ago, the Berlin Wall fell, We acted in Kosovo in one of our Alli- the Iron Curtain parted, and at last the pros- ance's finest moments. A year ago in Ger- pect of a Europe whole and free opened be- many we launched a Stability Pact for south- fore you. All of us will remember 1989 for eastern Europe. We stand still with crusaders the Wall crumbling to the powerful strains for tolerance and freedom from Croatia to of Schiller's ``Ode to Joy.'' It was a moment Slovakia to Serbia, and we do encourage rec- of great liberation, like 1789 or 1848, a par- onciliation between Turkey and Greece. ticular triumph for the German people, Over the last 11 years, of course, there whose own unification defied great adversity have been some setbacks. But unquestion- and set the stage for the larger unification ably, Europe today is more united, more of Europe. democratic, more peaceful than ever, and Too often we forget that 1989 was also a both Europeans and Americans should be time of grave uncertainty about the future. proud of that. There were doubts about NATO's future, re- Think how much has changed. Borders inforced later by its slowness to confront evil built to stop tanks now manage invasions of in Bosnia and Croatia. There were fears that tourists and trucks. Europe's fastest growing 1264 June 2 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 economies are now on the other side of the When it is being built, we, too, will always old Iron Curtain. At NATO Headquarters take part. the flags of 19 Allies and 27 partners fly. In Europe's peace sets a powerful example Central Europe and Eastern Europe, the re- to other parts of the world that remain di- alistic dream of membership in the EU and vided along ethnic, religious, and national NATO has sparked the resolution of almost lines. Even today Europe has internal dis- every old ethnic and border dispute. And, Â putes over fundamental questions of sov- finallyÐfinallyÐour friend Vaclav Havel has ereignty, political power, and economic pol- spent more years being President than he icyÐdisputes no less consequential than spent in prison. those over which people still fight and die In southeastern Europe, the Bosnians are in other parts of the world. However, instead still fighting but now at the ballot box. Cro- of fighting and dying over them now, Euro- atia is a democracy. Soldiers from almost peans argue about them in Brussels, in a spir- every European country, including bitter it of cooperation and mutual respect.
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